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The Intersection Of Football Betting And Social Media

Football Betting And Social Media

The relationship between football betting and social media has grown increasingly symbiotic in recent years. Social media platforms have become an important tool for promoting betting opportunities and engaging with fans. Football betting has become a key source of revenue for social media companies. Here we explore the relationship between football betting and social media as well as how these two industries have come to rely on each other.

Promotion Of Betting Opportunities

Social media platforms have become a primary means of promoting betting opportunities to football fans. Betting companies use social media to advertise their services, promote odds on upcoming matches, as well as share insights and analysis with followers. Popular social media platforms – for example Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram – provide an ideal platform for reaching large audiences and targeting specific demographics.

In addition, social media influencers and celebrities have become key players in the promotion of betting opportunities. Many influencers and celebrities have large social media followings, which they use to promote betting companies and their services. This has become a highly lucrative industry, with many influencers and celebrities earning substantial sums of money for promoting betting companies on their social media channels.

Influencer Endorsements

The use of social media influencers and celebrities by betting companies to promote their online betting services has become increasingly prevalent. Influencers with large followings in the football niche, for example, may post sponsored content on Instagram promoting a particular betting company’s services. Influencers and celebrities have a responsibility to ensure that any promotion of betting services is conducted in a responsible – as well as an ethical – manner.

Engagement With Fans

Social media platforms also provide an important means of engaging with football fans. Betting companies use social media to share news, analysis, and insights with fans, while also responding to questions and comments from followers. This engagement helps to build a sense of community and loyalty among fans, which can translate into increased betting activity.

Social media has also become an important platform for live betting. Many betting companies offer live betting options that allow fans to place bets in real-time during matches. Social media platforms provide an ideal means of sharing updates and insights on matches as well as allowing fans to engage with each other in real-time.

Live Betting Updates

Social media platforms provide an ideal means of sharing updates and insights on football matches in real-time. Betting companies often use social media to share live updates and insights, encouraging fans to place bets on the outcome of the match.

The relationship that exists between football betting and social media has become increasingly symbiotic in the last couple of years. Social media platforms provide an ideal means of promoting betting opportunities as well as engaging with fans.

Betting companies have become key sources of revenue for social media companies. The relationship between these two industries is likely to continue to grow very quickly in the coming years. It will be important for both industries to address the potential risks associated with problem gambling and to take steps to protect vulnerable individuals and young audiences.

How Obama and Biden Weaponised the Corruption of Federal Agencies and Social Media


Please play the video of the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government to get a full understanding of the level of corruption and weaponisation of Federal agencies as well as left-leaning Big Tech giants to not only illegally throw elections but to punish the opposition unlawfully.

On September 23, 2020, Senator Johnson and I released our first Biden investigation report. I know there’s been a lot of talk in this town about Treasury records. In that 2020 report, we made public the contents of many Treasury records.

But, we didn’t stop there. We issued another report, November the 18, 2020. Our reports exposed extensive financial relationships between Hunter and James Biden and Chinese nationals connected to the communist regime. More precisely, Chinese nationals connected to the Chinese Government’s military and intelligence services.

Then, Senator Johnson and I transitioned to ranking members. We hadn’t forgotten about what the partisan media, FBI and Democratic leadership did to us. So, we did what any congressional investigator worth their salt would do: We gathered even more records to prove them all wrong.

We acquired authentic bank records that substantiated the findings of our previous two reports. They financially linked Hunter Biden and James Biden to entities and individuals connected with the communist Chinese regime. We also acquired business records with Hunter and James Biden’s signatures alongside those same Chinese nationals.

How were they supposed to be paid? According to bank records, there were wires from companies linked to the communist regime. In three floor speeches, we made those bank records public and asked this question to our partisan detractors: Are these official bank records Russian disinformation?

We also shared hundreds of pages of bank records with U.S. Attorney Weiss. He’s failed to respond. Now, as our investigation continued, whistleblowers approached my office with allegations that the FBI created an assessment in August 2020 – the same month that the FBI briefed me and Senator Johnson. According to these whistleblowers, that assessment was used by FBI Headquarters to improperly discredit negative Hunter Biden information as disinformation. This scheme allegedly caused investigative activity then to entirely cease.

It’s been further alleged to me that in September 2020 – the same month Senator Johnson and I released our first report – those FBI Headquarters personnel began placing their analysis of the credibility of reporting related to the Biden family in a restricted access sub-file.

Further allegations to my office involved FBI personnel at the Washington Field Office who improperly ordered information to be closed by the FBI related to Hunter Biden’s potential criminal conduct in October 2020 – just before the election – even though it was verified or verifiable.

Other whistleblower disclosures to my office make clear that the FBI has within its possession very significant, impactful and voluminous evidence with respect to potential criminal conduct by Hunter and James Biden.

These disclosures also allege that Joe Biden was aware of Hunter Biden’s business arrangements and may have been involved in some of them. We still aren’t sure what’s been done with this information. The FBI’s track record doesn’t create much faith that the information is going to be followed up on.

It’s clear to me that the Justice Department and FBI are suffering from a political infection that – if it’s not defeated – will cause the American people to no longer trust these storied institutions. It will also threaten our American way of life.

Unfortunately, this story of government abuse and political treachery is scarier than fiction. It really happened. But Mr. Chairman, your committee has an opportunity to help us write the last chapter in this real-life drama.

U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa)



At the outset, it is important to recognize corrupt individuals within federal agencies are not
acting alone. They operate as vital partners of the leftwing political movement that includes
most members of the mainstream media, big tech social media giants, global institutions and foundations, Democrat Party operatives, and elected officials. As the Twitter files reveal, these actors work in concert to defeat their political opponents and promote leftwing ideology and government control over our lives.

My eyes began opening to this reality with the disclosure of how the Obama administration
weaponized the IRS to harass Tea Party groups by denying them tax-exempt status. My personal knowledge and experience with agency corruption began in 2015 when I became Chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs.

My first investigation ultimately revealed the extensive editing of then-FBI Director James
Comey’s July 5, 2016 statement that exonerated Secretary Clinton regarding her use of a private email server for official business. The edits were clearly made to downplay the seriousness of her actions. It’s important to note those partisan edits were made by the same cast of characters in the FBI that would initiate and drive the corrupt Trump-Russia collusion investigation.

During our investigation of the FBI’s involvement in the Russia collusion hoax, Senator Grassley and I uncovered and made public highly partisan text messages between FBI employees Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. Strzok’s December 15, 2016 text, “Think our sisters have begun leaking like mad. Scorned, worried, and political, they’re kicking into overdrive” has never been given the attention it deserves. In a 2022 interview with Jeff Gerth, Strzok said he now believes “that it is more likely [the leaks] came not from the CIA but from senior levels of the US government or Congress.”

Who might those leakers be? Why aren’t reporters who received the leaks outraged at being fed false information, and why haven’t they blown the whistle on the leakers? Why didn’t the mainstream media robustly investigate how they were all duped? The answer is: they weren’t duped, they are complicit in creating and fostering the political turmoil our country has been experiencing over the last six years. Those leaks were a key ingredient in the most destructive political dirty trick in U.S. history: the creation and promotion of the false Trump-Russia collusion narrative. To be most effective, however, that narrative relied on coordination between government actors and the media, and the left had allies in the FBI.

Unable to verify the Steele dossier, the FBI offered Christopher Steele $1 million to provide
verification. By December 2016, the FBI knew they had investigated Steele’s primary subsource as a Russian spy. In the main body of the DOJ Inspector General’s report on FISA abuse, FBI official Bill Priestap is quoted saying the FBI “didn’t have any indication whatsoever” of Russian influence on the Steele dossier. Our investigation uncovered redacted footnotes that completely contradicted that statement. Why would Priestap’s false statement appear in the report but the truth be hidden in classified footnotes? Fourteen months later, in February 2018, the FBI still briefed the Senate Intelligence Committee that the dossier had validity.

When the Mueller report found no evidence of collusion, the left engineered an impeachment of President Trump. The cooperation between the House Intelligence Committee and the impeachment whistleblower remains murky. Then-Chairman Adam Schiff originally denied his committee had contact with the whistleblower prior to the filing of the complaint — a claim Schiff later attempted to walk back. The genesis of the impeachment saga has yet to be fully investigated. It needs to be.

Prior to the impeachment proceedings, Hunter Biden’s obvious conflicts of interest in Ukraine became public and we began investigating. We didn’t target Joe and Hunter Biden, their actions demanded it.

On December 9, 2019, the FBI issued a grand jury subpoena and took possession of Hunter
Biden’s laptop from John Paul Mac Isaac, a computer shop owner in Wilmington, Delaware. As the FBI left his shop with the laptop, Mr. Mac Isaac recalled one agent saying, “It is our
experience that nothing ever happens to people that don’t talk about these things.” That
statement was the opening salvo in a coordinated effort over the next ten months to sabotage any public revelation of Hunter Biden’s laptop or any wrongdoing connected to the Bidens. Senator Grassley has provided a number of examples of that sabotage, and we will release a report that goes into far greater detail than we had time for today. When available, I hope everyone will read it. Perhaps the most egregious and effective act of sabotage against the truth, was the public letter signed by 51 former intelligence officials that claimed the laptop had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

That letter itself was an information operation that interfered with and impacted the 2020 presidential election to a far greater extent than anything Russia ever could have hoped to achieve. Each of those intelligence officials needs to be interviewed to determine how that letter was masterminded.washington d.c. – usa –

Senator Ron Johnson


While Biden Slept Iran and China Grew Strong


Iran possibly has enriched enough high grade uranium to make its missiles go nuclear; China daily increases its military hardware, readying for its attack on Taiwan. Meanwhile, Joe Biden sleeps and is more concerned with emasculating the US military and championing trans rights, who make up less than 0.003% of the US population.

When you have someone as incompetent as Joe Biden supposedly in charge, the West’s enemies grow ultimately stronger every day, whilst the US and UK grow weaker. In war, there are no second chances, you either get it right first time or you die. This is not some kind of computer game where you have infinite re-spawns, one minute you exist, then in a second you are gone.

Iran and China are now actively supplying armaments and ammunition to Russia in its fight to commit total and extreme genocide in Ukraine. Since 2014, the West and Ukrainians had a chance to seriously arm the country in preparation for all-out war, but did nothing. Ukraine has little or no air force and are now floundering in the East as Putin’s drugged up orcs throw themselves into the meat grinder wave after wave.

China, Iran, and Russia are the triad of evil, however when North Korea joins with them, it will be a quadruple clusterfuck for a West more concerned with trivialities and nonsense than defending itself. We have the likes of the WEF and UN praising China daily, and even honouring the brutal communist regime as a model country for the globe.

World War III started a long time ago, but now it is accelerating with haste. Keep buying your Chinese made trinkets and cheap Walmart crap so that the Chinese can arm their military to even higher technological heights with stolen Western schematics. The key to this was always Iran, and now it has fully joined the Russian fight along with China, a certain urgency is gearing up for an event that will hopefully wake up the sleepy Western leaders caught in the headlights.

You probably did not read this article as you are just another one of those dead-eyed zombies more concerned with the latest reality show or your pathetic Instagram account showing off how great your fake, shallow life is. The people who are not aware of the movements and news will be the ones who do not prepare, they will be caught unawares and will most probably be amongst the first casualties of the war.

As the shelves are bare in British supermarkets, the useless sanctions on Russia did absolutely nothing.

The leftists and communist woke Marxists within the West despise guns, and want them all banned so that everyone is defenceless. When the attack comes, they will not know how to use a gun, and will perish along with their deluded naive beliefs. Pliant sheep, they will all willingly queue up to go to the slaughterhouses, overseen by Chinese or Russian troops, and they will all wish they had at least armed themselves and learned how to survive.

What 40% Off Looks Like in Dactylic Hexameter


With fervent zeal and fiery exclamations, Curtis Press, our publisher, gives proclamations, Of promo codes that offer forty percent, Off retail price, for all those who are intent.

The woke despise us, but we pay no heed, For if you seek our book, with speed and greed, Now is the time, before the code expires, To grab a copy, set your hearts on fire.

Fifteen years of satire, sweat and tears, And fluids, other bodily, not for mere cheers, But to create a tome that makes a mark, Opposition to woke Stasi, their art stark.

For cancel culture, we have no regard, For they would seek to crush us, make us barred, From speaking truths, from telling history, From freely expressing our artistry.

Stand with us, brothers and sisters, in our fight, And let us together, with all our might, Smash those who trample on our liberty, On free speech, on democracy, it must be.

The promo code won’t last for long, my friends, So come and get our book before it ends, Only a few signed first editions remain, So get them now, don’t wait, or you’ll complain.


40% OFF


Socialist Gary Lineker Discusses the Virtues of National Socialism


Socialist BBC football commentator Gary Lineker has spoken emphatically about the many virtues of National Socialism.

Speaking from his holiday home in Rwanda, Lineker was adamant that National Socialism is a very powerful part of the political ideology — socialism.

“Here I am in the beautiful environs of Wa Ndaya We, on the outskirts of the capital city, Kigali. Today I would like to talk about the many strands of the political ideology socialism, of which I am a staunch supporter. National Socialism is a definite political ideology that is truly misunderstood. For example, the National Socialists of Germany stressed family, race, and Volk as the highest representation of Socialist worth. They rejected materialism, cosmopolitanism, and “bourgeois intellectualism,” instead promoting the “Socialist” virtues of loyalty, struggle, self-sacrifice, and discipline.

Workers Unite

“National Socialist cultural values also placed great importance on socialist harmony with their native soil (Heimat) and with nature, and emphasized the elevation of the Volk and nation above its individual members. Several collectivist work programs designed to lay down full-employment for the socialist population were established once the National Socialists seized full national power. The National Socialists boosted nationally supported projects like the construction of the Autobahn motorway system, the introduction of a low-cost people’s car (Volkswagen) and later the National Socialists reinforced the economy through the business and employment created by military rearmament.


“Just as today’s socialists or woke warriors inculcate an environment of severe censorship, cancel culture and totalitarian edicts designed to limit human freedoms, so did the National Socialists, who introduced an atmosphere of almost puritanical censorship and limitation of free speech. In this respect, national socialist ideology and its methods to control speech and thought mirror exactly what the woke socialists are doing today.

Unity in Socialist Society

“National Socialism, much like traditional leftist socialism, expressed opposition to capitalism, accusing capitalism of holding nations ransom to the interests of an epenthetic cosmopolitan investor class. The National Socialist “New Man” was envisioned as a heroic figure who rejected a materialistic and private life for a public life and a permeant sense of duty, willing to sacrifice everything for the socialist nation. National Socialist ideology advocated excluding women from political involvement and limiting them to the spheres of “Kinder, Küche, Kirche” (Children, Kitchen, Church). State sanctioned programs within the National Socialist state offered favourable loans and grants to newly-weds and encouraged them to give birth to offspring by providing them with additional incentives. Women were highly regarded by National Socialists and were awarded the Ehrenkreuz der Deutschen Mutter, or Cross of Honour of the socialist mother. Bronze went to eligible mothers with four or five children, silver for those with six or seven, and gold to those with eight or more Kinder. Women who stayed at home were celebrated as good “Hausfrau” and those who worked and simultaneously tried to rear children were labelled as “Rabenmütter” — black birds that push chicks out of their nest.

Collectivist Socialist Welfare State

“As in traditional socialism, the National Socialist ideology promoted a welfare system. National Socialist programs such as the Winter Relief of the Socialist People and the broader National Socialist People’s Welfare (NSV) were safety nets that benefitted National Socialist society. The intention of the National Socialist movement was to create a new type of human being from whom would spring a new morality, a new social system, and eventually a new international order, its goals were distinctly progressive. As socialism is collectivist in nature, so too is National Socialism, where every activity and every need of every individual is regulated by the collectivity represented by the state.

“Conventional Marxist rooted socialism is thus intertwined with National Socialism, all apart from the racial slant. But, I put it to you dear socialist comrades, if it has the word “socialist” within its structure, it is thus rooted within the entire leftist strand of Socialism.”

Home Office: Harry and Meghan Could be Sent to Rwanda if Come to UK


According to a Home Office spokeswoman, Harry and Meghan could be sent to Rwanda if they try to come to the UK.

Dee Porter, a Home Office executive officer, told the BBC on Wednesday that she received a mysterious call from Buckingham Palace regarding the dodgy duo.

“I received a phone call from someone calling themselves Charlie, and I heard a woman in the background egging him on to talk. He told me that if two people arrive in the UK and call themselves the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, they should be immediately put on a plane in shackles on a one way trip to Rwanda. I spoke to Suella afterwards, and she said she received the same call from Buckingham Palace.”

Tour Du Rwanda 2019
Muhanga, Rwanda, February 26, 2019: People are gathered to watch Tour Du Rwanda cycling race in the city of Muhanga, Rwanda

Rwanda is a beautiful country and has a wonderful heritage as well as wildlife. The Sussexes would be well looked after in a Rwandan village, where they could explore their African dream for the rest of their lives.

“Welcome, welcome to Rwanda. We are preparing your hut and if you want water it is only a 15-mile walk each way every day,” Rwandan Minister of the Interior, Inyana Y’imbwa told the Kigali Times on Wednesday.

Industry of Human Rights Lawyers Threaten Strike if Illegal Channel Migrants Stop


There has been outrage and condemnation of the proposed new law from Home Secretary Suella Braverman to send illegal economic migrants trafficked across the English Channel back to where they came from. Human rights lawyers who have amassed massive fortunes by using government legal aid are now threatening to strike.

“This is an outrage, I just bought my third Maserati only yesterday. Who the hell am I going to parasite myself off from now? Do you think I fucking care about these Albanians, or whoever they are? When I see another overfull dinghy coming over the Channel, my already overflowing bank account dings, and my mouth starts watering,” a lawyer for law firm Pillage & Plunder revealed in the Guardian.

Whenever another dinghy is escorted to shore in Dover, crowds of human rights lawyers immediately accost the illegal migrants all baying for business, before the migrants are bussed off to a four-star hotel to stay in luxury and fast-tracked to be UK citizens without any checks.

“We are treated like kings. I have two lawyers working for me, and the five-star hotel is luxurious. I have breakfast, then maybe a sauna before a gourmet lunch. Not only that, but I then saunter into town to try and groom some underage schoolgirls to come to my room. Because of my protected status, I am untouchable and can commit any heinous crime without prosecution, especially with my trusty team of human rights lawyers working for me. Excuse me, ah, it’s time for me to go and find some young English pussy to mistreat,” a man who looks like he is 35-years-old but told authorities he is a 9-year-old child, revealed from his luxury migrant hotel.

Prince Harry: “I Might be Drugged Up During Charles Coronation”

Having admitted to doing copious amounts of marijuana, cocaine, ayahuasca, LSD and alcohol, in his book Spare, Prince Harry may have to take the entire lot just to get through the King’s coronation ceremony in May.

“Hey man, gimme a break man. Tee, hee, hee! (sniffs nose hard) They’ll have to scrape me off the ceiling of the Westminster Abbey and shit. I’ll be high as a kite man, just floating in wonderland as they crown pops. Hell, I may even wave down on the folks down there as they point up and look at me floating in the breeze man. Fuckin’ A, some tabs here, some lines there, some bong hits and maybe a cup or two of ayahuasca…chill out man, party on dudes, it’s gonna be a freaky moment in acid heaven, I may even meet Jesus right there in the church and shiet!”

During his days at Mahiki, Harry would compete with his toff friends on how many expensive cocktails they could snort up their noses through a straw on the taxpayers dime. Along with the heavy use of Class A drugs, sometimes going back to school on a Sunday night was a hard burn, especially if the dealer was not taken care of adequately.

“It’s all about therapy man, it makes me feel better because I am so drugged up I don’t even know where I am or what my name is. I get all schizo, and paranoid there are paparazzi hiding everywhere including the ashtray man…shit! When I was in those Apaches over Afghanistan, I sometimes thought I had angels wings ‘n’ shiet! Blasting away those Mujs and towel heads like they were fairground coconuts. Beautiful times! Especially while on drugs and untouchable. I can get away with anything I do.”

Why the Vile Fascist Woke Censors Feed Off the Brief Outrage They Create


It is a fleeting moment, a mere whisper in the wind that can almost be missed…yes, a moment when someone, somewhere stood up to actually question the vile woke censorship of either some past piece of much-loved literature, a film, a song or a piece of art. The woke censors, and the dead who follow them all cheer in unison, another piece of history has been subverted, desecrated and defiled for their woke fascist totalitarian ideology.

There is also a sense of delightful glee with these censors, possibly because they have caused immense hurt and damage to an established piece of someone’s previously lauded works. James Bond’s books à la Ian Fleming and other writers reduced to soulless castrated effete puerile excrement. The woke love to see others in pain, because it gives them a sense of achievement in destroying a man or woman’s entire life’s works in a matter of minutes through digital editing. Deceased authors cannot fight back, and they are easy targets for the cowardly woke censors and cancel culture fascistic sputum. Ian Fleming and Roald Dahl, easy targets as their works have been acquired by the woke publishing system.

Of course, there is also a sense of power that these little Hitlers and Stalins enjoy coursing through their putrid mud-filled veins as they systematically destroy anything that was ever any good. Giving fascist woke scum like this power is a deadly game, but the likes of Klaus Schwabb, and Soros just love to do it.

Yes, there are the odd people who do stand up to question the anti-art evil that is going on, but they are few and far between. The rest just shrug their shoulders and put it down as progress in some way — this is not fucking progress! Destroying established artistic works is NOT progress, and George Orwell, who is also on the list for imminent destruction, would be appalled at the sheer complacency of most people — but he would understand why the majority stay quiet, just read 1984 to realise why people stay quiet.

We Were Right About Prince Harry Being Programmed to Attack Royal Family


The Daily Squib wrote an article in January on Prince Harry’s so-called therapists instilling thoughts into his mind. The poor boy does not know if he is coming or going, as he has these whisperers in one ear, and Meghan Markle – a master manipulator – in the other ear.

The media is now finally reporting on how Harry is being manipulated by multiple therapists, and those using the woke ideology created in Soviet communist regimes to attack the British royal family by making various spurious accusations in the media against the royal family.

Trauma based mind control has been around for centuries, but was perfected by Nazi and Soviet doctors in the 1940s who were then recruited into the CIA after the war ended. This process is utilised today by multiple global intelligence agencies including the CIA, Mossad, FSB and MI6.

As Harry is not exactly a man of the books, with a low level operating mind, he is not only susceptible to manipulation from the likes of Markle but the therapists who introduce themselves to the former royal. Gabor Maté is the latest therapist to be given the spotlight, and no doubt his book sales will increase with the extra publicity, however many controllers do not wish to be uncovered working their methods on subjects as easy manipulated as Harry. These characters usually work from the shadows, where they program their alters for specific purposes.

Britain’s enemies and so-called allies fear the rise of a Great Britain once again from the ashes of imprisonment and denigration in the EU. During the time of Britain’s subjugation to the EU, many nations grew stronger than the UK. There is a possible correlation with the attacks on the royal family and fear that Britain may one day rise from the ashes of EU death and rebuild itself. Attacking the very core of Britishness, through the use of a former member of the royal family who is easily manipulated, is a perfect way to destabilise the nation’s very core principals.

Cult groups also operate in the same manner. First, the victim is isolated, they are separated from their known support networks of friends and family. Well-trained, Markle performed this task with ease. Once the victim is isolated from their support structures, they are steered towards certain outcomes by the controllers through trauma based mind control.

As for the need for privacy, you cannot get more intimate than an $18 live therapy session where every past trauma of one’s privileged life are brought up for everyone to see. It’s all about pay per view privacy, for sure.