
Elon Musk Was Tasked With Bringing True Surveillance to Intelligence Agencies

LOS ANGELES - USA - Elon Musk and his Tesla company are moving ahead with the largest surveillance distribution network ever witnessed in human history.

Think about this, it is not enough to have internet surveillance data, mobile phone data, financial data, or even listening devices like Amazon Alexa/Echo funnelled directly to intelligence networks from people’s homes. The true last bastion in the home is an active robot, whether it is a robotic vehicle or a humanoid robot. If someone or something lives with you, they will definitely glean more of an insight about you and your life. Surveillance and data gathering will have thus reached new levels. Elon Musk is thus at the forefront of this task given to him, and it does not end there either, the final-final bastion is the human brain itself, and Musk has that covered as well with his internal brain implants, which will be touted soon enough as a mode of increasing human intelligence levels. The Musk brain implant is still in its early phase, but the roll-out for robotic vehicles and humanoid robots is an open reality which is being actioned right now, as was witnessed at Musk’s most recent event.

Even though the robot displayed in the above video pouring drinks was basically an expensive remote control toy being operated by a human behind the scenes, it does give us a small glimpse into the near future, where autonomous robots will function in the service industries, corporate world and in homes across the world.

Musk claims these robots will be marketed at the $30k mark, as well as the Robotaxis. That’s probably a pipe dream during the early distribution cycle, but with enough of these machines being bought, it could definitely become a reality. Much like the automobile or the television were initially expensive when they were distributed globally, the price of new technology eventually becomes affordable to everyone given time.

The Robotaxi will eventually revolutionise the urban transport landscape with not only effective transportation, but with regulating traffic across all roads. Instead of jams and bottlenecks in traffic, all of these vehicles will travel at a lower speed than traditional vehicles, and they will all be regulated in their behaviour with an almost hive type of mind ensuring that the traffic jams of the past are a distant memory. Yes, surveillance of your every conversation, and travel destination will be implemented, but no one cares about privacy any more. Human taxi drivers will also be a thing of the past, but during his presentation, Elon suggested that the former taxi drivers can purchase entire fleets of Robotaxis and thus continue making money.

The service industry in the UK is truly awful, therefore it actually would be great to have robots serving in restaurants and bars. It would make a change from some grumpy fucker slamming down your plate then demanding a huge tip afterwards.

As is always the case though, what costs $30,000 in the U.S. will invariably be priced at £65,000 in the UK, that is if we ever get distribution over here. Most likely, robots will be rolled out years after the Americans get first dibs.

If you are fearful of the loss of privacy with these new robots, forget about it. Personal privacy was lost by humans decades ago. That ship has sailed from port a long, long time ago. Today, there is zero privacy, and it’s going to stay that way from now on. There is nothing anyone can do now about the level of surveillance on each individual.

At the end of the day, what will make the robots a success will be their data mining potential. The agencies and companies interested in this data will be paying top dollar for it, and it will bring new insights into the habits of consumers. The drawbacks are of course that many people in the service industries will lose their jobs, but that is a minor consideration to the giant leap forward in technological advancement and technique.

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