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While Supermarkets Empty Shelves in UK – French Hypermarket Auchan Thriving in Russia


Russians are living the life of Riley during the so-called Western sanctions. French owned hypermarket Auchan still has over 300 stores with 40,000 employees keeping the Russian population fed on gourmet food, croissants, baguettes, foie gras and caviar. The shelves are all full of multiples of types of products, full to the brim of the best quality of food at very reasonable prices. Auchan is owned by the Muillez family in France.

In stark contrast, Britain is suffering food shortages of the most basic items like tomatoes and cucumbers. You have to now take out a second mortgage to buy a small basket of plain every day goods in the UK. Buying a simple loaf of bread, some cheese, and maybe some butter will cost you £10.00 or more. Empty shelves are being primarily blamed for the ‘bad weather’ but that excuse is utter bullshit. Because the extreme high cost of electricity and other utilities farmers cannot afford to grow their vegetables indoors, and importing from the EU is also a huge problem, probably because of red tape and Brexit politics.


While the UK is suffering, Russians are living like kings and queens with no shortages of food or any type of wares. Fuel is cheap and gas is practically free. Low electricity costs and plenty of food for everyone. It is safe to say that sanctions have made little or no impact on Russia.

Globus, the German run hypermarket is the biggest chain and the stores are huge with enormous amounts of variation in products. These hypermarkets sell very cheap goods to Russians, who enjoy their lives of luxury while the bombs and missiles rain down on Ukraine. Globus Hypermarket Holding (Globus SB-Warenhaus Holding GmbH & Co. KG), branded as Globus, is a German retail chain of hypermarkets, DIY stores and electronics stores.

Along with Auchan, the French-owned hypermarket, Globus is also a major player in Russia, and have contravened any form of sanction on the country. Many Russians do not even know or feel that there is a serious war being fought in Ukraine created by their supreme commander in chief, Vladimir Putin. As long as the oil and gas flows through India and China, and the food from Europe flows through to Russia with no problem at all.

Oh No! Dilbert What Have You Done?


The creator of the Dilbert cartoon strip, Scott Adams is in a bit of a bind, and one can only feel for the poor guy. Some creative people may be geniuses in their own right but sometimes they are not aware of certain social nuances, simply because of their way of wearing their hearts on their sleeves. Adams was cancelled because he replied to a recent Rasmussen poll revealing ‘47% of Black people did not agree with the phrase “It’s okay to be white”‘. The findings of the poll clearly reveal some racism within the black community.

Certainly, the world media has been inundated with images of black people in all advertising, all films, all streaming series and all magazines since the BLM riots in America. Every film from Hollywood now overcompensates by having black people in high positions of power ordering others around like subservient beings, but this constant pushing of this agenda is making some people crack, like Dilbert creator Adams. The jump from basically not seeing many black people in all media to suddenly an overwhelming surplus is quite a jump and is disconcerting to some people. Also, ‘affirmative action’ in the workplace is a form of racism in itself, where people who may or may not be qualified for any given job position are parachuted in simply because of their race or gender.

Why is it just black people, though? Why are they the only ones being elevated and paraded around, while others are still marginalised? Filipinos, Saudi Arabians, Belgians, Japanese, Greeks Egyptians, Eskimos, Native Americans, Nepalese and everyone else have been sidelined as much as anyone.

Adams does have a way with words which is perceived as racist, but he is addressing the blatant racism of some black people towards whites and other races. Black racism does exist, as does racism from any colour of skin. You can be blue, black, green with orange spots, or purple, the colour does not matter, it is the overall character and demeanour of individuals that should matter. Everyone of course has an opinion of their own, whether it was instilled and drilled into them as a child, or their views changed as they became more aware. The model that humans build of their environment, and their perception, is all down to experience. The unknown is always feared, the key to altering the model is introducing some kind of familiarity which will alleviate any fear.

There is such a thing as white flight, and this is what Adams is possibly addressing as well. White flight is a very real phenomenon which happens to many neighbourhoods where a black family will move in to a home, or a few will come at the same time. Eventually, the original inhabitants move out and from there…

Further questions and truths are never addressed, like IQ levels and the scientific disparity between certain races. This subject is shut down almost immediately and the results of numerous studies hidden away. Even the scientist who helped discover the structure of DNA was erased from all records because he dared to mention some of the factors involving race and IQ/genetics. Why does intelligence and race matter? Well, we as humans should not kid ourselves or delude ourselves that there is equality in intelligence levels in race, the Romans proved that point 2,500 years ago with their architectural marvels, aqueducts, palaces, cities, and highly evolved governmental structures, as well as their superior military machinery. IQ however is a very contentious measure of overall intelligence and should not necessarily be the ultimate arbiter of the complete spectrum in intelligence analysis, however it is the current test used by many nations and institutions.

As for Adams, no doubt his words will push the sales of his books up as many agree with him. He just had the balls to say what many people think. It’s his right to speak however negatively he is perceived or written down by those who are too scared to ever address the elephant in the room. The publishers who cancel his comic strip are also free to do that. Adams has made his millions, and he finally got to say what he really wanted for all those years. Good luck to the fella…

Countries by IQ – Average IQ by Country 2023

Rank Country IQ  2023 Population
1 Japan 106.48 123,294,513
2 Taiwan 106.47 23,923,276
3 Singapore 105.89 6,014,723
4 Hong Kong 105.37 7,491,609
5 China 104.1 1,425,671,352
6 South Korea 102.35 51,784,059
7 Belarus 101.6 9,498,238
8 Finland 101.2 5,545,475
9 Liechtenstein 101.07 39,584
10 Germany 100.74 83,294,633
11 Netherlands 100.74 17,618,299
12 Estonia 100.72 1,322,765
13 Luxembourg 99.87 654,768
14 Macau 99.82 704,149
15 Cambodia 99.75 16,944,826
16 Canada 99.52 38,781,291
17 Australia 99.24 26,439,111
18 Hungary 99.24 10,156,239
19 Switzerland 99.24 8,796,669
20 United Kingdom 99.12 67,736,802
21 Greenland 98.89 56,643
22 North Korea 98.82 26,160,821
23 Slovenia 98.6 2,119,675
24 New Zealand 98.57 5,228,100
25 Austria 98.38 8,958,960
26 Iceland 98.26 375,318
27 Denmark 97.83 5,910,913
28 Belgium 97.49 11,686,140
29 United States 97.43 339,996,563
30 Norway 97.13 5,474,360
31 Sweden 97 10,612,086
32 France 96.69 64,756,584
33 Poland 96.35 41,026,067
34 Slovakia 96.32 5,795,199
35 Russia 96.29 144,444,359
36 Lithuania 95.89 2,718,352
37 Croatia 95.75 4,008,617
38 Andorra 95.2 80,088
39 Ireland 95.13 5,056,935
40 Czech Republic 94.92 10,495,295
41 Latvia 94.79 1,830,211
42 Italy 94.23 58,870,762
43 Vanuatu 93.92 334,506
44 New Caledonia 93.92 292,991
45 Spain 93.9 47,519,628
46 Bermuda 93.48 64,069
47 Cyprus 93.39 1,260,138
48 Portugal 92.77 10,247,605
49 Israel 92.43 9,174,520
50 Barbados 91.6 281,995
51 Malta 91.27 535,064
52 Myanmar 91.18 54,577,997
53 Mongolia 91.03 3,447,157
54 Bulgaria 90.99 6,687,717
55 Greece 90.77 10,341,277
56 Suriname 90.29 623,236
57 Ukraine 90.07 36,744,634
58 Moldova 89.98 3,435,931
59 Serbia 89.6 7,149,077
60 Vietnam 89.53 98,858,950
61 Iraq 89.28 45,504,560
62 Uzbekistan 89.01 35,163,944
63 Kazakhstan 88.89 19,606,633
64 Thailand 88.87 71,801,279
65 Armenia 88.82 2,777,970
66 Bosnia And Herzegovina 88.54 3,210,847
67 Costa Rica 88.34 5,212,173
68 Bhutan 87.94 787,424
69 Chile 87.89 19,629,590
70 Mexico 87.73 128,455,567
71 Tajikistan 87.71 10,143,543
72 Uruguay 87.59 3,423,108
73 Malaysia 87.58 34,308,525
74 Brunei 87.58 452,524
75 Bahamas 86.99 412,623
76 Romania 86.88 19,892,812
77 Turkey 86.8 85,816,199
78 Argentina 86.63 45,773,884
79 Sri Lanka 86.62 21,893,579
80 Mauritius 86.56 1,300,557
81 Turkmenistan 85.86 6,516,100
82 Montenegro 85.78 626,485
83 Trinidad And Tobago 85.63 1,534,937
84 Azerbaijan 84.81 10,412,651
85 Georgia 84.5 3,728,282
86 Turks And Caicos Islands 84.29 46,062
87 Paraguay 84.04 6,861,524
88 Fiji 83.96 936,375
89 Solomon Islands 83.96 740,424
90 Samoa 83.96 225,681
91 Kiribati 83.96 133,515
92 Micronesia 83.96 115,224
93 Tonga 83.96 107,773
94 Marshall Islands 83.96 41,996
95 Cook Islands 83.96 17,044
96 Cuba 83.9 11,194,449
97 Bahrain 83.6 1,485,509
98 Brazil 83.38 216,422,446
99 Guyana 83.23 813,834
100 Colombia 83.13 52,085,168
101 Venezuela 82.99 28,838,499
102 Cayman Islands 82.24 69,310
103 Afghanistan 82.12 42,239,854
104 Haiti 82.1 11,724,763
105 Dominican Republic 82.05 11,332,972
106 United Arab Emirates 82.05 9,516,871
107 Puerto Rico 81.99 3,260,314
108 North Macedonia 81.91 2,085,679
109 Albania 81.75 2,832,439
110 Lebanon 81.7 5,353,930
111 Philippines 81.64 117,337,368
112 Peru 81.44 34,352,719
113 Northern Mariana Islands 81.36 49,796
114 Laos 80.99 7,633,779
115 Libya 80.92 6,888,388
116 Qatar 80.78 2,716,391
117 Jordan 80.7 11,337,052
118 Maldives 80.54 521,021
119 Iran 80.01 89,172,767
120 Pakistan 80 240,485,658
121 Grenada 79.34 126,183
122 Tunisia 79.22 12,458,223
123 Kyrgyzstan 79.09 6,735,347
124 Panama 79 4,468,087
125 Sudan 78.87 48,109,006
126 Chad 78.87 18,278,568
127 Seychelles 78.76 107,660
128 Oman 78.7 4,644,384
129 Kuwait 78.64 4,310,108
130 Indonesia 78.49 277,534,122
131 Papua New Guinea 78.49 10,329,931
132 Timor Leste 78.49 1,360,596
133 Ecuador 78.26 18,190,484
134 Palestine 77.69 5,371,230
135 Senegal 77.37 17,763,163
136 Comoros 77.07 852,075
137 Madagascar 76.79 30,325,732
138 British Virgin Islands 76.69 31,538
139 Bolivia 76.53 12,388,571
140 Uganda 76.42 48,582,334
141 Saudi Arabia 76.36 36,947,025
142 Egypt 76.32 112,716,598
143 India 76.24 1,428,627,663
144 Algeria 76 45,606,480
145 Kenya 75.2 55,100,586
146 Angola 75.1 36,684,202
147 Jamaica 75.08 2,825,544
148 Tanzania 74.95 67,438,106
149 Syria 74.41 23,227,014
150 Bangladesh 74.33 172,954,319
151 Zimbabwe 74.01 16,665,409
152 Burkina Faso 73.8 23,251,485
153 Saint Lucia 73.68 180,251
154 Mozambique 72.5 33,897,354
155 Burundi 72.09 13,238,559
156 Niger 70.82 27,202,843
157 Antigua And Barbuda 70.48 94,298
158 Saint Kitts And Nevis 70.48 47,755
159 Rwanda 69.95 14,094,683
160 Benin 69.71 13,712,828
161 Malawi 69.7 20,931,751
162 El Salvador 69.63 6,364,943
163 Botswana 69.45 2,675,352
164 South Africa 68.87 60,414,495
165 Lesotho 68.87 2,330,318
166 Eswatini 68.87 1,210,822
167 Eritrea 68.77 3,748,901
168 Zambia 68.43 20,569,737
169 Ethiopia 68.42 126,527,060
170 Djibouti 68.41 1,136,455
171 Nigeria 67.76 223,804,632
172 Cameroon 67.76 28,647,293
173 Somalia 67.67 18,143,378
174 Morocco 67.03 37,840,044
175 Namibia 66.19 2,604,172
176 Dominica 66.03 73,040
177 Sao Tome And Principe 65.22 231,856
178 Dr Congo 64.92 102,262,808
179 Saint Vincent And The Grenadines 63.42 103,698
180 Republic Of The Congo 62.97 6,106,869
181 Gabon 62.97 2,436,566
182 Yemen 62.86 34,449,825
183 Central African Republic 62.55 5,742,315
184 Belize 62.55 410,825
185 Honduras 62.16 10,593,798
186 Togo 59.83 9,053,799
187 Mali 59.76 23,293,698
188 Mauritania 59.76 4,862,989
189 South Sudan 58.61 11,088,796
190 Ghana 58.16 34,121,985
191 Ivory Coast 58.16 28,873,034
192 Guinea 53.48 14,190,612
193 Nicaragua 52.69 7,046,310
194 Gambia 52.68 2,773,168
195 Cape Verde 52.5 598,682
196 Guatemala 47.72 18,092,026
197 Sierra Leone 45.07 8,791,092
198 Liberia 45.07 5,418,377
199 Nepal 42.99 30,896,590



Love it or Hate it – 40% OFF Promo Code For ‘The Daily Squib Anthology’


Holy Shizzazoes!!! Whatever that means? Curtis Press our publisher has very kindly created a limited time promo code offer of 40% off the retail price of the Daily Squib Anthology.

The woke hate us, but we can live with that. If you want to grab a copy sharpish before the promo code offer ends — now is the time.

19th century daily squib anthology




Fifteen years of satire encapsulated in this anthology and lots of blood, sweat, tears and other bodily fluids were secreted to create this book that is the antithesis of all the soviet woke Stasi censorship and the cancel culture totalitarian fucks who want to murder art, literature, biology and history.

Stand up brothers and sisters, we must FIGHT together and SMASH the people who stamp on freedom of expression, democracy and artistic freedom.

The promo code won’t last for long, so come on grab a copy while the branding iron is still hot!!! Only a limited amount of copies are left that are signed first edition copies.


This is Not a War Just For Ukraine But the World


February 24th marks one year since the illegal invasion by Russian troops ordered into Ukraine by chief gangster Vladimir Putin.

As Beijing is giving Russia support in its evil war quietly, publicly China is calling for an end to the ‘special military operation’. China is now about to give arms to Russia, as the Russians are running out of the most basic military supplies. The Russians are also supplied by Iran with deadly suicide drones. India is also a large partner with Russia in oil and gas sales funding Putin’s evil war of attrition.

война в Харькове
Люди прячутся от обстрелов в метро в Харькове в четверг 24.03.2022.Фото Мариенко Андрея

The illegal invasion and atrocities committed on a sovereign nation contravening international law by Russia is fully financially supported by China, India and Iran.

Sanctions by the West have been useless simply because sanctions are not enforced, and Russia easily circumvents the so-called sanctions via India and China.

2022 War Russia invasion Ukraine war crimes. Mark bullet car destroyed bus crash. Bus evacuating civilian shooting bullet glass hole shot bullet windshield broken icon red cross sign humanitarian logo
Bus evacuating civilian shooting bullet glass hole shot bullet windshield broken icon red cross sign humanitarian logo. 2022 War Russia invasion Ukraine war crimes. Mark bullet car destroyed bus crash

The meat grinder of Ukraine grinds away daily the Russian conscripts and cannon fodder. Poorly equipped, poorly trained and with low moral, these troops can only show their frustration by committing awful atrocities and genocide on the poor Ukrainian civilians. Women, kids, babies, elderlies and the disabled are easy prey for the drugged up Russian Wagner criminals. Raping and pillaging, then conducting a scorched earth policy.

Behind the scenes, China is now preparing to send military weapons to Russia, and for the past year it has been financing and supplying technology to Putin’s evil regime. Publicly, China has been at some points vetoing Russia at the UN, but China’s hypocrisy is only too evident with their actions in Russia. Just as China commits genocide on the Uygur people and in Tibet, they are also watching how the US deals with sanctions on Russia. Chinese aspirations on Taiwan are no mystery, as it also prepares for an onslaught on the little island in the not too distant future.

Mariupol, Ukraine Mar 24, 2022: road, neighborhood, houses, car, rocket, grad, fire, bomb, snipped, shooting,
Mariupol, Ukraine Mar 24, 2022. Destroyed car after Grad rocket explodes.

If NATO and the West does not arm Ukraine with jets, tanks, and high-tech missiles, then the war will escalate as an emboldened Putin moves to other European countries. As Germany and France dilly-dally and question any attempt to arm Ukraine, the United Kingdom has been bold and enthusiastic in committing hard weaponry and support. It is sad to see the lacklustre stance by European nations, apart from Poland.

If Russia is not stopped, it is safe to say that World War III will have begun. China will be emboldened to attack Taiwan, and Putin will move forward towards Paris. Conversely, this is a tightrope walked by the West, where a cornered rat can be even more dangerous, in other words, the crazed and diseased Putin decides on a reckless insane nuclear war which would mean Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). No matter the outcome, this is a war not only for Ukraine but the entire globe.


Anonymous Group: Old World Thinking and Systems Are On Brink of Extinction


You will be unemployed soon. Your old education system serves no purpose for the future. Old political systems do not work now and will be obsolete in the future. All theories and systems of the past will not be needed anymore. All religious systems of control will not be applicable in the future.

The entire globe is on the edge of an accelerating exponential technological chart of data, of quantum science, artificial intelligence, robotics, nanotechnology, unlimited energy and automation of nearly all human and biological processes.

If there ever was a revolution blowing through the carcass of a dead civilisation this technological whirlwind will change everything completely.

The mythical gods created by humans in the past will walk amongst us in the form of technological wonders that many cannot comprehend today.

When the time comes, you will not be able to bypass the inclusion of these technological changes. Certainty will be rooted in constant change, where nothing stays in stasis for long.

Net zero means zero carbon emissions, which can only be achieved through measurable strategies to reduce the number of carbon emitting carbon entities on earth.

Integration with machines and technology will be the only tolerant programme in the future, and those who do not will be eventually disposed of by time itself.

Tony Blair: “Everyone in UK Needs a Barcode On Their Forehead”


What is it with bloody Tony Blair? He keeps emerging like an unwanted turd after you’ve flushed for the fifth time. This evil fucker was not only responsible for the death of literally millions of people in Iraq and Syria, but now he wants everyone to have a compulsory ID card in the UK. That’s like one fascist step closer to being microchipped or branded across the forehead like fucking cattle.

The Nazis were the ones who introduced national ID cards in wartime Germany, Franco’s fascists were the ones who made them compulsory in Spain, and of course Mussolini introduced ID cards in Italy.

When Labour wins the next election, Blair will be leading the push for the introduction of something horrible again — this is a guarantee. What the hell does Blair do all day in his mansions; all which were naturally acquired by ill-gotten gains? One can imagine him pacing up and down the massive corridors and halls, scheming on the next initiative to enslave the people further.

Remember, after Blair came into power in ’97, the country was suddenly flooded by CCTV cameras. Today, it is estimated that for each person in the UK there are over 5,000 cameras, all recording 24/7 and tracking every single movement of every citizen.

Oh Dear! Britain’s Tourist Subclass Not Welcome in Europe Anymore


Can the Europeans be blamed for their latest outrage in shutting out Britain’s subclasses from holidaying on their beaches? After years of abuse, the continentals have quite rightly had enough of Britain’s subclass ‘scum’ Unterklasse who plague the beach resorts of Spain, Portugal, France and Italy.

The Europeans will certainly not miss the vomit filled streets; the humping and boozing day and night all over the fucking place, the constant drunk fights, the cheap package holiday scum kicking off in the Easyjets, the balcony leapers as well as the grotesque sight of obese red roasted lobsters speeding around in their mobility scooters eating a full English breakfast whilst downing a pint of vodka and smoking a cigarette simultaneously at 7:30 in the fucking morning.

Budget chav travellers have been a blight on many European holiday destinations, leaving entire towns off limits to locals in fear for their lives and sanity.

“I cannot take my dog out for a walk in the morning or go for a quiet meal in the evening with my wife. They are literally humping in the street, vomiting everywhere, and passing out in the gutters. The fights we see go on for hours as they throw chairs, tables and bottles. The Brits call them ‘slags’ what is a slag? I see one girl she had all three holes filled up and a long queue of men wanting to have a go. It was a real public spectacle, but it happen every night here in Lanzarote,” one appalled and fed up Spanish local revealed.

Majorca’s director of tourism, Lucia Escribano, recently sparked outrage when she said the island would not be promoting travel for summer 2023 because it was “not interested in having… budget tourists from the UK – and we don’t care if they go [instead] to Greece and Turkey.”

The orgies, booze filled Bacchanalia and vomit filled streets will certainly not be missed by the European countries vying for a better class of clientele, but maybe the mediocre amount of money these Unterklasse bring will still be missed. If you still want some easy sex, drugs and booze, it will all be kicking off in either Greece or Turkey this year. Have at it…

Begum Begged and Begged Was Finally Put to Bed


Shamima Begum begged, and begged to be let back into the UK but has lost an appeal against the revocation of her British citizenship, after MI5 contended that she continued to pose a threat to national security.

Ms Begum, now 23, fled the UK at the age of 15 to join the Islamic State (IS) terror group in Syria and had her British citizenship removed by the home secretary when she resurfaced in a refugee camp in 2019.

She mounted a legal challenge thanks to ruthless lawyers against the decision, arguing that MI5 was wrong to conclude she represents a threat to the British public.

One can only wonder who paid Begum’s legal costs? When asked about this, the BBC was strangely silent.

Taking Back Our Borders? Asylum Bill For UK Taxpayers is £2.1 Billion


You may wonder why there are 40,000 economic migrant asylum seekers living the Life of Riley in Britain’s hotels at a cost of £7 million per day and £2.1 billion per annum billed to the taxpayer? Well, according to the useless current Tory government, it is because the UK is “taking back our borders”.

Home Office data is set to show that the asylum backlog has increased by 50,000 in just 12 months from 100,564 in the year ending December 2021 passing 150,000 for the first time in more than 20 years.

As Brexit never happened, neither did any form of border control nor brief glimpse of anything positive come out of Britain’s non-Brexit.

Taking back our borders

“Remoaners are moaning daily about Brexit, and how everything is the fault of Brexit, however Brexit never happened. Britain is still subject to the laws and diktats of the EU, the ECHR, the ECJ and over 4,000 EU laws. You ever wondered why you have to pay so much at the fuel pump? It’s because an EU 20% fuel tax is still in place. Value Added Tax? Yes, that is an EU creation and still fully in place,” an angry citizen revealed.

As the devious civil servants thwart any attempt to leave the EU properly, and the House of Lords does its best to halt any Brexit laws through, the Bank of England and Treasury work to make life harder for the people, so they blame everything on Brexit. Even the financial markets, as witnessed by what they did to Liz Truss are working in tandem with the deep state to stop any attempt at a Brexit.

There never was a Brexit, and it looks like there never will be a Brexit.

Why Aren’t Rap Artists Subject to ‘Sensitivity Readers’?


Woke publishers pandering to Soviet censorship drives pushed by the CCP in the West are now employing ‘sensitivity readers’ to butcher and water down literature by formerly celebrated authors. The latest victim to fall prey to sensitivity readers is the late children’s author Roald Dahl. As the paragons of Western literature are daily defiled by these woke lords of censorship, one can only ask the question, why are rap artists given free rein to produce their often caustic, racist and misogynistic lyrics without any censorship?

Rap people often splatter their lyrics with the Latin word for black, and talk about their ‘bitches’, their ‘hoes’ as well as tales of dealing hard drugs and murder.

“African Americans are free to write the most vile lyrics simply because they are black, and are a protected species in America. If a rapper is white or any other race, then they are vulnerable to censorship and cancellation,” a record executive for a rap label revealed.

Call it hip hop, rap, or R’N’B whatever it is called, if it has black people spewing out their vile hatred and nasty lyrics, it is okay with the white liberal scum who enable that shit.