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The West Can Only Watch As Putin Destroys Ukraine Infrastructure


Power plants, water plants, nuclear power stations, railways, hospitals, schools, and civilian targets, the Russians led by Putin are hell-bent on crippling Ukraine with their cowardly missiles. The thing is, who is more cowardly, the pusillanimous West who can only watch from afar and give the Ukrainians a few guns, or the Russians firing off missiles indiscriminately?

What hope is there with a weak useless corpse in the White House, a cowering yellow EU with a Macron brown nosing sycophant firmly lodged up Putin’s rectum, and a Number 10 billionaire more concerned with his stock portfolio than anything else?

The West can only watch as Putin gets to work to finish this once and for all, boosted by his allies India, Iran and China.

TRIGGER WARNING: Scare Your Ass Silly This Halloween


Dare to venture out of your safe space, and mind the multiple microaggressions piling up against your door? Imagine the sheer horror of reading some funny stuff in a book that is not bland soulless preachy woke and pathetic.

There is a creek at the door, can you use cancel culture to completely erase that scary sound from the universe?

Oh dear, could it be a cisgender about to invade your intersectional Black Lives Matter plant-based room with toxic masculinity and mansplaining culturally appropriating internalised misogyny patriarchy?

Hold that trigger finger, for you are about to be triggered.

Do not click here

Seoul Crush – A Symptom of Overpopulation?


The terrible scenes of mass crowds crushing each other in Seoul, S. Korea are not only an analogy for overpopulation but a symptom of it. This is what happens when you squeeze people together like fucking rats in a barrel.

Anyone with any sense would walk away from even a sniff of such a crowd from far away, but another variable of a dumbed down population could be added to the crushing mix, as these lemmings walked willingly into their own massacre like moths attracted to a flickering lightbulb.

Overpopulation, especially in South East Asia is a horrendous problem, and as it presents a huge problem across the globe, it causes nothing but misery and death.

Death, not only of humans, but of the entire environment and earth’s finite resources. Already it is too late for the planet as it stands, as education within populations to not overbreed should have been completed over 50 years ago. All it would have taken was to inculcate a program where people were discouraged from having more than one or two children. As mentioned before, it is too late for that as the irreparable damage has already been committed to the planet and atmosphere.

The globe is now coming ever closer to the point where nations and superpower blocs will have to fight for the last remaining earth’s resources.

Remember, there can be only one winner in the New World Order.

Going Rogue Harry Memoir to Throw Grenades at Royals


Egged on by his manipulative controlling wife, prince Harry will release his anti-monarchist book attacking the Windsor Royal family in January.

Meghan Markle has stated that she will be very disappointed with her cowering husband if he dares to water down the ghost written attack on the royals, and has threatened Harry with divorce. Because she insisted on a move to California, the divorce courts would grant her with 90% of the assets and also full custody of the children leaving Harry destitute.

“Harry is caught between a rock and a hard place. He won’t be able to return to the UK after all he has done and Meghan, as a US citizen has all the support of the divorce courts,” an observer revealed.

Meanwhile,  back in Blighty, the Royal House of Windsor is caught in the headlights, because Harry is set to throw some serious grenades in their general direction.

Royal expert, Emental Mulrones suspects this is the end of the line for Harry, regarding his Royal status.

“The Royal family are a very important component to British society and the economy. Every year they bring in millions of pounds in revenue to the country from tourism alone. To have the Royal House tarnished in such an awful way would permanently damage its reputation. Not only that, but Harry is now a severe security risk and will cause more ruin to the economy of the UK which is already under serious strain.”

Meghan Markle’s mission from the beginning was to ruin the British Royal family, and she has used Harry as a battering ram to beat down the castle walls very successfully.

“The worst part of this nightmare is that the Royal family does nothing as it is attacked daily. If King Charles III does not act decisively and strip those two miscreants of their title which has been abused and sullied, then he himself will be to blame for the downfall of the House of Windsor,” Mulrones added.


The Beginning of the Post Consumerist Era


Food scarcity, impossible prices, insane inflation and mass job losses/bankruptcies. Welcome to the beginning of the post consumerist era, a time where the assets of citizens are stripped and mass consumerism is effectively shut down.

The Great Reset is a modern take on medieval feudalism, where Marxist collectivism meets the criteria of feudalism and totalitarianism. You will not own property, and you will not own any assets.

Already, within the UK we are seeing huge gargantuan interest rate hikes that not only kill off all business but home ownership. The death of aspiration, where success is punished, is a predominantly Marxist construct that is touted as a major part of Labour Party policy, but has now been adopted by the socialist Tory Party fully.

The middle class and bourgeoisie are being whittled down and systematically destroyed so that only the highest echelons will hold all the power and money.

No true Conservative party or government exists in the West simply because all governmental departments have socialist structures and feed a massive welfare/social care state. If the entire system is socialist, it means Conservative policies cannot exist and if there are attempts to implement such policies they are rejected. Donald Trump was a prime example of this, as his every move and policy was rejected eventually leading to him being ousted from his limited role as president. Liz Truss was another example, ousted after 45 days in office.

The role of the new Marxists, the new generation of indoctrinated controllers aligned with communist China is to create an ultimate hive mind post consumerist post capitalist landscape where in the name of the so-called eco-drive all citizens are impoverished and depend solely on the state.

Universal income will be a pittance where citizens will barely be able to feed themselves with EU rations of maggot and insect protein. Citizen social scores adopted by China and being developed by Western tech companies now will determine what each family receives monthly. Citizens who are religious, or fight against the system in any way will simply have their rations or heat supplies reduced. Severe offenders and people who actively fight or deny state power will have their rations cut completely, and all privileges like travel, education, entertainment removed. Children will be indoctrinated by the state education system to report even their own family members for any indiscretions.

One must not forget the hierarchy who will of course be dining on the finest gourmet food, and living in vast AI served palaces watching over the Untermenschen useless eaters. Their children will be educated separately and their life spans will be enhanced dramatically through science. From then on, there will be little use for the remaining population and through poverty, hunger, controlled virus outbreaks and disease the rest will be whittled down.

A celebrated member of the globalist World Economic Forum (WEF) has called for a staggering 86 percent reduction in the population of humans, arguing that the goal can be achieved “peacefully.”

Dennis Meadows, one of the main authors of the Club of Rome’s 1972 pro-depopulation book “The Limits to Growth.”

Meadows argues that most of the world’s population must be wiped out so that the survivors can “have freedom” and a “high standard of living.”

During a 2017 interview, Meadows claims that genocide of 86% of the world’s population is “inevitable.”

However, he insists that a “benevolent” dictatorship could accomplish the mass de-population “peacefully.”

“We could [ ] have eight or nine billion, probably,” he says of the world’s growing population.

“If we have a very strong dictatorship which is smart … and [people have] a low standard of living,” Meadows says as he explains how the population reduction agenda could be triggered.

The Bird is Free: Musk Fires Cancel Culture Twitter Soviet Stasi Nasties


Could this be a new era for Twitter? According to media reports, Elon Musk has already fired scumbag Stasi former Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal, the chief financial officer Ned Segal, and the top lawyer for the firm, Vijaya Gadde, were culled just hours after Musk finalized the $44billion acquisition.

Twitter had become an echo chamber for left-wing Marxists who skewed elections by cancelling the voices of the opposition. Democracy simply cannot exist in such a one-sided environment of Marxist/Leninist soviet propaganda that is called ‘progressive’ but is actually a severe form of limiting conversation and free discussion.

Twitter Gulag

The caged Twitter bird is finally free to fly and poop wherever it wants.

Now hopefully Musk will take out the other woke Marxist prison guards who have made Twitter into a cold dark Soviet prison for many where cancel culture and shadow-banning has been rife.

Sean Edgett, the company’s general counsel, and chief customer officer Sarah Personette were also pushed out – as Musk set out to clean the joint of Gulag prison guards.

Bird shit

“Under these Marxist authoritarian cancel culture turds the Twitter bird was caged in an insipid soulless steel cage where it could not spread its wings and had lost its will to even chirp or sing a song. These pieces of shit cagers had imprisoned basic freedoms and created an evil cold place where anyone who voiced their opinion freely was either totally cancelled or shadow-banned. May the cagers who imprisoned the bird rot in hell for their crimes,” one jubilant Twitter user revealed.

Musk should not have paid those biased censuring idiots a cent, let alone the millions of dollars they received for their sacking…stick the filthy fuckers in the Oubliette.

The Daily Squib account was permanently shadow-banned by those people who have no inkling or understanding of satire. All the while they allowed accounts by the Taliban and ISIS, as well as paedophilia images on their platform.

New Star Wars Character Rashee Sanook Unveiled


Joe Biden apparently collaborated with the Star Wars producers and director to create a new character for the upcoming film. The character is called Rashee Sanook and will be a feature character in the latest Disney woke extravaganza.

Star Wars reveal

“We got the idea for the character’s name while invited for a curry at the White House with Joe Biden. As I was eating my chapati and vindaloo, Biden was talking about some dude in the UK. He said the name ‘Rashee Sanook’ and immediately a bulb went off in my head. We were looking for a character name all day, and it took a senile old corrupt creepy fool like Biden to come up with it. I chomped down on another onion bhaji and as the grease made its way down my chin I had the biggest fuckin’ smile on my face,” Star Wars director, Jeb Steingelt revealed to Hollywood Week magazine.

Star Wars fans were going wild at the new character reveal prior to the new film release in 2024.

“Oh man, this new Star Wars character really hit me. I especially love his greasy hair, and his red bud spot in the middle of his forehead. According to the data Rashee Sanook hails from the Gupta system but now lives in Mos Espa peddling lies to the residents for big sums of money. He serves the Empire and answers directly to Darth Bawbag on the Death Star.”

The latest putrid woke soulless Disney Star Wars film will be revealed in 2024.

Help With Your History Essay


History essay writing helps students develop abilities that will enable them to participate in the discussion about the past, including setting and stating a reasoned argument, quickly and effectively analysing and summarizing texts, and presenting a well-documented final product. Let’s look at how to succeed in this challenging task and deliver quality work.

How to Present an Excellent Historical Essay?

Writing historical essays is a complex activity: one must be able to analyse information and be objective in considering specific issues related to modern history. Often, for the student, it is a vast area of study that requires the ability to collect sources that generally affect the quality of a historical article. It is one of the main reasons why students need help with history essay.

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An indicator of an excellent historical essay

Essays on history topics require strict adherence to a particular structure and writing rules:

  • Write in the third person, stating the facts rather than your opinion about them.
  • Avoid generalizations, as this sounds unprofessional and biased.
  • Try to write concisely, but do not use flowery sentences.
  • Do not use passive voice to make your thoughts sound clear and short.

We hope that our advice and expert history essay help will allow you to score good grades.

What We Can Expect With Two More Miserable Years of Sunak?


Well, Labour will be happy, they are now guaranteed a win in the 2024 general election. Rishi Sunak, a soulless plutocrat pen pusher who only sees numbers and charts and not human beings, will continue a program of extreme austerity.

What austerity means in actuality is poverty. Cuts in schools, hospitals, transport, housing, social care and other sectors. The NHS already at breaking point with waiting lists for crucial operations extending three years at the least will continue to lengthen. Resources will be cut in all crucial sectors.

Under Sunak, if you are a mortgage holder, or borrower, expect a rise of over 10% from now in borrowing costs. Businesses and homeowners will lose their assets as they go bankrupt or are forced out of their homes after defaulting on their payments.

Unemployment will rise as the technocratic Sunak nightmare will only value big businesses that are too big to fail while the rest are thrown to the dogs.

As for Brexit, that will be sidelined by Sunak who will appease the EU in every facet of policy. Brexiteers will be turfed from the Cabinet and with remainers like Hunt in the Treasury, along with the remainer BoE, as well as remainer civil service, it is safe to say the Blob finally won. When Labour wins the election in 2024, Brexit will be fast tracked for reversal, and Britain will rejoin the EU shortly after the win.

Wish there was some good news, but in true British fashion there is none. Death by a thousand cuts is preferable to enduring the next two years of this Sunak nightmare. But then again, Brits love their daily punishments, it is a national sado masochistic tradition enjoyed with a brief whine followed by a cup of lukewarm tea.


Oil Barrels of Grease Being Moved into Parliament as Sunak Becomes PM


You have to hand it to Greasy Rishi Sunak, fortune has smiled on this billionaire in more ways than one. Not only is he rolling in serious money mountains, but he did not have to lift a single finger to become the first Indian Prime Minister of Britain in history.

Rishi Sunak is an unelected technocrat who has somehow been parachuted into the role of PM, and will no doubt cause more disunity within an already disunited Conservative Party.


This is a great moment for ghee oil merchants, who will be delivering barrels of the greasy oil to parliament every day to slap on to Rishi Sunak’s hair.

Ghee trader Jagannatha Agarwal, from Mumbai, was smacking his lips and shaking his head in abject delight at the news.

“Oh my blimey! This is the best news I heard. I have already processed 100 barrels of oil for Rishi’s hair. He will have so much grease in his hair those English boys will not be able to catch him when he is slipping and sliding around the House of Commons. Bhaarat mahaan! India is great!”

All across Britain, and India, Indian mothers were slapping their children over the head and urging their children to be like Rishi Sunak.

A truly historic day in British parliamentary history.

With the members of the Tory Party not even given a say, and a general election not called, one asks the question, is the British system now following the undemocratic EU system a little too closely?

When everything is fucked and there’s no hope, slap the fucking grease on…