
Britons Will Lose Benefits Under New EU PlanBritons Will Lose Benefits Under New EU Plan

Britons Will Lose Benefits Under New EU Plan

FRANKFURT - EU - Britons will lose benefits in a new deal constructed by Chancellor Angela Merkel and David Cameron…

9 years ago
Family Can’t Go to Tuscany After Tax Credit CutFamily Can’t Go to Tuscany After Tax Credit Cut

Family Can’t Go to Tuscany After Tax Credit Cut

GRIMSBY - England - Tax credit cuts are causing mayhem in Britain today and it's all because of the Conservative…

9 years ago

Jeremy Kyle Gets Jeremy Kyled

CHESHIRE - England - England polo player James Carr, 25, has claimed he bedded Jeremy Kyle's wife Carla, 40, while…

9 years ago
Fit of Rage: Greek PM Tsipras Force Feeds Schäuble Kebab at EU MeetingFit of Rage: Greek PM Tsipras Force Feeds Schäuble Kebab at EU Meeting

Fit of Rage: Greek PM Tsipras Force Feeds Schäuble Kebab at EU Meeting

BRUSSELS - Belgium - Frustrations have been boiling over for the beleaguered Syriza leader Alexis Tsipras as he goes from…

10 years ago
Anti-austerity Celebrity Millionaires March For HypocrisyAnti-austerity Celebrity Millionaires March For Hypocrisy

Anti-austerity Celebrity Millionaires March For Hypocrisy

LONDON - England - Amongst the poor people attending an anti austerity march on Saturday were a bunch of celebrity…

10 years ago
Political Experts: “Why Elections in Developed World Change Nothing”Political Experts: “Why Elections in Developed World Change Nothing”

Political Experts: “Why Elections in Developed World Change Nothing”

LONDON - England - Political experts and researchers for the Institute of Socialist Policy have prepared a brief analysis of…

10 years ago
BBC to Replace Top Gear Presenter Clarkson With Married Lesbian Feminist Asylum SeekerBBC to Replace Top Gear Presenter Clarkson With Married Lesbian Feminist Asylum Seeker

BBC to Replace Top Gear Presenter Clarkson With Married Lesbian Feminist Asylum Seeker

SCUNTHORPE - England - The BBC already has a replacement for the erstwhile fracas prone Jeremy Clarkson.

10 years ago
Experts: Why the Wealthy Need to Be AfraidExperts: Why the Wealthy Need to Be Afraid

Experts: Why the Wealthy Need to Be Afraid

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - The latest report from Finance United Capital King Endowment Depravity, a key financial clearing house…

10 years ago
Experts: FTSE 100 Up Now But Labour Win Will See 70% DropExperts: FTSE 100 Up Now But Labour Win Will See 70% Drop

Experts: FTSE 100 Up Now But Labour Win Will See 70% Drop

LONDON - England - A Labour win in May will see a drop of over 70% in the FTSE 100…

10 years ago
Want More Free Cash? Move to ScotlandWant More Free Cash? Move to Scotland

Want More Free Cash? Move to Scotland

GLASGOW - Scotland - Alcoholics, drug addicts, benefits cheats, Eastern European gangsters, students. Want more benefits, free money, free university,…

10 years ago