
Beyond Satire: Jews Could Be Arrested For Looking JewishBeyond Satire: Jews Could Be Arrested For Looking Jewish

Beyond Satire: Jews Could Be Arrested For Looking Jewish

LONDON - England - After an incident at a Palestinian protest, Jews could be arrested for looking Jewish by the…

11 months ago
Woke Harvard President Resigns After Anti-Semitism and PlagiarismWoke Harvard President Resigns After Anti-Semitism and Plagiarism

Woke Harvard President Resigns After Anti-Semitism and Plagiarism

MASSACHUSETTS - USA - A woke Harvard president has been forced to resign over anti-Semitism and plagiarism.

1 year ago
Why It is Trendy to be an Extremist in Modern Britain TodayWhy It is Trendy to be an Extremist in Modern Britain Today

Why It is Trendy to be an Extremist in Modern Britain Today

LONDON - England - Modern Britain is now full of people who support extremist Jihadist causes that call for the…

1 year ago
Racist Antisemitic BLM Cheer On Hamas AtrocitiesRacist Antisemitic BLM Cheer On Hamas Atrocities

Racist Antisemitic BLM Cheer On Hamas Atrocities

NEW YORK - USA - There is huge support by antisemitic BLM of genocidal atrocities committed against Jewish civilians in…

1 year ago
The Guardian: Why Are British Leftists Anti-Semitic?The Guardian: Why Are British Leftists Anti-Semitic?

The Guardian: Why Are British Leftists Anti-Semitic?

LONDON - England - Why is the so-called 'inclusive' leftist Guardian so anti-Semitic?

2 years ago
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Kanye West Joins Up For Year in Israeli Kibbutz

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2 years ago
Kanye West Commits Career Suicide by Social MediaKanye West Commits Career Suicide by Social Media

Kanye West Commits Career Suicide by Social Media

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2 years ago
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These are Dangerous Times For Jews

LONDON - England - Cyclical forces of hatred are once again on the rise globally fuelling anti-Semitic hatred for the…

5 years ago
Anti-Semite Theresa May Joins Corbyn’s Labour Inner Circle With Gruesome InitiationAnti-Semite Theresa May Joins Corbyn’s Labour Inner Circle With Gruesome Initiation

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6 years ago
Bodyguard Extravaganza at Labour Conference for Jewish MPBodyguard Extravaganza at Labour Conference for Jewish MP

Bodyguard Extravaganza at Labour Conference for Jewish MP

LIVERPOOL - England - The Labour party conference has been attended by its last remaining Jewish MP.

6 years ago