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Great News Buzzfeed is Shutting Down

The site that we call Spamfeed, i.e. Buzzfeed is shutting down operations after spamming the internet for years with substandard low quality shite spam articles, clickbait articles, AI generated spam and fucking spammy stupid listicles. Churning out shit by the gigabyte every second of the day, today the company announced the wonderful news that they are shutting down operations forever.

As well as massive instances of plagiarism, Buzzfeed were the epitome of everything that was wrong with the internet and may they rest in piss, pieces of woke shit will no longer spam the internet with their horrid woke detritus.

The people responsible for Buzzfeed should hang their heads in abject shame after polluting the internet for so long and only shutting down now.

Okay, Huffpost is still operating, but hopefully that will go the same way as Buzzfeed soon.

There truly is an internet god, and today he granted a lot of wishes.

Bud Light: The Power of Consumerist Revolutionary Rage

Wokism is a disease that can only be addressed in one way: boycott. Do not purchase or subscribe to anything that utilises the woke Marxist ideology. This may be a product you have always bought since childhood, or something that you previously loved dearly, you as the consumer must be true to your word and simply walk away.

Is there forgiveness for any brand that realises that their woke marketing was a mistake, and they beg for forgiveness from their previously loyal customers? First of all, no company or brand apologises to their previous customers for going woke, simply because they label their wokeness as being ‘inclusive’ when in reality it is ‘exclusive’ to some segment of society that is deemed as severely offensive to many. Yes, of course any segment of human society has a right to exist, however some parts of society are deemed as highly divisive and viewed as deviant. Deviancy and perversion is allowed in Western society with no problem, however, having it pushed down people’s throats or to young impressionable children by a previously loved brand is a step too far for many. Most people don’t give two flying sideways fucks about trans people or the LGBTQP scene, and are tolerant to all the strands of society as long as they conduct their actions amongst themselves.

As brands like Bud Light, are currently learning, the woke agenda they were pushing down their previous consumers throats has led to a $6 billion loss, and when the next quarter of sales are brought to light, Bud Light may not be so bright, in fact the whole thing will be flushed down the toilet, an unholy piece of shite. Consumers must stick to their guns with any sort of action, and they must adhere to any boycott of brands like Bud Light until it either disappears entirely or the brand completely capitulates. This is the power of the consumer, and these brands can only be taught a lesson one way — bankruptcy.

Inflation: The Bank of England Infiltrated by Remainers


The Bank of England has engineered a high inflationary ‘cost of living’ disaster to make Brexit look fundamentally flawed and create an atmosphere of blame towards Britain’s exit of the EU. The implants into the BoE are partnered with Brussels to ruin Britain’s economy, and they are successfully doing this with the artificially created inflation on every day goods and utilities for the country.

It is no news that the current Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt is a staunch remainer, and his high tax policies are proof that he has dedicated his energy to the denigration of Brexit. This is why Hunt appointed Megan Greene as a member of the Bank’s monetary policy committee. “Brexit is bad for the UK economically,” she told Bloomberg while still chief economist at Manulife in 2017.

Along with the Governor Andrew Bailey who is a military grade remainer, the entire edifice of the Bank is dedicated to its total commitment to Brussels.

Increasing interest rates by insane increments will hasten Britain falling into deep recession, as many mortgage holders will eventually default on their loans. The banking system will crumble as liquidity disappears completely, and millions scramble to take out their money.

With the entire civil service working daily to reverse Brexit, the remainers in all these institutions are dedicating themselves to destroying the British economy in a sort of scorched earth policy. It is the only way they can win — by completely destroying the economy to prove their point about Brexit not working.

Would it not have been a better decision to look forward, utilising the global opportunities to build up the UK’s economy benefitting from Brexit freedoms instead of this dire self-inflicted remainer-led race to the bottom of the barrel?

TikTok is a CCP Psyops Tool to Damage the West


The CCP is not only utilising Wokism to demoralise and create internal conflict in the West, but it is also utilising attack tools like social media site TikTok to spread dangerous trends amongst Western youth. Where the Chinese version of TikTok (Douyin) only spreads positive and affirming information that helps Chinese citizens in their lives, TikTok is a toxic soup of misinformation, abuse, paedophilia and evil challenges designed for young impressionable users to hurt themselves or others.

Woke agents in American companies, education system and within the US administration align themselves with the Chinese Communist Party to destroy the fundamental concepts of democracy and freedom of speech that America was built on. The American constitution is the target of the CCP, and their agents who have been implanted in many American institutions work day and night for their masters in Beijing to kill America from the inside, either through Woke campaigns or through any avenue in the media/education/government/film industry.

Egged on by other TikTok users, thirteen-year-old Jacob Stevens, from Columbus, Ohio, swallowed more than a dozen Benadryl pills as his friends filmed to see what would happen.

His body then began to seize up within minutes. Within hours, his organs began to shut down resulting in full brain death. Stevens died after six days on a ventilator.

Stevens is the third known victim of the ‘Benadryl Challenge’, a deadly viral TikTok game that supposedly induces hallucinations. In 2020, a 15-year-old girl from Oklahoma also died from overdosing on the pills.

Every day, more deadly TikTok challenges intended for young children are spread on the platform designed specifically to hurt and maim kids in Western countries.

TikTok, like other social media sites, has the ability to artificially push certain accounts or videos to higher status on the site, and this is called ‘heating‘. Through their algorithm or manual selection, they most certainly target certain accounts of young children and teens with various videos designed to damage their physical and mental health.

The entire premise of TikTok is to destroy the attention span of the people who are using their app and to dumb-down the population further.

As Chinese-made Fentanyl streams into the USA daily and wokism creates more polarised communities, the weapon on the internet is TikTok, and it is working a treat.

CCP: Biden Will Hold Back When China Strikes Taiwan


Kompromat is a very powerful thing, and despite the FBI and other federal agencies protecting the Biden family from its numerous alleged criminal dealings, when China finally pushes the trigger on Taiwan, Biden will do very little. This is because the Chinese Communist Party has a lot more damning information they could release that even the FBI and other biased agencies could not hide.

The military consensus is that Taiwan will be Ukraine 2.0, as much as the Biden/Obama administration simply watched Ukraine be invaded from afar in 2014, the current Biden/Harris administration will do the same with Taiwan. It’s not just that the current U.S. admin is completely useless and incompetent in every way, there are various factors to attribute to this intransigence to do anything.

islamic jihad joe biden kamala harrisOne only has to look at Democrat run cities to see how they ruin everything, and to supplant that serious neglect to how they run global issues that will bring the world to closer to world war III. The Democrats are more interested in perpetuating an atmosphere of drug death and severe homelessness in their shit heaving faeces ridden cities, as well as encouraging the full throttle emasculation of the entire male population, including the U.S. military. In effect, they are serving up their own country to the enemy because it is all too evident that the Democrat Party, which has embraced full communist Marxist ideology, is actively working to destroy the one thing they really hate — America.

china joe - beijing biden
Beijing Biden

To ameliorate this destruction of America from within and without, the disgraceful Biden administration will not defend a little poxy island like Taiwan. In fact, even if China lands its armies on mainland Australia or Japan, Biden will do very little.

The sea ways are open, and China is actively preparing for action, they have been watching the disgraceful treatment of Ukraine by its so-called allies and know that Biden’s economy is in serious deficit. Under Biden’s terrible policies of ruination, the U.S. Deficit has rocketed above $35 trillion, and is rising every day as Biden concentrates on the transgender and homosexual agenda as a matter of high national importance.

Excavated Male Skeleton Who Identified as Woman Sues Archaeologist For Misgendering


It is the year 2050, and an archaeological dig on the site which used to be Los Angeles, comes up against a serious problem. The team uncovers a human skeleton which was immediately identified as male due to its biological structure, when suddenly the skeleton pops out of his hole and disputes the scientific biological fact.

“I am a woman despite my inherent male bone structure. Yes, I know when I was flesh and bones I had a cock and balls but due to indoctrination into the soviet woke transgender agenda of the time I along with many others believed emphatically that I was a woman. You as an archaeologist just misgendered me and I am going to sue you, bitch!”

Well, the skeleton in the closet of the entire transgender industry is that there are major differences in bone structure between males and females.

Male skeletal structures have larger, more robust bones and joint surfaces, and more bone development at muscle attachment sites. The pelvis is the best sex-related skeletal indicator, because of distinct features adapted for childbearing, thus indicating clear female traits. As the male brain is over 10% larger in males, the skull of a male is usually larger than a female skull.

Female Male Pelvis
Male vs female pelvis. Main differences.

Male and female differences in the pelvic area are very pronounced in skeletal structure. The larger female pelvis is better adapted for childbirth. It’s wider, longer, and held together by ligaments that soften during pregnancy, allowing the two halves to slide apart because of their narrow pelvis. The pelvic inlet for a female is open and circular, whereas a male’s is narrower and heart shaped. The sciatic notch in females is broader than that of a male, and females have a wider sub-pubic angle where the two bones meet. In general, the female hip bone is more outwardly flared than that of the male. Women’s slanted thigh-bones put extra pressure on the knee joints, which have to rotate, while men’s do not.

It is not just the pelvic area that distinguishes male and females, there are many differences, the main ones relating to skeletal structure are in overall height and bone density. Male skeletons are about 9% taller than females, and have 50% more bone mass in size and density. Men have larger heads and longer limbs than women, relative to body size.

At this point, when the male skeleton started ranting and raving about being a woman, the archaeologist listened intently. She then gently picked up a shovel and whacked the skeleton firmly on the skull shattering it into many bone fragments, before burying the bones in a very deep hole and walking away whistling.

Nothing was discovered at this archaeological dig site today. Transgenders are a different strand of humans purely due to thought and belief. Biological men and biological women are the only scientific biologic entities naturally existing as base structures. Transgenders may operate on their physical bodies but are still chained irrevocably and completely to their original biological selves in every way. Thought and belief are separate states to actual scientific and biological fact and applies to the entire universal structure. In this respect, there is man, woman and people who think they are transgender.

Meghan Markle Cuts Ties With Royal Family Completely But Will Still Use Titles

According to the office of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex/Montecito, Meghan Markle will not be attending the coronation of King Charles III in a major snub to the royal family. Instead, she has sent Prince Harry as envoy to attend the coronation alone.

Royal commentators have come to the conclusion that this refusal to attend the coronation is the final nail in the coffin for Markle’s short jaunt with the royal family, as she has effectively cut the cord completely.

“It is doubtful that Markle will ever come to Britain again, and is now completely estranged from the British royal family. It may be a show of defiance by her, however in all reality she will continue to use the Duchess title to make money in America and continue to profit off her marriage to Prince Harry. In all instances, one could say she has the best of both worlds and will continue to coin it making millions off the royals whilst effectively rejecting them in reality,” a commentator revealed on Wednesday.

If King Charles had any guts he would have demoted these two freeloaders of any royal title a long time ago, however Charles has been extremely diplomatic considering the amount of vitriol and vindictive hatred directed to the Windsor clan by Harry and Meghan. The added disgusting usage of the royal titles to make millions of dollars is another insult, not only to the royal family, but the British people as a whole. Has Meghan ever been to Sussex? She probably could not even point to it on a map. It is a total insult to the people of Sussex to be represented by someone who detests the British people and royal family with such vehemence.

If there is any justice in this world, Harry and Meghan should be demoted to the nobodies they truly are, and should not be allowed to profit off their supposed ties to the British royal family or Britain. We have heard of taxation without representation, well, this is royalty without representation, and it makes a mockery of the British royal institution and people.

Hopefully, one day the American people fawning over this acrid stench of hypocrisy and exploitation will see through the shallow narcissistic facade of Meghan and Harry, two grifters skimming millions off ruthless and blind media executives who have no morals or a shred of dignity as they only see dollar signs as they market these two miscreants to gullible American audiences who do not understand royalty or know what it really is in any capacity or form.

Apparently the Dalai Lama Likes Young Boys?


Religious leadership and deviancy go hand in hand these days, as they were covered in past decades, these days of the internet and photography things are harder to cover up. Who knew it, the Dalai Lama is deviant who likes young boys? What about the current pope and those of the past, who knows what happens in the catacombs or papal rooms? It seems now there is no shame for these religious leaders, as every deviant action of the past is being normalised.

As the current ‘Luminati’ agenda is one of normalising deviancy, it should be no surprise that paedophilia will be the next strand of society to be normalised. The goal is to normalise things that were previously viewed as taboo or forbidden, and serve a purpose to kill traditional family units further.

“We have already killed off the family unit to some extent by indoctrinating women to work away from home and this effectively kills off the family unit to some degree, but it is not enough. We now educate young children and encourage them to indulge in sodomy and to hate their biological selves, resulting in body mutilation in the transexual industry. These are wonderful programs we have introduced to the brainwashed population and serves a firm purpose — depopulation. Along with declining global fertility, mass abortion industry and increase in cancers, the depopulation strategy we are employing will most certainly serve us well in the future,” a prominent member of the Collective revealed on Wednesday.

Normalisation, and demoralisation in many Western countries and developing nations is pretty much complete after decades of indoctrination from countries like China and Russia.

Normalisation is conducted via the use of corporate brands, media, educational institutions, celebrities, politicians and religious leaders championing formerly forbidden or taboo actions.

“When figures you have looked up to and praised in the past suddenly start conducting themselves in certain ways and brands that you may have trusted in the past say it’s okay to do this or that, then impressionable people see it as normal behaviour. The key is to conduct this operation globally and all at the same time and implement it within all points of society, especially the education system,” another officer of the Collective revealed.

Bud Light Marketing VP Transitioning to Become Homeless Bum


Bud Light tastes like piss water, but is a beer brand that was generally well-known in America amongst a predominantly male drinking group; that is, until Alissa Gordon Weinerscheisse decided to market the predominantly male orientated beer to a portion of the population only making up 0.007% — i.e. the trans community.

A graduate of Fharton business school, Weinerscheisse has been hailed in interviews as the first woman to ‘lead’ Bud Light in its 41-year history.

The brand VP was shoe-horned into the fray to supposedly increase sales and since her appointment, sales of Bud Light have dropped by over 90% and the company, Anheuser-Busch has lost over $6 billion in stock value. The reason for the drop in sales is that in a bid for supposed ‘inclusivity’ she thought using a gay man with a penis who thinks he is a woman prancing around embarrassingly in videos acting like a catatonic jerky rabid effeminate cissy trying to emulate a female badly would be good for sales.


This embarrassing woke fiasco is a sashaying f@ggot trans opera that has created a huge backlash and a rapid sales drop that is so precipitous it may even mean the loss of the brand completely.

Alissa Gordon Weinerscheisse has since deleted all her online profiles and is transitioning to be a homeless drug addict in Philadelphia’s Kensington Avenue.

“I am transitioning to become a homeless person. I now identify as a drugged up fuck who will probably overdose on Fentanyl mixed in with copious amounts of Xylazine imported fresh from China daily. The positive thing is that I will have loads of cans of Bud Light which I will be pushing around in a shopping cart with the rest of my belongings.”

VIRAL: TikTok Star Cooks Piece of Sh*t in Air Fryer


A savvy Aussie TikTok chef has shared how he prepared a homemade piece of shit for his family in his 5.7 litre Qmart air fryer.

Sharing the recipe to a popular Facebook group, the man revealed how he squatted over the air fryer releasing a large turd then added cooking sake, sesame oil, grated ginger and crushed garlic to marinate the poo pieces then tossed in flour and potato starch.

“There are several variations for this TikTok shit style recipe, this one uses bite sized poo pieces delicately shat out my arse,” he said online.

The $49 air fryer has been so popular among customers over the past few months it has sold out in hundreds of stores.

On Facebook, other TikTok home cooks were quick to comment on how tasty the meal looked.

“Looks amazing! Will try this, thank you,” one brain-dead woman said.

“I want an air fryer, but every time I go to Qmart they are sold out!” another lemming added.

Other social media users part of the Facebook group tagged friends and family members to share the recipe around further.

How to make a piece of shit in an air fryer


1 turd

1/4 cup soy sauce

1/4 sake

1 teaspoon sesame oil

2 tablespoons grated ginger

3 garlic cloves crushed

Plain flour

Potato or corn starch

Earlier this month, an Australian dad known for making delicious and simple homemade meals went viral on TikTok after sharing how to cook up roadkill also in an air fryer.

Michael, from Melbourne, shared the video on June 3, and it has since been viewed more than 575,000 times.

He cooked five road killed wombats and a kangaroo for 16 minutes at 185 degrees Celsius in the air fryer after filling it with used motor oil.

As the classic meal is simple and easy to make, it generated an influx of comments from others who also post on the platform.

This is the kind of quality content that fills pages of the Daily Mail and TikTok every day.