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Why Independent Thought is Feared by Woke Programmers


Every tyranny throughout history has feared those who think outside of the box, who have a mind of their own and formulate their own ideals. The woke fascists or soviets are a tyrannical totalitarian authority deemed above all, and their greatest fear is the idea that there are individuals who do not conform to woke programming, whether within the education system or in any other capacity.

Wokism hijacks the benevolent ideals of inclusion for its own ends, when in reality to be woke is actually a doctrine of exclusion and cancellation. It is a rabid sovietised doctrine of extremes, of black and white, where alternative theories and individual thought are viewed as a crime against its collectivist political doctrine rooted in Marxist political theory. The denizens at the top of the pyramid utilise social strands like race and gender to supposedly uphold a virtuous position, but what they are in fact doing is weaponising these societal strands for their own purposes, causing increased division, animosity and civil unrest. They clearly do not care one iota for the groups they champion, and are using these marginalised groups as pawns to affect complete control through public shaming of those who do not tow the line.

Individual independent thought by any person is thus punished by the woke programmers and controllers because it is an existential threat to woke political indoctrination. If anyone dares to fall out of line and voice their difference to the given woke diktats and ideological mass marketing of wokism, the individual is quickly removed from the arena. Only a few voices ever speak out, and it is very rare for anyone who is famous or a celebrity to speak out because they would be in danger of losing their contracts/sponsorships/jobs/livelihood.

In this respect, the woke have an entire army of soldiers aligned with their indoctrination policing the various air ways and all media formats for their woke lords. Much like soviet communist neighbours are encouraged to snitch on each other if they say anything against the state, the woke soldiers are the same, and will happily shop anyone who has an individual opinion or thought contrary to woke political ideology.

The eventual goal of woke culture is to program the entire population to become a hive mind where all individualism is snuffed out. From birth to death the hive mind of the woke soviet ideology will dictate what can be said, what can be thought, and what cannot be said.

Western civilisation built on free will, justice and individual innovation within a democratic construct of freedom of discussion will thus be lost forever as the Marxist woke indoctrination subverts and murders freedom of speech forever. As mentioned previously, wokism is the formation of a hive mind, and this hive mind cannot function in any capacity with free individual thought or speech.

The world is thus succumbing to the ideals of totalitarian political ideologies like communism and fascism blended into a singular point controlled by the darling of the WEF, UN and EU — China.

Could Dystopian World of ‘Children of Men’ Become Reality?


Phyllis Dorothy James, Baroness James of Holland Park, aka P.D. James wrote the book Children of Men in 1992, later made into a film in 2006.

The premise of the entire novel was a dystopian scenario envisaged where the human race loses its fertility, thus causing many global nations to collapse completely. The United Kingdom is the last nation on earth with some vestige of governmental control.

Fertility rates are indeed declining across the globe, but in Western nations the decline is accelerating at the highest level. Microplastics, chemicals, pollution all play a part in the decline of fertility, as well as societal and cultural reasons for a decline in the birth rate in the West and developed nations. For the last 70 years, birth rates have decreased worldwide, with a total 50% decline. Reasons include women’s empowerment in education and the workforce, lower child mortality and the increased cost of raising children, as well as greater access to contraception, leading to women choosing to have fewer children. The LGBTQP and Transexual agenda pushed on Western society is also a major contribution to the decline. Lower birth rates, coupled with increased life expectancies around the world, are creating an ageing population, which puts pressure on healthcare systems globally.

A study published on 15 November 2022 in the journal Human Reproduction Update, based on 153 estimates from men who were probably unaware of their fertility, suggests that the average sperm concentration fell from an estimated 101.2 m per ml to 49.0 m per ml between 1973 and 2018 – a drop of 51.6%. Total sperm counts fell by 62.3% during the same period. This study suggests that male fertility is continuing to decline at an exponential rate, and within the next 30–40 years the globe will most certainly see a total collapse in male fertility. Of course, science may find an answer like creating artificial sperm, however that method of creating life may also be severely flawed.

Alfonso Cuarón’s masterpiece film, in 2006, achieves the feeling of utter hopelessness humans may experience if they are effectively robbed of a future. When the playgrounds go silent, what is there left for humanity?

One point however was not addressed by P.D. James in her novel and that is artificial intelligence, because as the remaining human populace dies off, the elite may in today’s realm fall on the AI creations of the future to supplant the reduced human population. The elite would also have established life extension abilities as well as genetically modified offspring. In this sense, the elite would preserve, and even enhance their lifestyles despite the mass loss of the general population.

The most realistic point raised in Children of Men is that global chaos creates mass migratory panic. We are already seeing some of this as many from the world’s poorest and lawless nations seek to migrate any way they can to Britain. The daily Channel crossings by illegal migrants in rubber dinghies trafficked by ruthless criminals would get worse if there was a major global catastrophe, as people would flee to a supposed ‘safe haven’. The United Kingdom, a last bastion of civility, could lose its status of civility and be forced into a proto-fascist stance simply because it does not have the resources to either house or look after the massive migrant influx.

What is ultimately apparent is that whatever scenario materialises, we can see how fragile societies as a whole are, and that all it takes for collapse are a few variables altering or being removed entirely. Many people today are living pay cheque to pay cheque, and all it would take for them to lose everything is a month or so without income.

If water, electricity and gas were down for one week, there would be a mild collapse. If there was an indefinite period of loss of crucial utilities, total collapse would be ensured. God forbid, if the internet was down for three weeks, one can imagine how that scenario would play out.

In early times, it was easier to control a million people than to kill a million. Today, it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million.

Zbigniew Brzezinski

Harry and Meghan Plan on Wearing Silly Costumes to King Charles Coronation


Insiders within the Harry and Meghan circle are discussing a plan to disrupt and upstage King Charles III and Queen Camilla by wearing silly costumes during the King’s coronation ceremony at Westminster Abbey in May.

According to insiders, the pesky duo, who are a serious thorn in the side to The Firm, will appear from a pink carriage drawn by a set of South African wart hogs. When the carriage stops at Westminster Abbey, Harry and Meghan will alight from the carriages wearing their costumes and go to their seats on all fours whooping like hyenas.

The carriage holding the deranged couple is currently being shipped over from Coney Island, USA.

Artist Josh Neuhart, who designed the carriage spent over eight months painting and constructing the Harry and Meghan extravaganza.

“It’s absolutely fabulous, we have these garish LED lights all over the canopy, and the pièce de résistance is a group of massive spotlights and glitter bombs shooting off everywhere. Ejaculating over the crowds resplendently. During the procession, loudspeakers will hail the crowd with cheap pop music from Beyonce, and rapper Jay Z and a group of midgets will throw copies of Prince Harry’s new book into the baying British crowds.”

All of this will of course be filmed by a massive team of approximately 200 Netflix film crew following each moment as it happens.

If this does not upstage King Charles and his Queen, the Montecito couple will be shouting random Tourette’s style words out during the ceremony, as well as whistling and grunting like farm animals.


2013 Daily Squib Article Advised Government to Put Illegal Migrants On Offshore Barges


Eh, we don’t like to toot our own horn all the time, but we are the only ones who know what we write, or have written in the past. No one else gives a flying sideways fuck, apart from us, that is …

In 2013, we wrote this article: https://www.dailysquib.co.uk/world/3843-daily-squib-ten-step-plan-for-uk-economic-recovery.html

It was our 10-step guide to economic recovery, some of it tongue in cheek, some of it serious.

Look at number 5, and you will see Rishi Sunak’s ‘£50/day offshore ship plan‘ right there in plain writing.

Imagine the amount of billions of pounds the government could have saved if they had implemented the Daily Squib’s economic advice in 2013?

We asked our resident economic expert Professor Lewis Handlebarr, to give his solution to Britain’s economic malaise. He came up with a 10 point plan in less than five minutes. Please do tell us what you think of his suggestions.

Ten Simple Economic Points to Make Britain Great Once More

1) Dump all long-term benefits holders except for the severely disabled. Benefits should only be paid for 6 months, then cut off for life. This will also solve the benefit tourism problem.

2) Reduce VAT to 12% from the current stifling 20%. This will invigorate business and commerce to extreme levels and actually increase tax receipts for the government as people spend more.

3) Reduce taxation on fuel by 75%. Britain will get moving again.

4) Reduce the size of the NHS to a bare minimum and ban any foreigners from using it. Ban drunks and drug users from the NHS. Sack 90% of the NHS managers and recruit more nurses paying them proper wages.

5) Only allow UK immigration to people with jobs and income of over £35,000. Dump all foreign aid saving billions. Airlift all illegal immigrants, foreign criminals and benefit tourists out of the UK immediately and build offshore holding ships to house them before forced deportation.

6) Stop all housing benefit and do not encourage people who cannot afford children to breed. Pay people on benefits not to breed.

7) Reduce corporation tax, income tax, council tax, capital gains tax, and all the other taxes.

8) Get out of the EU. The rest of the world is out of the EU and they’re doing fine.

9) Reduce the BBC to the World Service and limited TV scheduling. Sack all the useless parasitic BBC managers and overpaid jackals ripping off the taxpayer. Reduce the BBC TV tax to £15/annum for everyone.

10) Bring manufacturing home, and start building, pay decent wages, and create jobs to make Britain Great once more.

Trump’s Only Crime Was Operating and Owning Property in New York


If you’re a Republican candidate or politician in any capacity; to operate and own multiple properties within a Democrat far-leftist city like New York is in itself asking for trouble. Trump should have known how vindictive prosecutors would dig through his dirty laundry looking for morsels to indict him. ‘Show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime’, was the mantra of Stalin’s Soviet Union, and the same quote was used by the corrupt racist DA who vowed to take Trump down.

Escape From New York

Never go to fucking New York city or state ever again. There is a reason in the timing of these indictments directly before the coming 2024 election. Where Democrats like Hillary Clinton were given free rein to get away with their crimes, including the myriad of corrupt business dealings of the Biden family. Crooked Joe Biden was even let off by the FBI for recently being caught with Top Secret documents in his home. Democrat politicians are given freedom to commit fraud or crime at a grand level without prosecution.

There is one rule for Democrats and another for Republicans in a Democrat held state. Multiple prosecutors and legislators dismissed the Trump indictment and did not see any cause to indict Trump, yet the race spurred DA of New York is out to get Trump for his own agenda.

Republicans should be weary about doing any form of business, or owning any property in Democrat held states, especially when these animals use weaponised Federal agencies and departments to politically attack their opponents to take them out before the elections. The law in a Democrat state cannot be trusted, and neither can any of the compromised agencies working for the far-left partisan corrupt officials.

Democrats who live in Republican states and cities are not bothered, because generally Republicans are not corrupt vindictive far-left communists who use federal agencies for political witch-hunts.

Trump is 39% ahead in the election polls currently, and rising. The rule of law in America is dead today.

TRUMP ARRESTED: If They Can Do This to Trump They Can Do it to Anyone


America is turning into the Soviet Union or some jumped up banana republic with a corrupt state weaponising government departments for political ends.

Americans, you need to stand up for your country right the fuck now!

Trying to take Trump down over a mild misdemeanour while people like Hunter Biden are caught smoking crack with alleged under-age prostitutes are protected by the FBI. The corrupt ruling class are afraid of Trump because he means justice for the American people.

In 2020 the Democrats took advantage of the Covid pandemic by stuffing every ballot box from Boston to Alaska.

America needs Trump now more than ever to stop this corrupt, rotten scum polluting the nation and BIG STATE.

God and Jesus Bless America! This is not just about Trump, but the entire USA!

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”


Election 2024: Mass Exodus From Tory Party to Reform Party


The figures are astounding and are still accelerating at an exponential level, the mass exodus of former Tory party voters to Farage endorsed Reform Party headed by Richard Tice.

Disillusioned former Conservative Party members and voters are flocking to the Reform UK Party where the real tenets of national sovereignty, Brexit, defence and low tax are still upheld.

“The Tory party are not Tories anymore. There’s no other way of putting it. High tax, high inflation, autocratic, and EU centric with no Brexit benefits. They have ruined and squandered Brexit, and have condemned millions of households across the UK to poverty. We don’t want Labour either and urge every true Brexiteer and Briton to vote Reform UK,” a disenchanted former Tory voter revealed on Sunday.

As for Red Wall voters, they abandoned Labour, and were then taken for granted by the Tories, who used them for votes. Many Red Wall voters are now joining Reform UK as well.

Yes, we must address the dilution of votes during the election, which will probably bring forth either a hung parliament or Labour win. Whatever happens is a warning to any political party — if you abandon your key voters and completely ignore your election promises, not only will your party lose, but the entire nation will be condemned to the eternal terror of being ruled by Labour.

UKIP made a difference, and this is why Reform UK can make a difference.

Reform: make changes in (something, especially an institution or practice) in order to improve it: the Bill will reform the tax system. cause (someone) to relinquish an immoral, criminal, or self-destructive lifestyle: the state has a duty to reform criminals. • 

ORIGIN: Middle English (as a verb in the senses restore (peace) and bring back to the original condition): from Old French reformer or Latin reformare, from re- back + formare to form, shape. The noun dates from the mid 17th century.

Trump Getting Ready For Jail Presidency


Sure, being constantly persecuted by the Dems purely for political reasons will only strengthen Trump’s base for his possible 2024 presidency, the fact is, jail is jail and Trump may be put behind bars by his enemies.

“You gotta prepare for these things. I mean, imagine no more gold taps, or gold toilet seats? I usually have a Melania relief treat at 3 pm and by 6 pm I order up a new girl. I gotta have a different one every day. In prison, I will no doubt have none of those things. It’s frankly gonna be tough,” Trump revealed on Sunday.

American jails are notorious for being hardcore places where if you do not assert yourself in the beginning, you will soon find yourself as someone’s bitch.

The Don thankfully is not worried about such things, as he can pay for his own security directly in jail.

Saturation Kills Everything


Imagine a time when there was only one TV station, only a few radio stations and the odd cinema blockbuster. Buying a vinyl record of your favourite band from a shop made your entire universe, at a concentrated level, you dedicated your entire attention to every nuance, every tiny detail of this piece of music consisting of about six tracks on each side. Even the album cover and sleeve notes, and back cover were pored over. You actually enjoyed, and were genuinely thrilled by whatever you were listening to on the record.

This was the ultimate point of music distribution simply because the listener had such little choice, their attention was entirely dedicated to only what was chosen to be released and these mere morsels of creativity activated the listener entirely. For record companies and artists, that was the apex of the entire history of music.

The same could be applied to those great moments of cinema, where historically defining films were shown to audiences for the first time. There was no internet of things where entire catalogues of films are downloaded or streamed in seconds.

The same applies to books, because the brains of those of the era were not addled with complete mental saturation from all quarters, there was instead clarity in thought, and space to ruminate, space in time where silence was part of the fabric of not only creativity but of appreciation of art in all its forms.

Saturation overkill is the realm of today, where the human brain has been rewired with an attention span of maybe less than two seconds. Just like saturation bombing over Dresden during WW2 killed literally hundreds of thousands of German civilians overnight; so too is there a saturation onslaught on the human brain today. There is no time for the listener to listen because he has to switch over to the next song that is even better, or for whatever reason he has been programmed to almost listen to something whilst watching another thing and twiddling on his phone simultaneously.

Saturation kills stardom, it kills fame, and music personas these days are not revered as the true stars were in the past. There is no real fame anymore, and the numbers do not mean shit. Getting 900 million gazillion listens or views do not mean anything in a world of saturation, simply because many people did not actually listen, and many companies can buy bots by the billion to exact fake views/listens.

Saturation of everything in a mish mash deadly soup of bullshit all dumped into your brain at once is what today is, and it has rendered nearly everything as meaningless. Saturation of analysis kills the magic of art, but today everything is overanalysed and YouTube analysis videos saturate everything, killing the mystique and artistry of what was once a magical piece of artistic expression for someone. Everything, is now a throwaway item simply to be discarded and replaced by another momentary piece of shit. Even the good old stuff, pre-internet, is now discarded and a mere moment in time.

Saturation of news, and entertainment and porn, and all the other shit that goes with every genre, every keyword, and every known piece of knowledge eventually amounts to nothing much, and there you are constantly flicking from one thing to the next, your attention span is now less than a millisecond, and you do not know who you are anymore, or who you were, and you ingest all these things the propagandists tell you to do, they say you are woke, so you are woke now. You don’t even know what it means or why, but you follow blindly because you have been programmed to do so. Through repetition, through saturation bombing of each individual, each group, you do not have a sense of concrete mind anymore, they have changed the wiring in your brain permanently. You are addicted to all of this and you cannot stop. No one will ever know and experience those beautiful time filled pre-internet days ever again.

Bird Flu Being Set Up For Next Global Pandemic


Thought Covid was bad, well check out bird flu which will be the next global pandemic. The US and UK have been stockpiling drugs like Peramivir for some time.

The consensus is that gain of function research on avian flu has established a few strains that affect a high death rate in humans.

When economic collapse is developing across the global banking systems, it is imperative that the second phase of lockdowns are rolled out. The system will need a cover for economic mismanagement and corruption, and the new phase that will be rolled out will also additionally reduce the global population further.

Lowered immune systems and additional factors will increase the death toll, especially amongst those who have, SARS, and HIV.

The lockdown and pandemic in 2020 was an excellent cover for the US election to be compromised, and there are possible plans to do the same in 2024.

Amongst those working on the models is Professor Neil Ferguson, an epidemiologist whose chilling projections of the Covid outbreak led the UK Government to impose the first lockdown. The team’s predictions are that Bird flu will have a case-fatality rate of around 50 per cent in humans. The virus has already been spotted in foxes, otters and seals in the UK. H5N1 has been detected in some 80million birds and poultry globally since September 2021 — double the previous record the year before. It is increasingly being transmitted to a multitude of mammals, and eventually to all humans. According to data released by the UK Government, there have been 175 confirmed cases of bird flu in humans since 1 October 2022. This includes 148 cases in England, 21 cases in Scotland, 5 cases in Wales and 1 case in Northern Ireland.

Changing and disrupting the epigenetic code can be achieved either through the new strain of virus or the vaccine, leading to the Big C.

Vaccine makers are already preparing vaccines for H5N1 outbreaks in humans to human infections. Executives at GSK Plc, Moderna Inc and CSL Seqirus disclosed to Reuters they are already developing or are on the cusp of testing human vaccines matching this current strain. Vaccine’s during a new global pandemic would initially be earmarked for wealthy countries, leaving developing and Third World nations to bear the brunt of the next wave.

The key to the next wave of attack on the population by the new virus will be on selecting those with a reduced immune system function. This is why it is imperative to increase one’s immune system via diet, supplements and exercise.

To make things more realistic and believable, viruses will be released intermittently. The vast economic damage done by these lockdowns and viruses are already priced in, and the controllers have already factored in the various economic constituents, as well as loss of entire distribution chains.

Everything coincides with the new dawn of artificial intelligence.