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Militant Squad Member Ilhan Omar Taken Down


She usually stalks the halls of Congress with an RPG on her shoulder and a suicide vest strapped to her hijab, but the days for this militant ‘squad’ member were numbered. The House voted to remove Ilhan Omar from the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Thursday, as she immediately pulled out the obligatory race card in her defence.

On Wednesday, the House took a procedural step to allow them to remove the Democrat from the committee, where she has held a seat since she was first sworn in as a member of Congress in 2019. Ms Omar has been accused of making antisemitic comments in the past. The vote was official on Thursday afternoon.

Fellow squad member and cute little chihuahua, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez yelped very loudly in a speech in support of her squad colleague, but alas her protestations went nowhere.

Don’t worry, ladies of the Squad, the fight continues…

Australia Will Print a Wombat Instead of King Charles III on $5 Bill


Australia’s central bank announced Thursday it will be replacing the image on the $5 bill with a wombat instead of a portrait of King Charles III following the transition from currency featuring the late Queen Elizabeth II.

The decision will completely remove the British monarchy from the country’s banknotes, as the $5 bill was the last remaining bill featuring a monarch.

The bank said the move was made after consulting the woke government, which was in support of the change, Reuters reported.

The decision is obviously politically motivated and is a sure sign the Aussies are veering away from Britain’s royal family.

“We were thinking of putting a croc on the $5 bill, but eventually opted for a cute wombat,” a cheery Australian Reserve Bank staffer revealed.

Treasurer of Australia Jim Convict told reporters in Melbourne, the change is an “opportunity for Australia to distance itself from the whining pommie bastards since Queenie shuffled off this mortal coil”.

Another Australian at some watering hole commented: “I’ll have another 4-ex to that, Amen!”

FBI: “No Biden Documents With Classified Markings Found”


The FBI were conducting a routine cleaning operation <ahem> search operation on Biden’s holiday home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, on Wednesday without turning up any classified documents.

“We cleaned the property out of any incriminating evidence or classified documents. There were no classified documents at the property because we took them all. Biden’s clear, but we’re going to come down hard on Donald Trump, where we found incriminating classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago property in Florida,” the FBI agent in charge of the Biden clean up operation told CNN.

Now that Biden’s clear, everything is okay. President Donald Trump on the other hand will face the full wrath of the law. The president is facing a special counsel criminal investigation into his retention of several hundred classified documents and other government records at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida — and his resistance to giving them up, which led to an FBI warrant and search to seize them last August.

Biden: 800 Million Third World People Welcome in USA


The current population of the United States is 331.9 million, but according to Joe Biden, there’s plenty of room for 800 million more.

“Eight hundred million people worldwide want to migrate into homes and jobs in America, according to a Gallup survey published on January 31. Well, why do you think I opened up our borders. You are welcome here, folks,” Mr Biden revealed at a recent press conference in Arizona.

“In 2021, 16% of adults worldwide — which projects to almost 900 million people — said they would like to leave their own country permanently,” the Gallup poll revealed.

Despite Biden’s open door policy at the US border being labelled as reckless by sane people, Biden is adamant that he is doing the right thing.

“If you live in the poorest countries in the world, we want to help you. Our borders are now open. You just have to walk through, and we will give you and your extended family, including goats and chickens, a home, a car, and a job. Folks, we also welcome each and every one of you into our own homes, and jobs.”

Americans are now being advised to accommodate economic migrants in their homes. Embassies in many troubled regions of the globe are also posting details on how to come to the United States to start a new life of luxury.

On Wednesday, Biden ordered the State Department to start a dedicated program for the migration of 800 million people from some of the most deprived countries in the world to be granted free entry into the United States.

“Mi casa, su casa! We Americans greet you with open arms into our homes. Welcome. Thank you!” Biden added.



Thousands Ghost Towns Created As People Flock to Vancouver


This is incredible, Vancouver in Canada is decriminalising hard drugs. Heroin, cocaine, PCP, Meth, whatever you want is now legal. The Canadian province of British Columbia on Tuesday began a three-year pilot program to stop prosecuting people for carrying small amounts of heroin, meth, ecstasy, or crack cocaine, as part of an effort to fight a drug overdose crisis.

At the moment of the announcement, millions of people applied for Canadian citizenship.

“The roads are empty, our village has been completely cleaned out. They’re all off to Vancouver,” the remaining resident of Grymshyte, a village just outside Grimsby, England, revealed.

Some people are so desperate to get to Vancouver, they are trekking over hundreds of miles of forest to get over the border from the United States.

Billy Bob from Missoula, Montana is a dedicated meth head who just packed his bags and left his home when he heard the news on CNN.

“I wuz out in da yard wit my cuz Arlene. We were gonna go on our honeymoon, but I told her she can stay wit our 15 kids. I tol her dat I gotta date wit some serious meth in Vancouver. Dang it! Arlene did not take it well. Especially as I took da last bag of meth wit me. Hyuk! Hyuk! Hyuk!”

Why is the Daily Squib office half-empty today?

Why is Pfizer Making Covid Mutations More Deadly?


There is obvious silence from the mainstream media, but this is a serious matter that concerns humanity. The pharmaceutical company Pfizer has been creating Covid mutations that could be leaked like the Wuhan, China virus was leaked from a lab.

The news was discovered after a Project Veritas undercover reporter posed as a gay date for a Pfizer employee identified as Jordan Trishtan Walker, director of research and development-strategic operations and mRNA scientific planning.

During the video, Trishtan Walker admits that Pfizer is conducting illegal Gain of Function research on the Covid virus. This process essentially involves creating mutations of the virus so that Pfizer can create profitable vaccines to sell in the future when they possibly release the virus.

An In-Depth Look at the Distinctions Between Free Cell and Spider Solitaire


Freecell and Spider Solitaire are very popular in classic card games. While they may look similar at first glance, there are actually some distinct differences between the two that set them apart. Freecell is a solitaire game where all the cards start out dealt face-up in eight columns. The aim of the game is to move all the cards into four foundations based on the suit and in numerical order from Ace to King. Players must use their strategic skills to build stacks of alternating colours in descending order from King to Ace.

christina-wocintechchat-com-dI3BWO4dvNo-unsplashOne significant difference between freecell and other solitaire games is that it allows players to move multiple cards simultaneously as long as they are placed in sequence and follow suit. On the other hand, Spider Solitaire requires players to arrange all 52 cards into ten columns, each containing four or five randomly distributed cards with only one visible card per column.

To win the game, players must build 8 stacks of cards from King through Ace within these ten columns. Unlike Freecell, Spider Solitaire does not allow for any kind of movement between different columns; instead, each column must be completed independently before moving on to another one.

What are the differences between the layouts of Free Cell and Spider Solitaire?

One of the major differences between Freecell and Spider Solitaire layouts is the number of cards dealt. In Freecell, all 52 cards are dealt face up into eight columns with four cards in each column. The remaining four cells are empty and can store any card during play. In Spider Solitaire, 54 cards are dealt face down into ten columns, with six cards in each column. The top card in each column is then turned face up, leaving 44 cards face down and ten face up. This layout allows for more strategic moves, as players can move multiple sequences at once if they have enough empty cells or columns available.

How many cards can be moved at once in Free Cell Solitaire compared to Spider Solitaire?

In Freecell Solitaire, you can move one card at a time. On the other hand, when it comes to Spider Solitaire, multiple cards can be moved at once. However, in Spider Solitaire, you can move multiple cards at once. This is because, in Spider Solitaire, you can move sequences of cards with the same suit and in descending order.

What is the objective of Free Cell compared to Spider Solitaire?

Freecell aims to move all the cards from the tableau to the foundations. The foundations are built up by suit, in ascending order, starting with the Ace. Unlike Spider Solitaire, Freecell has no suits, and you can move any card into an empty column. You can also move multiple cards at once if they are in sequence and of the same suit. In addition, you have four freecells that you can use as temporary storage for any card or group of cards while playing. This makes it easier to organize your table and plan your moves ahead of time.

If Only Boris or Rees-Mogg Captained the Great Ship Britannia


Let’s face it, the good Olde ship Britannia is at the moment caught between a squall and a typhoon. It is being led by clueless mutineers who have taken over the ship but have no idea how to run the ship. Instead of beating into the wind, Britain is sailing in irons going nowhere fast.

Would it not be great to instil greatness and pride into the country? To rightly reward those who work their guts off every day of their lives instead of punishing them with punitive morose taxes that empty bank accounts before any money even enters them? Would it not be great to build up our armed forces to their previous might and strength, so that service men and women can be proud to stand and fight? Would it not be great to instil a true work ethic in the young with meaningful, rewarding apprenticeships?

There was a time when there was little or no welfare state, and Britons worked and fought for their Empire with pride. There were no handouts for doing nothing, you either worked or you perished. That is the wake-up call this nation needs.

At present, the globe is entering another period of total war, culminating from the crisis in Ukraine. Britain needs a real leader, either bring back Boris, or instate Rees-Mogg as the next PM.

The United Kingdoms of Britain are currently not very united to say the least, however one factor, one event always unites — war. Britain and NATO are not officially at war, however in all certainty there are rogue nations at war with us. Russia, Iran, China to name a few. Yes, of course the public is not told this yet, but there will come a time of escalation where it will be impossible to hide. Britain must seize the moment now to prepare for the onslaught that will materialise across continental Europe.

Under the insipid passive, meek non-leadership of the current conservative leader, Britain would not survive a single day on the battlefield. Someone like that is only concerned with accounting and numbers, they have no other skills or interests, let alone strategic abilities in modern warfare. Someone like that cannot lead men, firstly because they have no charisma, they have no presence as a leader.

Britain needs someone with some fucking balls to lead the good ship Britannia through this nightmare.

IMF: Jeremy Hunt Killing UK Economy


If you have insane inflationary levels, a faltering economy, unions striking everywhere, and businesses going bust, increasing tax and interest rates will kill and stifle the economy. This is what the idiot Chancellor of the Exchequer is doing. Jeremy Hunt is strangling economic growth and killing off the private sector in Britain. Everyone knows that the private sector is the engine of the economy and is needed to pay for Britain’s large welfare state as well as basically pay for everything else.

Britain now is swamped with a huge wasteful government, a big state of wasteful departments that serve no purpose, quangos, civil servants working from the Seychelles.

shop uk economy

Murdering the economy with high taxes and increasing interest rates creates a non-aspirational quagmire of shit. Forget about levelling up, thanks to the Rishi Sunak government of ineptitude and punishment there is no level anymore.

Singapore on the Thames? The economy in Britain is now worse than that of Russia, a pariah country due to its illegal invasion of Ukraine.

Empty shops in an abandoned high street

Cancel Culture Vultures Circling Over Socialist Darling Guardian Newspaper


The shamed owners of the far-left Marxist mega-woke Guardian newspaper have decided to cancel their newspaper next week after realising the founder was a slave owner.

The originator of the institutionally racist Grauniad was John Edward Taylor, (11 September 1791 – 6 January 1844). He was the founder of the Manchester Guardian newspaper in 1821, which was renamed in 1959 The Guardian.

Off to the Guardian Cotton Plantation

“It’s not just the interns who are slaves at the Guardian, we have discovered that John Edward Taylor, our founder, was also a slave owner. Imagine the shame we felt as our all-white woke press room had to come to terms with this fact,” slave master, sub-editor, Paul Whipper revealed on Tuesday.

The Guardian even sided with the slave-owning Southern states, the Confederacy, against Abraham Lincoln and the North in the American Civil War. The paper loathed Lincoln and made no secret of it.

“It was an evil day both for America and the world when he was chosen President of the United States,” the Guardian newspaper wrote in 1862.


Initially, senior Guardian staff tried to cover up the links to slavery, but eventually the utter shame was too much, and they capitulated to their white guilt.

On Monday, the Guardian even changed its begging for money plea to socialist readers found on every page online:

“We’re not funded by billionaires. We were once funded by a slave owner and cotton plantations, though. Please help us come to terms with this shame by giving us more money.”

The Daily Squib conducted a similar investigation into its founder, Francis Wellesley, the 6th Duke of Pembroke, who created our newspaper in 1862. Luckily, there were no links to slavery, apart from a harem of willing ladies of the night he kept at a boarding house in Chichester which he would visit occasionally until he caught a bad case of the clap one year.

As for the Guardian, its days are now numbered as the cancel culture vultures circle its slave loving socialist corpse.