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Trump Reveals New Golf Cart


After the assassination attempt of Donald Trump at one of his golf courses, the former president has taken it upon himself to upgrade his golf cart. He revealed the new “Don’t Fuck With Me Foo'” golf cart to the waiting press on Tuesday at his Florida golf course.

“Look at the tremendous guns all pointing out here. This is a tremendous addition to my golf course because frankly I can’t depend on the Secret Service anymore. This monster can go at 80 MPH, and has inbuilt jammers, a radar system, missile launchers, guns and more guns! Tremendous! I’m gonna call it the Albatross!”

According to the Trump golf team, the buggy costs a whopping $7.4 million, but it’s worth every cent according to The Don.

“Sheesh! That’s one afternoon of Melania shopping. It’s like a drop in the ocean cost wise. I get to blow away any son of a bitch who dares even come near my swing. That’s priceless in my view!”

Weighing in at 8 tonnes, the monster golf cart will probably tear up the golf course too, but with two or three assassination attempts per week, what the hell, fuck the turf. The suspension can withstand any terrain and would be at home for golfing trips to Afghanistan.

PANIC STATIONS: Mass Exodus of Wealthy Face Labour “Exit Tax”


For months Britain’s millionaires, billionaires, entrepreneurs, traders, educated professionals, businesses have been fleeing the country because of Labour winning the election when only 20% of the population voted, but now, Labour is threatening to bring in an Exit Tax.

The Labour Exit Tax will remove a substantial percentage of wealth from people trying to escape the fucked up tax hell of Labour’s punishing anti-aspiration, anti-capitalist Marxist deluge of horrific unjustifiable charges that will impoverish not only the rich but the poor as well.

It’s not just the rich who are fleeing Britain but decent hard-working families who simply cannot survive under the evil pestilent Labour regime of nastiness.

If you are thinking of liquidating your assets and selling everything to get out, you may already be too late before Labour brings in the Exit Tax and clobbers you with a massive bill that they will squander on their cronyism, and useless profligate socialist projects that serve no purpose to anyone apart from the highly paid big nanny state apparatchiks in charge of everything.

What can you do now as you are caught in the headlights of an Exit Tax?

Fuck all is the simple answer. Eat it up, see half your wealth sucked out of your bank account and fucking weep. Norway has effectively been sunk by such anti-capitalist tax schemes, but despite the mass exodus of wealth the socialist government in charge are too engrained in Marxist ideology to realise what is going on, and have effectively sunk the once rich nation to the depths of Venezuela.

Goodbye, Gulag Clown World Britain – The Exit Tax will be your final kick up the arse as you flee this shithole socialist dystopian tax nightmare.

Just Another Trump Assassination Attempt – Nothing to See Here Folks!


It’s just another Trump assassination attempt for the week, there’s nothing to see here, folks! This time the suspect even had a GoPro camera along with a scoped AK47.

It seems there’s a lot of people and factions who don’t want The Don to be president.

Apparently Bill Clinton banned AK47s during his tenure, although the NRA reinstated the assault weapon ten years after, and this guy had one.

It seems kind of curious that after Trump’s disastrous debate with Kamala Harris, this assassination attempt puts Trump front and centre again.

We’re not going to say third time lucky, but this second attempt is a real wake-up call for preserving our democracy in the West.

7 of the Most Interesting Facts About Blackjack


Blackjack remains one of the major staples of casinos, but how much do you know about this classic card game?

There are a lot of interesting things to know about Blackjack, from the actual origin of its name to its many variants and predecessors and the rise of online Blackjack. So, read on to find out seven of the most interesting facts about the game of Blackjack.

1. Blackjack’s many predecessors

You’ve probably heard that Blackjack descends from a French game by the name of Vingt-et-Un. This popular French card game is mostly identical to the modern form in terms of its basic game concept and the goal of reaching a hand value of 21.

But Vingt-et-Un wasn’t the first game of its kind. There were actually a few similar card games to be found across Europe during the 17th century and even before. The Spanish Veintiuna was just one of these – famously appearing in a collection of short stories by Miguel Cervantes in 1613.

An even earlier precursor was known as Thirty-One, which may even have claim to the title of one of the oldest card games of all.

2. The origins of Blackjack’s name

Tpexels-pavel-danilyuk-7594302  blackjackhere is a surprising amount of disinformation about how Blackjack came to be known by its current name. But the real story revolves around miners who took part in the Klondike Gold Rush in Canada.

Miners brought the game of Vingt-et-Un with them before deciding to rename it to something a little less French. They took inspiration from one of the minerals commonly found near gold or silver deposits – zincblende – which was commonly referred to as blackjack.

The nickname was first applied to the highest hand value of 21 before becoming shorthand for the entire game.

3. Blackjack has one of the lowest house edges

The house edge – otherwise known as the casino advantage – refers to the odds in favour of the casino in any of their games. A game with a higher house edge is expected to pay out less compared to one with a lower edge, as the player has better odds on the latter.

Blackjack actually offers one of the lowest house edges among casino games, although this does slightly depend on player decisions made during the game. At its best, the house edge in Blackjack can fall as low as 0.5%, far lower than you’ll find in games like Roulette.

4. The Four Horsemen of Blackjack

pexels-javon-swaby-197616-3279691In the 1950s a group of four US Army engineers were responsible for creating the foundations of modern Blackjack strategy and the first Blackjack charts.

Roger Baldwin, Wilbert Cantey, Herbert Maisel and James McDermott used mechanical calculators to create a basic strategy for minimising the house edge using probability and statistical analysis.

5. Modern Blackjack variations

Like many casino games, Blackjack has seen the creation of many variations that take its core concept and put a spin on it. If you count variations based on individual rulesets, unique side bet options and payout structures, then there are potentially hundreds of different varieties of Blackjack out there.

6. The Blackjack Hall of Fame

Did you know that there’s a Blackjack Hall of Fame? Well, now you do!

The Barona Casino in San Diego is host to the Hall of Fame, which launched in 2002, when seven initial members were inducted from a selection of experts, authors and professional players after a public vote.

7. The odds of a natural Blackjack

Sometimes, a player will get dealt a 21 in their first two cards – known as a natural Blackjack. This is the strongest opening hand in the game, but the odds of being dealt it are just 4.8%.

And that’s only scratching the surface of the depths of Blackjack, its storied history and ongoing evolution.

Donald Trump’s Lewinsky Moment – Laura Loomer?


She certainly ain’t no shiksa, just like Lewinsky she’s a good down to earth 31-year-old Jewish Princess, albeit with a stretched out face that would even scare the late Joan Rivers. She slept her way to the top, and now she’s the new star of the Donald Trump line-up. So, why is The Don infatuated by Laura Loomer?

The Donald even takes her on his presidential aircraft, where she no doubt cleans out his pipes before landing for another rally at some Midwest no man’s land shithole.

Laura seems like the kinda gal that could make a seventy-year-old limp dude stand to attention with no problems, and her technical skills whilst performing must be exemplary. Teasing with her flicking devil’s tongue she has allegedly perfected that certain look she gives her mark whilst on her knees, and she certainly adores Trump by taking the whole load, or what’s left at that age, all over her pale hockey mask stretched out face. Who wouldn’t like a girl who delights in slapping it playfully over her puckered botox trout lips, paying special attention to your old man dangling sack hanging halfway down your fucking knees? Sometimes it is a little rushed, because the campaign manager needs to ask about the next rally or something and may walk in at any moment, but mostly there is no rush. I mean, it’s not like The Don is paying by the hour here, which is the feeling he gets with his useless credit card swilling trophy wife who, like Hillary, turns a blind eye to the indiscretions of her man.

If Bill Clinton could do it for years with an intern, why not Trump? They were both guests at some infamous island or something where lots of funny stuff happened, but hey, that’s all in the past. This is now 2024, and things have changed somewhat, or maybe they haven’t.

The only thing Loomer needs now is a blue dress…as for Trump, he’s having a heck of a wild time right now.



Entire Labour Government to Disappear Into Imaginary £22 Billion Black Hole


Astronomers have warned that an imaginary £22 billion black hole that does not exist could suck up the entire Labour Party.

“Our predictions and calculation suggest that this £22 billion black hole which only exists in the deranged minds of Chancellor Rachel Reeves and Labour prime minister Keir Starmer will emerge from the exact location of the Number 10 Downing Street downstairs toilet and engulf the entire Labour hierarchy in one fell swoop. We must not underestimate the gravity of this situation as well as the gravity of the black hole, that doesn’t actually exist in this dimension or any other dimension,” Professor Patrick McMangell of the Cambridge University observatory revealed today.

According to the astronomers tracking the non-existent black hole which is being used as an excuse to give huge pay rises to Marxist union officials, train drivers and doctors, the gravitational pull exerted on members of the Labour government will be so strong that they will be pulled inside out from their anuses outwards.

“Yes, that is correct, it will be quite fascinating to see these people being pulled inside out, but that’s black holes for you, mess with an imaginary £22 billion black hole, and you get a serious dose of inside out,” the professor added.

INFO: What is a black hole?

A black hole is a very dark ominous thing that is frankly very dark because it exists in space which is also black, therefore seeing a black hole is quite hard with the naked eye because it is as dark and black as space itself and that’s why it’s called a black hole you silly person.


Living on Borrowed Time – US Debt Interest Payments Exceed $1 Trillion


Why would Trump want to win the election anyway? With US debt interest payments exceeding over $1 trillion for the fiscal year, it’s too late for America, this is it, it’s over. Soon, the debt interest payments will exceed America’s social security bill, and what the hell happens then?

Sure, no doubt they will print more money, but everyone knows that will make things a lot worse, compounding the inflationary risks.

Of course, the Biden administration will blame someone else or something else for this, but under Joe Biden’s non-watch, US debt has now risen to over 35 trillion dollars and is rising by a trillion dollars every 100 days.

What happens when there is no way out?

The answer is very easy — war.

War is the solution to economic destruction when there is no way out, create a war. There are numerous candidates for the enemy, so the USA can be selective.

War can have a number of positive economic benefits, including:

  • Increased employment: Wartime military spending can create jobs.
  • Economic activity: War spending can increase economic activity.
  • New technology: Wartime spending can help develop new technologies that can be used in other industries.
  • Increased exports: During war, countries can export raw and finished goods to other countries.
  • Increased production: Wartime production can increase dramatically.
  • Increased output: Wartime spending can lead to increased output.
  • Increased workforce participation: Wartime can lead to women taking on jobs that were traditionally considered men’s work.

During World War II, the US economy expanded rapidly, with the gross national product increasing from $88.6 billion in 1939 to $135 billion in 1944. The unemployment rate dropped from around 25% to around 10%.

In Defence of ‘Family Nice Guy’ David Grohl


Duh! Some loved up broad goes and marries a rock star, and then expects to ‘change’ him into a model ‘nice guy, family guy’ type of thing, all the while he is touring constantly and having hot young ladies throwing themselves at him on a constant basis while she’s getting old. Do the maths here. Are you that fucking stupid and naive that you think he won’t dip his wick into some nubile young groupie who can literally suck a golf ball through a hose pipe? It’s the old women trying to change a man thing once again, many women just don’t fucking get it. Night after fucking night, this poor bastard is getting these young women literally thrown at him, parading their hot lithe bodies in front of him, there is no man on earth who would not crack. Mountains of pussy, fresh, ready for the picking right there and presented to you on a fucking platter, such is the music biz way in America especially, where famous celebrities are treated like royalty. None of this can happen in a heavily socialist woke country like the UK, but in the USA, it happens. So give poor old David Grohl, an ex-Nirvana asylum seeker who escaped the hell of that suicidal dude who blew his fuckin’ head off with a shotgun for no reason at all, a break, because he survived that shit and made something of himself by starting a new band named Foo Fighters, and they’re somewhat of a success. Seriously, the only shocking thing here in this stupid non-story is that his wife was actually shocked. That’s the most hilarious, naive and stupid shit we’ve seen in fucking ages! Here’s to rock stars everywhere — continue!

Made Homeless by Labour Taking Away Council Tax ‘Single Person Discount’


The evil Labour Party is planning to dump the Council Tax Single Person Discount which helps millions of pensioners and single people struggling to deal with the exponential constant rising council tax payments, utilities and food prices. By dumping this relief many pensioners who have already been robbed of their pensions, and winter fuel payments will be forced to sell their homes and many renters will be made homeless.

Council tax up by 79 per cent in real terms and is rising at an exponential rate every year.

“We’re already on the ropes because of the evil Labour Party and that fucking cunt hair Keir Starmer. When they cancel the Single Person Council Tax Discount, that will be the final nail in the coffin. I’ll be forced to sell up, and many people may even be forced to be homeless,” a furious retiree revealed on Thursday.

angela rayner homeless pensioner single person discount council tax

The country must be prepared for an increase in homeless people across the country. Retirees make up about half of the 8.4 million people who will be affected if the council tax discount for single householders is abolished. The council tax single person discount was a lifeline for many people across the country, and especially for retirees on a small pension income.

Meanwhile, the Labour government has refused to reveal the cost of furnishing thousands of homes for illegal asylum seekers who come into the country daily from France. They have also refused to reveal the cost of benefits and expense accounts given to these illegal asylum seekers, who are mostly young males with no skills or ability to work.

Labour MP: “My home is like the tropics in winter. I might as well be in Hawaii!”


After condemning 10 million pensioners to freeze this winter, Labour MPs who receive large taxpayer funded heating allowances for their various homes have been boasting about how they are so comfortable and warm during the cold winter months. The taxpayer funded Labour MP winter fuel allowance is thankfully not to be reduced or cancelled.

“It gets so hot I have to open the window sometimes, and I walk around the house in my underpants sweating like a Catholic priest at a choir boy’s convention,” one Labour MP quipped.

labour mp 2

Another Labour MP, who voted to take away crucial winter fuel payments for the elderly and poor, revealed that he delighted in the comfort of his warm flat in Kensington.

“I come home and am immediately hit by a warm, cosy atmosphere. The heating is on 24 hours a day during the winter, even when I’m not there. It’s like fucking Hawaii in there. I start giggling like a deranged hyena at the mere thought that I’m here in my cosy flat all warm and snugly whilst out there millions of elderlies are crouched in their homes freezing. I twiddle my toes in the supreme warmth whilst glancing out the window at the freezing winter weather. It gives me the giggles. I love it.”

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One Labour MP who voted to condemn many pensioners to die in the freezing cold this winter even admitted waiting in anticipation for the death list data for OAPs to filter through from the Office of National Statistics.

“My driver usually drops me off at one of my homes, I have six houses, all heated of course at the taxpayers expense. Anyway, as soon as I get through the door I am handed a scotch, and filter through to the cosy and warm living room. Here I look through the odd bits of ministerial or constituency junk I speed read through in a few seconds, but the stuff I really look for are the ONS death stats for the elderly. My husband usually asks me why I’m laughing so hard, and I explain to him 15,000 oldies dropped dead last week, when the usual statistic is 3,000. Then after supper, it’s time to take a long dip in the heated indoor pool, which steams like a fucking bath. Gorgeous!”

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