Trump Needs His Own 911 Pearl Harbor EventTrump Needs His Own 911 Pearl Harbor Event

Trump Needs His Own 911 Pearl Harbor Event

WASHINGTON D.C. - USA - Unity in any population requires an external or internal threat, and this is what Trump…

1 month ago
George H. Bush Father of September 11, Iraq War and Freedom Fries DiesGeorge H. Bush Father of September 11, Iraq War and Freedom Fries Dies

George H. Bush Father of September 11, Iraq War and Freedom Fries Dies

TEXAS - USA - Former U.S. President, George H. Bush has sadly died today at the age of 94, leaving…

6 years ago
Trump Needs His Own Pearl Harbor 911 Event to Unite CountryTrump Needs His Own Pearl Harbor 911 Event to Unite Country

Trump Needs His Own Pearl Harbor 911 Event to Unite Country

WASHINGTON D.C. – USA – Although Trump won the U.S. General Election in 2016 amongst a sweeping storm of populism,…

8 years ago