
Defiant Fishy Rishi Recalls Why He Had to Stab Boris in the BackDefiant Fishy Rishi Recalls Why He Had to Stab Boris in the Back

Defiant Fishy Rishi Recalls Why He Had to Stab Boris in the Back

LONDON - England - Fishy Rishi Sunak reminisces about the time he stabbed former PM, Boris Johnson in the back…

2 years ago
BoJo Quits Remainer Tory PartyBoJo Quits Remainer Tory Party

BoJo Quits Remainer Tory Party

London - England - Boris Johnson has quit the Tory party.

2 years ago
Biased Labour Partygate Plot Rears Its Ugly Head AgainBiased Labour Partygate Plot Rears Its Ugly Head Again

Biased Labour Partygate Plot Rears Its Ugly Head Again

LONDON - England - The biased Partygate plot led by Sue Gray, a Labour plotter out to denigrate Boris Johnson,…

2 years ago
Bojo’s Final FU to Treacherous Tory PartyBojo’s Final FU to Treacherous Tory Party

Bojo’s Final FU to Treacherous Tory Party

LONDON - England - Boris Johnson has dealt a final blow to the treacherous Tory Party that ousted him so…

2 years ago
Unjustly Ousted Boris Leaves Number 10Unjustly Ousted Boris Leaves Number 10

Unjustly Ousted Boris Leaves Number 10

LONDON - England - Goodbye Boris Johnson, who was ousted by treacherous backstabbing MPs from his own party.

3 years ago
Tory Leadership Contest: Rishi Sunak Unveils His Campaign Anthem SongTory Leadership Contest: Rishi Sunak Unveils His Campaign Anthem Song

Tory Leadership Contest: Rishi Sunak Unveils His Campaign Anthem Song

SOLIHULL - England - Tory leadership hopeful Rishi Sunak was out on manoeuvres today to solidify his inevitable defeat by…

3 years ago
BoJo Finally ResignsBoJo Finally Resigns

BoJo Finally Resigns

LONDON - England - It's official, Boris Johnson has been press-ganged into signing a resignation letter.

3 years ago
Now They Are Threatening to Bring In Theresa May AgainNow They Are Threatening to Bring In Theresa May Again

Now They Are Threatening to Bring In Theresa May Again

LONDON - England - Former remainer PM Theresa May will be placed as interim prime minister when Boris goes.

3 years ago
Why Boris is Holding On Despite ResignationsWhy Boris is Holding On Despite Resignations

Why Boris is Holding On Despite Resignations

LONDON - England - Despite the baying crowds and MPs, Boris is hanging on and fighting for survival.

3 years ago
Ministers: SAS Could Be Sent in to Extricate BorisMinisters: SAS Could Be Sent in to Extricate Boris

Ministers: SAS Could Be Sent in to Extricate Boris

LONDON - England - The SAS are on standby to extricate Boris Johnson from Downing Street.

3 years ago