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Civil War: Far-Left Commies Take Down Trump


Weaponising the government and its offices for partisan political purposes to take down Trump and the MAGA movement has been the agenda of the far-left communists who have taken over the Democrat party since the beginning. Now, they finally got The Don, and some fat fuck Soros implanted maggot DA of Manhattan is now celebrating his take down before the 2024 election.

“Trump is gonna be in jail in 2024, so we got another election in the bag,” Joe Biden said, thanking the District Attorney who indicted Trump after the statute of limitations expired. Making a misdemeanour a criminal felony is a tactic that has never been tried before, but the Democrats don’t care about the law.

Show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime, was the mantra of Stalin’s Soviet Union, and the same quote was used by the corrupt DA who vowed to take Trump down.

This is extremely divisive, and could cause a split in America on physical grounds. In other words, a civil war may occur if justice does not prevail.

The compromised Democrat Party, which has been infiltrated by hard line communists and Marxists who are perverting the law by criminalising politics is bringing tyranny to the United States through the perversion and weaponisation of the Big State.

When they handcuff Trump, the Democrats will have criminalised themselves more than their intended target, and this injustice will cause all hell to break loose soon enough.

Whilst New York City is a cesspit overflowing with drugs, and people are getting shot in Times Square, the DA has done nothing about that. Instead, this pissant stooge has dedicated his time to concoct lies and pervert the law, dragging the country towards tyranny, just because Trump is currently 35% ahead in the polls.

This is war.

Now AI is Creating Perfectly Indistinguishable Death Metal Music

Only a few months ago if you tried to train AI software to replicate and create a piece of heavy metal music, the result would have been a sub-par mish-mash of nonsense and un-listenable machine noise. That is until the people behind the Orc band, the Frostbite Orckings worked on their project and came up with the song ‘Guardians of Time’ which has even been featured in a Metal Hammer podcast.

These are truly scary times we are living in. Soon, AI may come up with something that Beethoven or Mozart would have been proud of in musicality and composition.

The Frostbite Orckings are frankly much more musical and play with distinct clarity than most human ‘death metal’ bands around today.

The power chords coming from this monstrous tune at the beginning of the song were pure metal, as was the video, which was amusing to watch. Obviously, the video was created by humans to complement the music, however soon we will witness AI completed videos as well, no doubt!


Musical Bits creating creativity

Musical Bits creates software that creates music, with the support of AI. Our Maisterstück platform uses AI technology to model all layers of creativity of a human composer and implements these layers as reusable and combinable software components. Maisterstück’s functionality can be accessed via a service oriented API.

The Musical Bits software can create music from real time data, from various user interfaces or from our own emotion modelling engine EME. We even create full virtual bands, albums and songs. For example, check out the Frostbite Orckings.

The composers we virtualize have participated in chart breaking productions worldwide and worked for and with the biggest record companies, cinema production studios and game development creators.


King Charles III Visits Home Country


The head of the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and House of Hanover, King Charles III is visiting Germany, the land where his ancestors came from.

“For Germany, it is a great honour to receive one of our own, as the entire British royal family are implants directly from Germany,” state spokeswoman Anja Küchenreiniger told DW News.

Ballroom in Friedenstein Castle
GOTHA, GERMANY – famous ballroom, of late baroque style Friedenstein Castle in Gotha, Germany

The end of the Tudor lineage in 1603 with the death of Elizabeth I was possibly the last of the English lineage, which was then taken over by the Scottish Stuart clan, interspersed with the final invasion by a monarch on British soil by Dutch King William III. From there the Hanovers of Germany were in full force with George I, born May 28, 1660, Osnabrück, Hanover, Germany. The name Saxe-Coburg-Gotha – Haus Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha – came into the British Royal Family in 1840 with the marriage of Queen Victoria to Prince Albert, son of Ernst, Duke of Saxe-Coburg & Gotha. Queen Victoria herself was the last monarch of the House of Hanover. Subsequently, the House of Windsor came into being in 1917 during World War I, when the name was adopted as the British Royal Family’s official name by a proclamation of King George V, replacing the historic Germanic name of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.

Veste Coburg, ancestral seat of the House of Saxe-Coburg
Veste Coburg, ancestral seat of the House of Saxe-Coburg

Britain to House Entire Continents of Africa, Asia and South America


Because so many billions of people want to come to Britain to live and receive benefits plus use the NHS, the government is planning to build vast skyscraper buildings across the country holding millions of people.

Each skyscraper will hold over 800 million people from Third World countries, and will reach above the clouds in height. The skyscrapers will measure 15 miles wide, and will also have a portion of the building underground to a depth of 1,000 metres.

“We envisage every single space in the UK taken up by these behemoth skyscrapers, housing the people who enter the country illegally. Britain will not have a countryside anymore as every previously protected green space is permanently concreted over. The babbling brooks, rivers, forests and meadows of Britain will be bulldozed and filled with these concrete monstrosities,” one of the planners for the new scheme revealed to a parliamentary committee today.

The entire population of Asia, South America, Africa and Middle East accounts to approximately 7.4 billion people who all want to come to the UK.

The NHS will have to service an extra 7.4 billion people per annum, and the government proposes an increase of funding by 15% however many dispute this as a ridiculously low amount to fund the free health service with such high numbers of immediate population growth on the tiny island of Britain.

The population of Britain is currently 67.3 million, and to accommodate the massive influx of population, all Britons will be taxed 100% of their income, and have all bank deposits and assets seized by the government. Even then, only 12% of the new influx of 7.4 billion people will be able to be catered for regarding benefits, NHS, schooling, and housing.

The government on Wednesday was silent when reporters asked about how the rest of the people arriving in the UK will be funded.

New Militant Apostate Jihadist SNP Leader Humza Yousaf Vows to Break Up UK


There’s a good reason why the bampots in the Scottish National Party (SNP) voted for a deranged militant foaming-at-the-mouth fake Jihadist, Humza Yousaf to head the party.

“Aye, after we let Wee Jimmy Krankie go, we needed someone with some passion to head the SNP and fuck the UK up. We scoured the streets of Glasgow and came up with this jihadist looking gadgie. Our reasoning is, we told him he would get 72 goats in heaven if he breaks up Scotland from the rest of the UK. As soon as we told the dirty bawbag about the virgin goats, he was on the job like no business,” a senior SNP official revealed on Tuesday.

Mr Humza Yousef is so dedicated to breaking the UK up, he attends the Scottish Parliament buildings with a fully functioning suicide vest at all times.

“I don’t like losing arguments me, if you say something I don’t like, I may detonate.”


Despite giving off a pseudo-jihadist image, Yousaf is in fact viewed as an apostate and traitor by Muslims. In 2023, Yousaf vocally supported same-sex marriage and gender reforms for trans people. He also voted in favour of the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill and has also vowed to secure the rights of LGBT community in a written constitution if Scotland gains independence.

There is, however, great fear in the UK that Yousaf could break up our great union.

Imagine a terrible existence of not having immediate access to a Haggis, or a deep-fried Mars bar? Scotch whiskey is no doubt the best in the fucking world, and being glassed in the face by some Begbie character in a dark Scottish pub is the highlight of many. These are some of the small things we would miss from Scotland. We ask you not to go.

Skiing Hollywood Actress Unconsciously Coupled With Man On Piste

“I was skiing down the slope, or should I say piste, and I was pissed…ahem. Yes, I had just come from my chalet after a serious session of drinkage, plus I just had my delicate brussels sprout steamed, you know what I mean? Well, suddenly out of the blue, bammo! I found myself in a position of compromise — I had unconsciously coupled with an elderly gentleman who frankly should not have been there. This old fart should have been firmly ensconced in front of a TV set in some dingy old people’s home drinking soup, not, I dare say, with a pair of skis on a snowy mountain. Tony Stark was nowhere to be seen as I called out wildly. Nevertheless, after unconsciously coupling with the man at high speed, I consciously uncoupled with the old gent and went on my way. Listen, I’ve got people to see, gloop to cook and expensive garbage to sell on my website, I cannot be seen to be coupling with dirty old men? I thus offer the elderly gent one dollar, and nothing more,” Gwyneth Poultry, Hollywood actress and internet entrepreneur revealed to the court.

The televised court case continues …

Sadiq Khan Planning Pay-Per-Mile Scheme With ULEZ Cameras


As well as punishing the poor who cannot afford to upgrade their old vehicles, the ULEZ zone being implemented by Little Hitler Mayor Sadiq Khan will soon implement a Pay-Per-Mile scheme for all London drivers.

TFL will rake in millions of pounds per day with the ULEZ scheme, and once the P-P-M scheme comes into use, billions of pounds will be taken from motorists in London.

This is nothing about ‘air quality’ which the evil mayor claims, but is purely a money making operation to fleece Londoners out of more money.

The victims of Sadiq Khan’s ULEZ expansion include a woman facing £650 annual costs to visit her sick relative, nurses and care workers who will not be able to afford to give care, and a tradesman who will be billed over £3000 per year just to do his job.

The elderly victims of the extended ULEZ scheme will become more isolated, as their relatives will not be able to afford to visit them anymore. Many Londoners are disabled, elderly or have conditions which need a carer, these are the people who will be punished most by the ULEZ extension.

Hypocritical Hounslow Council accepted the nefarious ULEZ extension but called for an exemption of the charge for their 400 council vehicles. Bexley, Bromley, Harrow and Hillingdon councils have all vowed to go to the courts to fight this abomination of a road tax scheme.

Sadiq Khan who was voted in twice to be London Mayor is planning the introduction of the Pay-Per-Mile scheme that will track and charge every single vehicle in London by 2024. It will not matter if vehicles are ULEZ compliant, but will charge and track all motorists whether driving all electric or petrol vehicles. Some of the pricing models discussed at TFL meetings is charging certain vehicles as much as £6.50 per mile, on top of £12.50/day ULEZ charges.

Campaigners have been covering ULEZ cameras across London. Some are clipping the wires of the cameras or using bags and boxes to cover the cameras in protest. Using telescopic garden shears to clip the wires is one way to disable the cameras. Other methods are spray-painting the lenses with black permanent paint.

The real crime is that Sadiq Khan was voted into office for the second time. Who were these people who voted for this cockroach? Hold your head in shame if you voted for Sadiq Khan, drop down on your knees and grovel for forgiveness that may never come.

When Gonzo Met Serge Gainsbourg

Serge Gainsbourg was a goddamn lunatic. A madman of music, a savant of smut, a maverick of melody. He was a genius, a degenerate, a saint, and a sinner all rolled into one. And for anyone with half a brain and a shred of taste, he was one of the greatest musicians of all time.

I first heard Gainsbourg’s music back in the day, when I was living high on the hog and chasing the American Dream. And let me tell you, it was like nothing I’d ever heard before. The man was a fucking magician, weaving together elements of jazz, funk, rock, and pop into a sound that was entirely his own. He had a voice like a rusty chainsaw, but he could sing like an angel when he wanted to. And his lyrics were pure poetry, even when he was singing about the filthiest things you could imagine.

But what really set Gainsbourg apart was his complete lack of give-a-fuck. He didn’t care what anyone thought of him or his music. He was a true outsider, a rebel without a cause, a punk before punk was even a thing. He pushed the boundaries of what was acceptable, and he did it with style, flair, and a shit-eating grin.

And let’s not forget his legendary love life. The man was a walking, talking sex scandal, bedding some of the most beautiful women in the world and scandalizing polite society in the process. He was a wild man, a libertine, a lothario, and a legend.

But even beyond all the hype and the scandal, Gainsbourg was the real deal. He was a true artist, a master of his craft, and a visionary. He created music that was both beautiful and ugly, pure and profane, sophisticated and raw. He was a poet of the perverse, a bard of the bizarre, a troubadour of the taboo.

And now, years after his death, his music still sounds as fresh, as daring, as utterly fucking insane as it did when he first recorded it. He was a true original, a one-of-a-kind, a force of nature. And if you’re not listening to him right now, you’re missing out on one of the greatest musical experiences of your life.

Serge Gainsbourg. The man, the myth, the fucking legend. Bow down and pay your respects, you poor, sad, unenlightened motherfuckers.

Modern Autotune Pop Singers Soon to be Replaced by AI


The last two decades of non-music by autotune pop singers who all sound exactly the same as each other could soon be replaced by AI singers who will sound exactly the same as a modern talentless autotune pop singer.

Production companies and record companies will now bypass having to pay for some brainless pop singer to sing into an autotune plugin for that same awful robotic sound. AI singing tools will revolutionise the business.

“We will not need pop singers soon. This is a bonus for our business model, as we will not have to pay any royalties to some jumped up little autotune shister who thinks they are famous for whining into a microphone going through an autotune app. All modern songs are template music and sound the same, especially with autotune. The AI will streamline our business model as we can churn out hit songs to dump on the public who have been trained over decades to accept the shit quality of music presented to them,” a music executive for a record company in Los Angeles revealed.

In a climate where every song sounds exactly the same, there is no room for distinguishing one autotune singer from the next, therefore AI is a solution that will bypass paying these useless singers or paying them any royalties. It only makes good business sense, and will cut down production times by more than 70%.

“The untalented autotune people with massive egos walking around as if they have actually achieved something will have a rude awakening when they are completely bypassed by record companies of the future,” Miles Keith, CEO of Universal Records revealed to Music Week magazine.

As for live and video performances, record companies will simply present mime artists hired on a daily basis. This way, they only need to hire models for a few days or weeks, cutting costs even further. Because pop artists and singers of today have no personalities or individual character anyway, no one will even notice the changes.

Dolly Parton’s Breasts Could be Displayed in Nashville Museum

“We all know how everything in America has to be big. If it ain’t big, it ain’t good. Same goes for Dolly Parton’s breasts, they’re big, just like her sweet voice is big. She’s given us permission, when she passes to the Grand Ole Opry in the sky, to donate her wonderful big mammas to our museum so millions of visitors every year can enjoy those beautiful fun bags like many did when she was alive,” Curston Dean McGuinness, owner and curator of the Nashville Museum told Fox News.

Stand by your mams

In fact, the Jolene starlet has had each of her humungous breasts insured for $45 million and the cherry on the top, each nipple has an additional insurance premium of $15 million. The Swiss bank that insures Dolly’s bazongas recently went bust on her bust, but luckily the Fed bailed them out with a special chesty finance deal.

Trip down mammary lane

Buck Thornton, was an acquaintance of Dolly’s in 1967, and remembers her cantaloupes with fondness.

“Dolly, bless her, has such a big heart, I never met a lady who could not only sing like her, but she could hug the whole world with her warm ta-ta’s, bless her. She let me do a Bombay Roll on her backstage just after a show in Texas. I’ll never forget her face as I drained all I had over those dang beauteous jelly-filled babylons of pure country goodness.”