
Hard Boiled Egg For MasterChef Gregg WallaceHard Boiled Egg For MasterChef Gregg Wallace

Hard Boiled Egg For MasterChef Gregg Wallace

SALFORD - England - Apparently some hard-boiled egg celebrity called Gregg Wallace is currently on the naughty chair.

3 months ago
Huw Edwards Proud to Join BBC Hall of ShameHuw Edwards Proud to Join BBC Hall of Shame

Huw Edwards Proud to Join BBC Hall of Shame

LONDON - England - Long-time BBC News presenter Huw Edwards is to join the despicable BBC Hall of Shame.

8 months ago
Death of Democracy: Threat Farage Denied Electoral VoiceDeath of Democracy: Threat Farage Denied Electoral Voice

Death of Democracy: Threat Farage Denied Electoral Voice

CARDIFF - Wales - The death of democracy is in full swing in Britain as Farage is banned from the…

9 months ago
And It’s an ‘Eff You’ From the BBC!And It’s an ‘Eff You’ From the BBC!

And It’s an ‘Eff You’ From the BBC!

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1 year ago
The BBC: “We are Terrorists But Hamas Are Not!”The BBC: “We are Terrorists But Hamas Are Not!”

The BBC: “We are Terrorists But Hamas Are Not!”

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1 year ago
Scooby Doo Mystery: “Huw Would Have Thought it?”Scooby Doo Mystery: “Huw Would Have Thought it?”

Scooby Doo Mystery: “Huw Would Have Thought it?”

LONDON - England - It wasn't old man Saunders this time, but veteran BBC newsreader Huw Edwards.

2 years ago
New BBC Game Show “Who’s the Mystery Celebrity?” Causing Bit of a StirNew BBC Game Show “Who’s the Mystery Celebrity?” Causing Bit of a Stir

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2 years ago
BBC Mourns Loss of EU Directive Forcing Us to Eat InsectsBBC Mourns Loss of EU Directive Forcing Us to Eat Insects

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3 years ago
BBC Urging MPs to Resign Live on TVBBC Urging MPs to Resign Live on TV

BBC Urging MPs to Resign Live on TV

MANCHESTER - England - The BBC is urging Tory MPs to resign live on TV from Boris Johnson's government.

3 years ago
We Can Only Bless the 700,000 Who Refuse to Pay BBC TV LicenceWe Can Only Bless the 700,000 Who Refuse to Pay BBC TV Licence

We Can Only Bless the 700,000 Who Refuse to Pay BBC TV Licence

SALFORD - England - 700,000 fewer people paid the BBC TV licence this year than the year before, causing alarm…

4 years ago