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Sunday, October 27, 2024
secret satire society
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Bojo’s Final FU to Treacherous Tory Party


It was not even twenty four hours ago that Boris Johnson was on a flight from his Caribbean holiday back to Old Blighty to supposedly save the Tory Party and country from impending doom by putting himself forward to become PM for the second time, before Bojo had packed up his mojo, and was back on a flight back to resume his holiday.

What on earth is going on you may ask? Well, what if Boris intended to dangle the carrot in front of the backstabbing divided Tory Party traitors from the beginning of this desperate fiasco?

“Boris didn’t just forget how he was ousted, he wanted to show his face for the last time, give the bastards a sense of hope, then wave the two fingers salute at them. It would be worth the trip alone,” a Westminster insider revealed on Sunday.

Many of the treacherous swine are now latching onto Greasy Rishi, the idiot who put Britain’s economy into the utter mess it is in now. Good luck to them backing a candidate with zero charisma and with zero understanding of what’s going down on main street.

None of it of course matters because the Tories will now lose the next election and the Remainer blob, along with the markets will continue dictating what happens in parliament.

Kanye West Now Planning to Invade Poland


Pop Antares autotune rapper Kanye West has told media outlets that he is now planning an invasion of Poland, much like his hero Adolf Hitler did in 1939 which sparked off World War II.

“I is gon invades da Poland ‘n’ shiet, namsayin? All y’all jooz betta get reddy fo’ ma muffugin invasions ‘n’ shiet! Where iz dat place?” (pointing at Australia on a map)

According to reports West then called his bank and asked for a loan to buy tanks, artillery, Stuka aircraft, and lots of pepperoni pizza.

“I axed da bank nigga, I axed him fo’ some dough, ya nah, hit me up wit’ sum guap. We only talkin’ $800 Mill it lak pocket change fo’ da Yee! Da muffugga must be a Joo cuz he refused my ass! Bitch azz nigga musta bin a Joo!”

Not to be dissuaded by the bank manager’s rejection, Kanye is now following the tradition of Hitler by asking for funding from the Harriman and Bush family, who happily funded Adolf Hitler helping him to build up the German army and his subsequent rise to power.

The Three Coolest European Stadiums For Some Football Tourism


Football tourism is big business, and it will be more so over the next few years as people look to get away on their holidays and catch up with friends.

Across Europe there are thousands of clubs that lend themselves well to these sorts of trips, from Amsterdam to Dortmund, but then there are also some that are just completely on another level.

Yes, if you’re looking for a great European trip to watch some football this year, here are our top three grounds you should be visiting…

Venezia FC

The story of Venezia FC is a great one. This season they made it back into Serie A, now taking on the likes of Milan, Juventus and Napoli. It might not last forever, they are in danger of facing the drop, but whether they are in the top flight or second tier it’s a great trip.

Venice is a special place as it is, with plenty to do from exploring its ancient history to enjoying the nightlife, including the world’s oldest casino. But then there’s the football ground and the whole culture around Venezia.

Firstly, the best option for getting to the stadium is by boat. Cruising up the canals to the Pier Luigi Penzo Stadium offers match day travel like no other, and then inside the atmosphere is warm, friendly and exciting, a little similar to the hipster clubs you find in the UK like Dulwich Hamlet. It’s a wonderful club and naturally will round off a great trip in an incredible city.

AS Monaco

Monaco is one of Europe’s giants of football, despite being the club of the world’s second smallest city. The Stade Louis II is iconic, and the epitome of all good European stadiums, with the athletics track running around the pitch and an open end and the famous nine arches at one end of the ground.

While staying in Monaco is expensive, it really can’t be done on a budget, the Monte Carlo area of the city is stunning but pricey. Of course, if you are sticking around after a match rather than heading back into the south of France, a trip to the Monte Carlo Casino is a must. It’s one of the world’s most famous and luxurious casinos and has all the same sorts of games you’ve probably played on a live casino online, whether it be popular slot games, table games and much more.

It’s the city to hit the jackpot in for sure, and if you get a good game at Monaco, then you really have hit it.

St Pauli

They call St Pauli the punks of football, but you won’t find spitting at the players or heavy Doc Martins and mohicans, no you’ll find the punk spirit.

Based in Hamburg, the club have positioned themselves against everything that is wrong with football, from the commercialisation to the homophobia and racism that blights the game. It makes for a warm and vibrant atmosphere at the Millerntor Stadium, which packs in around 30,000 each week.

The side are currently in 2. Bundesliga but they’re looking good to join the top flight from next term. A trip to see them against Bayern would be a real joy.

Hamburg itself is a lively port town, well known for its big nights out and even allowing The Beatles to cut their teeth and transform into the super band that they became. There’s tons to do and with the city having two clubs you may even be able to time it just right and get a big derby if they both remain in the second tier.

Boris to Come Back?


Fear is growing amongst the opposition that Boris Johnson could make a massive comeback in Number 10.

The Lib Dems, SNP, and Labour as well as the EU are all sweating in fear at the mere thought of such a thing.

“We need a wartime PM and Boris is it. BoJo is the only one in the Tory Party who can deal with the coming escalation with the Russian war. World War III is evolving and will escalate every day,” a Westminster insider revealed.

Get the Number 10 flat’s wallpaper and the garish interior designs ready.

The enemies of Britain are now living in fear.

Wagyu Made by Wagyu – Sensational Japanese Innovation


The Competitive Exhibition of Wagyu is a national competition where the best Wagyu cattle from all over Japan assemble once every five years and their improvement and their excellence are evaluated.

About 500 representative cattle from all over Japan join this competition in two categories: the “Seed bull” category, in which bulls and cows are judged on the basis of their body shape and other improvement results by age in months, and the “Beef cattle” category, in which carcasses are judged on their meat quality, such as fat content. Each participant competes for the honour of their prefecture, as excellent results increase the market value of the Wagyu brand throughout Japan.

Particular Points We Got Creative

Pyramid: The meat was carefully cut so that each block would line up nicely, not to become uneven.

Ayers Rock: We auditioned to decide the meat parts that would be suitable for Ayers Rock.

Grand Canyon: We used various combinations of cuts and colours to create the distinctive cliff face and landscape.

Red Fuji: The beef was arranged to show the difference in expression between the top and the foot of the mountain, while carefully exploring the balance of the fatty parts.

*The MIYAZAKI WAGYU used during the video shoot was savoured by all the staff.

This year’s competition, the 12th, was held in Kagoshima Prefecture from October 6 (Thu.) to 10 (Mon.). At this year’s competition, MIYAZAKI WAGYU won the Prime Minister’s Award, the highest award in the beef cattle category, in Section 7 of the National Competitive Exhibition of Wagyu. There have been no wagyu brands other than MIYAZAKI WAGYU that won the highest award in four consecutive competitions. In Section 7 (fat quality evaluation group), which is a new criteria of the deliciousness of wagyu, the cattle are judged on the content of MUFA (monounsaturated fatty acids) such as oleic acid. MUFA is considered to be an indicator of new “deliciousness” of Wagyu beef, not just its sashi, since a higher amount of MUFA makes the meat more melt in the mouth and gives it a more pronounced aroma.


MIYAZAKI WAGYU is a Japanese black cattle breed produced and raised in Miyazaki
Prefecture, with a meat quality grade of 4 or higher, graded by the Japan Meat Grading
Association, and is descended from a domestic bull or a bull designated for livestock
improvement. MIYAZAKI WAGYU” is registered as a regional collective trademark.

If you have any question or would like more information about this topic, please contact
Satoshi Shinjin / Yumi Sekiguchi at [email protected].

Liz Truss Quits After Remainer Coup


After just 44 days in office as PM, Liz Truss will go down in history as the shortest serving premier in British history.

She was taken down for daring to try to lower taxes and create a growth economy, which is against anything the Remoaners and enemies of Britain in charge want. Brexit Britain must be a total failure and a miserable place to live, and a successful Britain frightens the shit out of the EU and Joe Biden’s anti-British administration.

Dared to Cut Tax

Unfortunately for Truss, she bit off more than she could chew and when the monsters came out of the shadows for her head, she gently laid her neck out on the block and let the fuckers have their way. Not much of a leader, and no bollocks, she had no chance against the vultures.

Having another leadership contest is a ridiculous outcome, and if the Tories had any guts left, they would call a general election right now.

Fair lady, we bid you farewell.

SUPPORT SATIRE: The Daily Squib Book Receives its First Review


Wow, hit me with a smelly kipper, the Daily Squib book has received its first review on Amazon, and it’s a stonker…not a stinker (unlike the kipper). Being a satirical non-pc author in a world that has been overtaken by the unforgiving humourless pc woke mob is pretty, pretty hard. Because of the ongoing hacker attacks on this site, we cannot have a subscription form for making a mailing list therefore our resources are limited.

The Daily Squib Anthology From 2007 to 2022 attempts to transcend all of the nonsense and idiocy of the millennium with even more nonsense and idiocy. Give it a go, at best if you are triggered by it, you can use the pages as toilet paper seeing as it is now so expensive with the cost of living crisis and all that bumf.

Check out the review here

The Daily Squib book is now also available on Amazon.com for our International readers. Please support the Daily Squib and satire. Support the dying art of satire in this cold woke humourless world of communistic pc hell, may the gods of satire and fortune shine down on you from upon high.

Difficile est saturam non scribere

It is difficult not to write satire

Juvenal (100 AD)

Left Wing Remainer Coup of Government Was Long Planned


The Daily Squib always contends that it is nigh on impossible to have a functioning Conservative government when the entire structure and system behind it is socialist. The Whitehall civil servants, the NHS, the unions, the social care system, the majority of the media, and of course the champagne socialist bankers. Lest we forget the power of the various cohorts of the parliamentary  opposition. Naturally, along with their allegiance to socialism and Marxism, they are also Remainers.

The ousting of Boris Johnson was the beginning of the remainer coup, a blood-curdling exercise that extracted the PM from his job with meticulous efficiency over a mere triviality. The Westminster left wing remainer blob was now well on its way to creating a power vacuum within government to eventually drop their people in. Implants from Labour into the Tory government are many, and every day they sow their seeds of chaos and disinformation to fracture the party further.

The remainer markets, controlled by vast sums of money from Brussels, and evil socialists like Soros dictated what happened to Liz Truss’s government. Along with the remainer Bank of England, the market reaction to Kwasi Kwarteng’s mini budget of growth and low taxes soon saw off the new Chancellor. The anti-British Biden administration also played a role in undermining Britain.This was a defining moment for the remainers, and they slotted in one of their own, namely Jeremy Hunt.

There is a great fear from Brussels and the Biden administration that Brexit Britain can be successful in any way, or God forbid have low taxes. This is why they will go to any lengths to sow the seeds of discord and chaos to undermine Britain and thwart a successful Brexit.

Liz Truss was now completely capitulated of power, a lame duck PM without a duck house to fart in. Chancellor Hunt is now firmly in charge, and has ordered the purging of all right wing Brexiteers from the Cabinet. This is why we saw the exit of Suella Braverman from her role at the Home Office today, and the tempestuous brawls with the Chief Whip during the fracking vote.

As for Brexit, it all seems a distant memory now; Nigel Farage is nowhere to be seen, Boris is in America plundering the speech circuit to fill his boots off rich Americans, and meanwhile in Brussels the unelected autocrats at the EU Commission are joyously smiling with absolute glee.

British RAF Pilots Training Chinese Air Force Honoured by Xi Jinping


“Today we are honouring the British RAF pilots who are traitors to their own country by teaching our PLA Chinese pilots how to defeat the Western adversaries. We pay these treasonous Brits to not only reveal valuable military information, but to train our pilots on the best way to defeat the British and American enemy aircraft in combat situations. Thank you. The Chinese Communist Party is indebted to your revealing of UK military state secrets and tactics. When we attack Taiwan soon, we will be fully prepared to shoot down your pitiful UK and US jets,” supreme Chinese Communist leader Xi Jinping stated at the CCP’s National Congress on Monday.

It seems MI5, MI6 and the MoD have been caught sleeping on the issue of British pilots committing high treason by training the enemy on how best to kill us.

The pilots have experience on fast jets and helicopters and come from across the military and not just the Royal Air Force. They have flown Typhoons, Jaguars, Harriers and Tornados. The pilots are actively transferring their knowledge to People’s Liberation Army pilots who will use it against the UK and US in a war.

Chinese communist leader Xi Jinping is a great fan of the pilots and will give them Chinese medals of honour for their dedication in exercising treason against the UK, as well as increasing the efficiency of the PLA in fighting wars against the West.

How to Get Around Soaring UK Food Inflation


Your mortgage bill is set to rise by another 4% in November; the Council Tax bill will increase by another 30% this year, heating bills are set to skyrocket in April, and food in actual terms has risen by over 75%. There’s no need to worry though, there is a very simple solution to the cost of living crisis puking vomit down your throat.

Yes, there is a very simple solution to the food crisis, where even a loaf of bread is too expensive to buy.

The water diet is a very fulfilling culinary delight. You can even boil water or steam it, but it is best consumed cold.

Nutritionist, Manuel Cordoba reveals the wonders of water.

“If you can’t afford food — drink water. Drinking water will fill your belly, so you will not think of food when you see it everywhere on the telly or when you are walking outside.”

Water is relatively cheap, but make sure you do not consume too much or your water rates bill will flop through your door, and you will get a sort of nasty-ish surprise.

How long can you just drink water for? Well, seeing as your pension is now worthless, and your retirement just went out the door, consuming only water is a delightful solution to your problems. You can drink water for as long as your body has energy before it withers away and dies.

What if I have a large family, how will I feed them? Simple really, you have a choice, pay off the rent/mortgage/council tax/utility bills/motoring costs and keep a roof over your head whilst you all drink water, or buy food and lose the roof over your head and freeze to death in the unforgiving streets. It’s your choice at the end of the day.

So come on then get some H2O in yah…