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Prince Harry Therapist Could Be Woke Programmer


Prince Harry’s therapist knew that he was a very good and pliant candidate for conversion into the Woke cult through his dissociative identity disorder. One very prevalent feature about cults generally is that they alienate the victim from their own family. Harry has been brainwashed through trauma based programming techniques usually reserved for clandestine agents or slaves.

Trauma based mind control and brainwashing techniques were accelerated and adopted for modern use by the Nazis in World War II, and involved fracturing the mind of the victim to create multiple personas that could then be controlled by the operator of the technique. These fractured individuals called ‘alters’ could then operate with multiple personalities working independently of each other without the knowledge of each area existing. Certain trigger words would be implanted by the controller within sections of the subconscious mind to switch the victim from one region to another. After WW II ended, the Nazi scientists were absorbed into the newly formed CIA and other agencies.

Trauma creates an amnesiac effect in the brain, that’s why when you have an event like a car crash, the brain creates an amnesiac barrier to protect the trauma victim from reliving the traumatic episode constantly. By creating many different traumatic spliced points in the mind, the operators of mind control can even embed false memories or instructions for the victim to complete certain tasks. In relation to Harry, the trauma of his childhood, losing his mother, as well his copious use of drugs and his genetic makeup enabled the dissociated identities and inaccurate delusions to be formed by those controlling him now.

Mind Control Programming is most certainly installed below the level of consciousness of the mind of the victim. The programming deliberately creates ‘dissociative identity disorder’ (DID), also known as ‘multiple personality disorder’ (MPD), and installs memory blocks in the victim’s mind that the victim has no memory nor awareness of being programmed and used. The mind is literally fractured into many sections, each working without knowledge of the other existing.

Prince Harry thus thinks he is getting therapy, however his master controller is programming him, as is his other controller Meghan Markle, who has made Harry believe that she is his mother. He has already lost one mother, therefore he will do everything he can to please her for fear of losing his new mother figure.

The controller endeavours to implant thoughts, directives, and perceptions in the unconscious mind, often in newly-formed trauma-induced dissociated identities, that force the victim to do, feel, think, or perceive things for the purposes of the programmer. The objective is for the victim to follow directives with no conscious awareness, including execution of acts in clear violation of the victim’s moral principles, spiritual convictions, and volition. Installation of mind control programming relies on the victim’s capacity to dissociate, which permits the creation of new walled-off personalities to “hold” and “hide” programming.

The newly adopted Woke abstraction as a control system is one cult that utilises the age-old trauma based mind control techniques on its followers. When one employs a therapist, it is rare for the therapist to reveal their private affiliations to any cult or system. Your therapist could effectively be a satanist for all you care, yet they are a registered therapist. Woke practitioners also utilise methods of ‘gaslighting’ techniques to make the victim believe that reality is not actually reality. Gaslighting is another additional form of psychological abuse utilised by the controllers in which a person or group causes someone to question their own sanity, memories, or perception of reality.

Since meeting the Markle, Harry has been transformed completely and is most certainly an asset for some form of controller to carry out their bidding. The destruction of the British monarchy benefits many enemies of the UK. Harry is just a vessel for this destructive purpose, and now does not have a personality or individual thought of his own anymore.

One could easily postulate that what used to be Harry, through years of brainwashing, is no more. He is simply a walking vessel where his controllers embed thoughts and false memories into his mind to carry out their evil plans.

How does this factor in with the royal family and Harry? Unfortunately, he is now too far gone to ever return to his true home and family.

Is the British Monarchy Now a Laughing Stock After Harry Book?


The first instalment of a four book deal with publishers Penguin, Spare, has certainly livened things up in the monarchy scene. Along with tarnishing his own already sullied reputation, Harry has not only made a mockery of himself but the Windsor clan, and the institution of the British monarchy as a whole. As for the Taliban and assorted Jihadists, they’re sharpening their knives with various Fatwa contracts on the go as we write.

The essentially cowardly actions of a desperate, vengeful junkie towards a defenceless Windsor clan is viewed with moral outrage by many, especially as Harry will make over $50 million for the book series. Punch drunk on blood money, the former working royal can sit back in one of his 16 bathroom jacuzzis and break out the champers, no doubt snorting a few lines as well.

Where do we go from here? Already scraping the bottom of the barrel, where is Harry going to get more dirt and royal secrets to spill for hard cash, seeing as he has already crossed the supposed red line that Charles set out?

Say nothing, never complain, is okay to a point, however no royal in history has been attacked with such vicious ferocity and never retaliated. This is essentially a war, but if the king does not defend his nation and institution from incessant attack in a war, he will be judged as weak and lose respect from the Kingdom. In royal terms, the weak never survive, and if Charles embraces weakness, these are certainly the last days of the British monarchy. It was only four hundred years ago that Harry would have been beheaded at the Tower for High Treason. The last actual execution by beheading was of Simon Fraser, 11th Lord Lovat on 9 April 1747, while a number of convicts were beheaded posthumously up to the early 19th century. Beheading was only abolished as a method of execution for treason in 1973.

Sell the palaces to realtors and developers so moneyed up nouveau riche chavs can buy the partitioned flats, so they themselves can now say they are royal.

These are the end times for Britain’s 1200-year-old monarchy, where 62 monarchs shaped this island, and at one point of grace even ruled the world. All destroyed by some coked up ginger nutter and his controlling witch.

Looks like it did not take much to finally seal the fate of something once hailed and revered the length and breadth of this country and, indeed, the entire world.

Harry Loses Spare Tyre in Unhinged 405 Drama

You need a spare tyre if you own a vehicle. Getting caught out without a spare tyre can be a cumbersome and fruitless experience.

The needless drama unfolded on a regular Saturday for the Sussexes. Their fleet of gas guzzling SUVs were on the 405 somewhere deep in the bowels of Los Angeles. The 405 is an awful, smelly, polluted car park where cars and massive trucks creep along for miles bumper to bumper at two miles an hour at the most. Road rage is a common occurrence, something about the hopeless nature of being stuck on a road between off-ramps makes motorists lose their sanity. Some resort to firearms to let off steam. Amongst the maelstrom of cars spewing out their toxic emissions on the go-slow, letting off a few rounds into other vehicles in utter frustration somehow soothes the souls of these tormented individuals enslaved to their shiny metal Lords of Pollution. You might hear a few cracks or gentle thuds, maybe your rear windscreen shatters suddenly, or alternatively you or a passenger may absorb a few bullets. Shit happens in the blink of an eye as the rows and rows of cars amble forwards slowly. When moving a few metres is a mission celebrated by a couple of whoops, having a bullet pass through one of your kidneys only to lodge itself in your dashboard is a welcome relief. Yet, to have one of your tyres suddenly release all its air in deflatory alarm, is quite disconcerting. You rummage around in the boot, eventually realising that there is no spare tyre, in fact you realise there never was a spare fucking tyre in your boot. That kind of thing happened to Harry. This time, Harry just saw red. Unhinged, deranged and demented, the jumbled schizoid thoughts entered his head and ordered him to shoot. Where was his team of therapists now? Like a wild eyed, sweating Samoan lawyer on Adrenochrome, Harry’s hallucinations took a sinister grip over him. Self-control and clear thought had gone a long time ago, the serotonin receptors in his brain destroyed by years of cocaine abuse and snorting tequila shots up his nasal passage in Mahiki. With his vision blurred, Harry suddenly saw Camilla laughing at him in a Volvo. Immediately, he grabbed his security officer’s revolver and wound down the window, letting off a few rounds. Meghan, shocked, started yelling in abject fear. This man she controlled and brainwashed had suddenly broken free from her hypnotic spell and gone motherfuckin’ stir-crazy. Cocaine is a helluva drug, Rick James once said, and now here was Harry blasting away at car tyres, windshields, anything that was there. Gun in hand, Harry suddenly spied a man in a Mercedes wearing a turban. Immediately, his frazzled mind transported him to the dusty, hot hell of Camp Bastion. It’s the Taliban! I must exterminate with extreme prejudice. Good thing, without an automatic Apache helicopter targeting system, Harry is a useless shot. Multiple rounds from Harry’s gun ricochet off the car’s bumper, then zoom into the air. Meghan summarily projectile vomits onto the protection officer scrambling to get his fucking gun back. Harry then sees the face of William in a Mustang, and it’s laughing at him. Blam! Blam! I am the real king, Harry shouts wildly, letting off the final few shots in the general direction of the vehicle. As the flashing blue lights engulf the area, Harry suddenly snaps momentarily out of his psychosis. It’s a good thing he’s also the Duke of Sussex and immune from prosecution. Oh shit, he then realises where he is — America.

Story continues next week.

Harry Memoirs: Daisy the Sheep Denies She Took his Virginity

The deepening mystery of old acquaintances in a field romp deepens as Prince Harry’s old flames deny they took his virginity

A string of old acquaintances have rushed forward to deny taking Prince Harry’s virginity after he set tongues wagging with a lurid account of a seedy rendezvous in a field in his bombshell memoir.

Daisy the sheep in the field at the back of the pub has joined others in firmly ruling herself out as the Duke of Sussex’s first lover.

In his book Spare, Harry revealed he lost his virginity to an older horse-loving lover behind a busy pub – thought to be the Shagger Inn in Wiltshire – at the age of 17 in 2001.

Describing the moment in the English edition, he said he felt like a ‘young stallion’, adding: “Quick ride, after which she’d smacked my rump and sent me off to graze. B-a-a-a-h!”

After all, Harry did go to Eton…

Did William and Kate Force Harry to Take Cocaine As Well?


According to unhinged Prince Harry, who seems to have no control over himself or individual thought, William and Kate encouraged him to wear a Nazi outfit. Any idiot would know that if you’re in the public eye, or not, that’s not a good idea. Did William and Kate also force Harry to call Asian people ‘Pakis’, and snort copious amounts of cocaine up his nose? It seems Harry is blameless in everything, and as a key proponent of narcissism – blaming others – is a central part of that disorder. Certainly, his wife, who is a high operating narcissist, has the exact trait of blaming others for her vile actions. Maybe that’s why the two get along so well?

“This autobiography by Prince Harry is an exercise in narcissism of the most disgusting kind because it exhibits the traits of an overprivileged spoiled individual who only thinks of themselves and is out to actively damage their own extended family as a form of deranged vendetta. It just shows how out of touch Harry is, not only to regular people but to the royal family,” an observer revealed.

Security Risk Harry and Meghan to Gatecrash Charles Coronation


According to insider sources, Harry and Meghan are determined to attend the coronation ceremony of Charles III, simply because they can completely “outshine the royals” and possibly ruin Charles’ coronation ceremony by becoming the “focus of all attention”.

The security nightmare has now also been exasperated by Harry’s careless and irresponsible boasting about how many Afghans he killed during his tour of duty in Afghanistan.

“Harry has inflamed Jihadists and extremists from Montecito to Kabul with his stupid boastful comments about his kill count. Not only has he jeopardised the safety of his own immediate family, but of the rest of the royals, as well as important events like the King’s coronation ceremony,” a commentator revealed on Sunday.

High Alert

Because of Harry’s irresponsible behaviour, security budgets just went up by as much as 40% on top of already high security costs. Islamic Jihadists never forget, and play the long game, as witnessed by the attacks on author Salman Rushdie.


It is very possible that Harry now has an Islamic Sharia Fatwa on his head, or any members of his family. This contract, is put out to tender, and is touted as an immense honour by Jihadists to see through to completion.

“Thanks to our ‘mate’ Harry, British personnel abroad and soldiers are now much larger and sought after targets. The King’s coronation may also become a bigger target than it already is,” someone else revealed.

Egged on by Netflix to get more insider dirt on the Windsors, and more blood money, the tone-deaf narcissistic money-grabbing Duke and Duchess of Sussex are now guaranteed to attend the coronation of King Charles.

Prince Harry’s Deadly Taliban Chess Game


In a war theatre, human beings are sometimes dehumanised, seen as ‘chess pieces’ on a board to be simply discarded without any form of empathy. It seems Prince Harry and his lack of military awareness and honour looks upon humans with their own families as simple chess pieces to be discarded. True soldiers and military personnel do not boast about their kill count in books to profit from or dehumanise the opposite side. There is no dignity or virtue as a soldier to do such things, and true men of the military frown upon those who do so.

Harry supposedly left Britain with Markle for supposed privacy reasons, but in his torrid autobiography he is effectively courting not only a media circus but possible increased terrorist activity and endangering many with his loose words.

Harry is Meghan’s Pawn

In 2021, we wrote an article about Meghan Markle being a possible plant by Britain’s enemies to subvert the easily led Prince. Could this be part of the puzzle that is slowly unfolding right now. It seems Markle was an important component in egging someone on who cannot think for themselves individually. It can be construed that Meghan egged Harry on to attack the royal family and is using him to undermine the monarchy along with its engrained traditions. By besmirching the very reputation of an institution that has lasted for over a thousand years, Meghan Markle has orchestrated and led her little lost puppet to do her will with impunity.

As it is today, on the eve of the Harry’s autobiography details leaking, the Sussexes stand to make huge profits from the sales of the tell-all one-sided fabrications and half-truths that constitute a real threat to national security. By boasting of shooting down two dozen men in turbans in Afghanistan, Harry is either very stupid, or a reckless unhinged loose cannon who does not think of the security implications of what he says. This sort of loose talk in a time of global tension not only puts his former military compatriots at risk, but the entire monarch and country. What if there is another Jihadist move and Islamic anger is inflamed once again?

During the disastrous evacuation of Afghanistan, Joe Biden left billions of dollars worth of high-end American weapons and hardware for the Taliban to use. Much of the weapons and explosives were sold off to the highest bidder, including ISIS, and Al-Qaeda.

Hacks For Boosting Operational Efficiency


For more than a hundred years, the holy grail of business owners has been achieving higher operational efficiency levels. The apparent motivation behind the goal is to boost profits, which is what capitalism and running a company are all about. Most strategies are tech-related in the modern age of cyber tools, intelligent apps, sophisticated software, advanced IT systems, AI (artificial intelligence), and algorithmic programs.

Telematics and management software are two of the most potent hacks for pumping efficiency in transport company fleets. However, owners can hack into heftier profits in other industries with more mundane tactics. Approaches that include profit sharing, frequent employee reviews, flexible work schedules, and insightful supervisory practices can deliver solid results without a hint of technology-based wizardry. Review some of the most recent examples of how businesses ramp up the efficiency quotient in various ways.

Fleet Management Software

There’s good news for a fleet management company of any size within the transport sector. The 2020s are a golden age for sophisticated management tools that have the potential to slash fuel usage rates, boost driver satisfaction, and give supervisors up-to-the-minute visibility into daily operations and other parameters. The latest products within the fleet software niche leverage the power of accurate analytical reporting and helpful analytics. Those are two reasons transport supervisors turn to advanced telematics systems and fleet software to accomplish multiple daily goals in a hectic, demanding work environment.

Flexible Schedules & Home-Based Work

For several decades, owners in every industry offered flexible work schedules to keep employees comfortable at work as well as to incentivize senior employees and productive workers. After the pandemic of 2020, flex hours are commonplace and no longer viewed as a bonus or special reward by employees. However, owners have discovered a secret in that they can ramp up overall efficiency by allowing more team members to work from home and according to tailor-made schedules.

Two of the most straightforward hacks for making a business more efficient cost owners little to nothing to implement. Of course, there are routine issues with IT security and coordinating computer systems of hundreds of at-home employees. But those considerations entail one-time expenses that are reasonable by any measure. Once the transition takes place, schedulers can negotiate with individuals about how to meet daily, weekly, and monthly hour quotas. In the end, a flexible home-based arrangement improves efficiency and delivers a solid dose of employee satisfaction.

Profit Sharing & Quarterly Reviews

Since the mid-1900s, owners have been aware that profit sharing programs contribute to an efficient workplace and higher overall production. The problem is that only some companies can afford to offer these special perks to all the most senior team members.

Similarly, quarterly reviews and flexible working can boost productivity, efficiency, and worker satisfaction. But doing four sessions per worker per year is quite costly for HR departments, and the rule of annual reviewing is still the default in most organizations.

Smaller businesses and startups can get off on the right foot by utilizing both tactics from day one. Owners should consider offering pared-down profit sharing programs and two reviews per year as a compromise strategy, and gearing up both programs as the company grows.

Did the Repubs Just Vote For a Flip-flop RINO Speaker of the House?


Like what happened to Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA)? How come she wanted Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House so bad if he is a dodgy swamp creature flip flopping Republican in Name Only? Just as the Conservative Party in Britain is in an utter divided mess, it seems our American friends are in a similar situation. It took 15 ballots to get the fucker in.

As it is, the Republicans in their current non red wave situation would need 218 votes out of 222 odd members to pass a bill in the House of Representatives. That’s pretty much impossible seeing the fractured nature of the party.

All the while, the Democrats are sitting back chuckling like a bunch of hyenas at this farce. It took an eternity to get Mccarthy voted in, and whilst that shrivelled prune Pelosi was on holiday she must have been laughing into her pint of whiskey.

Looks like it’s going to be another Swamp Meet. Where’s Trump?

Rambo Harry Killed 25 Afghans From Helicopter


“I killed 25 p*kis from a distance of 1500 metres with my Apache m230 gun. They looked like Taliban, I call ’em mujs, ragheads or pak*s. Anyway, I was high on coke, and a bit tipsy but was certain they were not civilians. Who knows, they all look the same to me?” Harry boasted in a serialised passage from the media.

The new revelations from Harry recall his time in Afghanistan, as he boasts about his kill count.

“It was like clearing out a corner shop, they literally disintegrated as the high explosive rounds ripped through them, just like Meghan does regularly clearing out my bank account. Boom! Splat! All gone!”

The kill frenzy was probably carried out by Harry on a whim, as his colleagues revealed that Harry had a very itchy trigger finger.

“Yes, I remember Harry. He just wanted to shoot things all the time. He was a real party boy. We called him Captain Wales, or the Ginger Nutter. Any brown people, especially wearing turbans were Taliban to him, he would get in his Apache and blast away till smoke was coming from the rotating guns,” a mechanic recalled.

Sometimes the bullets were greased with pork fat to ensure the Afghans would not go to Islamic heaven, and be cursed for eternity.

One Afghan had just picked up a stick off the ground. He was now an official Taliban threat.

“We had to get clearance from the commander of the operation before letting loose. Sometimes Harry could not wait, he’d blast away laughing manically. He just had that itchy trigger finger groove going on. Bro was a real shooter,” a fellow Apache crew member revealed.

“If it moves, shoot it, was the motto from Harry. No one really knows what happened on those missions. Harry didn’t have the required skills or intelligence to fly the Apaches, but he could pull a trigger, so the Top Brass gave him that job. Even an ape can pull a trigger,” another witness revealed.

Story developing

Is Harry Now a National Security Threat?