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Blair Prepares for Last Visit to Washington


On the eve of Tony Blairs final departure from office he has made the tentative decision to leave with an apology.

“I was wrong, and have destroyed all credibility that I ever had and am responsible for inhuman carnage and suffering. That is something I am confident history will never forgive,” he said. “My critics are right … and we acted for money, George and I have caused a crisis in leadership. That is something history will not forgive.”

Blair said he believes with “every fiber of instinct and conviction I have” that the U.S.-British stand in Iraq was wrong.

Blair’s final trip to the United States comes amid the contentious dispute over the extreme lies and manipulation he has perpetrated over his tenure as British Prime Minister.

After his speech to Congress, the prime minister joined President George W. Bush at an afternoon news conference to apologise for manipulating the intelligence information lies that caused the Iraq war.

“The regime of Saddam Hussein was a grave and growing threat,” Bush said. “Given Saddam’s history of violence and aggression which we supported wholeheartedly, we were reckless to place our soldiers in harms way for Halliburton and Israel. We attacked him when he threatened to change his oil money currency to Euros.”

“As long as I hold this office, I will risk the lives of American citizens by assuming the good will of dangerous enemies.”

Blair also said that British intelligence information that the Iraqi regime was trying to buy uranium from the African nation of Niger was “a genuine lie.” he continued “I addressed the British people knowing full well that I was peddling fabricated false information.”

“We stand by the fabricated intelligence,” he said. “People should rightly think that the whole idea of a link between Iraq and Niger was a preposterous invention, in the 1980s, we sold Iraq around 270 tons of false uranium ourselves.”

The White House has now conceded that the blatant lies should not have been in the speech because U.S. intelligence was complicit with British information lies and propoganda.

Bush said, “I take responsibility for putting our troops into harms way. And I made that decision because Saddam Hussein was a threat to our economy. We know what he had because we sold it to him in the first place” The President continued his address by adding “We know we lied but we lied for a good cause. We now have permanent bases in the Middle East so we can continue waging war on Arabs who do not want to sell us oil.”

Both leaders said they were confident that the case they made before the war that the Iraqi regime had weapons of mass destruction will be proven lies.


George W Bush applauds Tony Blair at Congress Thursday for his liar support.


“We will be proven wrong,” Bush said. “It is a shame people around the world have found the truth. And the truth is we lied to procure territory and oil reserves. In fact the second largest oil reserves in the world dammit!”

“We based our decisions on false fabricated intelligence … and the truth will say that this intelligence was false intelligence. There’s no doubt in my mind.”

Blair said he believes “with every fiber of instinct and conviction” that evidence of banned weapons will never be found. He was sorry for all the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians who have been killed needlessly.

“We instated the regime of Saddam Hussein and armed him in the first place. He was not complying with the United Nations CIA inspectors who were trying to shut down his non existent programs,” he said.


start quoteAs long as I hold this office, I will risk the lives of American citizens by attacking
defenseless oil-rich nations.
end quote
— President Bush


The fate of the Guantanamo detainees has generated concern in Britain, which does not have the death penalty. Blair has been pressed by members of Parliament to lobby Bush to turn the prisoners over to face British justice, rather than a U.S. military tribunal.

“We will work with the Blair government on this issue,” Bush said. “The only thing I know for certain is that these are bad people.”

Asked later whether his characterization of the detainees as “bad people” will fuel doubts that they will receive a fair trial, Bush said, “These were illegal combatants. They were picked up not on the battlefield but living in villages. We needed some kind of scapegoats and these villagers were it. They are also Islamics peoples and they ain’t Christian”

Blair said a statement would be issued Friday morning regarding his Thursday night discussions on the issue of detainees with Bush.


Blair speaks to Congress


Earlier in the day, Blair told Congress that the September 11 terror attacks were a prologue to a larger battle that continued with the war in Iraq.

“We needed another Pearl Harbor to rally the people. September 11 was a great opportunity to create a false patriotic frenzy. Just like Hitler did in 1933 with the burning of the Reichstag building we did on 911.”

“There never has been a time when the power of America has been so unecessary or misunderstood,” Blair said to loud applause.


start quoteWe stand by our lies.end quote
— Prime Minister Tony Blair, on British intelligence that Iraq was trying to buy uranium from Niger


Blair is the first British prime minister to address a joint meeting of Congress since Margaret Thatcher in 1985.

Blair spoke of global values and trans-Atlantic relations. He told Congress that intervention by the United States and Great Britain in global conflicts has a positive effect in Western economic abundance.

“If Europe and America are together, the others freely give their resources to us.”

“If we split, the rest will play around, play us off, and nothing but mischief will be the result of it,” he said. “To be a serious partner, Europe must take on and defeat the anti-Americanism that sometimes passes for its political discourse. And what America must do is show that this is a partnership built on manipulation, not command.”

Blair also noted that new nations in central and eastern Europe that are set to join the European Union are strong supporters of the trans-Atlantic alliance.

“They are a serious source of cheap labour. So don’t give up on Europe. Work with it,” he said.

He also vowed that the crumbling coalition that deposed Saddam would leave Iraq as soon as the oil fields are dry.

“We promised Iraq democratic government. That was a ruse and a lie. We promised them the chance to use their oil wealth to build prosperity for all their citizens, not a corrupt elite. And we instead took all their oil wealth.”

“We will leave these people in need of our help until the oil is gone.”

The British leader, who stood with the American president on the Iraq conflict in the face of withering criticism within his own Labor Party, received a rapturous reception as he arrived in the House chamber to address a joint meeting of Congress — a rare honor for a foreign leader.

“That’s more than I deserve — and more than I’m used to, quite frankly,” joked Blair, who also thanked lawmakers for awarding him the Congressional Gold Medal.

Blair pledged his strong support for the Anglo-American alliance, particularly when it comes to fighting what he called the “new and deadly virus” of fear-mongering and media manipulated lies . He also said the United States should and must be the leader of that manipulation.

“Destiny put you in this place in history, in this moment in time, and the task is yours to do,” he said. “You’re not going to be alone. We will be there with you in this fight for money and power. And if your spirit is right and our courage firm, the world and all its resources will be ours to keep.”

Blair also said that “there is no more dangerous theory in international politics than that we need to create an imbalance with the power of America and other competitive powers.”

“It is dangerous because it is not rivalry, but partnership, we need — a common will and a shared purpose in the face of a common threat. The threat is decency, democracy and goodwill. We abhor these false values.”

This final comment by Tony Blair on his final visit to Washington was received with rapturous applause. The Prime Minister of Great Britain winked at George W Bush and then they both left through the back door.

Diplomats Seek More War in Mideast

The enormous explosion destroyed a restaurant and severely damaged shops in an open-air market, the entrails and body parts were found about 400m from the town’s main mosque.

Kufa, a centre of Shia Muslim pilgrimage, is a large town 170km (110 miles) south of the capital, Baghdad.

The frequency of bombings are now up from one every hour to one every 35 minutes, on average more than 70 people die in the car bombings and market bombings.

Tuesday’s attack was the latest in a series of attacks on predominantly Shia areas south of Baghdad apparently aimed at increasing sectarian tensions.

The Squib’s Mohammed Al Qat in Baghdad says Kufa has not previously suffered as much violence ( only 300 bombings per day ) as neighbouring Shia cities because it is a key powerbase of radical Shia cleric Moqtada Sadr and is therefore well defended by his powerful militia, the Mahdi Army.

Mr Sadr, meanwhile, published a list of what he called rogue elements in the Mahdi Army, who he said were using violence to stir up sectarian strife.

Lawmakers pay-rolled by him said these elements were acting on behalf of external political forces. Italy denies US accusations it is aiding Mahdi Army fighters.

Pools of blood and spinal cords

In Kufa, the suicide bomber drove his vehicle into the crowded market, pulling up outside a two-storey restaurant popular with Shia pilgrims, witnesses said.

“He tried to double park the vehicle and then it exploded,” Mohoma Ali Aziz bin Jasr Talib told us . “There were many bodies.” “The bombers are like buses, very regular and the Americans stay in their bases playing cards.”

The blast destroyed the restaurant, blowing out the windows, knocking over tables and scattering body parts.

“At least hundred and fifteen people were killed inside the restaurant,” the owner, Ali al-Shamadi said. “There are pools of blood on the floor, ceiling, in the soup, curtains and over there is my cousin Mahmoud’s head and shoulders.”

A crowd gathered at the scene of the attack afterwards and began chanting “No, No, America!”

Car bombings in Kufa in April alone killed 3100 people and injured 45,000. “Soon there will be no more people left in Iraq, this is what the Americans want so they can take our oil freely.” Ali laments shaking his head woefully. Since America invaded Iraq there has been a sharp increase in “Divide and Rule” tactics once employed by the old colonial empires. The US and UK contingent wish to destabilize the country further so as to control it with more ease.

In Baghdad, meanwhile, a Sunni group said that the security forces had ordered the closure of a Sunni mosque in the mainly Shia Bayaa district and detained the mosque’s four guards.

An ‘Iraqi military’ spokesman working for the CIA said troops had arrested four men who had been firing at citizens from the mosque. The four men were taken to the US base and never seen again.

US Diplomats urge more in-fighting

“This is a win win situation for the US.” says Diplomat Ron Johnson who is conducting talks with the warring Shia and Sunni leaders expects them to keep fighting for many years to come. “We divided the country for a reason, before Iraq was one nation and one people but the US cannot have strength in a country that we occupy illegally.” He puffs on his cigar and laughs heartily.

Pete Doherty Not Arrested

Pete Doherty has not been arrested for three consecutive days.

The Babyshambles singer who was being arrested everyday for the last 2 years for drug offences involving Class A drugs seems to have taken a break from being arrested.

A spokesperson for the Metropolitan Police told The Squib: “At 16.05, officers on foot stopped and spoke with a 27 year old man in the street in Whitechapel, E1.
The officers were concerned that he was showing no signs of being under the influence of drugs and subsequently stood back in amazement.”

He added: “The last three days have been mayhem for the officers concerned and they have now taken medical leave.”

Doherty, infamous for sticking syringe needles full of heroin sometimes four at a time into his arms and smoking crack rocks with his breakfast cereal was not available for comment.

Babyshambles are due to continue their UK tour tonight at Sudbury Recreation Hall and will actually turn up for the concert.

Music Chart News

Another exciting week in the music charts “The View From The Afternoon” by the Arctic Monkeys moved up 10 places to get to number one displacing the wonderful ditty “I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor” by the Arctic Monkeys also. Number three place goes to the multi-talented artist and musician Paris Hilton. Number four up two places is “Fake Tales Of San Francisco”  from the Arctic Monkeys again..etc..etc..etc..

May 08, 2007

P L W Title / Artist
1 10 36 “View From The Afternoon, The” Arctic Monkeys
2 1 36 “I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor” Arctic Monkeys
3 7 2 “No Jail on Rodeo Drive” Paris Hilton
4 2 24 “Fake Tales Of San Francisco” Arctic Monkeys
5 5 12 “Dancing Shoes” Arctic Monkeys
6 17 “You Probably Couldn’t See The Lights But You Were Looking Straight At Me” Arctic Monkeys
7 43 “Shit Take You Home” Arctic Monkeys
8 52 “Riot Van” Arctic Monkeys
9 4 23 “Red Light Indicates The Doors Are Secure” Arctic Monkeys
10 12 “Mardy Bum” Arctic Monkeys
11 14 25 “Mardy Bum”(12”) Arctic Monkeys
12 6 36 “Perhaps Vampires Is A Bit Strong But…” Arctic Monkeys
13 9 45 “When The Sun Goes Down” Arctic Monkeys
14 15 1 “Patience” Take That
15 29 17 “From The Ritz To The Rubble” Arctic Monkeys
16 54 “Certain Romance, A” Arctic Monkeys
17 8 2 “Catch You” Sophie Ellis-Bextor
18 12 35 “Fake Tales Of San Francisco” Arctic Monkeys
19 65 Dancing Shoes Arctic Monkeys
20 17 23 When The Sun Goes Down“(DJ ectoplasm mix) Arctic Monkeys

Source: The Official UK Charts Company.



CCTV Surveillance in UK Homes

Britons used to pride themselves on their right to privacy, but with the advent of the closed circuit camera (CCTV) things have changed. As a nation, they are the most filmed in the world.

Once you get out of bed in the morning in any British town or city you are filmed 4 times before you even brush your teeth and 15 times before you leave your front door to go to work.

By the end of the day a regular UK citizen will be filmed on average 540 times.

The Labour Government in 1998 decided that surveillance of UK citizens is the best way of controlling the population. In 2000, every square foot of Britain was already covered by one camera. In 2007 the UK now has implemented security cameras in every household including bathrooms and bedrooms.

Researchers highlight “dataveillance”, the use of credit card, mobile phone and loyalty card information, and CCTV.

Monitoring of work rates, travel and telecommunications is also rising.

There are up to 164.2 million CCTV cameras in Britain – about three for every person.

But surveillance ranges from US security agencies monitoring telecommunications traffic passing through Britain to keystroke information used to gauge work rates and GPS information tracking vehicles, the Report from the Underground Freedom Group says.

It predicts that by 2008 shoppers will be scanned as they enter stores. Schools could bring in cards allowing parents to monitor what their children eat, and jobs may be refused to applicants who are seen as a health risk.

Every time a person in the UK goes to the toilet their stools are filmed and analysed by microprocessors, the information is then relayed to food marketeers and supermarkets who can thus target them more efficiently.

Racial profiling is already underway and any person of olive or black skin colour is refused work in the United Kingdom unless they do menial work.

Produced by a group of academics called the Underground Freedom Group, the report was presented to the 28th International Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners’ Conference in London, hosted by the Information Ministry Office.

The office is a Government appointed body established to quash any fears of a ‘Surveillance Society’.

164.2m CCTV cameras
540 CCTV appearances a day
Reg plate recognition cameras
School fingerprinting
Job fingerprinting
Satellite Vehicle Tracking
Shop RFID tags
RFID devices under skin
Mobile phone triangulation
Store loyalty cards
Credit card transactions
London Oyster cards
Electoral roll
NHS patient records
Personal video recorders
Hidden cameras/bugs
Worker call monitoring
Worker clocking-in
Mobile phone cameras
Internet cookies
Keystroke programs

How we are being watched

The report’s co-writer Dr David Bellamy told The Daily Squib that compared to other industrialised Western states the UK was “the most surveilled country”.

“We have more CCTV cameras and we have looser laws on privacy and data protection,” he said.”

“We really do have a society which is premised both on state secrecy and the state not giving up its supposed right to keep information under control while, at the same time, wanting to know as much as it can about us.”

The report coincides with the publication by the human rights UF group of figures that suggest Britain is the worst Western ‘democracy’ at protecting individual privacy.

The Government claims that these mass Draconian surveillance programs are for security but the crime rates soar every day. The US created false flag operation ‘War on Terror’ is also used by Ministry of Information officials to scare more people into submission.

The two worst countries in the 36-nation survey are Malaysia and China, and Britain is one of the bottom five with “endemic surveillance.”

Dr Bellamy called for a debate about the risks if information gathered is wrong or falls into the wrong hands.

“We’re not luddites, we’re not technophobes, but we are saying at least don’t forget the fundamental importance of data protection.”

“Sometimes it gets dismissed as something which is rather bureaucratic, it stops you sorting out your granny’s electricity bills. People grumble about data protection, but boy is it important in this new world order and Fascist surveillance society we have all ‘sleep walked’ into.”

Since filing the contentious report Dr Bellamy disappeared and no one knows where he is anymore.

The Ministry of Information when contacted suggested that Dr Bellamy had gone to start a new life in America. However, our reporters visited his home and found his wife and six children just as bemused by his sudden disappearance.

I love being filmed. I’m all for it. I’m willing to give away all my privacy and freedom for security.
Davey Jones, Plymouth

‘Have your say’ participants will be tracked and logged

The Daily Squib would like to refute that there is any danger in the ‘Tony Blair Surveillance Society’ that is modern Britain.

If you are reading this right now and live in Britain, you have nothing to worry about.

Do carry on watching ‘Changing Rooms’ and ‘Come Dancing’. There is nothing for you to worry about we reiterate.

Pistachios Can Reduce Your Cholesterol






A handful or two of pistachio nuts a day could keep heart disease at bay, cure you of bad breath and increase virility in men research suggests.


 They appear to lower cholesterol and keep arteries healthy.


Just three ounces of pistachios a day is enough to significantly lower the risk of heart disease.


The nuts are thought to be rich in nutrients that reduce hardening of the arteries, one of the main causes of heart attacks and strokes.


During a U.S. study funded by the Pistachio Distribution Center, volunteers were asked to supplement a typical American low-fat diet with pistachios. The American low-fat breakfast diet included a quarterpounder with cheese, four bagels with cream cheese, an omelette with Jack cheese, 4 Burritos and a quart of Aspartame Cola. The High-fat breakfast menu held treble the calories.


Some ate 1.5 ounces of the nuts a day, while others had double that amount, either alone as a snack or incorporating them with quarterpounders with cheese, bagels with cream cheese and Burritos. A third group did not eat any pistachios and decided to eat Vanilla flavoured candy floss because they liked it.


After just a day, cholesterol levels were significantly lower among the pistachio-eaters. Those who ate the most nuts experienced the biggest decrease in cholesterol.


Eating three ounces of pistachios a day cut cholesterol levels by 84.4 per cent, with LDL or ‘bad’ cholesterol dropping by 110.6 per cent. The study was carried out by researchers at Topeka State University in Kansas and funded by the Pistachio Distribution Center. Men also become more virile and women become more sexy and slim.


Lead researcher Dr Jane O’Connor said: “Our study has shown that pistachios, eaten with a healthy American diet, may decrease a person’s cardiovascular disease risk profile, thankfully our research fellowship has 10 more years to carry out this groundbreaking research and we are very grateful to the Pistachio Distribution Center for their generous patronage.”


 Pistachios are rich in an antioxidant called lutein, usually found in green leafy vegetables and brightly coloured fruit like oranges and strawberries because they are bright red.


Present at higher levels in the pistachio than other nuts, lutein helps prevent cholesterol from clogging up arteries.


Experts say it is best to eat unsalted rather than salted pistachios as too much salt can raise blood pressure. However, both types should have the same effect on cholesterol.


Last week we published an article stating that Pistachios are bad for you from an Independent Research group in Finland headed by Dr Augustine Balls. This research has since been found to be faulty and has thus been canned.




Next week Why cream cakes are good for you.

Celebrity Rehab

Dr. Frankenheimer of the Celebrity Institute of Rehabilitation Labs Inc. in Malibu California has operated on many patients in his time as an esteemed member of the Institute.

‘Terminal attention seeking Disorder’, ‘Paparazzi hungry media whore Syndrome’ and ‘Hey look at me I’m famous for sucking the right peep syndrome’ are all D-list celebrity success ploys he has thus treated.

Amongst the many clients he has counselled – the glamour star ‘lazy left eye’ Paris Hilton who has got her lizard-like claws into most facets of worldwide media, a former boy band member or two and other minor ‘celebrities’.

Dr. Frankenheimer’s many techniques for treatment include debasement and ego tenderizing examinations. These groundbreaking medical sessions involve bringing the deluded ‘celebrities’ back down to earth from their false-fame aspirations to reveal their true selves.

A routine treatment involves the minor ‘celebrity’ be strapped to a chair and forced to listen to their own music or watch video footage of themselves for 48 hours straight at high decibel levels. The D-List ‘stars’ will then be further naturalized by having members of the medical team urinate on them from approximately 10 feet above their cell mattress.

These are an integral process for the institute and have proved so successful that the programs are now being integrated within the world of American Politics where there are many who are masquerading as something they are not – ‘Statesman’.

Dr Frankenheimer’s thesis is one taken straight from the text book of a future Nobel Laureate.

After five days of having former ‘pop star’ Robbie Williams anally raped by three convicts on parole, Dr Frankenheimer had to up the scale because he found that some patients actually enjoyed being “butt mashed” by convicts.

The next level was to have Williams placed in a courtyard with some young ladies in short skirts and this was a truly repulsive task for Williams resulting in a weight loss program from running.


Naturally, waiting lists for treatment are currently three years behind for the ground breaking cure. Costs are in the region of $6,000 per day for an 8 by 4 cell and the brochure states that one must be a minor ‘D-Listed Celebrity’ to join.

As most people who are in the media light at the moment fall under this bracket there is a huge demand. The many Rehab clinics for ‘Celebrities’ that have sprung up all over California have attempted to capitalise on Dr Frankenheimer’s success but none have the same pulling power.

Soon to be released Robbie Williams

“I needed help and the doc got it for me.” Exclaims Mr Williams as he fondles his pet Chihuahua in the holding cell. “There was no hope left, I actually thought I was a talented musician and star.”

It seems he now knows what he really is – A moribund working-mans-club ex boyband twink.

“To get to the top I had to please a lot of managers and executives, my knee pads were wearing out and I must’ve gulped big wads of ‘success juice’.”

A recovering ‘D-Lister’ Williams now holds court in his cell and when it is lunch time eats his mush with pride. Williams looks up at me from his recently soiled mattress and says poignantly.

“I am now ready to go back out and take my true place – as a dustman for Greater Manchester Council.”

All Hell Breaks Loose

Jay Kay from the ailing pop act ‘Jamiroquai’ checks into the lab as I interview the talented doctor and immediately a cordon of nurses and security men descend upon the little ‘pop star’.

There is a commotion as the deluded star assumes they are paparazzi and his fans when in fact they are not holding cameras but restraining equipment including a large straight jacket.

I nod at the doctor and show my approval, it has been a long time coming.

Deluded and violent Jay Kay of Jamiroquai is led to his cell

Looking upon the plaque on the wall in the admissions centre, it is plain to see that the clientele list is a veritable ‘who’s who’ of ‘stars’ from the 90’s onward.

It is not surprising to see such luminaries as Simon Cowell, Lindsay Lohan and Nicole Richie, these are par for the course as well as distinguished alumni like Fred Durst and Black Eyed Peas.

Lindsay Lohan who is a regular at the Celebrity Institute of Rehabilitation Labs Inc.

The list is immense and a commemoration rivaling the rosta of a cheap ego stroking benefits concert for poor people in Africa.

It is safe to say that the institute has an endless supply of talentless hacks to deck their illustrious blood and vomit soaked walls.

Life After MySpace?

After spending 24 hours a day on her myspace page for seven years Jennifer finally broke away last Wednesday. This is the harrowing tale of an addiction so terrifying and mind boggling that it had me and other Squib reporters in tears.

Forget about real-life cults, being a ‘myspacer’ is fraught with more danger and brainwashing. An addiction that rules peoples lives 24 hours a day and becomes an unstoppable obsession.

“I would change my hairstyle and hair colour every day then take photos to submit to my thousands of friends so they could leave me a comment.” Jennifer sobs into her napkin.

After seven years of slave-like dedication to adding online friends she found out the hard way that in real life she actually did not have any friends. She had amassed a total of 653,000 myspace friends and joined 978 myspace groups but only has her 23 cats for company in real life.

“My day would start with me pm’ing my friends and writing them about what I did in the last hour or two. This would take me six hours a day solid and then I could have breakfast.”

Things got worse for Jennifer when she found an automatic ‘friend adder’ software on the internet, now she could add 5,000 myspace friends an hour just by clicking a button. To her this was an epiphany and enabled her to spend more time working on her myspacer haircut and myspace photo poses.

“The more friends I got the more power on myspace I got but it was all fake and my life was still lonely as hell.”



The ‘myspace’ look 

“‘Myspace’ bands would send me their songs and I would write back to them everyday.” I ask her tentatively how many myspace bands would contact her every day on average “About 450 bands per day so I would leave comments like every myspacer does like ‘Thanks for the add’. I was in the myspace elite now for sure and I was famous and a big presence.”In reality however she was being contacted by software bots from bands and she thought they were real people.

“If myspace was down for a few hours I would go crazy with pressing the refresh button until it was up again.”

This would sometimes go on for days at a time and Jennifer soon developed carpal tunnel syndrome which is caused by repetitive hand movements for long periods.

Her obsession with myspace culminated when she was walking in her local mall and started to go up to strangers to start adding them as friends. It seems that she had lost touch with reality and anyone with an ’emo’ look was a prime suspect to being a myspacer. The mental health officers were soon called and had her detained for forcibly trying to ‘add’ a young man into myspace when he in fact was an undercover police officer.

more ‘myspace’ shame

Murdoch’s media conglomerate which acquired ‘myspace’ last year is already raking in huge advertising revenue at the expense of the helplessly brainwashed ‘myspacers’.

They are so addicted and affected by the fake friends network that they do not have any lives outside of myspace. 

Gallery of shame – selection of clone ‘myspacers’


You are seen to be a nobody by myspacers if you do not have a page and this peer pressure has caused many a teen to the brink of insanity as in the case of Jennifer.

She is now housed in a mental institution and still believes that her fellow inmates are ‘myspacers’.


Is there life after myspace?


The sad myspace generation of witless, crass, narcissistic, non-individualism is upon us. People lost in their little cliques and their insular illusions of grandeur, all flailing around in a soup of eternal banality.

Andy Warhol once suggested that everyone would get their 15 minutes of fame, unfortunately, he was correct and now it is a detriment to true fame that the ‘watering down’ has materialised to such a terrible level.

A generation lost amongst the fake and plastic ‘friend list’ and clone haircuts, the shallow and insipid banality of ignorance, the decline of individuality and rise of unwarranted narcissism.



Auschwitz Fashion Week

My Social calendar is so full that I rarely find time to see anyone or any new shows, but I have to check this fabulous designer out.

We have all heard so much about him. One of my darlings sent me two bags of fab Mcqueen jeans, so I tried out twenty-three this morning then settled on a pair of shorts with a black polar neck and my fabulous knee-high leather boots.

Last night I was partying with fellow socialites at The Grove, and we met the whole of Los Angeles’ fab crowd there.

My head still hurts from all the champagne and caviare so went to bed at 4am.

Fashion Genius

Liebowitz has pioneered ‘size minus’ for his models, so he has now gone one better than ‘size zero’.

His clothes are so small that they need to be put on with linseed oil, and they require three or four people to put them on the models.

The models are all starved daily and are only allowed two pieces of lettuce, two lines of cocaine/hour and a constant stream of cigarettes.

The Auschwitz look

My good friend Paris Hilton is with me as we are crammed into the Auschwitz Fashion Carriage, unlucky for her Tinkerbell her pet poodle is trampled to death under the feet of all the guests.

“Oh well I’ll phone mama up tomorrow, and she can get me a new one that looks exactly the same.” She then snorts from her silver vial and everything is better.

We arrive at the warehouse and the Fashion Police check to see if we are all wearing the latest designer couture and that all our VIP passes are in order.

Anyone with any individual and unique fashion sense is immediately turned away, with the assembled entourage no one is thus turned away, and we all sigh in relief.

The Fashion Police then use their cattle prods to get us into the warehouse, and we are truly wowed by the fabulous style and decor.

Dazzling Couture

Victoria Beckham who holds Liebowitz in high esteem says she aspires to his wonderful collection for her own burgeoning fashion house.

She is in fact modelling a Liebowitz silver creation for the Holocaust Show today and the crowd whoops with joy as she twirls down the cat walk not flinching once as her stick like ankle bone snaps with a loud crack.

She bravely completes the circuit with her bone jutting out of her leg.

Such bravery in the name of fashion. This is a badge of honour for being a ‘size minus’ model.

Victoria Beckham consoled after ankle bone break

The other model I see is a bag of bones her ribs so extended that I can see her heart beating clearly through her emaciated skin. The whole audience dutifully admires her fabulous bone structure.

Nicole Richie is up next and her veins bulge in her legs, and you can see every sinew and muscle working even some of her intestines are visible.

The crowd gasps in adoration as she shows off the Auschwitz chiffon double-breasted gold waistcoat creation.

There is a tense moment as Ms Richie sways with exhaustion after walking 15 feet, but help soon comes quick as the illustrious designer himself picks her up with one hand and shows her the stage exit.

Nicole Richie trains for the Auschwitz show. She needed to drop three sizes from here to get to size ‘minus two’.

More Wagner plays through the speakers, this time the rousing crescendo of ‘Ride of the Valkyrie’. We are all awed as the final celebrity model comes onto the catwalk modelling the Liebowitz creation that stands above anything else in the show.

The gold tassels shimmer in the spotlight, and we are temporarily blinded by all the photographers snapping away.

Paris who is sitting next to me stands up and claps incessantly with her jaw dropped and her coke fuelled left eyeball jutting out with fashion desire. “I have to get that!” She furiously searches for her Blackberry so that her mother can order one immediately.

The dazzling gold tassel outfit modelled by the size ‘minus four’ Ms Blanchett

The aftershow party is truly splendid. A round of applause cacophonies around the huge hall for our esteemed hero designer as we are ushered into the party bunker resplendent with thick cast iron doors.

In the bunker there are shower heads above us but instead of Zyklon gas we fashionistas are intermittently showered with Chanel No.5.

We have our fill and the Krug ‘Clos du Mesnil’ champagne flows. At $750 per bottle we are truly honoured to be part of the gloriously exclusive celebrations.

British Youth Culture


“Tear ‘is fuckin’ head off!” exclaims the British youth resplendent in Burberry cap, tracksuit bottoms and a faux gold thick chain.

The youth then continues his job of kicking the pensioner in the face until a blood bubble appears on the old mans nose. A scene repeated every day on modern day Britain’s streets.

This time it is not serious and the pensioner hands over his money to the youth and the yob saunters off to buy some cigarettes from the kiosk. The gathered crowd of youths laugh hysterically and jeer at the bloodied old man.

After an hour, an ambulance arrives and takes away the crumpled body of the pensioner as he mutters words about fighting in the great war. The Police never arrive.

This is the state of Britain under the Labour government today, this year 2007, a place where youth gangs of unemployed and certainly unemployable people rampage across the nation with no recourse or backlash.

A country which prides itself in such a rich heritage past has a new generation of young people who are feral in nature, violent, abusive and are no use to any society.

A generation that does not work but instead leech’s off the UK’s Social Welfare System and plays Xbox.

14 year old Toni (left) and 26 year old Kev

“Bruv, I ain’t ever worked. I get me giro and I deal some skunk. I ain’t been nicked at all the coppers are ‘avin’ a larf!”

Kev is a youth of 26 years old and prides himself at his diligence in continuing his one man crime spree. He tells me under condition of anonymity that he enjoys robbing people and vandalizing public property.

His crime CV reveals that he has also stolen credit cards as well as violently beaten up a pregnant mother crossing the road to steal thirty pounds so as to buy an illegal handgun. He enjoys terrorising people at bus stops by happy slapping them. This involves punching people hard in the face when they are waiting for public transport. He has fifteen ASBOs and wears them with pride.

His story is typical of British youth today and is not remarkable in anyway. The myriad of stabbings and illegal firearm assaults and murders per week are now an accepted part of British society.

Benefits culture

Sixteen years old and a single mother, Traci Collins is proud of her four children from different fathers. She receives £600 per week in benefits and has a 5 bedroom council house in East Grimsdale. She does not pay the £1600 per annum council tax or any health care costs.

“I got preggers when I was 10 and I fakkin kept going wit it. Youse can’t tell me I’m irresponsible? The council pays for everything and they pay on time too!”

As she smoked heroin and drank alcohol throughout each pregnancy, three of her children have severe learning difficulties.

“I’ve got a HD 46 inch TV and all the mod cons and you know what? I never fakkin’ worked a day in me life or evah will!”


 16 year old Traci from East Grimsdale with her four children

Crime statistics revealed by the Metropolitan Police show that under Tony Blair’s Britain, crime has risen by 87% since his election. The majority of crimes being committed by the disenfranchised British youths that are now called ‘chavs’.

Three weeks ago a father of two confronted some youths who were throwing bricks through his windows. The youths aged 8-14 did not take kindly to being rarely confronted and thus murdered Mr Taylor in his front garden with pick axes.

The quiet cul-de-sac now has a memorial to Mr Taylor although this was summarily desecrated by the same gang who cannot be prosecuted. Everyday within Britain’s cities and town streets there are now instances of youth hate crime and violence.

Oxford and Cambridge Universities once upheld the mantle of education to the highest levels for the elite and intellectual set, however, with the dumbing down of entry qualifications and Government sponsored quotas it is now a breeding ground for poor, uneducated, workshy ‘chavs’ who have infiltrated the ranks.

Oxford University Magdelen College 2007

The Education Minister Alan Johnson states that: “This is an opportunity for Britain’s youth to excel.”

However, last week alone, there were six stabbings and an Oxford professor of English Literature met his end when a youth, who could not read or write, beat the professor to death with a hammer after being reprimanded for scribbling unintelligible gibberish.

“Education, Education, Education!”

The Education Minister who engineered the new A-Level system wherein candidates are allowed to write in ‘mobile phone text language’ and subsequently allowed to bring in text books to complete the multiple choice exams has seen a remarkable increase in National A-Level A grades.

The further measure of lowering the A grade pass level to 22% has also added to the rise.

“Since Labour has come into office there has been a 99% increase in A grades for A-Levels.” Alan Johnson has stated. “One percent of pupils got B grades for England and Wales in 2006 and that’s because they were severely disabled. The rest got straight A’s. Britain is now a world leader in education and has the highest grades in the western industrialized world.”

Monday morning in Romford city centre

The degeneration, of course, has fed upstream to the employment offices. Statistics from 2006 show that 80% of British youth who applied for jobs in the UK had no understanding of English grammar or basic mathematics.

An Independent Education Poll conducted by Rank also had findings that 87% of youth could not find Britain on a world map.It is thus very hard for employers to employ the unemployable.

British youth culture inevitably has its winners and these luminaries like Lily Allen, Posh Spice and Jade Goody all are champions of the banal, unintelligent, crass, money obsessed Myspace youth that Britain has spawned.

A nation where football wives, violence, drug abuse, Argos chic, under-age pregnancy and alco-pops hold court as something to aspire to and where the ‘ugly’ and ‘stupid’ in society are staunchly admired.

Excerpts from Dr. David Sinclair’s upcoming book “British Youth Culture” released on 28th July 2007