big brother

Our Delightful Dystopia of ConformityOur Delightful Dystopia of Conformity

Our Delightful Dystopia of Conformity

LONDON - England - Our delightful dystopia of conformity and woke happiness is now a complete system incorporated into every…

1 year ago
1984: Mankind’s Landlords and Policemen of Soviet Woke Speech Control1984: Mankind’s Landlords and Policemen of Soviet Woke Speech Control

1984: Mankind’s Landlords and Policemen of Soviet Woke Speech Control

MOUNTAIN VIEW - USA - Another woke tech conglomerate seeks to desecrate the English language by policing and cancelling speech.

3 years ago
Death of the Internet: How Article 13 Will Affect YouDeath of the Internet: How Article 13 Will Affect You

Death of the Internet: How Article 13 Will Affect You

BRUSSELS - Belgium - The death of the internet through new EU directive, Article 13, and Article 11, will affect…

6 years ago
1984 Telescreen: Facebook Portal Device Will Be Compulsory in Every Home1984 Telescreen: Facebook Portal Device Will Be Compulsory in Every Home

1984 Telescreen: Facebook Portal Device Will Be Compulsory in Every Home

PALO ALTO - USA - In a few years, every home will have a Facebook Portal 1984 Telescreen compulsorily installed.

6 years ago
Why the Surprise That Twitter Looks Through and Sells Private Messages?Why the Surprise That Twitter Looks Through and Sells Private Messages?

Why the Surprise That Twitter Looks Through and Sells Private Messages?

SAN FRANCISCO - USA - There is no surprise that Twitter looks through private mail and sells the info to…

7 years ago
Orwellian Facebook Telescreen Installed in HomesOrwellian Facebook Telescreen Installed in Homes

Orwellian Facebook Telescreen Installed in Homes

PALO ALTO - USA - George Orwell saw the Facebook future so well that pretty much every part of the…

7 years ago
Tech Experts: Internet 2.0 Transition Beginning SoonTech Experts: Internet 2.0 Transition Beginning Soon

Tech Experts: Internet 2.0 Transition Beginning Soon

THE NOOSPHERE - Government approved, control of every facet of the internet, an internet where all info will be gradually…

7 years ago
West Entering New Puritanical AgeWest Entering New Puritanical Age

West Entering New Puritanical Age

LOS ANGELES - USA - One thing we have learned about puritanical Millenials schooled by mainly Marxist tutors over the…

7 years ago
Stasi Britain: Jeremy Corbyn the Smiling Face of EvilStasi Britain: Jeremy Corbyn the Smiling Face of Evil

Stasi Britain: Jeremy Corbyn the Smiling Face of Evil

LONDON - England - Yes, he speaks like an Anglican priest in gentle comforting tones addressing his flock of brainwashed…

8 years ago
Why Boycotting BBC Licence is Only Way to Induce ChangeWhy Boycotting BBC Licence is Only Way to Induce Change

Why Boycotting BBC Licence is Only Way to Induce Change

LONDON - England - Already millions of people are not paying the BBC licence fee, a tax that is imposed…

8 years ago