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Cancel Culture Vultures Circling Over Socialist Darling Guardian Newspaper


The shamed owners of the far-left Marxist mega-woke Guardian newspaper have decided to cancel their newspaper next week after realising the founder was a slave owner.

The originator of the institutionally racist Grauniad was John Edward Taylor, (11 September 1791 – 6 January 1844). He was the founder of the Manchester Guardian newspaper in 1821, which was renamed in 1959 The Guardian.

Off to the Guardian Cotton Plantation

“It’s not just the interns who are slaves at the Guardian, we have discovered that John Edward Taylor, our founder, was also a slave owner. Imagine the shame we felt as our all-white woke press room had to come to terms with this fact,” slave master, sub-editor, Paul Whipper revealed on Tuesday.

The Guardian even sided with the slave-owning Southern states, the Confederacy, against Abraham Lincoln and the North in the American Civil War. The paper loathed Lincoln and made no secret of it.

“It was an evil day both for America and the world when he was chosen President of the United States,” the Guardian newspaper wrote in 1862.


Initially, senior Guardian staff tried to cover up the links to slavery, but eventually the utter shame was too much, and they capitulated to their white guilt.

On Monday, the Guardian even changed its begging for money plea to socialist readers found on every page online:

“We’re not funded by billionaires. We were once funded by a slave owner and cotton plantations, though. Please help us come to terms with this shame by giving us more money.”

The Daily Squib conducted a similar investigation into its founder, Francis Wellesley, the 6th Duke of Pembroke, who created our newspaper in 1862. Luckily, there were no links to slavery, apart from a harem of willing ladies of the night he kept at a boarding house in Chichester which he would visit occasionally until he caught a bad case of the clap one year.

As for the Guardian, its days are now numbered as the cancel culture vultures circle its slave loving socialist corpse.

Fat Ugly Gay Builder in Nappy Music Video Causes Outrage


A hypersexualised music video featuring an overweight ugly gay builder in a nappy cavorting around a homosexual orgy drinking urine and miming to autotune has quite rightly caused outrage.

The vile video is also proof that YouTube and its so-called squeaky clean advertisers are all hypocrites. No doubt the video will be completely monetised despite coming down hard on everyone else on the platform for very mild infractions. Top woke brands are fine with spreading this kind of excrement around.

Plastered all over YouTube and other sites, the grotesque video is even shown to children as young as five, but because it is gay it is given special permission and allowed to proliferate across all media in the hope it will indoctrinate young children and normalise paedophilia.

“There’s nothing we can do about it. This is the current agenda, so it has been given the green light from all of the controllers including the Google monopoly,” someone from some irrelevant media watchdog element revealed.

The crass vulgar music video has great comedy value, though, if you can bear to watch it without cringing. Obviously, no one who participates in the video has any form of dignity left or any capacity for self-analysis, let alone a measure of true aesthetic awareness.

Where’s the Safest Place During and After a Nuclear War?


Russia’s policy is that once NATO is directly at their border and the country is imminently under threat, then they will commence with a complete nuclear barrage of missiles. We are not talking about a few piffling missiles here or there, we are talking about one button for everything. For Russians, Ukraine was meant to be a buffer zone to shield Russia from NATO, however much changed since the downfall of the Russian installed puppet president of Ukraine.

What will happen in a nuclear confrontation with Russia? The complete release of all Russian nuclear missiles would essentially obliterate all of Europe, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada and populated areas of Australasia. Australia and New Zealand would become wastelands. With the NATO response, Russia would be completely destroyed as well. The resulting nuclear winter would block the sun out from the atmosphere for over ten to twenty years in the Northern and parts of the Southern Hemisphere.

Africa would possibly be the best place to be located during the initial nuclear detonations. There is no reason for Russia to waste a single nuclear missile on the African continent, apart from 5 US bases located in Niger, Djibouti, Egypt, Kenya and Cameroon. These US bases do not have much military significance or nuclear capabilities and are only generally used to assist countries in fighting terrorism and insurgents, as well as training.

Leopard africa
Leopard sitting on a tree on a background of Mount Kilimanjaro

The African continent would thus be untouched. The question is what happens during the nuclear winter after the deluge? Well, African nations depend much on Western aid, and that would stop abruptly. Many African governments could collapse and there could be lawlessness and internal war. The intermittent sunshine could cause much of the animal kingdom and vegetation to die off, however because Africa is near the Equator, the projections of sun blockage could be wrong. Where the Northern Hemisphere will be completely blocked of sunlight for decades, the African and South American continents may get off lightly.

The only thing survivors would have to contend with is lawlessness and anarchy. If some move to extreme remote areas, their survival rates would increase.

It would be over two or three decades before some parts of the Northern Hemisphere return to close to any form of capability to sustain life. There are no guarantees that there would be any survivors twenty to thirty years after the nuclear war in Europe and Russia. Yes, there would be some initially in bunkers, however it is doubtful if they would be able to sustain themselves for an additional twenty to thirty years after the detonations.

It is quite ironic that the cradle of all humanity — Africa — could be humanity’s last remaining refuge on planet earth.

Thousands Rapists Now Plan to Identify as Women to be Transferred to Women’s Prisons


“It’s easy as pie. We can take advantage of the morons who deny biological science. I just identified as a blonde dolly bird to the prison board. I have to wear a blonde wig, a dress and wear makeup, so they transfer me to an all female prison tomorrow. Not only that, but I’ll be balls deep by lunchtime in a mountain of pussy. Lots of vulnerable women to exploit. Can’t wait to get in the showers,” a renowned rapist revealed on Monday.

Exploiting the trans madness enveloping society and being pushed heavily by authorities is now too easy for convicted rapists stuck in all male prisons. The key is to claim that you identify as a female, and you will have a cushy life when transferred to an all women’s prison facility.

This agenda is of course fully supported by Nicola Sturgeon and her Scottish National Party. In a world of insanity, biological scientific facts are merely brushed aside to accommodate the mentally ill far-left peddlers of magical fixes.

woman prison
Real women are under real threat from terrible policies in prisons.

“Best time of my life”

“I can identify as a woman, and they don’t consider the fact that I’ve got a large dangling knob and hairy scrotum. In like Flynn, some of these women in prisons are desperate for it, I’m like a fucking superstar in there. All they do is transfer me from one woman’s prison to another to avoid any argy-bargy after I get a few of the girls and wardens preggers. I’m doing a fuck tour, for gawd’s sake! I have to confess, after a while I get a sore bell-end. I mean, how much fucking can one rapist do in a day? It’s like a festival of quim!” another convicted rapist revealed.

One would think that common sense would be applied and only trans people who have had the full spectrum of operations and body mutilations would be considered to be transferred to an all female prison facility, however, it does not seem that common sense or even common decency to respect the sanctity of women and their rights is a key issue with authorities. Sure, gender dysphoria is a real thing, but it must be fully clinically diagnosed first. Now, thousands of men stuck in male prisons are thinking of using the same ploy to be transferred to female prisons.

“You do your time in the harem. I have to have oysters smuggled in to keep up the levels. Getting through five or six lasses a day can be a bit of a job sometimes. Once I am released, I then identify back as a man. I just say I’m gender-fluid or summink like that. Cushty!”

The Grotesque Tragedy of Trigger Warnings on Tragedy


Humans have many emotions, and literature is meant to bring forth these emotions. This is the intended outcome and intention of the author upon the reader. Tragedy, as a genre of literature, is therefore supposed to bring forth emotions of sadness and anguish upon the reader.

The University of Derby:

“Tragedy is a genre obsessed with violence and suffering, often of a sexual or graphic kind, and so some of the content might be triggering for some students. If you feel that your engagement with particular texts or themes is going to present challenges, do speak to me in advance of the class.”

If the pieces of literature were not sad and bothersome, they would not be tragedies. Therefore, for some universities to put trigger warnings on these pieces of art is an affront to all literature, not only for tragedy, but for everything ever created by writers and artists.

It is actually a tragedy that far-left woke university academics are plastering over works of the masters, diluting their content and defiling their pieces of literature. Why are you trying to brainwash students towards being meek, flaky cowards who cannot control their own emotions or confront tragedy or discomfort? This is not the way to prepare students for the real world where there is real tragedy, pain and hurt.

By doing what these universities are doing, they are falsely insulating the minds of students from not only the actions of the past, but the actions of the present and future. Real life is not some happy, happy joy experience all the time, and humans have the capacity to experience a gamut of emotions, so why should we have parts of our human experience levels moderated by fucking control-freak universities? These leathern-jerkin, crystal-button, knot-pated, agatering, puke-stocking, caddis-garter, smooth-tongue, Spanish pouches of malcontent defecate on the purity of artistry in all its forms.

Sanitising and stripping art of its soul, its very base, is a crime, and these people daring to commit such acts of destruction should be pilloried; they should be put in stocks, they should have their positions of power reduced to positions of nothingness. Thou whoreson zed, thou unnecessary letter! Vile, putrid malformed individuals all spewing the same Stalinist censorious rhetoric, you want sanitisation? How about you are all tipped into vats of the rankest compound of villainous sputum spouted from the orifices of pregnant whores infected with the devil’s own seed.

Stop this censorship of art because art and artists should be free to express the entirety of the human condition without these censorious miniature-Stalin poisonous bunch-backed toads, base, proud, shallow, beggarly, three-suited, hundred-pound, filthy worsted-stocking knaves; lily-liver’d, action-taking, whoreson, glass-gazing, superserviceable, finical rogue; one-trunk-inheriting slave; one that wouldst be a bawd in way of good service, and art nothing but the composition of a knave, beggar, coward, pandar, and the son and heir of a mongrel bitch.

Stop fucking with the human condition.

The Dawn of AI: Russia Will Now Fall Technologically Behind


Already, it is evident that Russia is ill-equipped and technologically inferior on the battlefield, resorting to aged subaltern equipment and tactics not seen since World War I. Putin, the almighty saviour of Russia as he sees himself has condemned his nation’s people to isolation and pariah status. Removed from the rest of the world apart from a few so-called allies, Russia will now be an outsider and not benefit from the great technological leap forward.

In terms of technology, artificial intelligence will completely change Western society and the developing nations who are not pariahs. The Chinese cannot steal everything, although they have certainly tried with their multiple agents implanted in the West.

As the West moves forward, Russia is moving backwards. The entirety of their existence will be reduced to that of almost Stone Age proportions, a sorry sad shadow of its former self, and the mere thought of what that nation could have achieved will bring forth only tears of anguish along with frustration with a leader who condemned the country’s people to a form of purgatory on the world stage.

If Russia were to withdraw their forces from Ukraine and halt their needless aggression, there would be a remote chance of reconciliation eventually, however much blood has already spilled and along with countless examples of genocide committed by the Russians on Ukrainian civilians, it is hard to see how Putin would fair. The daily threats of nuclear war by Putin and his cronies could easily escalate internationally, resulting in the extermination of all life on earth. This would no doubt snuff out the dawn of a new technological AI age and everything else with it. The question is, do the Russian people want to progress into the future, or do they all want to die in abject misery and regression with Vladimir Putin?

Thankfully No Riots, Looting After Black Cops Beat Black Man


Many members of BLM and ANTIFA, were today in a state of confusion because the policemen who beat and murdered another black man were also black themselves. Usually black on black crime receives little or no attention by activist groups despite it being the cause of many more deaths per year than any other factor.

“I is confused. I dunno wut ta do? Da cops were not white. Ma mand is kinna confused. Imma aks y’all to hoald off untils we’s fand a white connection or sum shiet lak dat,” a BLM chapter chief in the area told followers.


The tragic death of Tyre Nichols is still under investigation at the hands of five black police officers.

“Mebbe der wuz a whiatte man controllin da black officers wit a remote control or summin lak dat! We investigatating da situationz! Da cops wuz ordered to beat dat brudder man. I aks masseilf I aks why dey do it?”

Some social media activists were on Twitter and Facebook suggesting that the cops who beat Tyre Nichols were white cops with black face paint.

Thankfully, there will be no chaotic riots and looting all across America’s cities because no white cops were involved in the tragedy that led to the untimely death of Tyre Nichols. R.I.P.

ECHR Illegal Migrant Channel Crossings Continue


With boats made in China, the ECHR blessed and encouraged illegal migrant trade across the Channel continues daily.

All 47 Council of Europe member states – including the UK and the 27 EU countries – are parties to the European Convention on Human Rights, which has been in force in this country since 1951.

It is overseen by the European Court of Human Rights which was set up in 1959 to rule on individual member states violating the “civil and political rights” set out in the ECHR. Its judgments are binding.

“We are protected and encouraged by the ECHR and French authorities, who actively encourage more migrants to sign up to cross the English Channel in rubber dinghies. In full sight from French beaches, the gendarmerie and French navy watch us load up little dinghies, and they even guide our boats safely halfway across the Channel. Once we are halfway across, the British do-gooders takeover and rescue us. Many men then declare they are unaccompanied children, and the English idiots accept this untruth without question. We even had one guy with a full beard declare he was an 8-year-old child. They even put him in a school where he enjoyed the free food and bullying the kids for fun. After our people arrive, we are put into 4-star hotels and given Domino’s Pizza. Thank you, idiot English scum. We then are given a property and your famous English benefits. This is the reason we come over — to leech off your benefits system. Why do you think your NHS is barely functioning now? We do not want to contribute to your fucking country? The only thing we can give you is a bloody nose, maybe a few rapes, and a life-long of scrounging benefits. Otherwise, you will find us on the world-famous Oxford Street either begging for more cash from naive gullible idiots or pickpocketing. On some days a good thief can make over £500 a day. We then send that money back to Albania or Romania and use it to build garish mansions where we run our criminal empires from. Everyone in the boats has a specific role once they land in the UK. Some are prostitutes, some thieves, professional beggars, pickpockets, mafia, hitmen all sorts. On top of the generous benefits, we earn more money than we can use. Thank you, ECHR. Without your rulings, these British swine would send us back, but thanks to you superseding their British laws and government, they cannot do anything but pay us loads of benefits. Thanks to the French police who we pay off. Thanks to the weak idiot British fools who cannot do anything to stop us.”

The price to cross the English Channel varies according to the network of smugglers, between 3,000 and 7,000 euros ($3,380 and $8,000). And the people who collect the money — up to 300,000 euros ($432,000) per boat that makes it across the narrows of the channel — are not the ones arrested in the periodic raids along the coastline. They are just what French police call “the little hands.” They are given carte blanche to do as they please without any fear of arrest or prosecution from the French authorities.

At a minimum, smuggling organizations in 2022 netted 69 million euros ($77.7 million) for the crossing, or 2 million euros per kilometre.

In 2022, 45,756 migrants crossed the English Channel illegally in boats. It is projected that the numbers will continue to increase by 30% in 2023.

Perjury on Official US Government Document: Prince Harry US Cocaine Visa


Is it right that there should be one law for us normal people, and another law for the privileged? When Harry applied for a US Visa he did not declare that he had used enormous amounts of cocaine as detailed in his recent memoir. By not declaring his past drug use, which is mandatory to declare, he effectively committed perjury on an official US government document.

Immigration and Naturalization Act (INA) Sec 212(a)(2)(A)(i)(II)

Persons who (1) have a conviction for, or who (2) admit to having committed acts that constitute the essential elements of, a violation of any law or regulation of a state, the US or a foreign country relating to a controlled substance, are inadmissible. A UK “caution” is considered to be an admission under the second part of this rule. The petty offense exception does not waive petty drug offenses.

Federal law (18 USC § 1621), for example, states that anyone found guilty of the crime of perjury will be fined or imprisoned for up to five years, but there is one caveat, this law obviously does not apply to someone with privileged celebrity status like Prince Harry.

What is the point in the law if it applies to one man, and not another? There is not a single whisper about this in the US, possibly because no one wants to mention the fact that the legal and government immigration system are corrupt.

If it was a plain John Smith who lied on their VISA papers, they would not only be denied entry into the US, but have some additional possible charges filed against their person for perjury.

Of course, I had been taking cocaine at that time. At someone’s house, during a hunting weekend, I was offered a line, and since then I had consumed some more. It wasn’t very fun, and it didn’t make me feel especially happy as seemed to happen to others, but it did make me feel different, and that was my main objective. To feel. To be different.

No one knows what drugs Harry may or may not be using now, but it does not matter, does it? He got away with it, and the starstruck Americans don’t care about it either.

Google Monopoly Denies They Are Monopoly


“For 15 years we have pursued a course of anticompetitive conduct that has allowed us to halt the rise of rival technologies, manipulate auction mechanics, insulate itself ourselves from competition, and force advertisers and publishers to use our tools,” Google Advertising Chief, Mona Opoli said at a press conference Tuesday. “Our wonderful all encompassing Borg-like monopoly company Google has engaged in exclusionary conduct that has severely weakened and happily destroyed competition in the ad-tech industry, and we are proud of that fact.”

“We are simply not a monopoly and there is nothing you or anyone can do about our monopoly dominance over the entire online ad market,” the Google advertising chief added.

She then stood up and challenged any company to prove that Google was a monopoly.

“We are not a monopoly and I challenge any company that we have bought out or taken over to tell us, the almighty Google monopoly, that we are a monopoly. Ahah! Silence! That’s because there is no one left to suggest we are a monopoly!”