antifa fascism

Extraordinary Scenes of Non-Rioting When BLM Walk Past Armed HomeownersExtraordinary Scenes of Non-Rioting When BLM Walk Past Armed Homeowners

Extraordinary Scenes of Non-Rioting When BLM Walk Past Armed Homeowners

NORTH CAROLINA - USA - Some parts of the United States are off limits to the BLM and ANTIFA rioters.

5 years ago
ANTIFA Shooter Kills 17 Trump Supporters at Florida High SchoolANTIFA Shooter Kills 17 Trump Supporters at Florida High School

ANTIFA Shooter Kills 17 Trump Supporters at Florida High School

FLORIDA - USA - An ANTIFA member has gone on a mass shooting spree at a High School killing 17…

7 years ago
Experts: How It’s Going to Take At Least 10 More Years to Erase Obama LegacyExperts: How It’s Going to Take At Least 10 More Years to Erase Obama Legacy

Experts: How It’s Going to Take At Least 10 More Years to Erase Obama Legacy

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - You would have thought that since Obama was gone things would get better almost immediately,…

7 years ago
FBI Labels Antifa as Domestic TerroristsFBI Labels Antifa as Domestic Terrorists

FBI Labels Antifa as Domestic Terrorists

CHARLOTTESVILLE - USA - Ant-fascist group, Antifa, have been labelled by the FBI as 'domestic terrorists' according to confidential records.

8 years ago
Wiping Out History: The Charlottesville Communist AgendaWiping Out History: The Charlottesville Communist Agenda

Wiping Out History: The Charlottesville Communist Agenda

CHARLOTTESVILLE - USA - The removal of historical iconic statues, like General E. Lee are an affront to history and…

8 years ago