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Heathrow Uranium Shipment Was a Warning


Anything the Iranians do, one can be sure the Russian FSB and Kremlin are behind it. The Daily Squib wrote about why Russia would not nuke the West directly, but would utilise a proxy to carry out a dirty bomb attack on a city. The reason for this would not only be to inflict heavy damage to a country economically, but to also render an entire city inhabitable for decades. There would be no retaliation as the perpetrators would never be found.

It’s no news that the Iranians hate the UK/USA as much as the Russians. Putin, in his wisdom, would however spare Paris, France from the deluge simply because the brown-nose master Macron has crawled so far up Putin’s arsehole that he can tickle his tonsils.

To this end, the Heathrow was a warning. Uranium sensors are all over the place, and the people who imported several kilos of uranium knew it would be picked up. The other scenario of course is that they are a bunch of incompetent fucks who have no idea what they are doing.

Either way, Frederick Forsyth’s Fourth Protocol was a good book, and the scenario could easily play out in Britain today, especially as there are plenty of US bases around. Letting off a dirty bomb atomic explosion around a US base would not be a very nice thing to do. Who would get the blame for that, especially if there are nuclear missiles at the US bases?

A major counter-terrorism investigation has been launched after several kilograms of uranium was seized at Heathrow airport. The deadly nuclear material – which could potentially be used in a ‘dirty bomb’ – arrived on a flight from Oman, in the Middle East, on December 29. The shipment was addressed to an Iranian-linked firm in the UK, it is understood. Sources said the uranium was ‘not weapons-grade’ – and so could not be used to manufacture a thermo-nuclear weapon. But the security services are understood to be investigating whether the undeclared package could have been destined for an improvised nuclear device, known as a ‘dirty bomb’. Such a device – which has long been a nightmare scenario for counter-terror experts – combines conventional explosives with nuclear material to disperse a lethal radioactive plume. The package originated in Pakistan before arriving at Heathrow’s Terminal Four aboard an Oman Air passenger jet from Muscat, sources told The Sun.

Meghan Markle Sees Taking Down the Monarchy as a Challenge


Narcissists don’t always target weak and vulnerable people, they also sometimes target the strong-willed and talented. This is because they see it as a challenge, and they will find more entertainment in taking down someone impressive. For Meghan Markle, stringing an idiot like Harry along is not much of a challenge, and that’s why she is now eyeing up taking down the entire British monarchy.

How about that for a claim to fame, destroying the reputation of an institution that has survived for over 1,500 years? Markle is not challenged by subverting Harry against his own family anymore. In fact, it was all too easy for her, and like a puppy, Harry follows every directive she barks without any thought, simply because he is not armed to deal with such a conniving manipulative entity like Meghan, who has shoehorned herself into the role of his long deceased mother.

Narcissists have no feelings for their victims, and much like psychopaths have no conscience regarding their actions. The fake Meghan Markle smiles, and virtue signalling hypocrisy go hand in hand with someone who can smell weakness from miles away, or smell money making opportunities from even farther.

King Charles much like his lost son, Harry, reeks of weakness, as he is a supposed gentle soul who at times talks to his plants, and likes nothing better than to sit in front of the fire in Highgrove and read his books. Markle, who is inherently a vindictive schizoid narcissist who thinks she has been upstaged by the Brits, who saw through her facade, wants to destroy the royal family, so she can add that to her tally. She has already destroyed her own family, destroyed her own father, and destroyed countless men she used to gain more power.

We can only hope that Charles regains some composure and strengthens his hand dealing with this terminator and master manipulator who is using his own son against his family. The cold calculating machine that is Markle will not stop until her mission is accomplished, she will keep coming in for the attack incessantly and without any form of remorse. She will utilise the media she supposedly detests so much for her own ends.

Ultimately, for Markle, her destructive behaviour is about control. Furthermore, she views the royal family as a valid target because whatever happens, they seem to stick together as a family. This show of unity enrages her, especially as she never had that family feeling whilst growing up. Markle does not care one iota about the plight of black people and racism, especially as she is deemed as white herself, however she has found the royal family’s weakness and uses the ‘race card’ at every opportunity. By using the battering ram of ‘racism’ she can garner support from the far left Americans and black community who will fall behind her, as she plays them like pawns on a chess board. The castle walls and gates are being besieged by this entity, who will not stop until she is stopped.

Will King Charles III Walk in King John’s Footsteps?


Of all the monarchs King John was considered the weakest, the fucked-up Medieval version of Richard Nixon, he was once described by chronicler Matthew Paris: “Foul as it is, Hell is made fouler by the presence of John.”

King John’s reign began with some significant military defeats, losing Normandy and most of his other French lands to Philip II of France in his first five years on the throne.

John’s reign ended with England torn apart by civil war, from whence he was eventually forced out of power. In 1213, he made England a papal fief to resolve a conflict with the Catholic Church, and his rebellious barons forced him to seal Magna Carta in 1215.

The legend of Robin Hood was thus created at the time of King John, his high taxes and incompetence causing numerous rebellions. His attempt to renege on commitments made at the signing of Magna Carta led to civil war and the occupation of London by a foreign usurper invited in by John’s rebellious barons.

In 1215, Louis of France grabbed the entirety of the southeast of England, including the Tower of London, and proclaimed himself king in May 1216. In the same year, Louis managed to grab back Rochester Castle for the rebel cause. The hapless John even managed to lose most of the Crown Jewels in a river as he cowardly fled in haste with his baggage train from Lincoln in October. Catching a bad case of dysentery, the defeated king died as he tried desperately to get to the castle’s shit box on 18 October 1216 at Newark Castle.

John left a legacy of profound weakness, incompetence and loss. The question is, will Charles III follow in John’s footsteps?

The British monarchy stands to lose much from Charles’ dilly-dallying ways. The British monarchy, the House of Windsor aka the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha is currently under attack, and the augurs do not bode well for the future of any sort of structural monarchy in Britain, especially with a king who is not happy with any sort of confrontation. From small things come big things, and if one does not crush those small things first, they eventually envelop you and become very big things.

Biden: “It’s a good thing they didn’t find the sacks of money in my garage”


Crooked Joe Biden was in a jokey mood on Sunday as investigators left his garage where they found multiple large boxes stashed with highly classified top secret material that could compromise national security.

“Around here I’m called ‘The Big Guy’ and I get more than 20% for that. It’s a good thing those investigator assholes never found the sacks of cash I received, ahem, from China and Burisma. Wanna know why? Because it’s all down in the basement. Oh shoot, I just gave it away!” (slaps his forehead)

Naturally, because Biden is a protected Democrat party darling, he can do anything and the FBI will cover it up. The US media is also keeping the investigation story as low profile as possible, and will do their best to cancel it altogether in a week or so.

“Good news is I will get away with it, and the FBI have got my back. I could run someone over today in my car, and they’d cover that up too. The media has my back. They covered up Hunter’s fuck-ups, and they always cover up mine. The FBI looks out for crooked Democrats,” Biden added before reversing his 1967 Corvette over an old lady walking her dog and into a parked car outside his Delaware mansion.

the big guy

Meghan Markle Plans Book Release On Charles Coronation Day


The success of the Harry book tell-all book, which even reveals secretive palace layouts for terrorists and attackers to exploit, has now prompted a similar book deal for Meghan Markle. According to some experts, Markle would release the book on the actual day of King Charles’ coronation to cause maximum disruption to the royal family.

“Think about it, that would be the perfect disruption to the coronation ceremony of King Charles III. Just like Harry’s book, there will be controlled leaks of details a few days before the official release to wet the appetite of the public. The leaks always create a feeding frenzy with the press,” one PR expert revealed on Saturday.

Cashing In

Already, there is a fight amongst publishers to cash in with Meghan, who is rumoured to already have her manuscript ready and waiting.

The coronation of Charles III will occur on the 6th May 2023. Planning is already under way for the massive ceremony, which will see millions of pounds spent on the day on security alone. If the tell-all Meghan Markle book is released on or just before the day, it will cause immense amounts of disruption for the royal family.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are unlikely to attend Charles’ coronation ceremony.

County of Sussex Thanks Harry For Dragging Their Name Through Mud


Most Americans never heard of the County of Sussex before Prince Harry and Meghan started touting the Duke and Duchess of Sussex title around to gullible film executives with dollar signs in their eyes. Indeed, the title has been a lucrative tool for these two narcissistic grifting moaners to make up pathetic grievances against an enemy the Americans always thought were the enemy anyway.

“The British royal family are now a far-leftist liberal progressive woke American punchbag. The royal family are the new ‘bad guys’ and unfortunately the English county of Sussex is having its good name dragged through the dirt along with every fabrication spewed from the foul mouth of Harry or his permanently offended Nubian controlling witch to make millions of dollars, so they can fritter it away on bullshit,” an angry Sussex County resident revealed on Saturday.

Arundel Castle in West Sussex
A view of the magnificent Arundel Castle, located in the historic market town of Arundel in West Sussex.

Many people in the great county of Sussex are now mired by these two miscreants using the county’s name to profit off hit jobs on the royal family. The general consensus is that the county’s name has been sullied and cheapened for profit.

“We’re a county of real people with lives, and we used to be proud of the Sussex brand, but now whenever we hear the name we cringe because we know those two horrid ghastly weasels are using their Sussex titles as a means to milk for money. We never asked for this disgrace, this utter disdain for our Sussex, which has been cheapened and dragged through the mud,” another angry Sussex resident revealed.

The kingdom of Sussex was founded in the aftermath of the Roman withdrawal from Britain. It was founded by Ælle, King of Sussex, in AD 477. Around 827, it was annexed by the kingdom of Wessex and subsequently became a county of England. Sussex played a key role in the Norman conquest of England when in 1066, William, Duke of Normandy, landed at Pevensey and fought the decisive Battle of Hastings.

Whatever happens now, it seems that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will continue their tirade in America, selling the Sussex name to film executives and anyone who will take them.

The incessant torment for the beautiful county of Sussex and its wounded people will continue ad infinitum.

Seven Sisters National park, white cliffs,beach,ocean East Sussex
Seven Sisters National Park

US DEBT: Profligate Spendthrift Joe Biden Spending Money Like Hunter


Like father like son, Joe Biden and his profligate spending sprees have already run the American economy to the ground, and now the US is facing another debt ceiling of $31.4 trillion in June.

“Like his son, Hunter spends millions on crack cocaine and underage trafficked whores, Joe spends US taxpayers money in the billions on useless socialist pet projects and trans initiatives; or anti-police initiatives,” one disgusted member of Congress revealed.

Capitol Hill is getting ready for the debt ceiling fight, which could tip America over the edge this time. The skirmish could get dirty like in 2011 when the USA was downgraded by ratings agencies, and with the Republicans controlling the House, the spendthrift Democrats who squander taxpayers money like it’s going out of fashion, may have to eat some humble fucking pie.

Visit USADebtClock.com to learn more!

Is the NHS Completely Dead or the Walking Dead?


The NHS is not only dead now, but there is little any party, Labour or Conservative, can do for it. Unfettered mass immigration over the decades murdered the Beveridge creation, simply because the NHS was not designed for the millions, and millions, and multi-millions of extra patients inundating its limited capacity. It’s simple physics, nothing can survive a swarm, and the NHS is swamped, the locusts have swarmed and rendered the health service into a basic empty shell.

Throwing trillions of taxpayer pounds into a limitless black hole will not do anything either, the NHS is mired in useless bureaucracy, incompetence and now strikes. Spare a thought of course to the decent, hard-working NHS staff who have to deal with such a crumbling service every day of their lives.

Every year, billions of pounds are wasted through general intransigence to adopt change, and the same old tired outdated formula is thrown at the NHS as it bleeds from heavy wounds. Inundated by millions of people onto limited services, limited beds, limited doctors and nurses.

The Government has been urged to crack down on health tourism after it emerged that a Nigerian woman cost the NHS £350,000 by flying to Britain to give birth to twins. Luton and Dunstable University Hospital is said to be chasing payment for the caesarean section the unidentified woman had, followed by intensive care treatment for the two babies. The woman gave birth in 2015, and the hospital confirmed it was still owed £348,683 for the treatment. There were 13,077 overseas patients given treatment in the UK in 2015-16, according to data from the 90 hospitals who responded to the freedom of information requests. Of those, over 3,000 were mothers who arrived in the country to give birth. A woman who gave birth to triplets has an outstanding bill of £319,895 to Imperial College Hospitals in London. SOURCE

The NHS started on the 5th July 1948. The population of Britain at that time was 49.4 million. Today, the population of Britain has exploded to nearly 70 million. By 2060 the population of Britain is projected to be close to 90 million.

British taxpayers are not only paying for their own NHS treatment, but for others coming here solely to use its services, then go back home before paying a penny for the service, or just stay here anyway and continue to use the services for free. The NHS has essentially become a de facto free International Health Service.

Grandmother, 90, with leukaemia was left in A&E corridor for 30 HOURS after splitting her head open in shocking sign of NHS crisis SOURCE

Along with mass unfettered immigration, illegal or not, the huge influx into a tiny island with a limited capacity for services has signalled the death knell for the NHS, once a beloved, treasured institution to Britons, now a smouldering foggy swamp where patients are left on trolleys in corridors to die alone, and ambulances never turn up.

Waiting lists for operations means patients wait for two years or more, no GP appointments, bed blockers, no hospital beds, not enough nurses or doctors, ageing equipment etc. etc… The NHS is dead. R.I.P. But it’s NOT dead! No, this project, as swamped as it is, will continue toddling on like a walking dead zombie. Successive governments will continue to pour trillions into something that is not fixable.

No, the NHS is not completely dead, it’s the walking dead.

Brexit Betrayal: Britain Still Following 4,000 EU Law Directives


As well as British law courts being superseded by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) Britain is still shackled to over 4,000 EU laws and assorted directives from Brussels. If this is supposed to be a Brexit, what’s a non-Brexit?

This disgraceful state of affairs is partly the fault of the current government under unelected technocrat Rishi Sunak, who is dragging his feet to scrap the laws, along with the unelected pro-EU House of Lords. Ever wonder why Britain cannot secure its own borders? Well, it is not allowed to under ECHR laws.

The European Union is entrenched within Britain and its tentacles dig deep right into the fabric of the country. To extricate Britain from a soviet collectivist power hungry bloc is almost impossible.

Since 2016 when the EU Referendum vote was conducted, and the decision to leave the EU was democratically chosen, there have been multiple obstacles put in the way of democracy. This democratic deficit is not lost on the EU’s principle rule of bypassing democracy at every point, especially as the bloc is ruled by an unelected EU Commission.

There have been little or no benefits from supposedly leaving the EU, because we have not left.

Harry Attack: American Tourists to Shun British Royals Costing UK Billions


The tourism industry in the UK will certainly suffer due to Harry’s revelations in his book, Spare, an industry expert has claimed. Every year billions of pounds are made from tourism to the UK, especially from America, to visit royal sights.

Travel and tourism contribute significantly to the economy in the United Kingdom. In 2021, an estimated 131.5 billion British pounds of the gross domestic product (GDP) was generated, directly and indirectly, by this sector.

“Americans now view the British royal family almost akin to the Nazis, thanks to many of the false claims made by wayward Prince Harry in his inaccurate book. Many who booked flights to the UK are now cancelling, and thousands who planned to come to the UK are now not coming. This alone will cost the British tourist industry billions of pounds in lost revenue,” John Simpson, a tourism expert, revealed.