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Global Population Crisis Hit With 8 Billion


Imagine the beautiful meadows of Medieval Britain, the gentle flowing brooks and wildflowers blowing in the warm summer breeze.

The entire European population in 1100 was 65 million. In Britain alone, there were only 3 million people throughout the entire island in the year 1300.

Fast-forward today to the year 2022, and the global population is set to hit 8 billion humans. Overpopulation, the nightmare of overcrowding, and the complete decimation of finite resources has left the earth an overcrowded cesspit of contaminated rubbish.

Not only does over breeding cause misery, pollution, terrorism, war and perdition, it causes irreparable damage to the environment.

City pollution.

Rats in a stinking barrel, shoulder to shoulder, there is no room to breathe, there is no room to fucking do anything. The cities full to the brim, traffic fumes hang over everything and plastic rubbish infiltrating every zone, every facet, every part of life.

Microplastics in fish, in food and even in the wombs of women, is this the way of the future?

Drink up your chemicals, your Bisphenol A, ingest your microplastics in a world of defecation.

Meanwhile, imagine the purity of the water and air previous humans enjoyed before the deluge. The planet may never see, taste, or feel that ever again.

Nancy Pelosi Could be Mummified and Interred in Democrat Museum


The Democrat museum in Washington D.C. could be home to a permanent exhibit of Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi it has been announced.

Set to be retired after the Democrats lose the Midterm elections, Pelosi will be mummified and preserved for generations to come.

“I’d pay a dollar to see that,” Joe Kaminski, 34, an air conditioner technician from Ruidoso Downs, New Mexico told MSNBC.

Professor Jane Thelmose from Boston University revealed why the mummifying process will be particularly easy with Nancy Pelosi.

“She is essentially mummified already. Just from her look, we can tell that her facial tissue is completely dead, but somehow the dehydrated skin is still present over her bones. This is possibly due to some sort of embalming technique used on Pelosi during her tenure as Speaker of the House.”

Questions have however arisen about Pelosi’s brain, will that be removed?

“We gave Pelosi an X-ray yesterday in preparation for the final mummification. No brain was found,” a spokesman for the museum added.

Pelosi will be displayed at the Museum of Democrats after the US Midterm elections 2022. Admission $1. Opening Hours: 07.00 – 18.00 Weekdays. 07.00 – 22.00 Weekends. No pets allowed.

Desperate Democrats Put Slice of Baloney as Top Choice for 2024 White House Run Against Trump


A piece of baloney is the top choice among Democrats for a 2024 White House run, new polling shows.

Exclusive polling for CNN by the Washington-based Democrat Institute of likely Democratic voters found 64 percent say the party should opt for a piece of baloney candidate at the next presidential election in two years.

And the piece of baloney, selected from an Italian trattoria in California, came first in a list of potential runners with 27 percent from the 525 Democrats in the poll of 1,500 likely voters.

A piece of lettuce was second with 25 percent.

In joint third with 20 percent was an eggplant.

An old grizzled piece of sliced turkey, trailed behind on eight percent.

Arnie Arbunkle, 48, from San Francisco revealed why he wants baloney to run in 2024.

“We gotta piece of baloney in charge now, what’s up with getting another piece of baloney in 2024? Makes no difference. Baloney is fuckin’ great man, a little mayo, some lettuce, and a tomato. All you need is a piece of fuckin’ bread! Badda bing!”

Matt Hancock Found With Huge Amounts of Midazolam in Jungle

Matt Hancock could find himself embroiled in a row with his I’m A Celebrity campmates after being found with a large cache of the sedative Midazolam during his isolation period ahead of entering the jungle.

The Daily Squib can reveal the former Health Secretary, 44, was primed and ready ‘to carry out another covid’ on the campmates.

ITV bosses were left reeling at the erroneous discovery.

Mr Hancock, who lost the Tory whip last week when it was announced he was joining the cast of the show, also has access to his laptop.

Do Not Resuscitate

“It seems Hancock’s plan was simple. Sedate the other contestants. Claim they had a virus, then up the dose, snuffing the fuckers out. Boom! Take the prize money,” an ITV worker revealed.

Earlier on today, Matt Hancock was filmed eating an entire bowl of crunchy crocodile anuses with a big silly grin on his face.

The Massive Movie Graveyard Rides Again


All the President’s Men (1972)

A pair of Washington Post journalists solve a burglary at the Watergate Hotel, whilst the US system illegally annihilates Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos and murders domestic civil rights leaders in broad daylight. In the sequel, the local journos report on a cat stuck in the tree during the LA Riots.

Clockwork Orange (1971)

A sadistic rapist murderer volunteers to have the government try a new technique on him, which renders him harmless. Civil liberties campaigners eventually succeed in showing that this is the wrong thing to do because everything goes in cycles – just like clockwork oranges famously do and stuff.
Warning: Contains disturbing scenes of mindless political argument.

The Day of the Triffids (1962)

See “Signs”.

Dead Poets Society (1989)

Robin Williams educates a group of schoolchildren that life is transient and that no matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world. Consequently they fail their SATS quite badly and one of them commits suicide.
Based on the ‘50s B-movie horror, “Beware the Supply Teacher!”

Dirty Dancing (1987)

Patrick Swayze explores the boundaries of teacher-student relationships in this happy-go-lucky musical remake of Lolita.
Contains nudity. And idiocy.

Escape to Victory (1981)

Glorious high jinx as captured Allied soldiers challenge their Nazi guards to a football match, and their inspired play ignites a town in Vichy France to revolution. The sequel attempted to present highlights from a league system set in Belsen, Stalingrad and Auschwitz, which was to prove less successful at the box office.

For Your Eyes Only (1981)

A British Secret Service agent drops a man in a wheelchair down a chimney because he apparently “wanted to take over the world”. The rest of the film depicts the agent red faced in front of a Select Committee wondering where it all went wrong.
This James Bond film provided inspiration for the Hutton Enquiry.

The House of Flying Daggers (2004)

In a brothel, a Soldier meets a Blind Whore. The Soldier is secretly working for the government and Blind Whore is secretly working for terrorists. Blind Whore escapes from the government with the Soldier. The Soldier tries to have sex with Blind Whore but she gets him going and then leaves him hanging. The Blind Whore leads the Soldier to the terrorists and reveals she is actually not blind, just a Whore. The Soldier and the Boyfriend fight over the Whore and they all kill each other with knives and/or swords.
Japanese Romance.

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)

Narcissistic lecturer ogles his students, skips his office hour, and takes more indefinite research leave.
Careers information film from the ‘80s.

Paranormal Activity (2009)

A man moves in with his loving girlfriend, who swiftly becomes under control of an evil demon that wants to destroy her soul, kill her boyfriend and arrange all his CDs in alphabetical order. In the terrifying sequel they get married, buy a house and have fucking children.

The Passion of the Christ (2004) 

In desperation after being taken prisoner, Mel Gibson escapes by dislocating his shoulder and seeks the help of a string of multiracial partners to bring down the Romans in this light-hearted but brutal buddy film.
Adaptation of the popular children’s novel.

Pearl Harbor (2001)

Following a Japanese attack on Hawaii, America militarises its economy and proactively establishes a global empire. Although the Japanese are prepared to surrender, the film ends with the US vaporising Hiroshima and Nagasaki to demonstrate its resolve to the Soviet Union, an ostensible ally.
NB. Review based on original script which underwent some minor adjustments before screening.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)

A lone pirate falls in with a gang of creepy and skeletal Keira Knightleys who are afflicted by a curse that means they can’t eat properly.

Raging Bull

Inspirational success story of a man who begins his career boxing for money but winds up as MC at his own comedy club.

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

Courageous lecturer on another bout of study leave nearly gets an ex-girlfriend killed in his quest to find a weapon for the US government. He could destroy the weapon but he decides to allow the Nazis to keep it. The Nazis accidentally get themselves killed when they use the weapon and the swashbuckling lecturer celebrates by groping his ex before trying to hump a Nazi in the sequel.

Silence of the Lambs (1990)

The FBI is having trouble finding a bog-eyed cross-dresser who has kidnapped dozens of people and who has built a massive well in his living room, so they send Jodi Foster to decode a series of misleading riddles from a Psychopathic Cannibal. Jodi eventually kills the serial killer by accident, whilst the Psychopathic Cannibal escapes by eating some of the FBI. The film concludes with the Psychopathic Cannibal joking with the Feds about eating an old woman whilst they celebrate a job well done. Thriller which spawned the classic comedy character, Hannibal Lecter.

Scum (1979)

In a remarkable travesty of justice numerous early twentysomethings are sent to what was supposed to be a childrens’ prison.
NB. This film prompted the Home Secretary to release any Borstal inmate who could show he had a suit, a mortgage and a subscription to the Readers Digest.

Signs (1998)

Ruthless, hyper-technological aliens again invade Earth, unaware that they melt to death on contact with sea water.

War of the Worlds (1954)

Ruthless, hyper-technological alien machines invade Earth, unaware that they are fatally allergic to germs.

War of the Worlds (2005)

Ruthless hyper-technological aliens invade Earth, forgetting that they are fatally allergic to germs.

Twitter Swamp Leftists Derailing Musk With N Words


According to sources, there are only about 300 Marxist activists creating 80% of the N word deluge on Twitter.

Yoel Roth, head of safety and integrity at Twitter revealed that many of the hateful tweets were coming from a small number of accounts. He said: “To give you a sense of scale: More than 50,000 Tweets repeatedly using a particular slur came from just 300 accounts.”

This activist campaign is there to unsettle skittish advertisers who obviously do not want the word for ‘black’ in Latin, which seems to cause a big stir amongst a certain populace being used. The word is simply a description of a colour but is deemed derogatory.

Marxists utilise the exact same techniques as Islamist extremist groups like the Taliban and ISIS to stop free speech and censor human thought. Their goal is ultimate control over your every thought process.

“This action is an assault on Musk, they want to kill free speech by flooding Twitter with free speech. Their point of course is to fight against the Latin word for black. Because of the word being deemed as derogatory over the years, it is now being used by the Marxist agitators as a battle ram to ensure heavy censorship and cancel culture is prevalent and dominates on the platform. Any decent person would not use a word deemed derogatory to demean an entire group of people in polite society, although in context to debate and artistically there is an argument, but the Marxist activists do not care if their anti-free speech tirade hurts the very people that are described by that certain Latin word,” an observer revealed.

Prior to the Midterm elections in the US, there is also serious concern from the Democrats after thousands of Twitter staff were fired by Musk. The Musk action may affect Twitter’s political pure leftist bias because the Republicans cannot be completely silenced/cancelled as was witnessed before the 2020 elections on the platform.

Elon Musk must simply hold the line and purge the network of the Marxist agitators. Social discourse is messy, chaotic and if one wants to express true progress then we need to have all voices allowed in the mix. Unfortunately the Marxists do not want free debate and the right to free expression, therefore the agitators and Bolshevik elements should be purged because of their terroristic actions to derail Musk’s new project.

If people think Twitter or any platform should be a sanitised safe space, go and live in a black box with a hood over your head, put on some noise cancelling headphones and be fed by a tube for the rest of your safe miserable fucking life.

If the advertisers cannot comprehend that healthy inclusive human discourse is a normal part of human progression they need to change their models.

Stasis or continuity?

The Massive Movie Graveyard


Basic Instinct (1992)

A mysterious killer is on the loose who murders men during the act of love. But is it the seemingly friendly psychologist or the extraordinarily intimidating chain-smoking pornographic writer with a dead husband and a penchant for flashing her gash? Detective Michael Douglas has sex with both of them to investigate.

Beowolf (2007)

A soldier who wrestles naked with an ogre and rips the heart out of a fire-breathing dragon is haunted by the knowledge that he is not a true hero because he once knocked one off into Angelina Jolie.
Nonsensical parable.

Black Hawk Down (2001)

US servicemen heroically destroy half of Somalia whilst pretending to hand out their lunch.
Weepie for dickheads.

Bridget Jones’ Diary (2001)

Adaptation of the popular novel that shows that we can all win the heart of our Mr Darcy if we just smoke too much, drink too much, fall over a lot, have a gay best friend, and our dad’s Jim Broadbent.
Comedy for alcoholics.

Dracula (1992)

A small gang set out to murder a man who offers them the option to live a life in which they repeatedly bone anyone they want in a state of eternal youth and health.
Originally entitled: How To Be Nice and Boring (1874) by Mrs. Mary Prigstock.


Advanced alien life form arrives on Earth, drinks Budweiser and understandably fucks straight back to where he came from.
French-language film based on the original English motion picture, “And”.

Ferris Bueller’s Day off (1986)

Heterosexual teenager Ferris Bueller spends his entire day off helping his whiney little friend to overcome deep-rooted psychological issues instead of repeatedly nailing his extraordinarily attractive girlfriend.
Pure Unadulterated Fiction.

Hot Shots! (1991)

Slapstick fun in sanctions-era Iraq.

Jaws IV: The Revenge (1987)

A shark consumed by hatred for the family which killed its ancestors decides to exact a bloody revenge upon them. Posing in disguise as a mild-manned travel writer it becomes a tenant at the family’s home but when it’s time to pay the rent the shark refuses, using a series of legal loopholes to bring the family to the point of oblivion.
Inane thriller.

Ghostbusters (1984)

Film that appears to legitimate the deployment of experimental nuclear weaponry against phantom enemies.
Children’s Horror/Republican Propaganda.

G.I Jane (1997)

The American military learns that by embracing people of all genders it is better able to kill Libyans.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (2001)

An 11-year old boy gets into a private school without help from his parents. The boy strikes up a platonic relationship with the over-friendly groundsman and a ginger kid makes two friends. Implausible fantasy. Warning: Contains English child actors.

Lethal Weapon II (1987)

The Los Angeles Police Department assigns a racially mixed partnership to arrest white supremacists whilst their colleagues off screen continue to club black people to death willy nilly.

Lost in Translation (2003)

Deeply touching bittersweet love story in which Bill Murray plays a past-it film actor who meets the charming Scarlett Johannson. The unlikely pair seem to let the opportunity slip, as Bill leaves the younger woman to find herself without pressure from him. However, in a final romantic twist just before leaving Tokyo, Bill runs back and whispers into Scarlett’s ear something that appears to be inaudible but which if you lip-read is: “Next time we meet I’m gonna split all three of your holes you scrummy old hag”.

The Matrix (1999)

Computer manufacturers make an entire new virtual reality for us to live in which does not constantly pause to download unwanted updates or require someone to take the day off work just to stay in for BT to come and sort the fucker out.
Implausible fantasy.

Mission: Impossible (1996)

Tom Cruise successfully completes a mission.
Action Adventure.

Mission: Impossible II (2000)

Tom Cruise starts to wonder if these missions are really so impossible, as he manages to complete two of them in a row.
Action Adventure.

Mission: Impossible III (2006)

Tom Cruise gets pedantic about exactly how impossible these missions really are, in the light of the fact that he repeatedly and successfully completes them in a manner that is commonplace in this genre.
Action Adventure.

The Motorcycle Diaries (2004)

Wealthy student Che Guevara takes a Gap year to go travelling across South America with his hilarious student mate. Although they have literally no money, they have tons of adventures, really political thoughts, and leave the tourist trail to meet real locals who made the whole experience really authentic.
The sequel sees Che and his mate, like, literally doing, like, this awesome bong made out of an upturned bin in Halls.

Pretty Woman (1990)

A ruthless old billionaire is attracted to an impoverished young street girl. Although hesitant at first, the girl’s concerns about the relationship rapidly dissipate when the billionaire takes her shopping.
Classic Romance.

Rambo II (1985)

Having killed millions of people in a war with a Very Poor Country, a Very Big Country sends a Very Strong Man to kill some more in an attempt to save some fictional prisoners.
Swashbuckling action.

Rambo III (1987)

In the interests of world peace, America sends a Very Big Man to support and train terrorists in 1980s Afghanistan.
Swashbuckling geopolitical disaster.

Short Circuit (1986)

The adventures of Robocop’s disabled older brother.

True Lies (1994)

An estranged couple rekindles their moribund love life by annihilating Muslims with bazookas. Feel-good racial bloodbath for all the family (except Muslim families who can go fuck themselves)

U-571 (2000)

America breaks the enigma code, thereby ensuring the victory of the Free World against the Axis powers and the bullshitting British.

Please Don’t Mention the Post Covid Excess Deaths


There is only silence from the conglomerate media as the grim reaper works his magic through the post covid excess death sheet.

We now not only have to fight off the Putin evil lurking around the corner, as well as the Bank of England and its incessant push to cause more of a deep recession by bankrupting but now, monthly excess deaths are actually higher than the Covid lockdown period.

There are some brave souls who are speaking up, but that’s about it. Do Your Own Research.

Throughout October 2022

An average of 1,564 extra deaths per week

Throughout 2020 it was 315

Throughout 2021 it was 1,322

24,440 non covid deaths since May, 2022

5 ‘Off the Beaten Track’ Destinations for Your Next Scottish Adventure


If you’re looking for a unique experience when you next visit Scotland, then you may want to visit one of these top 5 ‘off the beaten track’ locations before taking in any of Scotland’s other iconic sights. The best time to visit Scotland is in the summer – the busiest season of the year. However, there are just as many things to do in the winter that you can’t do in the summer, such as skiing and snowboarding.
Some of the most popular places to visit are the beautiful highlands, the numerous lochs and lakes, the botanic gardens, hidden coves, golden sandy beaches, and national parks.

Here are 5 of the best ‘off the beaten track’ destinations to visit on your next Scottish adventure.

Top 5 hidden games to visit in Scotland

  • The Southwest Coastal Route (the Galloways)
  • North Coast of Scotland
  • Isle of Skye
  • Cairngorms National Park
  • Glen Coe


Other honourable mentions

Some of the other fantastic locations to visit when you’re next visiting Scotland that could easily have made it into our top 5 include Glenfinnan, Portknockie, Applecross, the port town of Mallaig, Stirling, Inverness, Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park, and, not forgetting, Loch Ness. For complete freedom, one of the best ways to travel across Scotland is to hire a motorhome. If you want more motorhome hire Scotland information, Ariescape is a great place to start.

Now, let’s take a closer look at what you can get up to when visiting one of the top 5 ‘off the beaten track’ destinations that were mentioned above.

The Southwest Coastal Route (the Galloways)

The Galloways National Park along Scotland’s southwest coast is one of those places that generally isn’t packed with tourists clambering over each other to take the perfect Instagram snap, and it also happens to be one of the most beautiful areas of the country. During your stay, remember to check out the stunning Culzean Castle. If you have fun here, then you may also like to visit Caerlaverock Castle. That’s not all. While you’re in the area, don’t forget to head to the Galloway Lighthouse, which is situated in Scotland’s most south-westerly point.

North Coast of Scotland

On the opposite side of the country, along the rugged north coast, you may want to start at John O’ Groats (the furthest point north on the UK mainland). While you’re here, some of you will want to stop off at the John O’ Groats beer distillery. If you love unique locations in nature, then you will definitely want to visit Smoo Cave, too, as well as the Duncansby head and stacks feature that stretches out into the sea.

Isle of Skye

Thanks to the ‘Skye Bridge’, it has never been easier to visit the Isle of Skye. During your time here in this rocky and beautiful part of Scotland, remember to check out the Fairy Glen, as well as an iconic hill that’s relatively easy to walk up called The Storr (which is also more commonly referred to as the Old Man of Storr). If you’re looking for a romantic getaway, then you can stay on your own private island, and don’t forget to explore the dinosaur prints and Kilt Falls.

Cairngorms National Park

If you’re a fan of national parks, then you need to head to the Cairngorms for all its beauty. A lot of people visit this region for the large population of reindeer that can be found at the Cairngorm Reindeer Centre. You can also go skiing and snowboarding at certain times of the year at Cairngorm Mountain, plus you can also visit the King’s iconic Scottish residence, Balmoral Castle, while you’re here.

Glen Coe

For many people, Glen Coe is one of their favourite places to visit in Scotland, and in more recent years, it has become synonymous with James Bond. A major part of the Skyfall movie was filmed here, but it hasn’t spoiled the location, and it’s not overly flooded with tourists, even in high season. If you visit during winter, you can go skiing or snowboarding, and you also have the Rannoch Moor viewpoint to check out.

How to plan your trip

Remember to plan your trip well in advance. Also, remember that one of the best ways to experience everything that Scotland has to offer is to hire a motorhome. Today’s best motorhomes come with a variety of features to make your experience more enjoyable, such as fully equipped kitchenettes with an oven & hob, bike racks, recycling compartments, awning, solar panels, and a leisure battery so you can watch the smart TV to fall asleep too. They also have things like paddle boards (on request), reverse cameras and parking sensors, cruise control, carpets and luxury interiors, and much more.

Why Should I Make the Switch to Solana When Betting on the 2022 World Cup?


You’ve probably heard of Solana by now. The new cryptocurrency has quickly become popular with investors who want to get in on the ground floor of cutting-edge technology that promises to revolutionize the world of online betting and gaming. Well, what you might not know is that Solana also has some exciting potential for sports bettors.

If you’re interested in giving this cryptocurrency-based betting platform a try, then keep reading! We’ll tell you why it’s worth making the switch from traditional online gambling sites to one of the most famous 2022 FIFA World Cup Solana betting sites and how your results could improve once they do so:

Why Consider Solana for World Cup Betting?

If you’re a sports fan and want a way to make your World Cup bets more secure, Solana is the answer. The site offers users anonymity, fast transactions, and a high level of security. With Solana, you can bet on your favourite team with peace of mind, knowing that your account is safe from prying eyes or malicious attacks.

Can I Bet on the 2022 World Cup Using Solana?

Yes, you can bet on the 2022 World Cup using Solana. The platform is a safe and convenient way to place bets online.

Solana offers a secure and anonymous betting environment that allows users to access their accounts from anywhere in the world. Betting on sports events with Solana is easy, as all you have to do is sign up for an account and fund it with funds from your bank account or credit card—no need for an e-wallet! You can also withdraw your winnings back into your bank account or credit card at any time.

Where Can I Use Solana to Bet on Sports?

You can use Solana to bet on sports in many ways. On sports betting sites. The main way to bet on sports is to use a website or app that offers the service, but you can also do it directly with your device. Most major mobile devices and computers come with Bitcoin wallets already installed, so check there first if you want an easy way to get started right away.

On cryptocurrency exchanges. If you want more flexibility than what traditional sportsbooks offer (like placing bets on different kinds of bets or getting money back after losing), then check out cryptocurrency exchanges like Coinbase Pro or Binance—both of which accept Solana as payment methods and have several markets available for betting on soccer matches during this year’s World Cup!

Why Should I Choose Stake, for example?

If you have decided to make the switch from Paddy Power, then it’s probably because they don’t offer enough games or maybe their customer service isn’t good enough for your liking. In this case, Stake might be the right choice for you. They are a sports betting site that has been around since 2008 and offers a large selection of sporting events that can be bet on. This is great news as there will be no lack of options when it comes to finding something that interests you most!

How Do I Get Started with Sports Betting?

Stake.com is one of the best sportsbooks in the world and you can get started with them right now, but first, you’ll need to create an account.

Deposit money into your account by linking a credit card or wire transfer via your PayPal account. You can also deposit cash at any Bitcoin ATM or through local bank transfers in many countries around the world. Once you’ve deposited funds into your account, it’s time to start placing bets!

Select a sport from our live odds page and select a market that interests you from our markets table (or click on ‘select market’ at the bottom of this page). Once there are enough people participating in that market, place your bet on whichever side of that market appeals most to you (or just place every possible combination!).

Solana allows you high-speed betting while still keeping your personal information hidden, opening up a world of possibilities for sports bettors.

Solana is a fast, secure, and private way to bet on sports.
Unlike traditional betting platforms that use central servers and third-party data providers, Solana uses decentralized networks to ensure that your bets are placed anonymously while still maintaining the speed of today’s most popular online sportsbooks. In fact, its blockchain technology allows users to place bets in just three seconds or less!

As a peer-to-peer network that connects one person directly with another person (as opposed to connecting an individual with a server), Solana takes advantage of decentralized consensus algorithms. This means you don’t have to worry about your personal information being compromised—not even when placing high-stakes bets at competitive odds!

As you can see, Solana is a great tool for betting on sports. It’s easy to use, fast, secure and offers you the chance to bet on any type of game imaginable. If you love betting on soccer but want something better than traditional bookies, then Solana is the way forward!