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Saturday, October 26, 2024
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Why is Scrooge Jeremy Hunt Acting Like a Cxxt?


Scrooge Chancellor Jeremy Hunt is punishing the people with insane levels of tax rises that will not only ensure a Tory loss in the next election, but will guarantee the Tories do not get into power for decades. This pig headed cunt could solve the so-called budget black hole of £65 billion by scrapping the much-hated £100 billion HS2 rail line, instead he is punishing the populace and voters for his party’s idiotic mistakes.

Many households across Britain are now doomed to a miserable Christmas with no food and no heating, with the prospect of homelessness in the new year.

If this stubborn Remainer Chancellor had any brains, he would scrap HS2 immediately and even have some money left over. Punishing hard-working Britons needlessly is a foolish endeavour that will backfire on the Tories when it comes to the election in 2024.

The country already suffered under austerity for over a decade after the disastrous Labour government spent all the money, but this time around many households and businesses will be truly fucked.

There is no point in working in this heavy tax climate. Many people are now giving up work because people are penalised heavily for working. So much for levelling up, these are the days of levelling down in destitution.

Surely there must be someone in the current self-destructive government who can see sense?

Man Actually Believes a Single Word Uttered From TikTok ‘Influencer’


A 28-year-old man from High Wycombe revealed today that he actually believed a single word from a TikTok influencer.

“Yes, what the TikTok influencer said must be true because he has over 40 million subscribers and over 200 million views. Everything he said must be true just from the sheer number of likes on what he said,” the man revealed.

The Chinese controlled social network TikTok is well-known to security agencies as a tool utilised by the CCP to destabilise Western countries with inane, useless videos and dangerous disinformation.

50% Council Tax Rises Final Nail in Coffin For Millions


Let’s look at this in a rational manner. Interest rate rises mean large hikes in mortgage rates and loan costs. Increases in income tax means less money for households. An official 11% level of inflation, when in reality it is closer to 30%. Energy costs increasing by over 60%. Petrol price increases by over 45%. Food prices increased by over 60%.

And now council tax increases will be the final icing on the cake. Some councils are now talking about a 40-50% increase in council tax. This will mean some households will be paying over £4000 per annum just for a bin collection every two weeks, and for council staff to enjoy their gold-plated pensions and vast salaries. At least they won’t feel any hardship as they strip the populace of the last vestiges of any wealth.

With this level of punishment not only from the Treasury but the Bank of England, one can safely assume that the levels of poverty will increase as the middle classes are relegated to the dustbin of history.

“No one will ever vote for the Tories ever again after this. Why would you? You’ve lost your home, your business and now live under a bridge in a fucking cardboard box. Thank you, Conservative government, a disaster worse than even any Labour nightmare scenario. Don’t vote Labour or Conservative, for they are simply the same cunts who will fuck you over each and every single time,” an angry destitute man revealed from under a bridge in a cardboard box.

Jeremy Hunt “Punishing Brexit Britain is a Required Remainer Plot”


Jeremy Hunt, the Remainer Chancellor appointed by autocrat Remainer PM Rishi Sunak is punishing Brexit Britain until something eventually snaps and people beg to be let back into the Soviet EU bloc, a British economic think tank has revealed.

“The technique employed by the Chancellor and Bank of England, who are sympathetic to the EU, is to torture and punish Brexit Britain until it finally capitulates fully to Brussels. One could say it is almost an analogy for an economic thumbscrew torture on the population of Britain.

“By increasing income tax and interest rates, huge council tax hikes, fuel duty hikes, along with hyperinflation causing misery to millions of families across the UK, it is only inevitable that Britain will be pushed into a deeper recession, as well as the open arms of the EU prison.”

Ron vs Don – Let the GOP Battle Begin


Last night, a rather timid Donald Trump declared his candidacy to run for the presidency for a third time. The only problem for the Donald is that a very successful Ron DeSantis could ruin everything.

After a rather pathetic midterm election performance, apart from DeSantis, the Republicans are now on the back foot. Is this a good time for Donald Trump to announce his run for office?

Here’s an idea. How about DeSantis being Trump’s running mate? If they can’t win against Sleepy Joe, then they should both retire in disgrace.

Think Tank: People Must Learn to Vote With Their Feet


“When elections are now no longer viable metres of national opinion, and huge monopolies dictate every facet of your life, there is only one thing you can do — vote with your feet.

‘Our universities and educational establishments are now controlled by a woke Marxist minority, advertising is now geared solely to convey a woke activist message, Hollywood films are now soulless wokified activist propaganda pieces, Big Tech monopolies try to force their woke agenda onto you and if you do not comply they erase your very existence.

“The far left communist ideology infiltrates every facet of our lives, a gift from indoctrinated agents in line with Marxist CCP policy.

“Do not give them a penny more, do not subscribe to their streaming services, avoid their cinemas, do not go to their universities, switch off their adverts, do not buy or subscribe their products, do not go to their theme parks, boycott their companies, do not send your children to their schools, always switch off their propaganda.

“No one is laughing anymore because the woke communist zealots killed off comedy.

“A prime example of wokery not working is Disney. The company that once defined family entertainment is going from media giant to epic failure, suffering over $1.4 billion in streaming losses and a stock drop of around 39% for the year.  And, it would appear that these financial declines are inevitably leading to employee lay-offs.

“People are simply fed up with the far-left preaching their woke mantras through supposed entertainment, and are avoiding Disney. They not only ruined the Star Wars franchise, but have pandered to the communist rhetoric by peddling activist propaganda through their networks.

“Vote with your feet. Do not watch, buy, or acknowledge the mere existence of the woke.”

WORLD CUP: Islamic Qatar to be Force Fed Education on Homosexuality


The Islamic religion forbids male homosexuality as ‘Haram’, yet Western LGBTQP activists will try to force-feed the population of Qatar in homosexual indoctrination.

The socialist agenda to indoctrinate and encourage homosexuality in liberal Western societies has worked very well since its introduction during the Obama era. Now you cannot walk two yards in either America, Europe or the UK without a rainbow flag being pushed into your face or an LGBTQP parade prancing around you. Will this homosexual agenda work in an Islamic country where sodomy and buggery is prohibited with severe punishment?

As the World Cup begins in Qatar, the key subject in the media is pushing gay ideology onto the Qataris. Forget about such things as football or sport, the agenda is now solely focused on getting the people of Qatar educated in homosexuality.

It will certainly be a source of entertainment to see the gay educators in Qatar during the World Cup.

Male homosexuality is illegal in Qatar, with a punishment of up to three years in prison and a fine and the possibility of death penalty for Muslims under sharia law. Since 2004, Article 296 of the current Penal Code (Law 11/2004) stipulates imprisonment between one and three years for sodomy between men.

Despite Ukraine Battle Victories War is Just Beginning


Ukraine has accomplished wonders on the battlefield against the Russian invaders, however any thoughts of victory must be dispelled until all Russian forces are defeated from Ukraine, including Crimea.

World War III started a long time ago, and is just getting started now. Anyone who thinks otherwise is either deluded or misinformed.

Putin may be losing troops and ground in Ukraine, but all he has to do is wait a little while longer until his action causes more economic damage to the West. Having already smelled blood, the stakes are too high to quit now — the goal being the destruction of the American economy.

Each day there is war in Ukraine; is another day of uncertainty in the global markets, in supply chain disruption, in global wheat shortages, in vast increases in energy prices, in shortages of military equipment used up in Ukraine.

Americans used to living off the back of the petrodollar will see their everyday cost of goods go up for the first time in generations. They cannot imagine having to pay the same prices as Europeans for their food and petrol, and serious cracks will form within the country possibly culminating in social unrest.

Cracks are already forming with Big Tech monopoly companies who are laying off staff by the thousand, and it is only going to get worse. Time is the enemy of a faltering economy where joblessness and vast deficits loom down ominously. Time however is the friend of Putin, who can sit back and eke the war out for as long as possible. If Putin dies from his illness, or is terminated, that is no problem either for the Russians as they will simply bring in another hardliner who knows the plan.


This is just the beginning, as the Russians have plenty of cannon fodder to throw at the Ukrainian meat grinder. The war was never about Ukraine, it is about destroying the American economy and destabilising the dollar as the global fiat currency. The trillions of dollars that make up the US deficit will eventually crack the Federal Reserve. The US deficit is currently $31 Trillion. Russia is working in unison with China and Iran to destroy the US economy further in preparation for all out war.

The U.S. Federal Reserve is carrying $330 billion in unrealized losses on its holdings of U.S. Treasury and mortgage-backed securities as of the end of March, according to newly released financial statements showing the impact of rising interest rates on the market value of the Fed’s balance sheet.

The central bank’s holdings of nearly $9 trillion in assets still allowed the Fed to remit $32.2 billion to the U.S. Treasury in the first quarter of 2022, according to the documents.

But the losses on the Fed’s investments, an $8.5 trillion portfolio that surged higher through asset purchases designed to keep financial markets stable through the pandemic, pose a potentially tough political problem for the central bank. SOURCE

As of 2013, The US government had about $70 trillion in off-balance sheet liabilities. In 2022, the accounting for potential and actual liabilities would be more in the region of $150 trillion in debt.

The disastrous campaigns in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan bled the United States of untold trillions for little or no gain. The global pandemic was the next nail in the coffin, and now the Ukraine war is bleeding America dry every day.

All things have an end, and the charade cannot go on forever. America is a bankrupted entity, and all its enemies have to do is wait by the river until it eventually implodes from the sheer force and magnitude of its debt.

In 2019, the total U.S. debt including all forms of government, state, local, financial and entitlement liabilities was calculated as being close to 2,000% of GDP.

Russians are the Orcs of the world, they do not need anything, they don’t smile, and are used to hardship. Brutal butchers with no mercy as witnessed on the battlefields and cities of Ukraine who have no qualms in targeting innocent civilians in cold blood.

Entire battalions of Russian conscripts with little or no training or equipment can be wiped out, yet it is still a win for Russia. The billions of dollars spent by the USA only deepens their ultimate road to complete bankruptcy.

With the appetite for buying US debt by Asian countries faltering, no one wants to touch that anymore, no one wants to prop up a sure loser.

Preparing for full on war, the West’s enemies are making sure to bankrupt the West first. This not only impoverishes entire nations, damaging their global standing, but causes massive internal damage with civil unrest and mass poverty. One only has to look at what is happening in the UK where citizens are having everything they own robbed by a government that has completely lost its direction.

World War III started a long time ago, it’s just that no one is speaking about it, or announcing it in the papers. Sooner or later, maybe the people may realise what is going on, however by that time it will be too late.

Channel Migrant Crisis: “Rosbifs Give Us More Money Merci Beaucoup!”


Britain and France have signed another £65 million deal to supposedly curb the surge of Albanian mafia gangs boating across the Channel daily. Official figures show more than 40,000 people made the deadly crossing so far this year – up from 28,526 in 2021. Unofficial figures estimate the number of Albanians to have crossed into Britain to be more than 85,000 in 2022 alone.

“Honh, honh, honh! Les stupides rosbifs must be vraiment stupides et naïfs. Ils vont nous donner £65 millions to supposedly arrêter les migrants illégaux traversant la Manche dans leurs petits bateaux. Merci beaucoup Rosbifs. We will simplement keep votre argent et spend it en caviar, champagne et voitures chères. C’est la même chose chaque année. Les idiots n’apprennent jamais,” an official at Calais remarked on Monday.

The expanded agreement includes an increase in payments from London to Paris and nothing much else in particular.

“We are hoping that giving the French more money will actually do something,” an idiot from the UK government tentatively remarked on the stupid rip-off deal.

Meanwhile, in Albania, one of the poorest crime-ridden countries in the world, entire cities and towns are now empty. Guess where they all went?

Britons Celebrate Another Huge Increase in Taxes


There’s nothing that Brits love more than another huge hike in taxes to complement the massive hike in interest rates from a government that’s touted as being Conservative.

“It’s part of the sado-masochistic British psyche, if we are not punished every day with high taxes, we’re just not fucking happy. Put the kettle on and be charged £7.50 in electricity and have another cuppa, innit?” a proud citizen revealed from his freezing hovel.

With fuel tax making up 85% of the price of filling up your vehicle, death taxes taking over 60% of your assets and income tax taking over 70% of your salary, these are just a few of the taxes Britons simply cannot live without.

“In Britain aspiration and entrepreneurship is punished severely. That’s what we love about this country. Doesn’t matter if you have a Tory or Labour government in place they will both put in place disproportionate levels of taxation to stifle businesses, and impoverish citizens. I wouldn’t have it any other way, it’s all I know,” a man who recently lost his home and business revealed.

It’s not only the overt taxes that Britons enjoy daily but stealth taxes are a big hit with the government as well. You don’t realise it but money goes into your bank account and is periodically sucked back out almost immediately leaving you with expensive bank charges that make you even poorer. Add in the BBC tax, road tax, Council tax, MOT, and high interest rates along with VAT charged on everything as well as insane levels of inflation on everyday goods, you will be left with nothing.

“I enjoy giving away almost all of what I earn to the tax man to fritter away and waste my money. It is a British tradition. Not only that, I would think there was something severely wrong with this country if there were things like low taxes and business aspiration. We do not want to entice international businesses to come to the UK, the government instead scares businesses away from here so our economy is in permanent recession,” another destitute former businessman revealed from his cardboard box under Waterloo bridge.