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Friday, October 25, 2024
secret satire society
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Sunak Advises Plundered British Army to Throw Stones at Advancing Russians


Decades of neglect and plundering of Ministry of Defence budgets has left the British Army floundering. No bullets, no missiles, and a limited force with low morale, Britain’s once proud forces were stripped dry by the likes of David Cameron and Theresa May. As for Rishi Sunak, and his miserly Chancellor, the MoD are still under attack from their own government with measly piffling budgets that do not stand a chance in any war situation.

“This is why I am today advising Britain’s forces to throw stones at any threat attacking Britain. We can’t afford bullets but there are plenty of stones about. When the Russians attack with their bullets and missiles, we will have stones to defend ourselves with. Rest assured, the Chancellor and I will be far behind the front lines cheering our forces on.”

Stones and other objects can be thrown from quite a distance. There are also plenty of sticks that can be used, mainly found in forests. Sometimes if a stick is sharpened, it can even be used as a weapon to defend from the advancing crazed Russian heavily armed amphetamine drugged soldiers.

Poll: Bring Back Death Penalty But Only if It’s By the Axe


As Tory deputy chairman, Lee Anderson supports the return of the death penalty, a new poll of 1,500 people reveals that many only back the return of capital punishment if the heads of criminals are chopped off by an executioner with an axe.

Asked why the axe was so popular, a spokesman for the MOROSE Poll revealed that it was all about the extravaganza of a good beheading.

“People would like to make a day out of it. Also, hanging is rather boring, they wriggle around a bit and that’s it. With a good axe beheading, we would get people travelling all the way from John O’Groats to Land’s End to see someone’s head chopped off and fall into a basket.”

Historian, Professor Eggsie Kutioner, at Scunthorpe University was intrigued by the new poll findings.

“This new polling discovery sort of confirms the fantastic nature of British history. A good decent beheading has been in our culture for centuries and is a firm part of our heritage. Bringing back the axe beheading executions would be a wonderful affirmation to our historical and modern standing.”

Terrorists, spies, murderers and citizens who commit High Treason would be possibly given the chop if convicted. There are, however, no calls to bring back the stocks.

The death penalty for murder in the UK was permanently abolished in 1965, while it ended for all crimes in 1998.

Joe Biden’s State of the Bunion Address


“The bunions are bad, man! You try putting on a shoe with those things! It’s like having a $32 trillion deficit right there on the side of your big toe! Gimme a break, man!” Joe Biden said during his State of the Bunion Address.

“Here’s to 2024 when I pit my bunion against Trump’s smaller bunion. You see, mine has grown to develop over many decades and is hard as a fuckin’ rock. As for my haemorrhoids…”

The applause filled the room, some Democrats even took off their own shoes and waved their bunions at Joe Biden in delight.

“You see folks, when I’m in Delaware the first thing I do is take off my shoes because the state of my bunions really smarts. I then ask Jill to bring over that Top Secret Burisma documentation I kinda borrowed. I’m the ‘Big Guy’ or the ‘Big Bunion’ with the ill-gotten gains, and Hunter better get me my 10%…Shushhh!”

Hunter Biden is present and whoops with enthusiasm as his dad mentions his name. He then agitatedly stoops down and picks up a small glass pipe, as he lights a crack rock on a bottle he inhales the smoke and his smile just gets bigger and bigger.

“Thank you, thank you. We want zero carbon emissions and that means if you’re a carbon life form then I’m afraid you gotta go. Sorry, folks, but that’s what Carbon Zero means. So when the time comes, just remember old Uncle Joe and his bunions, ’cause you’ll be sleeping with the onions…hee, hee, hee!”

Erdoğan’s Way of Sorting Out the Kurdish Problem in Eastern Turkey


Delaying an adequate earthquake response on an area of Turkey full of undesirables (Kurds) was probably an ideal way of solving a moderate level of the Kurdish problem, according to Turkish supreme ruler Erdoğan.

The estimated death toll could easily reach over 100,000 people, but at the moment of writing is 15,000. Despite this being one of the worst earthquakes of recent times, even the British media are mostly ignoring the story, relegating it to a few inch columns far away from headlines about the latest Love Island news. It seems in 2023, life is cheap, especially if the humans who were crushed to death are from some dark detested part of the world.

It is true to say that Erdoğan’s Turkey does not have many friends in the world circuit, but even so, some European countries at least made an effort to send humanitarian help and professional earthquake response teams. Meanwhile, Erdoğan stood by with little or no response to the area.

On the ground, help did not come for many for over 48 hours, and residents who did survive say they organised their own diggers to help to rescue the buried, but were told they were forbidden from using them until the government help came, so they waited, and it never came. In one area, it was three days before a Spanish rescue team came to help.

Much of the nightmare of demolished buildings could have been avoided if proper building regulations and construction were adhered to, but governmental corruption is so rife in Turkey that it is terminal.

Earthquakes it seems are very efficient ways of taking care of certain problems.


Why Woke Ideology Divides and Destroys Societies


Today there are woke Marxists who abhor capitalism, democracy and freedom of speech, yet they still are functioning and working within a Western capitalist democracy. How can that be? Well, many of these people were indoctrinated into Marxism from youth whilst living in the permissive West and once they come of age they become woke activists working from within capitalist democracy to destroy the ideals of Western culture and society.

Create polarity

The main battering ram of the woke is division. To destroy a society from within, woke agents must first divide people into groups, then play all of the different factions against each other to create discord, chaos, social attrition, violence and riots.

The woke disguise their push for division by masking it with fake virtue. Known as ‘virtue signalling’. Wokism essentially weaponises societal differences in race, sexuality and religion. This pigeonholing of entire swathes of people creates chaos and rifts in society, destabilising and demoralising entire nations from within.

“It’s a way of making people within any given target nation hate and doubt themselves from the inside. As a destabilising force, wokeness is also promoted from the highest levels of society and even conglomerate brands, who are paid off to spout the woke party line.

“When ordinary people see these brands promoting woke propaganda, there is an affirmation of the message, thus normalising wokism,” a CCP minister revealed from Beijing.

Destabilisation internally

The CCP and Russian FSB have been destabilising the USA for decades now, and the nation is thoroughly defeated and polarised from the inside societally.

“We want you to detest your own self and country. Here in China, we are more racist than any other country, but we homed into the racial rifts within your country and encouraged the blacks in your country to revolt. Over here in China, any such action would be crushed in an instant. In America, rioting and looting was even encouraged by the Obama and Biden administration, causing immense economic and societal damage to your country.

“Wokism not only weakens the target nation from the inside out, but it weakens the fighting forces of the weakened nation. Joe Biden has weakened and killed off the US military not only by defunding drives but by emasculating soldiers. Why would America’s enemies want a strong, masculine force of soldiers to fight against? Thanks to complete useful idiots like Joe Biden, the onus is put on the US military becoming a trans queer LGBTQP emasculated bunch of preening flower arranging woke pussies more concerned with makeup techniques and nail salons than machine guns.”

China would win a war fought against American soldiers today under the Biden administration.

Grammys: Apparently Satan is a Little Fat Bloke in a Onesie


The good old Christian creation of Satan used to be a mysterious strong enigmatic figure, yes red was his colour and flames roasted the souls around him for eternity. In 2023, things have changed somewhat, and we have a fat bloke in a red onesie prancing around a Grammys stage with a German eunuch back-up singer in a cage.

The controllers and marketeers of this music biz extravaganza want the outrage, so that people talk about their product. Clearly, by adding the faux satanic element they are specifically targeting the Christians in the audience, so their outrage can move their bland soulless product in the mediocre music charts. Sure, outrage creates a selling point, but it does have its limits. However much one polishes a turd, at the end of the day it is still a turd. One suspects that even devout Christians would watch this pathetic nonsense of some fat bloke poncing around in a onesie and a Halloween set of horns and simply laugh at the ridiculousness of it all, because even they can see through it all.

Poor old Christians are an easy target because they are so forgiving, and many have since lost the lustre of the initial childhood mind implantation. If these marketeers wanted real controversy, they would ridicule Islam or the Prophet. It is a given that doing such things usually results in an early death, so maybe they are not as stupid as they act. If you want to live, that’s one religion no one apart from the recklessly insane fuck with.

There was a time once when illiterate dumb humans could be made to believe in the devils and the gods, so they could think there was an omnipresent moralistic force judging them over their worldly deeds and constantly watching over their every move. Nowadays, we just have Google/NSA doing the constant watching and judging.

Madonna attended the 2023 Grammys

These man-made religions were constructed to create Ordo ab Chao, Order out of Chaos. Christianity, specifically, was created to replace the end of the Roman Empire, the great Caesars and Roman Gods/Goddesses replaced by the Holy Trinity and a cross — a much simpler and easier control system. By amalgamating past religious memes, they created an ideal superhuman called Jesus, a perfect being modelled on Osiris. The Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh, created 4,500 BC before the Bible described the great flood in great detail, and was subsequently copied by the blokes who concocted the Bible later on, much to the embarrassment of Victorian Christians. The point being that all of these entities, characters and mythical occurrences are all essentially created by human minds — including the Christian version of Satan.

In 2012, 40 million people tuned in to watch the Grammys, and in 2023, it was a mere 18.7 million. It seems the more woke and deranged the media controllers get, the fewer people watch, therefore resulting in resorting to scraping the barrel with douchebags like fat Satan haunting the show — a festering suppurating anal wart on the ass of humanity.

Next year at the Grammys, maybe we can have more laughable, impotent attempts to create a modicum of outrage to push viewing figures even fucking lower. Do What Thou Wilt is a phrase the morons who market this pathetic, banal pap will never understand or put into real practice.

Never Underestimate the Power of Mother Nature


Humans must humble themselves to the power of Mother Nature, who is a powerful force rivalling any man-made weapons. Building car parks and concreting over everything and mining earth’s resources are a testament to Man’s arrogance. The concrete jungles teeming with traffic spewing poisons into the atmosphere and the car parks built over bulldozed meadows mark humanity’s supposed superiority, however all this shit can be shaken off in less than a minute.

Building on flood plains, building over tectonic fault lines, damming rivers, chopping down entire rain forests, bleeding marsh lands, poisoning the oceans, polluting everything, human construction/destruction is ceaseless as it alters the earth’s surface and mercilessly mines its nether regions.

Something is infecting the earth, and the planet’s energy needs to shake it off, much like a horse shakes off the flies with its tail. Forget your fucking wars, and your fucking TV reality shows, when the big one hits you better have a spaceship to take you to another planet to rob and pillage. All your useless politics and power play won’t matter as your parliaments and weapon stockpiles are reduced to nothing but smouldering rubble. Perverting biology, and genetically modifying the already perfected universal forms of life, cause immense damage. Overcrowding the earth with unfettered breeding not only creates misery and suffering amongst human populations but causes more pollution, factory farming, terrorism, disease, poverty, famine and war.

Volcanoes, earthquakes, meteorites, tsunamis, viruses, bacteria, hurricanes cannot be tamed by humankind. What humans experience as the power of the earth is only a miniscule atom worth of the power of the universe.

What have they done to the earth? What have they done to our fair sister? Ravaged and plundered and ripped her and bit her. Stuck her with knives in the side of the dawn andTied her with fences and dragged her down…

Enough hippy stuff…

Please carry on plundering the earth.

This was not a public service announcement!

Earthquake: Turkish Building Regulations Need to Improve


If you are ever in a Turkish building and an earthquake hits, you better be prepared to run the fuck out of the building sharpish. It seems that Turkish building regulations, along with widespread corruption, equates to many buildings being constructed from sand and poor materials often put together in a very shoddy manner. Of course, not all Turkish buildings are poorly constructed, there are some developers who take care to adhere to good construction practices.

The East Anatolian fault line is a ruthless judge of building regulations, which is being pushed Westwards, causing immense pressure with the tectonic plates to snap. The aftershocks were stronger than the initial earthquake. The epicentre of the earthquake occurred at a point where three tectonic plates meet at a triple junction. The last earthquake of this magnitude in South East Turkey occurred 200 years ago. This region of Turkey is also populated by a large number of Syrian and Iraqi refugees.

Imagine being in a high rise and on the 30th floor. Either you have a parachute and chance it out the window, or you will ride the thirty floors all the way down, ending up in the dust and rubble.

Turkish builders are often people with political connections who put profit above safety, and the cronyism and corruption of the government are the main reasons for the existence of “kacak” (contraband) buildings. Despite Turkey adopting the Italian model of earthquake prevention in building regulations recently, older buildings did not adhere to these regulations.

Many buildings are decrepit and poorly maintained, but greedy developers who skimp on proper building regulations and use poor quality steel and cement are to blame for the horrendous collapses. Developers even use empty cooking oil drums in the pillars of those buildings, as well as poor quality cement with cheap fillers. When these defective “kacak” buildings collapse in earthquakes like a house of cards, one can only blame the prevalent corruption in the Turkish construction industry.

In Japan, the construction of buildings are optimised and designed to survive severe earthquakes by swaying with the tremors. Until Turkey adopts a similar form of regulatory system within the construction industry that is properly policed and enforced, they will continue to suffer.


Gary Glitter to Advise Prince Andrew on Restoring Reputation


Disgraced nonce former pop star Gary Glitter has been freed from prison after serving half his 16-year jail sentence.

Glitter, 78, whose real name is Paul Gadd, was sentenced in 2015 for attempted rape, four counts of indecent assault and one of having sex with a girl under 13.

Upon release from HMP The Verne – a low security category C jail in Portland, Dorset, Glitter announced that he would like to not only restore his reputation as a serial paedophile but help the much beleaguered Prince Andrew restore his reputation as well.

“I’ve heard Prince Andrew wants to restore his reputation. Well, so do I. I am willing to work with Andrew right away. I just need to go on an urgent trip to Cambodia first.”

When the BBC reporter asked Glitter why he was going to Cambodia just after his eight-year prison term, Glitter just winked and left in a hurry to pack his bags.

There was no reply from Prince Andrew’s residence when reporters asked for comment.

China Denies it is Responsible For Chinese Spy Balloon Over Montana


The United States has detected what it says is a Chinese surveillance balloon that has been hovering over the northwestern United States, the Pentagon said on Thursday, a discovery that comes days before Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken’s visit to Beijing.

No one knows what the hell China is looking for in Montana?

“We got horses, buffalo, cows and cowboys. Maybe those old commie bastards want to film a new series of Yellowstone. Mebbe they’s got some little Chinese dude in that balloon with a telescope searching for a shot of Kelly Reilly dipping her Montana hotness in a god-damn horse trough or something like that. Shi-i-et!” a bemused resident of a shack quipped.

Meanwhile, in Beijing, supreme communist party leader Xi Jinping emphatically denied that the balloon was from China.

“It a not Chinese, even though everything made in China. We are not spying on Yankees. We are not dropping the latest more deadly Wuhan Lab version of manufactured Coronavirus onto the USA. No! It nothing to do with China. Hee, hee, hee!”

Pentagon officials said the balloon had travelled all the way from China to the Aleutian Islands of Alaska, and through northwest Canada over the past few days before arriving somewhere over Montana, where it was hovering on Wednesday.

Beijing Biden was notified about the Chinese balloon but said nothing and went back to bed.