EU to Police Thoughtcrime by Deploying AI “Hate Speech” Scanners

ANTWERP - EU - All forms of speech in the European Union will soon be policed by AI "Hate Speech"…

6 months ago

Scottish Gulag: Kids Bribed to Snitch on Parents With Deep Fried Mars Bars

KILMARNOCK - Scotland - The newly introduced 'hate crime' law is now making children snitch on their parents.

9 months ago

Total Mental Slavery: We Will Control and Monitor Your Every Thought

LONDON - England - Why is there silence about the WEF plan for total mind control and mental slavery from…

12 months ago

Speaking the Truth in Times of Universal Deceit is a Revolutionary Act

LONDON - England - The words of author, George Orwell have never been so prescient to the nasty, horrible times…

1 year ago

Defiling the Art of Roald Dahl Kills Off the Spirit of Literature

LONDON - England - The slow death of Western civilisation and literature continues with the heavy censorship of author Roald…

2 years ago

Facebook to Unjustly Delete Daily Squib Account

LONDON - England - Facebook has contacted us today to say they will unjustly delete our profile page for no…

2 years ago

1984: Mankind’s Landlords and Policemen of Soviet Woke Speech Control

MOUNTAIN VIEW - USA - Another woke tech conglomerate seeks to desecrate the English language by policing and cancelling speech.

3 years ago

1984 Telescreen: Facebook Portal Device Will Be Compulsory in Every Home

PALO ALTO - USA - In a few years, every home will have a Facebook Portal 1984 Telescreen compulsorily installed.

6 years ago

The Intrinsic Difference Between Satire and ‘Fake News’

LONDON - England - The literary genre of satire has been mislabelled by the ignorant as 'fake news'. Nothing can…

7 years ago

Confederate Statues to be Replaced By 100ft Trayvon Martin Statues

CHARLOTTESVILLE - USA - All Southern states are having their historical statues forcibly taken down and destroyed to erase history…

7 years ago

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