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Police Join Just Stop Oil Protest on M25 Motorway


It’s not just about protecting and enabling eco zealot Just Stop Oil protests on busy roads, or about arresting journalists reporting on these disruptive ridiculous protests. The police are now joining the Just Stop Oil Marxist movement of mass disruption.

“We daily bring the protesters cups of tea and biccies. I found out their favourite collective biscuit of choice is the custard cream. You need a bit of sustenance after glueing your genitals to the asphalt of a major motorway,” one officer revealed.

Forget about catching violent armed robbers and burglars infesting the capital city, a good sit down with an eco Marxist has done wonders for the Metropolitan police force.

“It’s like therapy, innit? I used to get anxious about getting overtime to pay for my extension at home, but since the eco mob came along I’ve been raking it in. I tell them, they can stay on the road for as long as they want, we look after them and give them as much tea as they can drink. It has to be the sustainable tea though, farmed the eco way or they won’t touch it. We learned the hard way on that one. If any of the peasants even put a finger on our beloved eco terrorists we immediately come down on the fuckers like a brick shithouse on laxatives. Messing with our overtime is a criminal act in itself,” pc constable Paul Melchard told the BBC.

Many officers are now joining the multitude of eco protests across the capital.

“It’s quite liberating. We’re swapping our police uniforms to wear clown outfits. Did you know that when the sun shines on the earth it causes global warming? We don’t care if you have to go to hospital; you’re a polluting useless eater who should have been aborted at birth,” another policeman quipped whilst hopping around M25 junction 12 in a full clown suit.

eVTOL: French Innovation Lovenie Flying Karts


The development of VTOL vehicles (Vertical Take-off and Landing aircraft), vertical take-off and landing aircraft (ADAV) in French, is a major challenge for the future. CEO, David Dricourt founded Lovenie and is the chef behind this innovative eVTOL racer.

This is a relevant ecological alternative for our future, but also a profound change in the legislation for the use of these vehicles.

Lovenie’s first model, the Lov-1, will serve as a reference for the development of legislation. With this flying vehicle, Lovenie offers a sporty and playful version for private use, in a closed place.

The visionary and serial entrepreneur David Dricourt, director of the companies, Fiscallia and Gobbans is at the origin of the concept “to fly a kart”.

Lovenie was discussed on French TV recently, bringing the company more publicity.


Lov-1 Model

  • Type: Single Seater Flying Kart
  • Chassis: Aluminum and Carbon
  • Trim: Carbon and Resin
  • Motor: Brushless electric about 100kv
  • Cumulative power: about 80 kw
  • Propellers: Carbon
  • Controls: 2 joysticks
  • Weight: 70 kg with batteries
  • Harness: 3 point Sparco
  • Travel height: 2 meters above the ground
  • Travel Speed: About 40 km/h
  • Battery life: About 15 minutes
  • Batteries: Interchangeable
  • Length: About 2.80 meters
  • Width: About 3.00 meters
  • Colors: Red, Blue, Green + on request
  • Delivery: Pre-assembled kit
  • Available for sale: Fall 2023
  • Sale price: Communication 2023

[email protected]

Elon Musk to Move Twitter HQ to Mars


After acquiring the troubled social network Twitter for an overvalued cool $44 billion, space mogul Elon Musk is now planning a move for the company’s headquarters to the planet Mars. This rather drastic move to a planet 87.914 million km from Earth will be quite a challenge for the Twitter CEO.

“Well, it was a toss up actually with Uranus and a few other places, but hey why not Mars? I have so much money, I can do what I fuckin’ want,” the billionaire said from the SpaceX launch zone in Arizona.

Twitter staff will be put on a one-way space journey to Mars, where the Twitter headquarters will be based, Elon Musk’s SpaceX announced today.

Out of sight out of mind

For those remaining back on the planet Earth, once the tweety bird flies, communications will be limited.

“If you send a Tweet from Mars, it will reach Earth in about 5 to 20 minutes depending on planet positions, however communications can also be delayed by the numerous dust storms on the Martian surface,” a SpaceX Twitter scientist revealed.

“See You At The Party, Richter.”

There Are No Absentee Ballots in Florida


Since the 2020 elections, the Democrats seem to have got into the flow of throwing elections. Sure, their system doesn’t work everywhere, Florida being an example, but in blue states where there are little or no checks, it works a treat. Absentee ballots, mail-in votes, drop boxes, that shit is all over the place and can easily be abused.

Despite polls saying 75% of Americans are fed up with high gas prices, high food prices and general incompetence from the Biden administration, they all still somehow voted for more of the same punishment at the Midterm elections. Go figure.

In Pennsylvania, generation Z voters actually voted for a Democrat candidate with brain damage. That says as much about generation Z as the Democrat Party.

One Democrat state voted for a dead candidate. How he’s going to fulfil his duty is something the dumbfuck low IQ voters never thought about. Death it seems is not a limitation for voting Democrat, hundreds of thousands of deceased voters voted for Biden in 2020.

The Republicans can always count on Florida as one state that does not tolerate Democrat cheating techniques. Look at that as a positive.

Pictured: Man Who Threw Eggs at King Charles


Eggs were thrown at King Charles and Queen Consort Camilla today during a visit to York.

Luckily, the eggs missed the royal couple.

The man was detained by police immediately after the incident.

The King and Queen Consort are visiting Yorkshire, where the monarch will unveil a statue of his mother, the late Queen.

Charles spent two days carrying out official engagements, visiting Bradford and Leeds on Tuesday and then York and Doncaster on Wednesday, with Camilla joining him on the second day.

If anyone can identify the man who threw eggs at the monarch, please contact the palace, so they can deal with it, maybe make an omelette or two.

Story Developing…

US Midterms: Red Wave? More Like Red Drip For Republicans


What was touted by Republican mouthpieces as a ‘red wave’ sweeping the US Midterms has it seemed turned out to be more of a red drip with only minor gains. The major Democrat strongholds held the line on Tuesday as voters cast their ballots.

As for Donald Trump who hoped to make a comeback, it is still to be seen if it will be worth the effort for him, especially as Florida governor Ron Desantis was voted back in to office. Desantis will now most certainly run for presidency in 2024, a younger, untainted more conservative candidate than the ailing Mr Trump.

Sleepy Joe may be as useful as a slab of rotting meat but the Democrats have been gifted a reprieve, and will fight another day.

The Republican anti-abortion policy was a strong factor in their poor results as many voters disagree with their stance.


Gordon Brown Comes to the Rescue With Idea to Fix Britain’s Budget Black Hole


Speaking at his home in Scotland, former British PM, Gordon Brown has once again offered his sage advice to the government who are at the moment trying desperately to fill in an economic deficit of over sixty billion pounds.

“Aye, it’s Gordo here. I’ve come to save you’se raving lunatic Tories from yer own fuckin’ mess. I’ve got a brilliant solution to your problem with the economy. Tek a listen to this ya Tory bastards. (Drum roll sound) Why not sell off a few bits of the UK’s vast gold reserves? As the price of gold bullion is so high in 2022 we would solve Britain’s economic problem in a fooking jiffy.”

Someone then lent forward and told Mr Brown that Britain does not have any gold reserves left anymore.

“Why ever not?”

Preparing For War: China Thanks Western Nations For Funding Military


Supreme Chinese communist leader, Xi Jinping today thanked the West for not only funding its rise to military power but for the military secrets easily stolen to advance its weapons capabilities.

“Comrades, today I want to thank all the Western countries who have helped China build up its military, so we can eventually attack and destroy you. It is thanks to your populations who buy our cheaply made, easily breakable goods that the People’s Liberation Army will liberate you from life and take all your land. It is thanks to the lax Western intelligence services and lax visa rules that our agents have been able to steal all your military secrets without even a sniff of outrage. It is with particular thanks to the agents and traitors within your own nations like BLM, ANTIFA, Metoo, that we could destabilise your own societies by using useful idiots to do the job. The greedy Western corporations who used our communist slave labour to produce products to sell to your populations also enriched our coffers. Special thanks must go to Bezos and our own henchman Zuckerberg, who can also speak good Mandarin. The American Democrat Party led by that flapping useless corrupt idiot, who does as we tell him, or we release more info about him and his son’s corrupt business dealings with our agents. Yes, he calls himself The Big Guy, we call him a useful treacherous idiot. Thank you. Next time I am in Delaware I will bring you a nice Chinese toaster which will break down after three days. I must also mention the wonderful European Union who have helped us all the way with their support. As fellow communists and Maoists, the EU has been instrumental in China’s growth, and we have supported the growth of their burgeoning soviet bloc as well. It is only a shame that China will also destroy Europe but, hey, don’t take this personal. It’s just business. As for Hollywood, where would all your silly superhero movies be without Chinese funding? Thanks to the blockbuster success of numerous Chinese funded Hollywood films, our military has even been able to refurnish and modernise our entire navy. When we invade Taiwan, we have ordered Biden to take it slow, to at least make it look like he is not under our complete control. From there, it will be hit-and-miss, but certainly our armies and people will soon be occupying your cities. Look at it this way, there are 2.6 billion Chinese people, and we are running out of space, plus we have polluted our land irreparably. This is why we will rebuild China once again, but over the skeletons of you and your children. Long live China, the great communist global power — all thanks to you.”

Copout27: Don’t Ever Mention China Pollution


You never get a brainwashed Marxist eco zealot from Just Stop Oil daring to ask China to stop building 100 coal-fired powers stations a day, do you? Instead, these miscreant little Hitlers and Marxists want to blockade the tiny island of Britain, which in pollution terms is not even a squeaky fart compared to the amount of stuff China throws into the atmosphere. Welcome to Copout27, another load of fucking bollocks that will involve nothing much — apart from talking, more talking and promising things that will never be implemented.

The assorted fat cat United Nations officials and premieres from assorted nations all pat each other on the back before they retire to their luxurious hotel suites and order up a few young gazelles to exploit.

Corruption, treachery, dishonour and most of all lies are on the menu, as the empty promises flow through the halls of inequity supposed to ‘save humanity’.

“I cannot wait till the next Copout meeting next year when we will talk about the same shit, eat the same gourmet food and then go back home in our private jets while nothing changes,” one American delegate revealed.

Rinse and repeat ad infinitum.

How to Make Appropriate Requests for Technical Support


In the past, each of us has been forced to deal with a technological issue that needed us to seek assistance from a third party. The case could be with your printer, computer, or mobile phone. When it is time to get technical help, this article will explain a few pointers on things to do when requesting technical support.

Be More Specific

Ensure your message covers: What exactly is the issue you are facing?” When did this start? What were you doing when it started? These are just a few questions that you have to send to the person requesting my technical support. You have to tell them what is genuinely not functioning correctly. Once customer support receives the answers to these questions, it will guide them in helping you. If you are seeking technical support for something other than a computer, you will need to change the questions, so they are appropriate for the message you want to pass.

Ensure to provide model numbers in your inquiry to the technical support team

If you are seeking technical support for something like a computer, printer, or anothertechnical support 2 device, providing the model number of that device can be of great assistance to the support staff. If you include this information, they might not even feel the need to inquire about the technical details of the machine. You can also make more money from blackjack during this process. They can look up the model number and find all that information and details about the device. This is also helpful to use when looking for technical support on Google or any of the other search engines. You might be able to seek assistance or advice from people who are familiar with the technology you are using and who has possibly dealt with this problem in the past.

Don’t Be Afraid to Put Your Thoughts into Writing

Submit your question on a question-and-answer website or a support forum. You should not be afraid to write a good paragraph or two explaining precisely what is wrong. The customer support will read it, and they will be in a much better position to offer you support. This is because they will be aware of what is happening.

Screenshots and videos should be included

You should try to include screenshots or photographs with your requests whenever it is possible to do so. If the issue is sequential, you might even try uploading a video so that people can watch it and understand what’s happening. People are always helped by seeing things because it eliminates the need to form their mental image of the situation. If you cannot take a screenshot of the screen, use a camera to take a photo of what is displayed. Irrespective of the quality, at least share a visual for those attempting to provide you with technical support.

The most important takeaway is the importance of details. If you understand this concept, you will do well with submitting improved requests for technical assistance. This will result in you receiving the answers you require timelier. After all, everyone wants the issue resolved as soon as possible!

If you put these suggestions into practice, you will get a solution faster than a mere request. However, one more thing: if you have access to phone help, you should use it! Phone assistance allows you to explain anything in real time while utilizing the full potential of your voice. You also have the opportunity to implement solution while you are having the call. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to do so, kindly do so!