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Friday, October 18, 2024
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Progressive Leftists the Labour Party are Now the Nasty Party


They used to tout themselves as the political party of empathy and being nice, in reality they are worse cunts than the Tory Party ever were, and it seems Labour is worsening every day. These vile, malicious progressive leftists, when it comes down to the wire, are worse than any other political group. What they are doing to Britain’s pensioners is indefensible and all the while they are claiming there is a £20 billion black hole in the budget but still giving train drivers who earn £70,000 per annum huge 15% pay rises, and doctors who earn £160,000 per annum even higher pay rises, all under the belt of the Marxist unions whose staff alone earn vast salaries with gold-plated diamond encrusted pensions and expense accounts.


It is safe to say that the Labour Party are now the official Nasty Party, and 10 million pensioners this winter will remember them as such when they have to choose between eating or heating their home.

The progressive far-left Labour Party has no empathy as they use pensioners as their personal piggy bank to raid. They have no mercy as they punish people who have worked hard all their lives and paid enormous levels of tax to successive governments only to have their mere pensions raided by a bunch of jumped up Marxist cunts on steroids.

The duplicitous hypocrisy of Labour’s Nasty Party deputy Angela Rayner and robotic PM Keir Starmer make a good team in bringing misery upon misery upon the British people, including the low-IQ voter base of the Labour heartlands.

Experts: Why Harry is Desperate to Reconcile With the Royal Family he Hates


One may think it strange that after giving the British royal family a serious shedload of vitriol and nastiness in the press and in tell-all books that the wayward Prince Harry was well done with the Windsors, but apparently not. For some reason, he now wants to reconcile with his brother William and the King, or maybe he is being egged on by someone to do so. Despite previously demanding a grovelling public apology from King Charles and Prince William, Harry is now begging to come back into the fold on a limited basis and seeing as there was no apology from the royals, he is so desperate that he is even foregoing on the apology in his rush to get back into the Firm. To reconcile with the royal family is now priority number one for the Sussex Squad led by masterminds Meghan Markle and Omid Scobie.

Royal expert, Hugh Levington Carrington Smythe reveals the truth of the matter.

“They desperately need more material. Most certainly it is Meghan pushing Harry into a possible reconciliation. The Netflix thing has dried up because there is no more fuel in the can as they have already spilled the beans on everything they knew. Netflix and the other US trash media are hungry for fresh news and salty details about the Windsors. In isolation thousands of miles away from the source of their income, they need to be around the royals so they can get more gasoline to throw on the fire thus keeping their money making train going by selling out and trashing the royal family.

“The truth is that the Sussexes have capitalised on their royal title up to a point, but it’s not enough to keep up with their very expensive private jet lifestyle. They are leaking hundreds of thousands of dollars per week on useless Meghan initiatives, lawyers, PR, private security, clothes and private jets as well as the upkeep of their Montecito Mcmansion with all the staff.

“The Meghan plan for Harry is to infiltrate the Windsors proclaiming a faux reconciliation and to eventually get them talking about private matters again. This may take a few trips, or maybe a lengthier stay, but this is the ultimate plan. As Meghan knows, it is all about finding the weak spots in a target then capitalising on that.

“Once the Sussexes have gleaned enough information then they will simply rinse and repeat their previous malicious attacks on the royal family. It is sad that Harry and Meghan made the last few years of the late Queen Elizabeth II’s life so miserable, but it is possible they will have no qualms about doing the same to King Charles III for money.

“Meghan’s American River Orchard brand is being universally panned and that grift may actually lose money than make any. Netflix is down the poo chute because producers only want new material and not rehashed gossip and stories from 10 years ago.

“It’s all down to making money off the Windsor family and using their Sussex brand as much as possible, and to reconcile with the royal family is now the big plan.”

NO FREEDOM UK: Petrol Car Sales Restricted


What’s it like living in a supposedly free country when you cannot do things or buy things you want? Britain is not a free country, and some would say it never has been a free country, but things are becoming untenable with idiotic virtue signalling rules and regulations that restrict our limited freedoms even more. Welcome to No Freedom UK.

Want to buy a petrol car? Tough fucking luck, you will be forced to buy an electric vehicle at extortionate prices, and with limited charging facilities.

Rationing has now been imposed by the totalitarian Government, which has ruled that at least 22 per cent of cars sold in Britain must be electric. In order for manufacturers to avoid prohibitive net-zero fines, the roll-out of petrol vehicles must now be delayed.

Rip Off Britain

Electric vehicles are disproportionally sold at insanely high prices in the UK, purely because of the tax they incur when imported into the country. Naturally, these costs are then pushed on to the consumer.

The charging infrastructure is very poor in the UK, and if you manage to drive to a rare charging station be prepared to queue for hours at the overcrowded forecourt as electric charge rage occurs with drivers desperate to charge their car indulging in fist fights and stabbings to use the high charging stations.

Net Zero is Useless

Even if every person disappeared in the UK, the effect that this would have on the global environment would be 0.0000000000001%. While countries like China and India pump out billions of tonnes of pollution into the atmosphere and oceans, and build thousands of coal-fired power stations per month. China and India have a combined population of 2.9 billion people, and they are all contributing to the world’s destruction. Net Zero is an absolutely useless virtue signalling operation that will impoverish and ruin many peoples’ lives. Boris Johnson was meant to give us Brexit, but instead he gave us Net Zero and a huge influx of migrants. Thank you for your service, Boris.

No Freedom UK

You cannot buy a petrol car, you cannot smoke in a pub garden, you cannot smoke in public, you cannot defend yourself or your family with weapons, you can be arrested and jailed for writing a few words on social media etc …


Starmer to Ban Eating in Restaurants – Latest Labour Bill Passed Through Parliament


The new Labour government under the stalwart leadership of PM Keir Starmer has proposed a new law banning eating in restaurants in the UK. According to the new legislation, restaurants would be either shut down or fined hundreds of thousands of pounds if any customer is found eating food on their premises. Some say that to ban eating in restaurants is counteractive, but they were quickly silenced.

Eating food in public has been found to be harmful, and many people are triggered when they see other people eating food.

Today’s debate in parliament was certainly interesting when an MP from the opposition took out a ham sandwich during the debate and openly took a few bites out of it in front of the House. There were howls of outrage from the Labour politicians, and one female Labour MP fainted at the disgraceful sight.

Eating food in public and especially in restaurants will be banned when the ‘Restaurant Food Eating Bill’ is passed through the House of Lords next week.

Restaurant owners received the news in disbelief but were simply told to ‘shut up, there is nothing you can do about it’ by the Labour Minister of Food Consumption Lisa Munchetty.

Today, Keir Starmer also announced a new task force that will police all restaurants in the UK. The ‘Food Police’ will have powers to confiscate food from restaurant goers if they are caught trying to eat it, and give out fines to restaurants where patrons are caught eating food. The ‘Food Police’ even have powers to forensically analyse a patron’s stools after they have passed food through their intestinal system. If the food is deemed to have been consumed in a restaurant through forensic analysis, then the faeces would be confiscated and filed as evidence for the ongoing court cases and eventual imprisonment.

Experts: “Harry Willing to Leave Meghan Behind to Come Back to UK”


Serious cracks are being formed in the marriage of former working royal Prince Harry and Meghan Markle as he desires to come back to the UK, but she has vowed never to set foot in the country ever again. Prince Harry has reportedly told friends he feels like a ‘spare’ and ‘second wheel’ to Meghan Markle in the United States, insiders have claimed.  He is so desperate to get away that he is even willing to leave Meghan behind in California. Playing second fiddle to a monstrous narcissist however plays into the hands of Markle who under California law stands to take everything from Harry and more.

“That’s her final pay off, and she has counted on this moment since before she even met Harry. The entire operation was a very well planned grift, and Meghan has been charging by the hour ever since. She views Harry as a lost kid, and she’s the mummy figure, but at some stage the kid realises there’s more to life than just the mummy figure and Meghan was counting on this moment all along. Harry was snatched away and convinced by this fake mummy figure who he longed for since Princess Diana’s death to move far away from his comfort zone. She essentially isolated him, which gave her even more control over him, up to a point. Her finite plan was to create a ruse of settling down in California, a place where fake and plastic yes-men and yes-women always say nice things to your face yet shit on you from behind the scenes. American life for a British royal is a fundamentally lonely and crass non-existence, and Harry now understands this stalemate situation,” royal commentator, Edwin Farthington Mallory Smythe revealed on Monday.

According to reports from Montecito, Harry is now turning away from the plethora of parasitic Hollywood publicists surrounding him brought on by Markle and is seeking counsel from his old friends and associates. Harry is sickened by the fake Hollywood people surrounding them and is fully prepared to leave Meghan behind amongst the “jackals and hyenas”.

The former working royal is reaching out thinking that he needs to do something different because what he’s doing is clearly not working. Obviously, Prince Harry is rethinking the way he operates and is now finally realising that he was manipulated from the beginning by arch manipulator Meghan Markle.

Harry has been desperately texting his friends in the UK via WhatsApp pleading for ways to bring him home back from the cold.

To be fair, does the UK and British royal family want Harry to come back after the immense damage he has committed not only against his own country but his own family who gave him everything he wanted all his life, only to be treated terribly and denigrated by the wayward prince?

Labour Condemns OAPs to Riding Buses and Sleeping in Libraries This Winter


Old age pensioners will be condemned to riding buses and trains all day and sleeping in libraries this winter just to stay warm. Other methods to keep warm are being explored by some innovative OAPs who have had their winter fuel payments snatched from them by the Labour government who have already squandered billions pandering to the Marxist unions, propping up unionised job sectors that are already swimming in grotesquely high salaries. Ten million pensioners will be affected by this heartless and evil decision to punish pensioners. Labour condemns OAPs in Britain to a tortuous, sad ending of their lives.

So, how can you stay warm when you are a lonely, old, possibly sick pensioner? One of the main ways is to stay in an area where there are lots of people. Examples of this would be shopping malls, train stations, buses, libraries, airports, hospital cafés, leisure centres.


Libraries are always a good bet, although the government is shutting many of them down. There are free newspapers, so pensioners can even put a few layers of newspaper on their bodies for an extra layer of warmth. Most libraries open at 9am–6.30pm, and some libraries even close at 8pm. If you can afford to take a flask of tea or soup, that can help as well. Libraries are nice and warm and generally with minimal noise levels, so sleep can be accommodated quite easily.

Shopping Malls

Not everyone has a shopping mall near them, but if you do, then it would be good to capitalise on this. Shopping malls are usually well heated places away from the brutal cold and rain. You can sit in many places as there are benches in most areas. Due to most businesses going bankrupt, a lot of shopping malls in Britain are nearly empty, so the noise levels won’t be so bad. The best days to go are during weekdays, but best to avoid the weekends as there is a slight increase in footfall.

oap train 1 labour condemns oaps

Underground Trains and Stations

If you live in London, get on the Underground. It’s nice and warm down there, and when the train comes through the tunnel, and you’re on the platform, you get a nice waft of warm air. Get on the train and ride it all the way to the end of the line and back. You can do this all day, catching some sleep along the way. Rush hour is a bit shitty, but if you’re seated, no worries. Take a small blanket if you need one, a flask and some sarnies. The best line to use is the Piccadilly Line because it goes all the way up to Heathrow from Cockfosters station. Overground stations are also an option but not as warm as other options, plus there are too many grifters, tramps and weirdos around.

These are some of the options available for OAPs during the 6 months of bone chilling winter in the UK. If you have dementia, then please ask for help from someone when getting on the trains and buses to stay warm. The irony is that the very train drivers who have been unjustly awarded £80,000 salaries at the expense of OAPs thanks to the unions and Labour will be the ones ferrying you around day in day out as you fight to keep warm. As Labour condemns OAPs to a life of living hell, it’s a good thing that they are at least caring for the pampered and very rich train drivers as well as ASLEF Union staff supping at Claridges.

Labour is Killing Off the Economy as Business, Entrepreneurs and Foreign Investment Flee UK


Labour, under the insane leadership of Keir Starmer and Chancellor of the Exchequer Rachel Reeves, is killing off the UK’s economy already by its proposed massive hikes in taxation planned for the dastardly October budget. This demented Labourite drubbing of the cogs that are crucial to the economy is testament to deluded socialist economic fuckery that will condemn Britain to a permanent state of economic depression and will invariably filter through to the funding ability of the massive welfare budget burden. The wholesale murder of aspiration and wealth is a Labour trademark that belies its absurd socialist and Marxist anti-capitalist economic ideology. All of this arrogant madness continues while Labour gaslights the public.

The exodus of wealthy individuals, entrepreneurs, and investors from the UK is already being reported, as fears grow over the expected tax hikes in the upcoming Budget. This trend, if it continues, will have devastating long-term effects on the British economy, undermining its growth potential and reducing its attractiveness as a global business hub.

empty london centre 1 empty london city centre 2 Labour is Killing Off the Economy

Capital Gains Tax

One of the primary concerns is the anticipated increase in Capital Gains Tax (CGT). Currently, gains made from selling a business are taxed at 20%, but many investors and business owners fear that Labour will seek to equalize CGT with income tax rates, which could rise to 45% for additional rate payers.

This significant hike would drastically reduce the returns on investments, disincentivising entrepreneurs from starting new ventures and encouraging existing business owners to sell their companies before the changes take effect.

This “rush for exits” is already underway, with entrepreneurs scrambling to finalise deals and avoid the looming tax threat.

The potential impact on the UK’s economy cannot be understated. Entrepreneurs and wealthy individuals play a critical role in driving economic growth through investment, job creation, and innovation. Labour is killing all of this off in one fell swoop.

The uncertainty and anxiety surrounding Labour’s diabolical tax plans are prompting many of these key players to relocate their wealth and businesses to more tax-friendly jurisdictions such as Italy, the UAE, and Switzerland.

These countries offer more favourable tax regimes, allowing investors and business owners to protect their assets from punitive taxation. The loss of these wealth creators will result in a significant decline in investment within the UK, leading to slower economic growth and fewer job opportunities.

The mass exodus of high-net-worth individuals and businesses will invariably have a ripple effect on the broader economy. Small businesses, which often rely on investment and support from larger companies and wealthy individuals, will find it increasingly difficult to secure the funding they need to grow.

The departure of key entrepreneurs will also lead to a brain drain, as top talent follows businesses and opportunities abroad. This would further weaken the UK’s competitive edge in the global market, making it harder to attract and retain the best minds and ideas.

Non Doms

The abolition of the non-dom regime, which has historically attracted foreign investment and talent to the UK, is another area of concern. Non-doms contribute significantly to the economy, bringing in investment and creating jobs. However, Labour’s changes are already driving many non-doms to seek alternative locations. As these individuals and their wealth leave the UK, the country risks losing not only their financial contributions, but also the businesses and industries that rely on their investments.

Labour’s ill-conceived high-taxation policies, are already having severe unintended consequences for the UK economy.

Labour is Killing Off the Economy and punishing all forms of aspiration in the UK. The exodus of entrepreneurs, businesses, and investors threatens to undermine economic growth, reduce job creation, and weaken the UK’s position as a global business hub. As always with a Labour government, none of these negative variables were probably ever discussed or even considered before implementation.

Everything is okay and there is nothing to see here.

Comrade Keir Stalin: “No! Labour is Not Gaslighting the British People!”


Comrades, you are not aware of what we are doing to you, and that is a good thing. We want you to stay in that very state of unawareness. No! We are not gaslighting the British people, honestly I can attest to that fact, you must be crazy to think that we would ever lie or gaslight you. You’re making things up. Please go back to watching another episode of Strictly or The Voice.

“It’s obvious that we look on the proles and taxpayers with the highest level of contempt, but Labour will continue to praise you during our speeches as we deny fleecing you for every fucking penny from your pockets whilst we blame everyone else for the problems Britain faces and not the great Labour Party, who are faultless in everything.

“Don’t forget, if you ask us a question, we will change the subject or ask a question back, thus making you doubt yourself and your initial question. You are overreacting, please calm down, there is nothing wrong apart from your own hysteria.

“Labour emphatically denies reversing Brexit. You are deluded and clearly bonkers to think that the much-hated Brexit deal will be reversed in any way and your democratic vote to leave the EU in 2016 reversed completely when we reverse Brexit by denying we are reversing Brexit during the push for ever closer union and reset with the EU. Gaslighting? You must be dreaming, have a cream soda and chill the fuck out.

“Comrades, the portrait of former Tory scum PM, Margaret Thatcher, has mysteriously disappeared from Number 10 Downing Street. I emphatically deny knowing any knowledge of how this has happened and if you ask why or how this happened I will deny any knowledge of such things and tell you, you must have been mistaken and dreamed it all up.

“Everything, and we mean absolutely everything, is the fault of other people, right-wingers and Tories. Remember that if you can you stupid fucking proles.

“You know how much Labour loves you, we would never completely impoverish you and make your filthy lives a living hell.  We’re doing this because we care and love you. Come on, get with the picture. Now take that man away to the Gulag!”

The Daily Squib publication only has the highest praise for Stasi Britain and its Stasi Thoughtcrime Police. Hail the Labour Party and its Supreme Comrade Starmer.



Supreme Comrade Starmer of the EU UK Soviet Labour Stasi Party has today announced a new direktive that forbids any form of smoking in public. DIREKTIVE 23912A was announced forbidding smoking in public places including pub gardens, vehicles, roads, alleyways, shops, public buildings, beaches, mountains or under the sea.


“Comrades, commissars, Bolsheviks, Stasi Thoughtpolice, and the lowly proles, today I announce another Soviet Labour Stasi Party Direktive for your own benefit. DIREKTIVE 23912A forbids anyone from smoking cigarettes/cigars/vapes or any other kind of smoking in a public place.

“Anyone caught smoking will immediately have their Choco Rations removed completely and taken away by the Labour Stasi to a Gulag somewhere in Northern England.

Pub landlords who try to keep their pub from going under by allowing smoking will be removed forthwith and sent to a re-education centre and their public house seized by the state. The state is going to eventually seize all pubs anyway, so you should be honoured to be the first ones.

“Comrades, today I have also formed a new task force to tackle this problem. The Stasi Smoking Squad.

“In the interests of our communist nanny state, all smoking paraphernalia found in any public place will also be seized by the state.

“Citizens are encouraged to report anyone smoking to the Stasi, and if you report your friends, neighbours, teachers, pupils, workers, siblings, relatives or parents you will be awarded an increase of 3.6 grams of chocolate ration per year.”

The Daily Squib publication only has the highest praise for Stasi Britain and its Stasi Thoughtcrime Police. Hail the Labour Party and its Supreme Comrade Starmer.


Starmer and Olaf Scholz to Reverse Brexit Brick by Brick


There’s a good reason why arch Remainers in the previous Conservative government purposefully killed off the Tory Party and lost the election — Labour. As everyone knows, Labour is completely anti-Brexit and anti-Democratic, and the Remainer Tories knew this was their best bet for rejoining the EU. This is why the Tory Party was essentially torn apart and dismantled. Operation Reset is the initial introductory phase and the first step for incorporating the Labour agenda to reverse Brexit.

Cue the election, et voila, the Labourite anti-Brexiteers were in and the “Operation Reset” strategy to undo Brexit was now a very real thing.

This is why Starmer is now in Germany, which is the heart and engine of the EU Fourth Reich. Keir Starmer needs Olaf Scholz of Germany to carry out his plan to undo Brexit and return the UK into the waiting arms of the EU.

Naturally in Brussels the EU hierarchy are watching and listening with eagerness to everything, and no doubt salivating at the mouth at the very thought of a UK coming back to the EU bloc with its tail firmly between its legs. The EU knows that to reverse Brexit things will have to be conducted slowly and with care so that the Brexiteers in the UK are not alerted to the entire process.

The EU does not do anything without the other side capitulating to its ever-increasing demands, and Starmer will gladly hand over any hard-won sovereignty to the EU without blinking a false eyelash. Brexit will be reversed drip by drip and the “Operation Reset” strategy is the beginning phase in a long process that will take years to achieve.

Now is the time to act as Labour sees it, as the Brexiteers in parliament have been either incapacitated completely or neutered.

Nigel Farage, and his two or three members in the House of Commons may start barking their discontent, but essentially they have little or no power against the entire political and corporate institutions which are effectively a Remainer construct. There is too much money involved for the Remainers to stop selling out the UK and its sovereignty as well as its freedom.