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Hyperinflation: Idiots Striking For More Pay Will Only Increase Interest Rates


Rail unions, postal unions, nurses, whatever unions have no idea about how economies work it seems. When there is a state of inflation which is unnatural, if you demand more pay, that state of unnatural inflation gets worse causing more inflation and another set of interest rate hikes.

Rail workers already receive pay levels over £70,000 per annum, how much more money do these greedy fuckers want? Union bosses on average are paid over £250,000 per annum, and are exploiting workers, many who are low-information automatons to do the militant Marxist actions of these manipulative bosses.

The goal is to decrease inflation not increase it to hyperinflationary levels that will ultimately result in economic collapse.

The overpaid Marxist cocksucker Union bosses are a blight and tragic curse to any functioning industry. These irrational militant Marxist Bolshevik shisters need to be tarred and feathered, drawn and fucking quartered and their remains displayed on the four corners of Britain.

If Rishi Sunak had any balls he would act now in curtailing these terrorist union bosses, but instead nothing is being done.

Britain is now facing another 1970s style Winter of Discontent that will pile on more misery for hard-working families already struggling and businesses trying to recoup losses from the pandemic.

Unions are not for the people — they are the enemy of the people.

5 Warm Public Spaces You Can Go to This Winter


With soaring inflation and energy costs, people are finding it hard to afford to heat their homes. Don’t fret, here are some solutions to the big freeze that anyone can do to stay warm this freezing winter.

  1. Public libraries are excellent places to stay warm if you can’t afford to heat your own home. You can also sleep in them, and they have toilets. Just grab a copy of your favourite newspaper, find a quiet spot to sit down and get some sleep in cosy warmth as the library radiators are on all day at full whack.
  2. If you live in London, the Underground could be a great place to stay warm. It will cost you the price of a ticket, but you could go from station to station all day up to midnight at some stations. Make sure to also travel around during the rush hour as well, as all the bodies crammed together in the carriages like sardines will increase the temperature. Generally when you are underground it will not be as cold as your home or outside. You can take a book or even a sleeping bag, maybe some sarnies and a flask.
  3. Visit the Houses of Parliament. Even though there is an energy crisis for the rest of us, MPs have all their radiators on at full blast all day long. It can get so hot sometimes that they have to open the windows.
  4. Get arrested and put in prison for at least the duration of winter. Yes, you read that correctly. Prisoners in England and Wales have their heating on 24 hours a day. You will not only get free food, plenty of drugs, PS5 gaming and lodging but will have a lovely cosy time in winter during the energy crisis while everyone else freezes.
  5. If you can’t afford to heat your home or feed yourself this winter, why not stow away on a cargo ship to some far off hot land? You could find yourself in Somalia or Tunisia. Look at it as an adventure, off the beaten track, and the real bonus will be you will not be in freezing Britain. If things go well, you could even make a new life for yourself.
  6. (BONUS) Join the army. Marching up and down the square will certainly keep you warm in the winter months. Reveille at 4am and a 30-mile hike up a mountain somewhere in Wales. Assault courses are also abundant and when you have Sarge shouting down your neck hole it will give you extra impetus to run faster, and keep warmer. If you are lucky enough and war actually breaks out, then you may have additional methods of keeping warm with things like exploding tanks, mortars, exploding mines and maybe a few nukes.

See, it’s not all doom and gloom, is it?

Many Billionaires Have Shown Themselves as Not Deserving of Their Wealth


How much money and material wealth is enough? True virtue and knowledge are not attained by the acquisition of monetary or material wealth. This, and many other variables explicitly applied to the realm of today’s visible billionaires, reveals that many of these so-called successful people are actually empty shells, soulless plastic fake automatons who are simply going through the machinations of living life and being truly human.

Those billionaires who move and work in their own way, in their own virtuous manner with no desire for the frivolities of celebrity fame, usually are the ones who are not nouveau riche but come from old money. These are the ones who have inculcated the correct way to live life, and conduct their patronage quietly without self-aggrandising undignified displays to all and sundry.

Whether you are poor and own nothing, or incredibly rich and own everything — death is the great equaliser in all things. Billionaires cannot buy their way out of death, and as much as they try, they will never be able to cheat a visit from the grim reaper. The gluttonous billionaires have dedicated their entire lives and energy in acquisition yet when the lights finally dim forever, they will not be able to take their beloved offshore account balances to the infinite sleep of nothingness as their brains shut off permanently.

Billionaires, trillionaires, gazillionaires whatever the ‘…aires’, their modus operandi is owning everything they see and hear about, and without that greedy impulse their entire being within this global system of ultimate corruption would amount to nothing. Their defining quality is one of uselessness because as much as these virtue-signalling damaged humans throw their money around nothing changes, awful things still happen, corruption and crime is still everywhere, human inequity, mass starvation, war and pollution filled oceans still boil over in a bubbling chemical soup.

Technique, power, contacts, board meetings, the state of ennui infiltrates everything as in much of the actions of billionaires there is little reward, and these people still operate within a system of limitations.

There is no cure for being human, and the majority of these billionaires revel in this thought as they fritter away their riches on insane pet projects that will almost certainly amount to nothing. They want to be shown to change the existence of the underlings, make life better they claim, when in reality their fake virtue signalling invariably makes life a lot harder for everyone. Great inventions that changed humanity for the better usually came from limited resources and no billion dollar accounts, because the innovators with their limited resources really had to work for that elusive goal, that fleeting creative spark of true invention that can only come from true hardship and graft. Many of those true innovators died penniless as their inventions were then stolen and adapted by the leech money men, and other exploitative parasitic beasts that inhabit the cesspit of human society.

What does the squandering billionaire think as he takes his last breath on this plane of existence? Possibly a tear rolls down their cheek as they realise fully that they cannot take all the things they amassed on earth with them to the great dark silence. To have such concerns is indeed fearful, and sad at the same time.

BREAKING: Eco Zealot Loses Entire Arm After Gluing Self to Ferrari


Benjamin Barthon-Welles, 22, from Islington, North London, lost his left arm today after supergluing himself to a Ferrari SF90 Stradale. With a top speed of 211 MPH, the Stradale is one of the fastest road cars in the world.

Eyewitness Giuseppe Stromboli saw the tragedy unfold in front of his very own eyes.

“He superglued his arm to the back of the car. This Arab dude got in but did not notice the Just Stop Oil eco zealot. The SF90 Stradale can go from 0-100 MPH in 4.5 seconds. The poor guy didn’t have a chance, innit. I heard a crack sound, then whoosh the Ferrari was gone. All there was left was this poor sod standing there with blood shooting out of the socket. I called the ambulance, and they came quickly in a few hours.”

The terrible incident happened just outside Harrods in Kensington, West London. The man was rushed to hospital, but medics are still trying to locate his arm, which is still stuck to the Ferrari.

“His arm could be anywhere by now. It could be halfway to Turin for all we know,” a medic on the scene revealed.

Police do not advise anyone to superglue their body parts to anything, especially fast moving objects.

Our Predictions For the Qatar World Cup 2022


Sometimes we need some panem et circenses. The World Cup is a fantastic time to watch some great and wonderful football, that is, as long as the woke preachers shut up for one second.

The England team have never had it so easy, and have some seriously mediocre competition in Group B. Iran, USA and Wales should be a total walkover. If England can’t win this group, it may as well be a trip off to the glue factory for the team and (giving the knee) Gareth Southgate.

One thing you learn about football — anything can happen, shit happens out of the blue, and you can be one of the best statistical analysts and get taken for a fool by some last minute anomaly occurring.

The DailySquib.co.uk brings you group-by-group analysis of the tournament, with predictions for how every table will pan out.

Group A

Squib Prediction:

1) Netherlands
2) Senegal
3) Ecuador
4) Qatar

The comical Qatar team played against Ecuador on Sunday and lost 2-0. Watching the Qatar team prance around inanely showing off their lack of skill was indeed entertaining, and it was a surprise Ecuador did not score more goals.

Ecuador, have not conceded a goal in 5 matches prior to the Qatar tournament and will be a good match for Senegal. Qatar unfortunately should not even be in the World Cup because their level of playing is worse than park level football.

Sadio Mane, the Senagalese star has been on the ropes recently with some injuries but with a little help from a witchdoctor he could pull out some goals for Senegal.

The winner of Group A will most certainly be the Netherlands, especially with Memphis Depay who has scored 12 goals in 10 games. If Depay’s fitness level keeps up, he will prove an important player to the team.

Group B

Squib Prediction:

1) England
2) Wales
3) USA
4) Iran

Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth for the England team, and if the boys can’t sort this group out, it’s off to the knacker’s yard for them along with a constant stream of the ‘three lions’ song. Fifty years of hurt, the song about losing, is more of a curse than a call to victory. If Baddiel and Skinner stopped playing that fucking song to death, England might one day win a bleedin’ World Cup. Stop eking out this maudlin song for the royalties, when you don’t need the money. And it’s a great start for England with a 6-1 win against Iran today.

Group C

Squib Prediction:

1) Argentina
2) Poland
3) Mexico
4) Saudi Arabia

Lionel Messi! Lionel Messi! Lionel Messi! Argentina, will win this group, it’s a no-brainer.

Group D

Squib Prediction:

1) France
2) Denmark
3) Australia
4) Tunisia

Never underestimate the French, and in this group they have a fairly easy go at it. The Aussies could be either third or fourth in the group, depending on either a few fluke goals for the Australians. Definitely better at cricket than football, the Aussies will still be entertaining to watch.

Group E


1) Spain
2) Germany
3) Japan
4) Costa Rica

Certainly not an easy group to predict. If all goes well, Gavi and Pedri should push Spain to the top of the group, although the technically minded German team could also pull one out of the bag with Jamal Musiala. German relics from the past, Thomas Muller and Manuel Neuer will toddle along, obviously they’re the mascots of the team. Takefusa Kubo for Japan, the Real Sociedad player, may give the youthful Costa Rican team a surprise or three.

Group F

Squib Prediction:

1) Croatia
2) Belgium
3) Canada
4) Morocco

Croatia are a force to be beaten as Luka Modric  leads and his boys set out to neutralise the opposition. Although the favourite to win this group with Romelu Lukaku and Kevin De Bruyne is Belgium, Croatia we think will pull through at the last moment. There’s no ice hockey rink here, so the Canadians will not fare well.

Group G

Squib Prediction:

1) Brazil
2) Switzerland
3) Serbia
4) Cameroon

“Br-a-a-z-i-y-u!” Neymar may soon equalise Pele’s top scorer record for the Brazilian team, and his football virtuosity will certainly shine through for the team to take the top of this group. The Swiss team headed by Tete are a tough squad to beat and could even cause some upsets with Brazil depending on the football gods. As for the Serbian team, Filip Kostic, Alekandar Mitrovic and Dusan Tadic will prove to be dangerous foes for any opposing team.

Group H

Squib Prediction:

1) Portugal
2) Uruguay
3) Ghana
4) South Korea

Don’t knock the aged Cristian Ronaldo, he can still pull out a few curve shots with his box of tricks. Uruguay and Luis Suárez will be second in the group with deadly intent, although with some mammoth goals they could easily steal the show. As always, Ghana and South Korea are the consolation prize of inequity for the group.

Meghan and Harry to be Honoured For ‘heroic’ Attacks Against Royal Family


Meghan Markle and Prince Harry will be honoured in a glittery American awards ceremony next month for their “heroic” constant attacks to completely ruin the reputation of the British Royal Family.

“We honour Meghan Markle and Harry for their constant press attacks and overt activism to ruin the British Royals. As Americans, this is why we came over on the Mayflower to escape that awful King George, so these two undermining and attacking the horrible royals is a real boost. The Queen died of a broken heart after being treated terribly by the treacherous Harry, who she adored. Prince Philip was also affected by the pair of private jet flying polluters, and died before his time in total despair. Harry and Meghan, we commend you on your attacks on the Firm resulting in two royal deaths. Well done. You are Irish American ‘heroes’ just for that. Hail the IRA,” Kerry Kennedy explained with gushing praise of the grifting couple.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will be given the Robert F. Kennedy Ripple of Hope Award on December 6, designed to laud the work of “exemplary leaders”.

Kerry Kennedy, who heads up the Robert F. Kennedy Foundation and is the niece of the late President John F. Kennedy, told media outlets: “They went to the oldest institution in UK history and because of Harry’s grudges, and Meghan’s vengeful nasty malicious lying attacks because she was not given preferential treatment for being a minor royal and her thirst for total supreme power was not fulfilled, they planned to come to America to milk us for money and celebrity status.

“Meghan planned the whole thing before she even forced Harry to marry her and was even plotting with her friend Doprah before her multi-million pound wedding paid for by the British taxpayer.

“As socialist Americans, we do not understand the idea of even having a British Royal family and how important it is to the UK. That’s why we commend the ‘heroic’ actions of Meghan and Harry to ruin the Royal family of Britain.”

Whatever Happened to the World Cup Being About Football?


People should be talking about the football, and not the latest woke agenda being force-fed down peoples’ throats. Where’s the fucking football?

Instead, we have woke activist BBC commentators, managers, and even players. All of them pushing divisive socialist far-left agendas against an Islamic state that frankly does not give two flying fucks about it all.

Get it through your thick heads morons, Islamic states who follow Sharia law do not condone buggery. It’s part of their religion, therefore you LGBTQP activists are being anti-Islamic by attacking the religious values of the Islamic religion. Do you understand that? It is akin to having the World Cup in Tel Aviv and pork activists descending on the place preaching about the virtues of eating pork. Do you think the Israelis would abide by that?

Where’s the bloody football? The World Cup should be about sport and football only, as should any other sport. By using these events as forums for socialist-activists or political ideologies of any kind is an affront to the spirit of the game, the spirit of sportsmanship, and it frankly ruins everything.

These activists preaching to everyone should be all fired, they are agents of activism who have infiltrated sport. They should never be allowed in the game ever again. FIFA needs to put its foot down once and for all and remove the whining preachy activist fuckers from the game forever.


Remainers Hunt and Sunak Kill Off Brexit “Singapore on the Thames”


Brexiteers have been ousted from the Sunak cabinet and government, relegated to the nether regions of the backbenches. Jeremy Hunt, a vociferous nasty Remainer has been put in charge by Sunak, who is also a Remainer. The Bank of England is headed and run by Remainers. The Civil Service is populated by Remainers who actively thwarted any attempts to change things for the better during the Boris reign. What chance for Brexit or a supposed ” Singapore on the Thames” ever materialising under agents working for Brussels?

The vast economic power of the EU seeps through to embellish Britain’s economic malaise crushing the UK until its people turn in sentiment. A recent poll has even come up with the statistic that over half of the population think Brexit was a mistake. In Brussels they must be cheering that their efforts are working wonders to starve the Brits out.

This is a siege. Britain is not only having its economy and sovereignty killed off slowly by external measures, but agents on the Brussels payroll are now running the Tory in name only party.

Something has to give soon enough. We certainly are not getting any help from the pro-EU pro-China Biden administration or any of our other supposed allies.

5 Positive Things About Huge Tax and Interest Rate Rises


Huge tax and interest rate rises can have some positive attributes, if you can believe it. The supposed Tory government are promising the population of Britain a prolonged period of recession and economic depression compounded by stifling taxes and insane levels of hyperinflation, as well as interest rate rises that are certain to stifle business and impoverish millions of people. But, hey, look on the bright side.

  1. When you lose your home due to interest rate rises affecting your mortgage and high energy, food prices, taxes, you won’t have to worry about things like mowing the lawn or tedious household chores or DIY ever again.
  2. You won’t be able to afford to run a car anymore. The huge increase in fuel taxes, road tax, insurance, and MOT as well as maintenance costs will bankrupt you. Look on the bright side, walking for miles in the freezing cold windy rain will give you some character, and possibly health.
  3. Believe it or not, eating too much food can be bad for you. Lucky for you, with the huge increase in food costs, you won’t be able to feed yourself anymore. Fasting for days on end, and maybe rummaging around bins for a few morsels of vitals will be character building, as you will not have any dignity left and good for your health as you will lose some weight.
  4. No more alcohol or fun for you. Yes, if you can’t afford food, how the hell are you going to afford a £12.50 pint in a pub?
  5. Due to the many lay-offs by businesses struggling to survive, you will not have to work another day in your life. Hooray! Isn’t that marvellous? Imagine a care free life where you do not have to get up at dawn, shit shave shower and put your suit on for another miserable day of tax slavery.

Hope you feel better now? It’s not all that bad, is it?

No One Wants Electric Cars Anymore Thanks to Tory Tax


Forget about the move from the piston engine to electric. Thanks to the new Tory tax on electric vehicles, the electric revolution will now be stifled and snuffed out before it even got off the ground.

Not only were electric vehicles excruciatingly expensive with little or no charging support in the UK, but now the hefty road tax will kill off any sort of renaissance.

The disproportionately large tax rises across all of Britain will snuff out all business, kill off enterprise and cause mass destitution to millions of people. Coupled with hyperinflation and vast hikes in interest rates and insane council tax rises, the recession will now develop into a mass depression lasting for decades to come.

As people lose their homes and livelihood, it is almost certain recession Britain will be struck with massive lay-offs, civil unrest and permanent strikes from multiple sectors.

To kill off an economy already spluttering, it is an insane policy to tax people beyond any rational point.

The ‘Tories in name only’ TINOs have effectively killed off any chance of economic recovery in the UK for the next two decades.