
Britain to House Entire Continents of Africa, Asia and South AmericaBritain to House Entire Continents of Africa, Asia and South America

Britain to House Entire Continents of Africa, Asia and South America

LONDON - England - The entire population of the Third World is to be housed by the UK.

2 years ago
London Mayor Says Stabbing Spree Bloodbath Good For Population ControlLondon Mayor Says Stabbing Spree Bloodbath Good For Population Control

London Mayor Says Stabbing Spree Bloodbath Good For Population Control

LONDON - England - As the daily stabbings and shootings continue in the Labour controlled capital city, nothing is being…

7 years ago
Socialism Needs Poor/Ethnic People, it Exploits Them and Keeps Them DownSocialism Needs Poor/Ethnic People, it Exploits Them and Keeps Them Down

Socialism Needs Poor/Ethnic People, it Exploits Them and Keeps Them Down

LONDON - England - Socialism as a political ideology profits from the misery of poor people and exploits migrants for…

7 years ago
It Should Not Be the State’s Responsibility to do Everything For YouIt Should Not Be the State’s Responsibility to do Everything For You

It Should Not Be the State’s Responsibility to do Everything For You

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8 years ago
Britain to Hold Referendum on Whether to Keep ScotlandBritain to Hold Referendum on Whether to Keep Scotland

Britain to Hold Referendum on Whether to Keep Scotland

LONDON – England – Theresa May, Britain’s Brexiteering PM has vowed to give England and Wales a referendum on whether…

8 years ago
How Romanians Colonised Britain in Less Than Two YearsHow Romanians Colonised Britain in Less Than Two Years

How Romanians Colonised Britain in Less Than Two Years

LONDON - England - There will be no Brexit, as the deluge continues into Britain day in day out from…

8 years ago
Poll: 12 Million Turks Will Settle in UK Inundating NHS, Schools Unless We Vote Leave EUPoll: 12 Million Turks Will Settle in UK Inundating NHS, Schools Unless We Vote Leave EU

Poll: 12 Million Turks Will Settle in UK Inundating NHS, Schools Unless We Vote Leave EU

LONDON - England - A new poll has revealed that when Turkey joins the EU, 12 million Turks will ascend…

9 years ago
Secret EU Plan to Control and Reduce UK Pensions & Benefits UncoveredSecret EU Plan to Control and Reduce UK Pensions & Benefits Uncovered

Secret EU Plan to Control and Reduce UK Pensions & Benefits Uncovered

BRUSSELS - Belgium - Marianne Thyssen, the European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility has proposed an…

9 years ago
Six Jeremy Kyle Guests that Look Like NagsSix Jeremy Kyle Guests that Look Like Nags

Six Jeremy Kyle Guests that Look Like Nags

SCUNTHORPE - England - Chat show host and CHAV agony aunt Jeremy Kyle helps some of the saddest individuals in…

9 years ago
David Cameron: Britons Need to Work Harder to Pay £886 Million Benefits to EU Migrants Per YearDavid Cameron: Britons Need to Work Harder to Pay £886 Million Benefits to EU Migrants Per Year

David Cameron: Britons Need to Work Harder to Pay £886 Million Benefits to EU Migrants Per Year

LONDON - England - Prime Minister David Cameron today urged Britons to work harder so they can pay more tax…

9 years ago