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Elton John to be Banned

The gaudy Rocket Man and selfagrandising grumpy whiner who likes to wear grotesque clothing and show off his bad taste haircuts will thankfully be banned from public appearances as well as all worldwide media.

A spokesman for the worldwide media and public affairs syndication, said: “We have finally shut down the drama queen Elton and his gaudy bad taste appearances from polluting the world ever again.”

There will also be a ban on other useless ‘celebuturd’ whingers getting knighthoods and bans on the hacks flouncing around with their poncey over-inflated banal opinions and gaudy haircuts.“We are now working on shutting down similar banal no talent people.”

There are plans amongst some policy makers within the EU and UN to have Sir Elton detained on an island in the South Pacific with no means of ever escaping. Some are even formulating plans to have Sir Elton shot into space in a capsule so he can live up to his ‘Rocket Man’ status, this may however prove to be too costly a solution.

would be allowed to take his husband and his poodles but not allowed
anything else. He will also be stripped of his tax loopholes and his

“These people are a societal pollutant and are detrimental to true culture and art.

“Do not buy or
respond to anything from them and remember to avert your eyes if you
come across anything by accident. This broadcast is the last time we
will address this indecent issue.

“We’re urging people to boycott these hacks and ‘celebuturds’, please report any offending items to the authorities in your locality.”

Sir Elton replied: “I understand the gravity of my sin and know that my punishment for being a ‘poncey arseh*le’ should be severe.

“I Elton John am going to ban the world from the greatness that is me.

“I am the best! Look at my pink spectacles and lime green afro! It matches my buttplug. I’m a Sir, don’t you know! Ooh you look gorgeous in that chiffon.”

Multi-millionaire Elton, who turned 60 earlier this year, has
admitted in the past that he is a disgrace to humanity.

The useless whinger was once quoted as saying: “I am the biggest waste of space
of all time.

“I don’t have any sense of style, dignity or class.

“I am such a shameful waste when it comes to humanity that all I can do is have delusions of grandeur and have pathetic tantrums whilst my colon gets irrigated by my ‘furnished’ ass-istant.”

Sales of Elton’s last album The Captain & The Kid were
disappointing to say the least — it barely shifted 1000 copies.

The flamboyant singer who enjoys batty pursuits plans to paint his fleet of 30 Rolls Royce cars bright pink with yellow polka dots when he turns 61.

The 60th birthday concert for Sir Elton played to a 2000-strong crowd
at New York’s Bronx YMCA was hopefully the last time he ever performs his dire pap in public.

The Governments of the world also announced earlier this year that Elton’s entire back
catalogue of albums would be crushed then recycled as office supplies.

Good riddance to bad rubbish as they say . . .

Only One Cyclist Finishes Tour de France


Spaniard Alberto Miguel Arturo Diego Conquestador won the drug-tainted Tour de France here on Sunday when he singlehandedly rode his bicycle alone for the majority of the tour to secure the race’s fabled yellow jersey.

He was the only rider left in the whole race who had not taken performance enhancing drugs of any kind and thus been tested and disqualified.

Conquestador, who rides for the Antiques Channel team, becomes the first Spaniard to win the three-week race since Miguel Indurain, the first ever five-time consecutive winner, in 1991-1995.

The 74-year-old from Madrid virtually secured his first ever yellow jersey on only his second ride in the race after all the riders and teams had been disqualified in the Chablis stage time trial.

Conquestador‘s victory, and indeed the entire 94th edition of the race, will however be tinged with controversy.

There are many who will claim the race was distorted by the mere inclusion, and subsequent exclusion, of Michael Rasmussen.

Denmark’s former two-time winner of the polka dot jersey had saddled up looking for a stage win, and to perhaps be crowned King of the Mountains for a third consecutive time.

To everyone’s surprise, he became a potential though unlikely Tour champion due to his determination and the relative collapse of the Astana team of Alexandre Vinokourov, who was subsequently to be thrown out for blood doping.

Soon, Rasmussen’s own collapse – in the shape of his unceremonious exit from the race – would push Conquestador into the race lead that he would go on to an uncontested ride for the closing days of the race.

One hundred and eighty eight cyclists were thus disqualified and it was up to Alberto Miguel Arturo Diego Conquestador, the only man left in the race to calmly cycle through the Champs Elysees on Sunday to ecstatic cheers and celebrations from the jubilant crowds.

Disgraceful Paris Hilton £50 Million Inheritance Axed



Hilton senior, the only member of the family left with a sizeable stake in the huge hotel chain, has let it be known that he intends to donate to charity the £1 billion he will gain from this month’s sale of the company to private equity firm Blackstone.

The money will go to the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, the charity set up in the name of the founder of the family business.

The 79-year-old patriarch is said to have told his high-living family that he is cutting Paris loose – and for good measure his other 11 grandchildren, too, none of whom will now benefit from the windfall.

The rest of the Hilton clan who were set to receive portions of the Hilton fortune are understandably not happy that Paris has diminished their chances of a massive windfall.


Paris Hilton, poses for the camera once again



Instead, Barron Hilton is determined to carry on the family tradition for philanthropy.

“He was, and is, extremely embarrassed by how the Hilton name has been sullied by Paris,” says Jerry Oppenheimer, the author of House Of Hilton, the biography of the clan. “He doesn’t want to leave unearned wealth to his family.”

The film actress and ex-convict who has dragged the Hilton name through the dirt was not available for comment personally. Paris Hilton, who pays trashy conglomerate owned celebrity gossip site TMZ large sums of money and uses them as her own personal mouthpiece will probably try to refute the story in a few days with more Michael Sitrick spin.

Dow Jones Head Rubbing Lice Epidemic


NEW YORK (AP) – Wall Street suffered one of its worst cases of lice infestation of 2007

Trading bosses in the pit were frantic as they rubbed their sore heads which were itching incessantly.

Some traders who do not even have any hair were itching too as the lice attacked their bald heads.

There was no relief as the lice broke through at lunchtime and peaked before subsiding slightly towards the closing bell.

John Camino who trades S&P futures recounts “One minute I was slapping $350,000 worth of contract going long, next minute my scalp is itching like a motherfucker!”

The next three seconds was crucial for John because he lost all the money and the margin call tag was a hefty $750,000.

He walked away rubbing his bald ‘noggin’ and muttering something about someone giving him some concrete shoes and having a dip in the Hudson.

Margin call for trader


Head lice are very resilient creatures and it seems they infested the Wall Street floor after Nick Nolte the ailing Hollywood actor opened trading on Thursday by gracing the podium with his presence.

Nick Nolte at the podium for the NYSE opening Thursday

“I had just bought 300 Soy contracts for September at a cost of $2 million when I felt an itching sensation on my head, instead of selling when the market went up and making a profit of $500,000 I was distracted by the itching and made a loss of $956,000,” a woeful James Cyrus Bean recounts still rubbing his sore head.

Losses for the day extended to a monster 34 trillion dollars being wiped off the slate.

By lunchtime the head rubbing was so intense that some bald traders were creating sparks from their sore scalps.

At 3.00 pm a full hour before the close there were desperate calls for fumigators to be brought in and to gas the lice to death.

Even traders with little or no hair were rubbing their lice-ridden heads

Pit bosses yelled frantically as they themselves scratched their scalps uncontrollably.

It was no use the Dow was dropping by the second and wiping whole careers out. By the time the fumigators had arrived the Dow was down 550 points.

Peter Serrano rubs his head full of lice and promptly loses $500,000

By the days close everyone on the NYSE had taken a major hit. The fumigators were in and so were the liquidators.

This ‘lice-fest’ of course was a wonderful opportunity to buy at the bottom.

Whoever engineered the bell ringing by utilising the lice-ridden Hollywood star Nick Nolte I am sure made a handsome sum.

The flea bitten star was not able to comment on lice allegations from his Hollywood retreat – a cardboard box under a freeway bridge in downtown Los Angeles.

Lindsay Lohan Leg Found on Malibu Beach


Jeffrey Katzenberg, a Hollywood producer, was walking his dog along the Paradise Cove pier in Malibu at 7am PST when he came across the leg.

Malibu is notable for being a residence for celebrities and the town is in shock at the loss of one of their own.

Detective John Roberts of the Malibu/Lost Hills Station made a brief statement to photographers and reporters today at 11.35 PST.

“After discovering the leg this morning our marine specialist has come to the conclusion that this is a shark attack victim. The nature of the bite seems to indicate that this was a huge shark,possibly a Great White shark approximately 35 feet long As of yet we still do not know the whereabouts of Miss Lindsay Lohan and have been interviewing her entourage and hangers on as well as her numerous drug dealers.”

There is a theory going around the investigators that the alcohol-detecting ankle bracelet could have attracted the shark by emitting a low frequency sound.

Warm Californian waters attract Great Whites

There were trips on a private yacht during the party at the Malibu residence. Miss Lohan has not been seen since yesterday.

Lindsay Lohan is the latest celebrity victim to have been caught by the Police drinking and driving as well as with cocaine possession.

She will be due in court on multiple charges next month and for an inevitable jail sentence however first the Police have to find the rest of her.

“We will be conducting DNA tests on the leg and will have results by next week,” Detective John Roberts states.

It is highly likely however that this is Lindsay Lohan’s leg because of the alcohol-detecting ankle bracelet and perfectly pedicured toes as well as a little tattoo saying ‘la bella vita’.

Studio bosses are all waiting anxiously on news about the ailing ‘celebrity’.

Media scramble on news that the leg may belong to Lohan

All Children to be fingerprinted in schools


Schools are to get the Government’s permission to fingerprint all pupils with a view to future microchipping.


Ministers will issue guidance telling them they have the right to
install fingerprint scanners and collect biometric data from children
as young as five.

Data will be used to compile a database of all children in the British Isles as well as future proposals to implement scanning of all adults by 2010.

The data will also be used to monitor school attendance, control lunch queues and help with the issuing of library books.


The fingerprinting data will be kept on databases indefinitely



The move is likely to anger opposition MPs and civil liberty campaigners. However, the Government is standing back and not doing anything about it.

About 280 schools are thought to be using fingerprint scans
already after software companies started selling packages five or six
years ago.

Head teachers are seeing a spate of finger amputations in schools because class bullies will do anything to get free lunches. All the bullies need to do is get a severed finger from another classmate and put it in the scanner.

Last night a parents association at Runnymeade Comprehensive complained to the school’s board that their children were coming home with missing fingers.

“This new craze has to stop for Gods sake. My poor johnny only has three fingers left and i’ve had to cancel his piano lessons now.” Julie Timpson said from her council home in East Grinstead.

Posters being distributed in all schools yesterday



Lib-Dem schools spokesman David Laws said: “It’s about time the
Government responded to our concerns about the haphazard fingerprinting
of children.

“This should never have happened without proper guidance and without the assurance of secure data protection.

“We will want to satisfy ourselves that the Government has
thought through the new policies rather than acting in a knee-jerk

Liberty, the civil rights group, said: “We have some serious
concerns that this biometric data is being collected from children
simply for administrative convenience.

“We want to know what happens to the data after the children
leave. The police have the right to get into any database, private or

Now that the British Police are allowed to access traffic camera footage whenever they want and relinquish other private data without any warrants, some people in the UK are starting to slowly question their masters.

Children, Schools and Families Secretary Ed Balls will outline the guidance in a written statement to MPs.

It is expected to say that personal data, including fingerprints
and eyeball scans, can be collected from pupils, with scanners at the
entrance to classrooms, the school gates and in cafeterias.

Schools will have to consult parents first and will not be
permitted to share the data with outside bodies. However, it is
understood that schools will not have to gain written permission from
each parent.

The guidance, written by Becta, the British Education
Communications and Technology Agency, which advises the Government on
technology in education, will go out to schools and further education




A Whitehall official said: “We know that schools are
increasingly looking at technology to make their lives easier.
Fingerprinting is popular in some schools as it frees up time for
teachers. It is good for pupils because we can now track them through their whole lives. This is a good measure for security and we will make them embrace our wishes.

“We leave it up to schools to decide what administrative systems
to bring in to make their day to day running smoother. But some parents
have concerns and they will be disciplined accordingly for disobeying Government directives. This guidance will make it crystal clear for their own good.”

Ministers will clarify that data may be used for
other purposes and passed on outside the school when needed.

There are fears that school computers are not secure enough to keep data safe from hackers but this was alleviated by the fact that all biometric data which will be accumulated from the UK population will be freely available to companies who are willing to pay for it.

The Government is engineering a scheme to increase Whitehall funds by selling data to the market on a first come first served basis.



Snorkeling Holidays in the English Countryside


The Maldives surely ranks amongst the best snorkeling
destinations in the world. But, have you ever tried snorkeling down Evesham High Street on a Monday evening? Here you have a rare combination of the diversity
of dead livestock, kebabs and sewage water with visibility up to 2 centimeters.
Naturally, the first tourists to the
Gloucestershire countryside were keen divers on the look
out for a new destination. Once you are here you will never want to go to any other destination nor will be able to because of the cholera.

Spots for Snorkeling

What else can be the best areas for snorkeling other than the streets of quaint little English towns! Around
a resort island this is often referred to as the ‘house of reef’. The slope
features kebab shops, the local post office and gift shop which make it quite exciting. As you go
down deeper the changes in the sewage and other marine flora is conspicuously
visible. Along with the smaller objects like discarded tampons and nappies which frequent the reef flats you
have the chance of seeing larger pieces of doner kebabs, a defunct Tory leader, turds and chinese takeaway cartons which sometimes come close to the

Those islands with narrow reef flats with lots of channels through to the
outer reef slope are the best ones for snorkeling . Gloucestershire resorts that don’t have
a reef just offshore usually provide a couple of boat trips per day to a
good snorkeling site in nearby Worcestershire.

Don’t worry about the Equipment

All resorts in the English countryside and towns specialize in snorkeling and the equipment required
for snorkeling is available at the resorts. There is no need for you to bring
your own equipment. Most of the resort islands have a “house reef”
close by. From depths starting from one meter onwards, you have an eyeful of perspired farmyard creatures and used toilet paper as well as old tea shops and other quaint English buildings.

Lessons in Snorkeling

Don’t worry even if you don’t have prior knowledge of snorkeling . The
resorts will help you learn by training you first in shallow parts of the English countryside, not more than 30 feet deep. Chief snorkeling and scuba diving instructor Hilary Benn will be pleased to show you how to do it.

Cash Payoff for Cash-for-Peerages Handshake

Four people were arrested, including two of Tony Blair’s
aides, during the £1m probe confirming honours were given in exchange
for party donations.

Prime Minister Gordon Brown Order of DeMolay said it was right that police had investigated the “very serious allegations” and that he had “..nothing to do with what Tony got up to”.
But he said he hoped the official announcement expected later would bring to an end “months of speculation”.

Speaking to reporters in Paris, where he is discussing
Darfur with French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Mr Brown said he wanted
to “move ahead now and brush this one under the carpet like the others”.

Tony Blair: ‘I got away with murder again you fools’


Former prime minister Tony Blair 3 Degree Master Mason and Labour fundraiser Lord Levy Grand Elect Mason are expected to make statements later after the champagne reception which will be held at London’s Savoy hotel.

The Squib’s political editor Robert Robinson, who is not a Mason or anyway connected to any Masons, says Scotland Yard is preparing to make a public defence of its officers after attending the head Masonic Temple in an undisclosed location somewhere in London.


Serious allegations brushed under the carpet


Assistant Commissioner (soon to be Sir) John Yates of the Metropolitan
Police and Scottish Rite
Master Elect of Nine – who led the inquiry – has said from the outset his officers
were simply doing their jobs by ‘being seen to be investigating’ serious allegations albeit with certain codes and handshakes understood to be given forthwith thus resolving issues relating to disapearing funds anonymously deposited.

He was backed by Chris Fox, a former president of the
Association of Chief Police Officers, and
Grotto MOVPER who told the Daily Squib: “I’m confident that John Yates Master Elect of Nine and his team will have done
everything they possibly could to get to the bottom of the allegations.


“When someone makes an allegation like that the police service have to be seen to take it seriously.”

Downing Street adviser John McTernan, Order of the Eastern Star who was among
those questioned, told the Squib: “It’s a massive relief for everybody
involved in this that at last a line can be drawn under it and we got away with it thanks to our friends in high places.”


‘Damn murky’

Asked if he might consider taking action against the
police he said: “The police, in my experience, were scrupulously fair
in the way they treated me and I believe they did the same with my
colleagues. I don’t have any question about the way police conducted
this investigation and they performed perfectly as instructed.

“I think everybody in politics wishes it had been done
faster, because ultimately, for the public, it just looks a bit mucky
and murky and I don’t think anybody who’s involved in politics actually
genuinely believes that anybody at a senior level in any of the major
parties is involved in anything dodgy in relationship to this.” Snigger.


Lord Levy: ‘I think my face says how I feel you silly mugs ha ha ha’


Mr Blair’s chief fundraiser Lord Levy, his director of
government relations Ruth Turner
Daughters of the Nile and Labour donor Sir Christopher Evans Knight of Brazen Serpent
were all seen to be ‘arrested’ as part of the false inquiry into whether people were
nominated for peerages in return for donations to political parties.

Mr Blair, who was questioned three times as a potential
witness, became the first sitting prime minister to be ‘interviewed’ by
police in the course of a mock ‘criminal’ inquiry.

He is expected to make a statement later when he gets the time, as is Lord Levy.

Speaking earlier to reporters outside his Mayfair home, a beaming Lord Levy said: “I think my face says how I feel…you silly mugs,” whilst laughing with an audible sneer.

He then got into his Rolls Royce and sped off into the distance still laughing hysterically.

Brown paper envelope reform



Deputy Labour leader and Job’s Daughter Harriet Harman said it would not be
right to comment on the decision, but said a lot of changes had been
made in political funding.

“After the allegations, we did change the law to make
sure that undisclosed loans, as well as brown envelope donations, have to be disclosed and made
public only if it suits a Ministers needs.

This whole affair has diminished politics and politicians in the eyes of the public
Sir Menzies Campbell
Liberal Democrat leader


“We’ve got further discussions going on with the other
political parties to make further changes in bungs and backhanders. And we’re going to reform the House of Lords.”

Tory leader David Cameron, Intendant of the Building, diplomatically said he would wait for the
official announcement by the CPS before commenting but said it was up
to the police to decide what to investigate.

Scottish National Party MP Angus MacNeil (not of the order), who made the
original complaint to Scotland Yard, told the Daily Squib the
outcome of the investigation was “quite extraordinary”.

He said: “We’ve had an investigation going on for the
past 16 months, there have been 6,300 documents at the end of that
given by the Yard to the Crown Prosecution Service at a cost to the taxpayer in excess of £1.9 million.


‘Politically instigated’

“The Yard liaised with the CPS through all this, and now it seems the CPS are trying to tell us it’s all a wild goose chase.”

Liberal Democrat leader Sir Menzies Campbell said the
whole affair had “diminished politics and politicians in the eyes of
the public”.


It’s done great damage to our already damaged political system.
Tony Wright MP


“You have to deal with the question of public confidence.

“I think you have got to be totally transparent, you
have got to ensure that the regulations that you have are properly
enforced, and of course you have to have reform of the House of Lords
and, in my view, sensible state support for political parties.”

But Labour MP Tony Wright, chairman of the Public
Administration Committee, told the Squib the investigation had been a
“disaster for the taxpayer and a disaster for the political system.”

He added: “It’s done great damage to our already damaged political
system. Our system is pretty flawed and dirty anyway. It needs eternal vigilance
but basically political issues need to be resolved by the political
system and not with brown envelopes.”

Harry Potter is Dead

Daily Squib Exclusive

The hallowed corridors of Bloomsbury Publishing are awash with the sounds of wailing and echoes of despair resonate prior to the final release of its most profitable franchise in its publishing history – the Harry Potter series will be sadly mourned by the executives and directors. The golden goose is finally dead.

Alas, with a puff of smoke and a swish of his wand so too is Harry. This time the
Expelliarmus’ did not work and Voldemort takes out Harry.

Maybe if Harry had tried the
Avada Kadavra spell, things would have been different. Draco tries to create a Horcrux but does not succeed.

Lucius Malfoy finally gets his comeuppance and the mad eyed Bellatrix Lestrange returns with some truly nasty spell work.

At least Harry gets to have his way with Ginny and the memory of Cho Chang is sated before the very end. In order to kill lord Voldemort he has to die as well. Meanwhile, the pockets of J.K.Rowling will resound to a Cha Ching as she skips all the way to the bank.

Harry is finally reunited with his parents and Sirius in the netherworld ghost space of the deathly hallows.

So don’t worry folks, it all works out fine.

Bush Wishing on Al Qaeda


The US created Al Qaeda operations arm is waiting on another US attack. The staged attack of 911 was not enough to bring the civilian population up to war footing and the mass worldwide sympathy for the US was squandered by George W Bush’s incompetence as a leader and the failed invasion of Iraq.

Al Qaeda was created by the CIA in Afghanistan during the Soviet invasion.

George W Bush needs another saviour for his shortcomings, another terrorist attack to prove him right for his ‘lame’ policies. September 11th was the Pearl Harbour that the US needed to bolster its civilians into a false patriotic frenzy albeit only briefly.

Last month, the new chairman of the Arkansas Republican Party, Dennis Milligan, said, “At the end of the day, I believe fully the president is doing the right thing, and I think all we need is some attacks on American soil like we had on [Sept. 11, 2001].”  Milligan told the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, “And the naysayers will come around very quickly to appreciate not only the commitment for President Bush, but the sacrifice that has been made by men and women to protect this country,” he concluded.

“After 911 happened we could have declared war on Europe and the people would’ve agreed. It was a wonderful slick operation and we benefited 110%. The arabs and so-called ‘jihadists’ who supposedly carried that one off have not benefited from any of this…we have. ‘Cui Bono’ as they say,” John McGregor a Pentagon operative exclaims from his office. His frankness is frankly quite refreshing in a climate of pure lies.

Dick Cheney of course is a master of lies and has been pulling the wool over many Americans eyes for a very long time. His reign of deception will abruptly come to an end when the next government is brought in next year, they may have to shoe horn him out of his post though. The reluctant exit of a war criminal who is responsible for hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths will be given a medal for his services to the USA and not tried as a war criminal as he truly deserves. No one said that there is any justice in American society or law for that matter and the Bush regime has shown this premise to be true more so than any other regime in US history. To be above all law and act as a dictator is something the US constitution was totally against, unfortunately this edict was bypassed and superseded to be discarded in the dustbin of history. The ultimate rejection of the United States constitution, the defacing of the American flag, the betrayal of the American people, the senseless murder of thousands of humans for oil profit, the sacrifice of American troops for greed and corporate profits.


Evacuation of Saigon 30 April 1975

Thus, one must understand the motives of such nefarious misdemeanours, of cronyism on such a grand scale that it leaves one astounded at the blatant nature of it all. What can come of a President who will be named in history as the one who caused the biggest disaster in foreign policy ever for the USA? The middle east region is now so destabilised that the US greed operation may have precipitated the advent of a bigger war…the final war where a fight to acquire the last remaining worlds resources will lead to no one gaining them…only total annihilation will be achieved.


The evacuation of Saigon, Vietnam, soon to be repeated in Iraq and Afghanistan

It would take two years to pull troops out of Iraq because of the huge war machine that is entrenched there. The permanent US bases which are built solidly into the Iraqi soil are as mentioned earlier…permanent. If the Americans were to exit and leave their equipment behind the evacuation would still take a year. Therefore, it is plain to see that all the talk about the US leaving any time soon is useless unless there is a forced and hurried evacuation.

US Intervention in Vietnam caused the unnecessary death of millions of innocent Vietnamese people, the same thing is happening in Iraq now.

So, it is with the terrible prediction that George W Bush and his treasonous cronies will have the last laugh on the American people by either engineering another attack or allowing another attack to happen. This will solidify their awful position and foothold on a crumbling economic debt ridden facade that is now called the United States of America.