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We Have to Thank Heroic Efforts of Elon Musk on Twitter


When a platform like Twitter has been subverted and perverted to such abhorrent levels of Stasi soviet censorship as well as blatant electioneering, it is going to take some time to right the wrongs. Even for someone of Elon Musk’s can-do abilities repairing Twitter and restoring some semblance of justice is not going to be easy.

Infested with woke Marxists who would not be out of place in Stalin’s Russia, Twitter even permanently shadowbanned the Daily Squib (@dailysquib) for no given reason other than for writing satire. The Daily Squib saw what happened during the 2020 elections, and we called out the ghosting of the Hunter Biden laptop story, which was completely ignored by the social networks and mainstream media. It was as if Hunter Biden never existed, and this ghosting of news reality was probably the reason we were shadowbanned by Twitter. The truth in a time of great deceit must be shut down, and the media colluded very well in shutting that story down, thus giving Joe Biden a skewed resulting win.

Twitter banned or shadowbanned accounts solely on their opposition to the Democrat socialist party stance. Liberals used to once be tolerant but the new liberals were intolerant and closer politically to communists than anything else.

You simply cannot have democratic elections if the opposing party’s voice or any dissenting voice is erased and cancelled. This is what the likes of Twitter did, they simply banned and silenced anyone who was not a woke communist mouthpiece. The Twitter Stasi board of censors thus created a sovietised echo chamber effect, where the only people allowed a voice on their platform were the ones saying the same thing. Much like an NPC chorus of collectivist Marxist rhetoric and mantras, Twitter had been completely ruined as a democratic forum for free speech.

The people who fear free speech are the extremists of political ideology and terrorist groups. Communists, socialists, fascists and groups like ISIS, ANTIFA, Al Qaeda, BLM.

The Daily Squib’s account was effectively silenced on Twitter, and funnily enough the Taliban account was given full freedom. Twitter also championed paedophilia on their platform and defended it from banning. Extremist internal terrorist groups like ANTIFA, who are influenced and controlled by the CCP, were also given full rein on Twitter, despite calling for violence and organising riots.

Despite multiple appeals, the DS has been fobbed off by the Twitter staff, and unfortunately Musk has also done nothing to change the fucked up status of the Squib. Eh, we could just delete our account and be done with it, but somehow there is always this niggling thought to fight for justice and the truth, and that’s what we fight for day in day out asking for nothing in return. Google has punished our site for daring to have independent thought, as has Facebook.

Free thought, and independent ideas are now a criminal act, political Juvenalian satire which was once protected by society is today hunted down and silenced.

If you value free speech, freedom of expression, art, and the satirical right to offend, then please support the Daily Squib. We fight for your rights when no one else gives a shit.

Much Ado About Nothing: Meghan & Harry Netflix Whingeing Extravaganza


While a horrid war is going on in Ukraine with millions of people suffering horrendous hardship and death, while people across Britain are suffering in fuel poverty, food poverty and job insecurity, here are these fuckers, Meghan and Harry moaning about their jet set life, their Montecito mansion, their privileged lifestyle where they are wallowing in more money and advantage than 99.99% of the population will ever know in their lives. This sickening vomitus couple are vile self-pitying morose creatures who are basically monetising past power plays and so-called ‘injustices’ that are in the scheme of things fucking trivial.

Netflix claims in the series that members of the royal family were approached for comment, but the royal palace has disputed that any member of the royal family was ever approached by the exploitative show. Therefore, the Netflix Meghan and Harry series starts off with a blatant lie, as it peddles its inane trivial self-pitying cowardly moan-fest.

The royal family have thus been cursed and will rue the day they ever allowed this nefarious viper into the fold. Meghan Markle, a despicable suppurating woke anal wart stalking the royal family with vicious lies, is clearly out to completely destroy their reputation and has even labelled the entire British population as racist.

This is about ego, narcissism and exploiting the memory of Princess Diana for money. Harry should hold his head in abject shame for besmirching the memory of his own mother by monetising her death via a tabloid exploitative reality show like Netflix. Scraping an already empty barrel for money, as the sycophantic leeches and parasites all nod their heads with every mundane narcissistic utterance from this vile grifting couple.

Sell your children for views, sell your dead mother for views, and sell your first world trivial grievances to people who are trying to survive in the real fucking world. Meghan and Harry are lower now than any Kardashian.

If you have a subscription to Netflix and have any dignity and pride, you should cancel it immediately, and if you don’t, you are worse than the scum who commissioned this shit, and the despicable nauseating narcissistic egotistical turds that star in it.

Putin Thanks EU For Importing Gas Worth 27 Billion euros


Between January and November 2022, the EU paid Moscow 27 billion euros ($28.4/£23.5 billion) in exchange for the record flows of liquid natural gas (LNG). Contradicting any supposed support for Ukraine and its struggle against the Russian invasion, the EU has been filling the coffers of the Kremlin and its relentless war machine.

“We show support with one hand to Ukraine, and with the other hand take billions worth of gas from Russia, giving Putin our full monetary support,” an unelected EU Commission technocrat revealed from a 4-star Michelin restaurant in Brussels.

This sort of duplicitous treachery is a familiar EU technique utilised by technocrats who view the population as a mere statistic to be exploited.

Energy market analysis firm ICIS for the German business newspaper Handelsblatt found that imports of LNG from Russia rose by 21 per cent over pre-war levels to the EU states between January and November 2022. The EU paid Moscow 27 billion euros supporting the Russian war machine against Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Putin, in his Moscow palace, could only smile like a Cheshire cat as he received another sycophantic brown-nosing phone call from French president Emmanuel Macron and more billions from the EU.

An Easy Guide to Cleaning Common Household Items


Keeping a spotless home can be a challenge. It can also be time-consuming and overwhelming. But it doesn’t have to be. By following our guide, you can get your home spotless in no time. Our guide will provide you with step-by-step instructions and practical tips on how to clean various surfaces, materials, and items.


How to Clean Specific Household Items: Kitchen Appliances, Carpet, Furniture, and More?

  • Refrigerator: Start by unplugging the appliance and removing all the food from inside. Wipe down the shelves and drawers with a damp cloth and baking soda solution. Wash with clean water and pat dry with a clean towel.
  • Stove: Remove the grates and burner caps, and soak them in hot, soapy water. Spray the stove and clean it with a damp cloth. If necessary, use a mild abrasive cleaner for tougher stains. Rinse with clean water and dry with a clean cloth or paper towel.
  • Mirror: Your worry about how to clean a mirror ends right here. Apply your glass cleaning solution on the mirror and spray it down. If you want a spotless gloss, pick up a microfiber cloth. To prevent spreading dirt and debris, try to always use the same edges of the cloth. When the mirror is spotless, go to a new part of the space to check for any overlooked spots.
  • Microwave: Place a bowl filled with one cup of water and one tablespoon of vinegar inside the microwave. Heat for three to five minutes until the water boils. Let it sit for a few minutes, then open the door and wipe away any food or grease residue with a clean cloth.
  • Coffee Maker: Make sure the coffee maker is unplugged. Fill the carafe with equal parts water and white vinegar, and place it in the machine. Start the brewing cycle, and allow it to run halfway through. Stop the machine, and let it sit for an hour. Start the cycle again, and allow it to complete. Rinse with clean water, and wipe down the exterior of the coffee maker with a damp cloth.
  • Carpet: Make sure you have everything you need to clean your carpet before you get started. You will need a vacuum, a dust beater, a bristle brush, a sponge, and mild dish soap. Use a carpet beater to get rid of the crumbs and dust. Scrub the carpet or wash it if there are stubborn stains. Let the sun dry your carpet.
  • Furniture: When you’re done dusting your woven furniture, mix some white vinegar and olive oil. The stains and dirt on your wood furniture are no match for this magical cleaner. Buff the wood with a clean, lint-free cloth to finish off this cleaning process. It is recommended to wait at least two hours after applying the oil to the furniture before reusing it. 

Tackling the mess of everyday life can seem like a daunting task. But with the right tools and a bit of knowledge, it doesn’t have to be. A little bit of effort and the right supplies can go a long way when it comes to getting your home spotless. Remember to use the proper cleaning products for each type of material, and don’t forget to wear protective gear when dealing with particularly dirty items.

Beyond Satire: Minneapolis to Pay BLM Rioters For Burning Down City


Socialist thought and insanity go hand in hand it seems in American Democrat states. The city of Minneapolis are to pay BLM looters and arsonists who practically levelled the city with their riots.

Get Paid to Riot

“We are going to pay each and every BLM rioter who burned large swathes of the city down. Thank you for your service. The $600,000 will go to you buying more Molotov cocktails, and guns, so you can loot the city more efficiently next time. Many hard-working business people deserve to have their shops burned down by angry mobs of BLM looters. They deserve to be punished, and to lose their livelihoods, and for the city of Minneapolis legislators to award thousands of dollars to the very people who burned down police stations and hundreds of businesses to the ground. We honour you with this money. Why not invest in a condo in Hawaii, like BLM chief Marxist Cullors did with the millions of dollars she stole to fund her property empire? Remember, it’s not about helping black people, but about profiting off their misery and also burning down their businesses and neighbourhoods to the ground. Please carry on. We are insane…waaah, goo, goo, blanca, mamon bumba…blurb…bzzzzt! Here, have some more cash. Remember folks, it pays to commit heinous crimes in Minneapolis.”

BLM Peaceful Protests

The city of Minneapolis has agreed to a settlement involving a dozen people who were allegedly injured during the protests and riots after the death of George Floyd in 2020.

In a Wednesday press release, the Minnesota chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) announced that Minneapolis will pay $600,000 to be split among the 12 plaintiffs, meaning they each will get $50,000. ACLU was one of three firms who banded together in a class action lawsuit on behalf of the demonstrators. The case stems from two separate lawsuits that were consolidated.

business burned to the ground by BLM, buckled ash in the fire continues in Minneapolis
Business burned to the ground. Result of Minneapolis rioting and arson by peaceful BLM protesters

Biden’s US Economy is a Sinking Turd


“This turd don’t even float, man, it’s a sinking turd,” Alan Jaminski, a prominent economist revealed on Tuesday.

“According to Joe Biden’s people, everything is A-OK and dandy in the economy. Businesses are making huge profits and consumers are lapping that shit like it’s honey from a fat bee’s asshole. Well, take a walk through any strip mall, or mall, and you can see the real America for yourself. People? Where are the fuckin’ people? Look at the damn prices, and you may get a clue why folks aren’t crowding around to buy stuff anymore. Supply lines are cut, farmers can’t afford fertiliser or to feed their livestock, businesses can’t get the right goods or spare parts, and consumers can’t afford to pay the huge price increases of products. But, don’t worry, it’s going to get a hell of a lot worse soon, just wait and see. While Biden is twiddling his thumbs and sleeping on his plush pillow, the economy is going to fall like a motherfuckin’ brick…hopefully on Sleepy Joe’s fuckin’ head, so the old senile coot wakes up a lil.”

While the Christmas shoppers stay at home and try to warm themselves off the heat from the Christmas tree lights, America’s malls are empty. These vast spaces, immaculately cleaned and designed to maximise the shopping experience for America’s consumers, are mostly empty and loaded with unsold stock. Rows and rows of shelves with expensive stock fill these empty stores, and one wonders, how do these businesses stay afloat?

The Big Short

You want to invest in the stock market? Hell, first you have to do your research in the real world. Go to an empty mall and look around. All of this shit is not mentioned in any spreadsheet or Wall Street periodical, or the government. Instead, there is a huge hush, a silence over the magnitude of this cost of living nightmare that could even spell the end of the entire premise of a ‘consumer culture’.

Protected: Protect Your Privacy When You Play Online Poker


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Meghan and Harry Hired Photographers to Document Need For More Privacy


“We wanted more privacy, so we hired a crew of cameramen and photographers to make a documentary on our need for increased privacy,” Harry revealed in the latest trailer for the couple’s Netflix series.

Life is terrible when you live in a $15 million Montecito mansion with 16 bathrooms, and vast manicured gardens around you.

Invasion of privacy

“We left Britain because we wanted more privacy from the horrid British people. That’s why you have to watch our new documentary, where photographers and video cameras record our every moaning session about our privacy being breached,” Meghan Markel remarked whilst being filmed in the privacy of her Montecito mansion.

In the upcoming documentary every private moment of the couple is filmed in glorious detail so that people can know that privacy is important especially if you are being paid millions of dollars to being filmed in private.

Government Finally Admits to Geoengineering Chemtrails


You ever wondered what those perfect straight lines criss-crossing in the sky were? They certainly were not regular jet contrails because they did not dissipate, instead lingering slowly stretching out in stringy weirdness unnaturally across the sky.

The US government has finally admitted that chemtrails are real, and not some conspiracy theory to be dismissed.

The White House Admits It: We Might Need to Block the Sun to Stop Climate Change

The U.S. government also signalled last month that it’s looking into one of the most controversial and consequential climate change-fighting tactics yet.

On Oct. 13, the White House announced that it was funding a five-year-research plan into one of the most controversial proposals for fighting climate change out there: geoengineering, or the technologies and innovations that can be used to artificially modify the Earth’s climate.

The report will be dedicated specifically to a form of geoengineering known as solar radiation management. This is a technique that essentially involves spraying fine aerosols into the atmosphere to reflect sunlight away from the Earth. The idea is that, once it’s reflected, there’ll be less heat and temperatures will go down.

Naturally, they have been doing this already for decades, but the US government is the first to ever admit such a program exists.

London: Inside the Capital City Taken Hostage by Brutal Gangs


In London, you cannot see the boundaries, but you must know where they are. Your life may depend on it. Competing gangs are carving up the British capital, kidnapping, raping, and killing at will. They demarcate their territory in blood. Cross from one gang’s turf to another, and you may not make it back.

Those who live here carry a mental map, dividing this teeming city into white, grey, and brown zones. White means gang free, grey can be safe today and deadly tomorrow, and brown is a no-go area. The white area is shrinking as heavily armed gangs tighten their grip across the capital.

Armed groups control – and terrorise – at least 80% of the capital and its surroundings, according to British human rights groups. They encircle the city, controlling roads in and out.

Criminal With a Knife

This report contains content which some readers may find upsetting

London is nestled along the fouled, dirty waters of the Thames river. It is blanketed by fog, pollution and neglect. The rubbish is knee-deep in places — a putrid monument to crumbling councils, strikes and Mayor Sadiq Khan. There is no functioning government, no functioning parliament and the EU-backed prime minister, Rishi Sunak, is unelected and deeply unpopular.

The state is missing in action, as the people suffer overlapping crises. Almost half the population – 4.7 million Londoners – are facing acute hunger, and fuel poverty. In the capital, around 7.8 million people are facing famine-like conditions, according to the UN. This is a first for Britain. Victorian style poverty has made a deadly comeback. But armed gangs are the greatest plague.

They set the clock here. Morning rush hour – between 05:00 and 10:00 – is peak kidnapping and robbery time. Many are snatched from the streets on their way to work. Others are targeted in the evening rush hour – from 15:00 to 20:00.

About sixty of the staff at our downtown hotel live in because it’s too dangerous for them to go home. Few here go out after dark. The manager says he never leaves the building.

Kidnapping is a growth industry. There were 10,107 reported cases between January and October of this year, according to the UN. For some gangs, it’s a major income stream. Ransoms can run from £200 to £10m. Most victims come back alive — if the ransom is paid — but they are made to suffer.

albanian gangsters

Morning in Stoke Newington

We travel around by armoured car. Normally that’s reserved for frontlines in war zones like Ukraine, but it’s necessary in Sadiq Khan’s London to ward off the mainly Albanian kidnappers. It is a protection that many here can’t afford. Bankrupt Britain is now the poorest  and most violent country in Western Europe, thanks to the massive influx of many of the EU’s most ferocious criminals.

Driving to an early morning appointment in late November, we come across a crime scene in the middle-class gentrified enclave of Stoke Newington. Bullet casings litter the pavement, glinting under the grimly lit street lights, and a man lies dead in a back alley, face down in a pool of blood, his steaming brain glistens on the pavement before a stray dog comes along and hungrily devours it.

A yellow scooter has veered into a wall, one side riddled with holes. An AK-47 lies on the ground beside it. Heavily armed police surround the scooter, some with faces covered and weapons drawn. Onlookers cluster together on the path. If they have questions, they don’t ask them. When you live in the shadow of the gangs, it pays to be silent.

The police tell us they were involved in a shoot-out with a group of kidnappers, out early hoping to snatch their next victim. The gang fled on foot, one of them trailing blood. The suspected kidnapper was tracked to the alley, where he was killed.

“There was a battle between an officer and the bad guys. One of them died,” says a police veteran of 27 years, who didn’t want to be named.

He says the situation in the capital has never been worse. I asked if the gangs were unstoppable. “We stopped them. Today,” he replies.

Thief Threatening Woman While Stealing Backpack From Car

Across town that same morning John Smith, a 52-year-old businessman, heard a burst of gunfire as he was stuck in traffic. He saw armed men holding up the two cars in front of him, so asked his driver to turn around. But as they tried to get away, they were spotted.

“Out of nowhere I was shot inside my own car, and there was blood everywhere,” he tells us, sitting up on a trolley in a hospital corridor run by the National Health Service (NHS).

“I could have been shot in the head,” he says, “and there were other people in the car too.” There’s a bandage on his arm, where a bullet went straight through.

I ask if he has ever thought about leaving the country to escape the violence. “Ten million times,” he replies. “I couldn’t even call my mother to tell her what happened [to me] because she is getting old. The way things are here, it’s better to leave if you can.”

That’s a refrain we hear again and again, but for most Londoners, there’s nowhere to go.

The wards of the NHS hospital are full of gunshot victims, many hit by stray bullets. Tina, who has a freshly bandaged stump in place of her left leg, tells me that she can never play football now that she is disabled. Lying nearby is 45-year-old Jasper, who is doing a crossword puzzle to pass the time. He was shot in the buttocks — twice.

“My wife and I went out to get something to eat,” he says. “While we were ordering, I felt something. That’s when I fell and screamed in agony. I didn’t expect to survive. I usually hear gunshots further away from my house. On that day, they drove closer.”

The testimonies I have gathered here are among the worst I have ever heard in more than 30 years as a foreign correspondent, reporting from over 80 countries. And it feels like we have barely scratched the surface.

london baseball bat

For the gangs of London, there are no limits.

In just a few days, I met four victims of gang shootings, seven kidnap victims, and twenty-three robbery victims – the youngest only 16. As usual, none of the crimes committed on these people had been solved.

One man who was robbed of his life savings described his attacker in great detail: “He had a gun in one hand and was wearing a bright orange lifeboat vest. While he forced me to take out my life savings from the cashpoint, he was stuffing all the money into a plastic bag which had a Calais supermarket logo on it. I then assumed he was not from here originally. I tried to run away, but he knocked me out.”

While the London Mayor and British government does nothing, it is business as usual for the gangs.

Local sources say armed groups are brutally expanding their territory because elections are overdue. When politicians come looking for votes – in gang held areas – they have to pay off the gunmen.

Under the London Mayor Sadiq Khan, the city is now a cesspit of drugs, gangs, violent robberies and kidnap.

The boundaries here are once again being redrawn in blood and gang feuds. Those living in the city live in a state of perpetual fear and misery.

Additional reporting by Rimbaud Balsac, Apollo Inaire and Pringles Lautrec