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Kanye West Would Not Exist if Hitler Won WW2


“Kanye West is a very confused, mentally deficient, disturbed individual who may idolise Adolf Hitler and the Nazis due partly to his hatred of Jewish people, but his own ignorance about history is also a factor to look at. The fact is, if Hitler and the Axis won in WW2, the eugenics programs would have sterilised all non-Aryan races across the globe. Kanye West would thus not exist because his ancestors would have either been gassed or sterilised. The negroid race was deemed as inferior and animalistic by the Nazis,” an Auschwitz survivor commented recently.

Nazi Schutzpolizei beim Sport
1933 Der Staat der Arbeit und des Friedens

Ideally, Hitler’s beloved National Socialist Party would have expanded the concentration camp death system globally if the Nazis had won the war against the Allies. Eugenics and mass sterilisation programs are expensive and time intensive endeavours, especially when rolled out globally. The Nazis would probably have opted for a faster more efficient manner of cleansing via the expansion of the death camp system to quickly dispatch billions of so-called Untermenschen (sub-human races). Who is to say, from the 1950s onwards, the Germans would not develop far more efficient mass killing methods than the crude Zyklon-B gas chambers?

All other non-Aryan races are seen by fascist Nazis as genetic pollutants to be eradicated with extreme prejudice. Out of all races, the Nazis had scales, and the race that Kanye West belongs to is the bottom of the rung. Hitler’s Nazis feared the purity of the Aryan race being infected by the “throwback” African gene more so than of even Jewish blood. One can thus imagine death camps working day and night in the African continent for decades after the war until Hitler’s dream could be realised. Dr Mengele would be having a wonderful time as usual.

Ignorant, uneducated rappers with poor vocabulary and knowledge are still given a voice to spread their stupid ignorant thoughts. Why is that?

Well, the answer is quite simple really, West’s handlers, Jewish or not, have washed their hands of him and are now allowing him free rein to dig his own grave with his schizoid psychosis. If Kanye West had any dignity or intelligence, he would not be in the situation he is in now.

If Hitler had won the war, he would have neutralised Kanye West’s negroid ancestors and he would not exist today. How do you like your idol now Kanye?

Why Are Some Blacks Ashamed to Admit African Heritage?


Recently, an employee of the British Royal family was forced to quit and labelled a racist for asking a black woman about her African heritage. Many blacks are now ashamed to say they came from the great continent of Africa, when they should be proud of their African roots and ancestors.

There is something very wrong with any society or culture when people are branded as racists for simply seeing things as they are. Black people, wherever they live in the world are Africans. Be proud of Africa, and do not be ashamed of your heritage. It does not matter what your name is, how much you lighten your skin with creams, your adopted accent, or the blonde wigs you wear, or the clothes you wear, your blood is African, your ancestors came from Africa, why even try to hide this fact? Why are you appropriating Western styles in dress, and appropriating Western Christian names and religions? If you are a black person who believes in the Christian religion, it is because your ancestors had Christianity forced on them by missionaries. Over generations you have been generationally brainwashed in Christianity, which has nothing to do with Africa, and never will. Socialists and Marxists in the West are not the friends of black people, they use you for their own agenda of disruption, they compartmentalise you, they encourage you to stay in the ghettos, they are not your friend, stay away from their socialist plantations they built to keep you in perpetual victimhood and imprisonment.

Stop playing the usual cowardly victim racism card being promoted by celebrities like Meghan Markle. Ultimately we are all humans, and people like Markle are only trying to sow division and hatred to sell Netflix subscriptions and Spotify podcast listens. Manipulative entities like that are inherently evil because they are sowing racial division for monetary profit.

Africans must be proud of where they came from, do not hide, do not try to become someone or something else. Every black person who finds themselves living in Western developed nations, if you all made the journey home to your true ancestral lands you could make the African continent even greater, you could build Africa up and with ultimate pride, move forwards — not backwards.


Practical Tips to Save Energy and Keep Warm This Winter


What is the most fundamental function of your home? The answer to that question comprises only one word – shelter. But what does shelter actually mean? Basically, it means protection from the prevailing elements of the environment in which you find yourself. In most contexts, it means from the outdoor weather whenever this is uncomfortable or otherwise harmful to human health. And for most Western countries in the wintertime, that outdoor weather is cold, so the home’s most fundamental role is to keep one warm.

In a cold climate, though, this takes energy. And as we are now painfully aware, energy isn’t free. The political developments that have led us here might be complex and controversial, but there is certainly one thing all of us can agree upon – keeping warm in winter is becoming more expensive, and energy-saving tips that help us save money while doing so are now more needed than ever.

It is at times like this that we often learn to prioritize when it comes to energy economy. This goes far beyond just heating the home. This is when we consider the need for winter wear more pressing than saving towards that new car, or when we consider a set of draft excluders a sounder investment than that absorbent granule spill kit for the kitchen. We learn to do without, and to prioritize the important. This is just the reality for the majority of people.

Thankfully, this is not the first time this has happened (and it probably won’t be the last), which means that there has been much wisdom built up (and many tips and tricks) regarding how to keep warm when your energy budget is tight. Much of this advice takes the form of onerous overhauls of your energy habits and infrastructure – either that or plain unworkable or impractical advice.

What we need more than ever are a set of practical tips – able to be implemented by anyone – which can help us keep warm and save energy in the process. Remember, energy saved is money saved.


Wasted Energy

One bright side of the situation is that you might not have to give up as much as you think. Energy wastage alone can be significant in many households. Simply cutting this out can already take you a long way in saving energy that would be better spent keeping you warm when you really need it.

This is then a great place to start. Why cut out something that you’ll miss when you could first save some extra energy by identifying where you are wasting it and simply stopping? Here follows a few ways you are likely to be wasting energy around the home:

Leaving Electronics and Appliances Plugged In

Just because it is not whirring, flashing, beeping, or shining does not mean that it’s using no energy. There are a vast range of devices known to exert a “vampire draw” or “phantom load” on your home’s energy. Standby power is the biggest culprit, with the Department of Energy estimating that items on standby, on average, make up an incredible 10% of a home’s overall energy consumption. Consider unplugging.

Forgetting to Turn the Lights Off

It is such an obvious one, but it’s worth mentioning simply because forgetting to turn the lights off still accounts for a large proportion of a typical home’s energy consumption. Now more than ever, it might be worth disciplining yourself to make savings in this area.

Water Wastage

Water wastage around the home – using the dishwasher when it’s not full, taking extra-long showers, always washing clothes on a high heat, etc. – is nearly always accompanied by energy wastage too. Keeping water heated in a boiler 24/7 is another good example.

Home Heat Loss

Before getting on to a list of practical tips for saving energy and staying warm this winter, it’s wise also to consider the ways in which heat itself is wasted after it has been generated in your home.

A home that conserves heat well will require less energy to stay warm. That will keep your bills down. Very often though, improvement in this area means home renovation (which might be something you would consider worthwhile in the long run.) However, there are also other, much more preventable, ways in which a home loses heat – these you can do something about for free.

Heat is lost through a home’s walls, floors, windows, doors and through the attic and roof. In a typical home, 25% is lost through windows and doors alone. This is a figure you can reduce with the judicious placement of cheap draft excluders, by being sure to open and close doors quickly and be ensuring that all the windows are shut. Remember: wasting heat is wasting energy is wasting money.


Practical Tips for Saving Energy

So, it’s time to scratch the surface of the many practical tips which can help you conserve energy in the wintertime. You might think that many of these are rather insignificant in themselves, but there are many – and by building up a broad repertoire of good habits, you can make significant savings.

One thing you will note is that many of the things you had been doing before, that you can cut out to save energy, were totally unnecessary in the first place.

Dry Your Clothes Naturally

A tumble dryer certainly offers convenience when you need your clothes dried quickly. But by simply altering your wash schedule, you can let clothes dry naturally and still have clean dry clothes when you need them.

The drying function uses a lot of energy for the heat and motion produced. And they also typically run for fairly long periods of the time. By cutting this out, there is a definite saving to be made.

Make Your Own Draft Excluders (Or Buy Cheap Ones)

In many cases, a rolled-up towel works perfectly well as draft excluder around rooms that are not often in use or which have doors opening to the outside of the house.

Use Alternative Means to Keep Warm at Night

You will always need to generate heat to keep warm at night. But simply running your home’s heating all night is far from the most efficient way of doing so. Heated blankets, hot water bottles, and hand warmers are all an investment, but they are more capable of keeping you warm at night. And they are sure to use a lot less energy than turning on your heating. There really is no need to compromise on warmth here.

Consider Natural Fuel

Not everyone has the means of burning wood or coal to heat their home, but with an investment in an open fire or wood burner (there are affordable options) those who can stock up on coal and wood will make serious energy savings on heating their home. If you live somewhere close to natural wood, you also might be able to source your own fuel too.

All these tips are practical ways of conserving energy that should be implementable by most people. There are many more, which only goes to show how much energy we waste every day – and how much we could be saving.

Hark, the 13 Strikes of Christmas


Postal strikes, rail strikes, nurse strikes, ambulance strikes, bus strikes, tube strikes,  security staff strikes…and a partridge in a fucking pear tree strikes. What do all these strikes mean you may ask? Well, it’s quite simple really, the all important month of December is a prime political target for the militant Bolshevik unions to make their biggest united statement by ruining everyone’s beloved Christmas.

Industrial action hasn’t been so popular since the Winter of Discontent from 1978 – 1979.

Meanwhile in the Rishi Sunak Tory government they are planning to increase taxes further, increase interest rates (BoE), allow councils to increase council tax, increase fuel tax which not only kills off the economy and business further, but causes unions to strike therefore damaging more of the economy. It just goes on and on, perpetual stupidity compounded by clueless dim-witted morons all assembled in some sort of unholy circle jerk session all whacking away inanely in complete darkness.

The enemies of Britain are now just watching this shit and giggling their arses off. Imagine the shrill laughter in the halls of the EU Commission, and the joyous festive smirks coming from the Kremlin, or the Remainers all rubbing their hands in celebratory glee at the wonder of it all. For some, Britain’s misery is the ultimate Christmas present.

Sadiq Khan ULEZ £12.50 Per Day Charge to Fund TfL Pay Rises


“Our salaries are at an average of £85,000, and my salary is £152,734 per annum (not including 1000s of free tax-free perks) as London Stasi Mayor. This is not enough to sustain TfL or me, plus we must also factor in our gold-plated pension schemes, taxpayer funded holidays, free travel as well as our integrated work from home scheme,” London mayor, Sadiq Khan revealed in an Evening Standard article. Mayor Khan’s decision to expand the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) across Greater London is going to only make the poor, poorer and the rich, richer. Only very rich people will be able to afford to drive in London.

By charging the poorest in London £4,500 per year to travel to work, the London mayor will be able to fund substantial pay increases and perks for him and his overpaid staff. That’s £12.50 ULEZ plus £15 Congestion Zone tax adding up to £27.50 per day, which equates to £10,037 per year, just to use your vehicle in London. If you don’t pay, the fine is £180 (an increase of £50 under Khan).

Add on the 12p Fuel Tax increase as well as the Road Tax increases and car insurance increases, running a vehicle in the capital should be in excess of the region of £50,000 per annum.

Under the evil communist reign of Mayor Khan, council tax has risen by more than 40 percent and is set to rise by another 20% as the council tax caps are removed by Jeremy Hunt. Traffic camera revenue has also increased, and councils are raking in millions from drivers every year as more cameras are put on the roads every day.

Extending the ULEZ to 200,000 Londoners will impoverish and hit the poorest in society more than anyone else. Naturally, as the costs of travel increase, so will prices in shops increase to offset the huge costs involved in delivery. Need a plumber or other tradesman? Well, be prepared for their charges to increase as well.

Whoever voted for Mayor Sadiq Khan is also to blame for this terrible curse on the capital city. You can hang your filthy heads in abject shame.

Why is Intolerant Racist Islamophobe Gary Lineker Even in Qatar?


If you are intolerant towards a certain culture, the Islamic religion and clearly racist towards Arabs, why even attempt to comment on the Qatar World Cup? Sure, Gary Lineker should be allowed to show his distaste for something via free speech, but he and his BBC compatriots are clearly not enjoying their stay in the Qatari World Cup competition.

It is what it is. Don’t these simpleton brainwashed intolerant morons realise that Islam forbids many things, including homosexuality in men? What do the intolerant leftists want the Qataris to do, rewrite the Quran?

It’s great that in ‘enlightened’ Western countries being homosexual is not considered a crime and people can do as they please, but Qatar is a Middle Eastern Islamic nation far from the West. Do these intolerant leftist idiots not understand that Qatar is not in the West, instead trying to push something that is illegal and forbidden by their holy book down their throats?

“Yes, for Gary Lineker and his champagne socialist brethren, we will re-write the Holy Quran,” said a smirking Qatari sarcastically.

The Ignorance and Arrogance of Lineker

The sheer arrogance of overpaid champagne socialist cultural Marxists to enter someone’s country as a guest, then start imposing things like homosexuality onto a culture and religion that has forbidden it for thousands of years is a sign that many of these far left zealots have absolutely no care for other cultures, religions or races.

Lineker and his other bleeding-heart whiners are not only intolerant of other religious beliefs and customs, but are Islamophobic and racist against Arab culture.

“When Lineker and his team of brainwashed racist gits get back to the UK, maybe they should join the BNP, or EDF or how about the full-on Nazi party,” an observer commented.

In this world, there are other cultures, and other beliefs, and other religions. The leftists, who are obsessed by collectivist Marxist ideology just cannot fathom that mere concept. Leave other cultures and races alone you whining self-absorbed arrogant shits, stop trying to assimilate them into your collectivist communist thought-control bloc. This is called diversity. Doh!

World Economic Forum: “Brutal Totalitarian Communist China is Model For Western Nations”


According to the World Economic Forum, which dictates to Western nations on policy, and future direction, the brutal bullying thugs of the Chinese Communist Party and its evil policies of totalitarian savagery are a model for Western nations to follow. This is why we are seeing more censorship and totalitarian behaviour by Western Big Tech companies who are following China’s CCP policies closely.

World Economic Forum founder and Chair Klaus Schwab recently sat down for an interview with a Chinese state media outlet and proclaimed that China was a “role model” for other nations.

Schwab, 84, made these comments during an interview with CGTN’s Tian Wei on the sidelines of last week’s APEC CEO Summit.

Schwab said he respected China’s “tremendous” achievements at modernizing its economy over the last 40 years.

“I think it’s a role model for many countries,” Schwab said.

“I think we should be very careful in imposing systems. But the Chinese model is certainly a very attractive model for quite a number of countries,” Schwab said.

It’s not only the WEF who adore the CCP, but so does the UN, who wants all Western nations to model China. The EU also sees China as a model of its Soviet bloc of nations. They envisage a modern communist state where brutal torture of citizens, and heavy-handed communist commissars mete out daily punishments on the people. Totalitarian bullying regimes like China are idolised by the globalists, who have become very rich off the backs of Chinese slave workers.


You will realise what these people have in store for you when the Citizen Social Credit system that China uses on its citizens already is introduced over in Western nations. This is what the EU, WEF and UN want introduced into the West to complete a totalitarian net of control over the population even more than is already present.

You may think surveillance is already pretty bad in Western nations, but wait until the Chinese surveillance model is adopted. Big Tech companies are already preparing the framework to introduce a Chinese social credit model as well as increased Chinese CCP style surveillance. Since 2013, Big Tech has been tightening its deadly noose on all civilians, and it is only going to get worse.

Looks like it’s forced CCP anal swabs and brutal poverty for everyone, that is, except for the globalist hierarchy in their mansions.

A celebrated member of the globalist World Economic Forum (WEF) has called for a staggering 86 percent reduction in the population of humans, arguing that the goal can be achieved “peacefully.”

Dennis Meadows, one of the main authors of the Club of Rome’s 1972 pro-depopulation book “The Limits to Growth.”

Meadows argues that most of the world’s population must be wiped out so that the survivors can “have freedom” and a “high standard of living.”

During a 2017 interview, Meadows claims that genocide of 86% of the world’s population is “inevitable.”

However, he insists that a “benevolent” dictatorship could accomplish the mass de-population “peacefully.”

“We could [ ] have eight or nine billion, probably,” he says of the world’s growing population.

“If we have a very strong dictatorship which is smart … and [people have] a low standard of living,” Meadows says as he explains how the population reduction agenda could be triggered.

RISE UP CHINA PEOPLE: Freedom From CCP Communist Opression


The Coronavirus epidemic in China has brought to the fore the absolute brutality of the totalitarian communist regime in place in the vast country, and this is why a democratic revolution is needed now more than ever. Rise Up China!

Totalitarian dictator Xi Jinping rules citizens with an iron hand, punishing millions with brutal zero tolerance Covid lockdowns that are killing the people more than the virus itself.

The fire in Urumqi is proof of the CCP brutality. Ten people were burned alive because their apartment block was locked by CCP police to enforce lockdown.

Free the People

As people, you are taken away, your homes barricaded without food or water, your dogs tortured, your lives snuffed out by ruthless CCP zealots. The amount of unspeakable horror committed by the Chinese communist state are too numerous to write here.

There is a way out. Resistance, organised resistance against the communist state en masse. Fight, fight for freedom, liberty, democracy and justice.

During this time of mass action now is the time to get organised, to fight back against your oppressors and the officials who have left many to die needlessly.

You may die, you may survive, but democratic revolution can come when enough people rise up to topple the communists who have brought a rotten evil curtain over China for so long.


Democracy can win through oppression, and the totalitarian communist Chinese state is now in a state of disarray, this is the time to bring about revolution which will complete the Tiananmen Square fight of 1989.

Guerilla warfare is the way to bring Democracy to China, as a technique Mao Tse Tung used to bring communism to China. The communists can be defeated with the same technique used by themselves to install communism.

You can restore the real China once again, the true China that the people deserve, throw away the Red Book, burn it!




极权独裁者习近平以铁腕统治公民,以残酷的零容忍 Covid 封锁惩罚数百万人,这些封锁对人民的杀戮比病毒本身更大。







民主可以通过压迫取胜,极权主义的共产主义中国国家现在处于混乱状态,现在是实现革命的时候了,它将完成 1989 年的天安门广场斗争。





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What Brexit? Tories Let in 500,000 Into Already Overcrowded UK In One Year


When the Tories are letting in more economic migrants than Labour, you have to start asking questions. According to statistics released today, net immigration was 500,000 and that’s not including the 80,000 odd illegal migrants from across the Channel. This is possibly another reason why the Conservatives are almost guaranteed to lose the next election, as many former Tory voters defect to pro-Brexit parties.

You may wonder why the NHS is on its knees, and why you can’t get a doctor’s appointment, or why that desperate operation you need is being pushed towards a three-year waiting list. Well, Beveridge, who designed the NHS and much of Britain’s welfare system did not design it for this kind of population strain. In the 50s and early 60s, the NHS functioned with immaculate perfection, simply because the population of Britain was very low. The same applied to schools and public transport, and all the other institutions designed to serve the public.

mass immigration uk

When there is a massive, fast influx of population, then it is only logical that services designed for a low manageable population do not work anymore. The same goes for the Benefits system, which is now a serious burden to the taxpayer. If there are only a few taxpayers left, then who pays the Benefits and NHS bills? Logic again comes to the rescue. Well, as Maggie once said, “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.”

The No Borders activists who do not believe nations should have borders will also be suffering along with the rest of us now. Their free borders insanity means unfettered inward migration from the poorest nations of the world, all wanting the same thing, killing off the already struggling NHS and Benefits system once and for all. Can this tiny island accommodate the entire population of Sub Saharan Africa, the Middle East and South East Asia? According to them, it can, but physics says not.

Britain’s entire structure is built on a crumbling model that was not designed for massive population increases, especially in such a short time.

SovietThe future will indeed be very bleak for many, as the NHS will eventually succumb to the invading hordes, as will the social care system and benefits. The tiny lanes and narrow British roads will be unpassable due to the sheer number of vehicles all vying for the same space. Want a parking space? Fuck orf! There will be no parking spaces for your fucking vehicle, and there will be no hospital bed for your sick kid, and there will be no housing benefit for that single mother with seven kids, and there will be no ambulance when you are having a cardiac arrest.

Welcome to overcrowded Britain, where the houses are all squashed together, and you can’t swing an arm, let alone a cat. There is no space left, that is unless — they bulldoze all those lovely green fields and forests and build massive housing estates for the millions of more people, who all want an SUV, all want their kids to go to school, all want free healthcare and free money, free training, free food.

Forget about the rolling green hills of England …