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Amy Winehouse Punches Fan After He Offers Her Singing Lessons

A voice coach and singing instructor to the stars was beaten violently in front of the cameras by Amy Winehouse over the weekend.

Amy Winehouse was in the middle of her set and slurring her words so badly that she couldn’t even be saved by her beloved Antares Autotuner. Some audience members likened her ‘singing’ to the sound of a “mortally wounded cat in heat” and others commented on her “Thorazine shuffle” as she limped around the stage.

“Sometimes her eyes would roll back in their sockets just exposing the whites, or one eye would roll up whilst the other eye stared ahead vacantly. She brought up some phlegmy froth during the second song and spat it into an engineer’s beer glass and then started laughing like a maniac when he drank from it. Her third song saw her shuffling around the stage and mumbling incoherently whilst waving her bony rear at revellers. We don’t know what the brown substance trickling down her leg was, but it seems the hospital did not supply poor Amy with enough nappies for the night,” music journalist for Melody Maker magazine, Arthur Bevel-Cardigan Johnsons reported.

It was only when the ailing celebrity got down off the main stage and decided to sing her hit song “Rehab” to the audience that things got dangerous.

Glastonbury concert goer Andrew Loog Masterson is an accomplished vocal coach and has coached many stars of the stage and pop world. He was at the front of the stage when Amy trudged towards him mewling like an inhuman animal with its leg caught in a trap.

“Before any Amy Winehouse fans send me any nasty letters, I would just like to say that I did not provoke her in any way. I simply asked her if she would like some singing lessons. That’s when she elbowed me and whacked my eye with her fist. She then told me that she is the best “fakkin'” singer in the “fakkin'” world and then continued moaning incoherently.”

Mr Masterson then went on to add: “At the end of the day it is all part of being at the front and being pushed by thousands of people. It is all part of the Glastonbury experience. I’m just pleased I got to see her before she finally croaks. Not everyone can say they have been hit by Amy Winehouse.”

The fracas was put to an abrupt end by security guards ordered into the violent scene by Glastonbury owner Michael Eavis who had nothing but praise for the celebrity Winehouse.

“If it wasn’t for everyone coming to see the trainwreck that is Amy Winehouse before she finally pops her clogs then I would’ve been out of a few quid. As it is, no one came here to see the headliner R’n’b artist Jay-Z and his sampler on stage – they came to see the trainwreck celebrity. Thank you Amy for being such an entertaining drug- addled loser,” Mr Eavis said.

Mr Eavis would like to book Amy Winehouse for next year’s Glastonbury, but the probability of her still being around then is extremely slim.

Mugabe Surprised to Win Election Again


Robert Mugabe has been holding celebrations after his landslide win for the election run-off in Zimbabwe.

The election was hard fought between the two campaigning candidates: Robert Mugabe and Robert Mugabe.

Luckily for Robert Mugabe, he won this time and said this about his astounding win: “After a hard fought democratic election, I am happy to announce that I have won again. This was a close call because the other candidate, Robert Mugabe, nearly pipped me at the post.”

Mr. Mugabe received a congratulatory phone call from unelected British PM Gordon Brown yesterday on the eve of his spectacular win.

Next week there will be a swearing-in ceremony — where everyone swears at Robert Mugabe under their breath and wishes on a deadly bolt of lightning.

England Fans Declare Euro Championship Boring


There were no pitch battles in the streets with drunk fans, fatal stabbings, binge drinking, booing of national anthems, murders or vandalism for Euro 2008. This was because England did not qualify for the competition and stayed at home much to the relief of the Austrian and Swiss hosts.

Instead of the usual violence that always accompanies England’s participation in a football competition, there was good clean football.

Having a competition where there have not been any major violent episodes but just sport has been a ratings disaster for the BBC which has been broadcasting the matches.

“Fu*king boring shite, I turned off after watching the first round. There was no spitting at referees, kneecapping or leg hacking like when England plays. There was not even any fans throwing objects at the players or booing. Can’t wait till England qualify for the next Euro,” Lee Chavhard, 23, a bored fan from Bolton told the BBC.

It seems football with good playing and sportsmanship is not something that English football fans care much for.

The final between Germany and Spain will be played on 29 June 7:45pm.

Soviet British State Celebrates Comrade Brown’s First Year as Supreme Leader


There were celebrations across Soviet Britain today after the first year of Comrade Brown’s ten year plan passed without any problems or major rebellion.

Since our unelected leader was instated in the non-election, there have been many Soviet milestones reached. The collectivization of cabbage farms, eco-gulags, millions more cctv cameras installed, increased surveillance, and major tax increases for the benefit of the state bureaucracy and Politburo.

Our supreme unelected leader addressed the Soviet people from the podium near the Westminster Duma as a troop of Bolshevik warriors marched down Soviet Whitehall.

“Comrades, brave Bolsheviks who fight against the scourge of the bourgeois corrupt devils of Democracy, we are an unbreakable Union of free republics created by will of the peoples. Long live the united, mighty Soviet British Union! Be renowned, our free Fatherland. Reliable bulwark of the friendship of peoples! Soviet flag, free flag. Let it lead from victory to victory! We developed our army in battles, we will sweep the vile aggressors from the way! In battles we settle the fate of generations, we will lead our Fatherland to glory!”

As cheers and shouts of praise for Comrade Brown rang out from the proles, there was a sustained applause for thirty minutes. Some comrades were so overcome with Soviet spirit that they fainted where they stood, to be attended by brave British Soviet nurses and stretcher bearers.

After the parade Comrade Brown’s Commissar for taxation, Comrade Darling, announced even more tax increases on top of the immense increases of last week. The taxation is for the good of the people and will pay for more Commissars’ and High level Comrades’ expense accounts so they can commandeer stately machinations and duties better.

Long Live Comrade Brown and the Labour Party INGSOCK Notice: B37112

Guns ‘N Roses to Release Album When China Becomes Democracy

David Geffen will have the new album delivered to his record company when “China becomes a democracy” a statement released on Wednesday announced.

The Chinese Peoples Republic is scheduled to eventually embrace Democracy in approximately 100-200 years according to experts on Communism.

“There is a distinct possibility that the Chinese hierarchy can be toppled sooner than we think by a second peoples revolution almost akin to the breakdown of Communism in Soviet Russia in the late 80’s. China seems to already have embraced capitalism and is being used as the work horse of the world with cheap labour to create useless Chinese trinkets that break easily,” Professor of Economics at Harvard Technical College, Brian Weinstein has outlined in Newsweek.

Another stipulation that was written into the ‘Chinese Democracy’ contract 14 years ago by W. Axl Rose is that the CD’s should be processed and printed in China as well — but only once China has found Democracy.

Guns ‘N Roses fans all over the world have met the news with disgust and anger. The music fans now have a wait for the new album that could last decades until the Chinese Communist Republic finds Democracy.

One disappointed fan from New Jersey is even vowing to organise a trip to China so as to bring about Democracy. Ed Rezno, 23, said: “Me and some dedicated G’N’R fans are organising a trip to Beijing this summer so we can bring about Democracy to their nation — y’all ever her about Tiannemen Square? Well, we’re gonna be there this summer and it’s gonna be a petition for Democracy. W’ere gonne bring revolution to the Chinese the G’N’R way!”

You’ve waited this long for the Chinese Democracy album. What is another 100 year wait?

McCain Trying Hard to Stay Alive for Election


There are only a few months left until the American general election and John McCain is trying his utmost to stay alive so he can see it through.

Senator McCain is followed everywhere he goes by a dedicated medical team consisting of three ambulances, a mobile operating table, 23 nurses, 14 doctors and dedicated resuscitation unit.

GOP representatives on Tuesday were anxious to prove that their candidate has the required fighting spirit when they allowed McCain to walk 10 metres without the use of a wheelchair or respirator to make a speech in Idaho.

“He can go down at any time and we are 100% prepared for any eventualities. We even have a truck following him that carries gallons of his blood in case he needs an emergency transfusion or major surgery,” Don Wentzel, Chief Medical Officer for the McCain Emergency Team revealed to CNN on Tuesday.


The McCain Emergency Team truck is fully equipped


Senator John McCain, who is going to be 104 years old in August, has partial eyesight as well as limited hearing. He is still capable of walking but gets tired very easily.

His second wife who is thirty years his junior is also concerned for her husband and has urged the pensioner to slow down his campaigning to become the next president.

McCain’s campaign team is also under strict orders not to excite him in any way and never to introduce any sudden scares which could be fatal to the election.

On the campaign bus they have been playing the Bee Gees hit “Staying Alive” on a constant loop and it has now been adopted as McCain’s theme tune and is piped into venue speaker systems before he arrives.

Whether McCain will heed his wife’s warnings is another matter, but the soldier in him still has alot to fight about and he will not be stopping any time soon.

New Book Uncovers Startling Evidence that Adolf Hitler was a Practising Hippy


When he was not ordering stormtroopers into Germany’s neighbouring countries, Adolf Hitler would relax with a large bong and strum on his ukelele.

The dictator would often break from the serious nature of waging his campaign to “paint flowers on his VW Camper van” before driving it around the Bavarian countryside with his entourage of free-spirited fellow “magic mushroom munching hippies”.

His favourite hippy friend was the Luftwaffe chief Herman Goering, who was notoriously fond of wearing medals and decorations on his flared lederhosen trousers whilst singing freedom songs around a fire.

“Feelin’ groovy”

According to the book a servant working at the Fuhrer’s hippy hideout, the Kehlsteinhaus, told of how Hitler and his hippy friends rarely washed and would smell awful especially in the summer months.

Having a bath was a dirty word and the boys would prefer to be out driving around in their VW van, indulging in magic mushrooms and playing their bongo drums. Eva Braun was said to not mind Hitler’s penchant for not washing because she herself never washed or shaved.


Hitler driving his beloved VW camper van around Berchtesgaden circa 1943

Hitler was said to be very proud of his platform shoes which he acquired after ordering a team of German scientists to develop them secretly in 1942.

When the war was over, an enterprising American GI found the secret plans for the platform shoes and took them to America. During the 60’s and 70’s they were finally introduced into American culture. Hitler, however preferred to go everywhere barefoot and seldom wore any shoes when he was not on duty as the Fuhrer.

On another occasion he noticed his official drug supplier Heinrich Hoffman had drunk too much peyote juice: “Heini! Far out man – don’t finish it up – leave some for us too.”

“We all want to change the world”

The Fuhrer’s hippy credentials, which included ingesting huge amounts of psychedelic drugs, and eating bucketloads of lentils with his Bavarian veggie sausage has been finally revealed in a book called The Last Toke, to be published in Britain later this year.

It is written by Dharma Borman, 90, one of the hangers-on in the Berlin Psychedelic Bunker where Hitler spent his last days before being abducted by aliens in April 1945.

Bill Clinton Glad Hillary Did Not Win


Speaking to Saloon Magazine, former US president and philanthropist, Bill Clinton has spoken of his “extreme relief” that his Senator wife did not win against Barack Obama.

“I supported my wife in her endeavours 100% but am happy that she will have more time to pursue other political roles,” Mr Clinton was quoted as saying.

Some political pundits in Washington have gone as far as saying that Bill might have even derailed his wife’s chances on purpose.

“Can you imagine the security that would be around the Clinton’s if she was to become president. It would be some serious security, and you know how Bill likes to play around. He knows full well what White House security is like, it’s the best in the world. You can’t fart in the White House without someone knowing about it,” Ed Jarlsberg, a senior press spokesman for CNBL News exclaimed during a news conference on Capitol Hill.

Now that Hillary is out of the presidential picture, Bill can let off a huge sigh of relief and get back to his special jet flights and hot young fillies who are “oh, so eager to please”.

New UK Health Plan Urges People to Die Younger


What with soaring council taxes, fuel taxes, food costs, heating increases, no security and a dismal pension to live on, people across Britain have a bleak existence ahead of them.

Some UK Health Services are advising their clients to die earlier and spare themselves the pain of living in a country which is now a broken shell deep in recession and with no hope of ever recovering.

“I was told by my Health Officer that I had thirty more years to live. It upset me a great deal and the thought of living for more than a few years in this country is driving me crazy,” Reg McFarlin, from Hammersmith told ITN’s London Tonight program.

Millions of people in the UK are now living in a form of purgatory, stuck in misery and waiting eagerly for their moment to come sooner and not later.

It seems being given thirty or forty more years to live in today’s Britain is proving too much for some people who in their eagerness to end their misery have taken to jumping off the cliffs of Dover in their thousands — and they’re the lucky ones.

Filling Petrol Tank in Car Now More Expensive Than Buying New Car


Car manufacturers operating in the UK have come up with novel ways of getting consumers to buy their cars.

If you can afford to fill the car’s fuel tank with a full load of petrol, you just
pay the garage and are then free to drive the car off the lot.

Already Ford and Vauxhall have jumped on the fuel tank promotion bandwagon, Honda and Volkswagon are thinking about it and BMW are also mulling the idea around.

Yesterday, a Dagenham man successfully paid for a full tank of petrol on a new Ford Mondeo; he then simply drove it off the lot and was also rewarded with a three year motor insurance policy
and a spare set of fluffy dice.

With the level of fuel tax in the UK at the highest levels since records began and the International crude oil price rising in the Middle East there has been a major decline in
people affording to run their vehicles in the UK.

The UK has the highest fuel tax in the world with over 76% of the price being taken up by Gordon Brown’s fuel taxes.