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Bush Outraged at Russian Use of Excessive Force in Georgia


“These Russkies have used excessive force on an unarmed country to secure oil and gas pipelines. This action by Russia is totally unacceptable and America condemns the bullying of a small nation by a big powerful super power,” the president of the United States told reporters during the Olympic volleyball game.

Shock and Awe

Meanwhile, as the bombs and missiles drop in the tiny country of Georgia, there are concerns that the Russians are conducting an act that could trigger off World War III.

“It was alright for the Americans to take the oil in Iraq. Russia is no different and they (the Americans) cannot lift a finger against our little foray,” Russian Minister for Petroleum, Dmitri Volkov told Pravda News.

While Georgia does not produce oil itself, U.S. and European energy firms have
counted on the pro-Western country – sandwiched between Russia and Iran further
south – to host a conduit for oil and gas exports from Azerbaijan.

Renowned Chav Professor Advocates Use of SMS Text Language and Spelling Errors


Labour education ministers were today considering the latest proposal from a highly respected professor of Chavology at Runcorn University.

Professor Ken Smith is so proud of marking his Chavology students’ lazy nonsensical attempts at English that he has proposed the most common spelling atrocities committed by his moronic pupils be accepted as “variant spellings”.

“2b? nt2b? = ???”

The Labour government keen to carry on with their mantra spin of “Education, education, education” are seriously considering adopting mobile phone SMS text language and misspellings within the national curriculum.

“We would like to leave something for the historians to write about. Something that will remind people of the Labour legacy in our great country. This new proposal will entail re-publishing all English dictionaries worldwide to include the improved spellings,” Ed Balls, the education minister told us.

The professor has also proposed that the English language should be altered in all legal documents and medical literature as well.

The entire works of Shakespeare and John Milton have already been re-written in mobile phone text language.

“Rmeo, Rmeo – wher4 rt thou Rmeo?”

An example of the English words that will be changed have been included in an information leaflet handed out to all libraries in England and Wales. Scotland will also be updated with a new vocabulary but first linguistics experts have to try and understand what the Scots are saying before they can draft a proposal.

To start, he suggested 10 words including “arguement” for “argument” and “twelth” for “twelfth”.

There has also been calls for “shanking” to be included in the English dictionary because of the current popularity in the UK for knife murder amongst children. The rise in daily stabbings and knife murders has made the word “shank” (to stab) so popular that it is now a game on networking site Facebook.

He added: “We need to adapt to the youth of Britain. The truth is none of them can spell anymore and are more used to SMS text language than proper English, innit. My proposal is designed to make it betterer for the youth of this country to be included.”

Gramr? Wat’s dat?

Spelling Society chairman Jack Bovill welcomed the Runcorn New University lecturer’s idea: “This is a marvellous proposal by the professor and our spelling society welcomes it wholeheartedly. It is high time that the youth of Britain brought something positive to the English language.”

A-level and GCSE exams in the UK will also be altered to accept the SMS text language along with common spelling mistakes.

Labour ministers say that everyone in England and Wales is now guaranteed an A+ mark in all exams.

The exam board for England and Wales has provided an example of what is now acceptable in the English literature A-level exam.

An excerpt from Hamlet’s famous soliloquy in SMS text language:

HAMLET: 2 b, or nt 2 b–tht is = ?:
Wether ’tis nbler in da mynd 2 sffr
Da slings N arrows ov outragus 4toon
Or 2 tke rms agst a C of trubles
N by opposin end dem. 2 die, 2 sleep–
No mre–n by a sleep 2 say wii nd
Da hartake, n da 1000 nturl shoks
DAT flsh is air 2. ‘Tis a consmtion
Dvoutly 2 b wshed. 2 die, 2 sleep–
2 sleep–perchnce 2 dreem: ay, dere’s da rub,
For in dat sleep ov deth wot dreems may cum
Wen wii av shuffled off dis mrtal coil,
Mst gve us paws. 🙂

Spectacular Chinese Olympics Ceremony Triggers Off World War III


“I’ve never seen firework explosions like this. I mean here I am in Georgia and the Olympic ceremony in China has come to visit us here too. Amazing stuff,” Giorgiou Kolokov a resident of Tbilisi, Georgia told CNN from his hospital bed.


“The Chinese Olympic ceremony was so spectacular and amazing that we are all now on the brink of World War III,” an excited commentator for Australian tv network Grundy said during the opening ceremony.

The coordinated robotic movement of thousands of Chinese performers during the ceremony proves that totalitarian states really do know how to control their populations well. There was certainly no sniff of any Tiananmen Square-like dissent amongst the heavily controlled lemmings on display here tonight.

“I watched the Chinese synchronized hive mentality for the opening ceremony and was in awe at the level of mass brainwashing that was evident. A truly remarkable feat of mass human control systems these Communist Chinese controllers employ on their people. If only we could utilise just 1% of their mind control techniques on our comatose populations,” one of the world leaders from a nondescript European country quipped during the opening ceremony.

The Chinese opening ceremony in Beijing was the cataclysmic signal for worldwide war to commence. Already Israel is preparing a massive bombing campaign of Iran which promises tp coat the Middle East in radioactive particles for many centuries. The Americans are upping their occupation of more oil rich Middle East lands and are also gearing up to join the invasion of Iran with their Zionist friends. Russia is increasing its territorial lands with the invasion of Georgia.

Birds nest soup

As the fake fireworks of Beijing were beamed off to four billion people worldwide via visual trickery, the Russian missiles burst through the air landing on Georgian houses in spectacular explosive light shows of destruction.

The spirit of the Olympics is one of peace and human harmony. With the Chinese Olympics, we are seeing an era of war and terror opening up and culminating in an apocalyptic crescendo of fire.

Amongst the poisonous atmosphere of Beijing there seems to be little air of hope, instead we are reminded of the futility of human existence, especially under a brutal totalitarian state that is polluting and raping its own country and people for nothing.

The Chinese Olympic ceremony has performed a very important function: it has proved that the post-democratic world of overt scientific totalitarian rule, which we are all to be part of very soon, will be modelled on the Chinese experiment.

Katie Holmes’ Plea for Help at Celebrity Dinner Party


Katie Holmes is in danger. She is caught in a vicious trap and dangerous cult — the Scatologist cult.

Since dating chief Scatology practitioner Tom Cruise in April 2005 she has been sucked into the controlling world of Scatology.

“Everything that she does, says or wants is controlled by Tom. She has been brainwashed to such an extent now that whenever she attends a restroom she is followed in by Tom or one of his henchman who have to make sure she conducts the Church of Scatology’s wiping ceremony perfectly and does not leave any Klingons. Our supreme master, N. Ron Hubbub speaks directly through Tom Cruise and he has the last say in everything that happens in the family,” Julia Emerson, a Church of Scatology ex-member told us.

Here is the harrowing tale of her attempted escape and how I helped her every way I could to leave the dangerous cult.

Attending the dinner party which was held at a mansion deep in the Hollywood Hills, I was astounded to see the amount of high ranking Scatologists in attendance. There was of course Tom Cruise and his frail wife Katie Holmes, John Revolting was there too with his boyfriend and we even had Priscilla ‘plastic’ Presley corpsing around the mansion house.

I sat next to Katie and I knew something was very wrong when she started to write the words “Help Me” on her plate with pieces of Foie Gras.


Tom Cruise who was seated three places down glanced over at us every once in awhile and Katie would hastily pretend to eat what was on her plate.

Is there no escape for the poor girl? She is stuck in the deepest bowels of the Church of Scatology. Surely there must be a way out from the prison she is stuck in. I was determined to help her and her daughter Sori escape their sorry existence under the heavy intestinal movements of the Scatology cult.

I sidled closer to her with my stool and whispered in her ear: “I can help you escape tonight. Outside the bathroom window on the third floor I have had my team install a ladder. Just make your excuses in a few minutes from now and go. One of my drivers is waiting to take you to a safe house. You can take Sori too.”

Her blank face which has been zombie-like for the past few years suddenly lit up with life. It was almost as if the colour drained into her face again and there seemed to be life in her soul once more.

She told me how she was sick of all the Hydro Colonic sessions, of all the special wiping rituals she would have to endure, of all the jumping on sofa sessions and also of Tom’s penchant to sniff the bottom’s of other Scatology recruits. She then asked to be excused just as Tom was about to start another one of his Scatology stories detailing the times he spent in public lavatories in New York city in the 80’s.

Katie never made it to the ladder. She has something that I feared would never happen. She stood up and pointed at me and shouted to the other Scatologists that I should be removed immediately. Katie Holmes has a severe case of Stockholm syndrome which is a term used to describe the relationship a hostage can build with their kidnapper.

Needless to say, I was escorted out of the mansion house and left the party with a heavy heart. Another lost soul in the digestive tract of the all-encompassing turd machine that is the Church of Scatology.

It was a moment which resembled the scene in “Deer Hunter” where the heavily brainwashed Christopher Walken character puts a bullet in his head whilst playing Russian roulette and cannot be saved by Robert De Niro.

High ranking Church of Scatology cult members are like the Borg — but worse. They assimilate decent people into the toilet bowl of N. Ron Hubbub’s Scatological flush, turning normal people into zombiefied “arse holes” of the highest order.

Kelly Osbourne Takes Up Hot Air Ballooning


Kelly Osbourne is going to follow the famous Montgolfier Brothers who undertook the first ever manned flight of a hot air balloon on November 21st 1783.

Kelly has already acquired a valid Private Pilot’s Licence: PPL(B) and is now about to acquire her commercial balloon licence: CPL(B).

Her agent, Rona McWurter told the BBC: “Kelly has worked very hard for this licence and wants it very much. Her parents paid a lot of money for the three month training which costs in excess of £145,000. She feels that she wants this under her belt to complement her many other talents.”

Kelly’s multitude of talents include pantomime acting, parties, eating and being the daughter of Sharon and Ozzy.

Last year there was a crisis meeting in the Osbourne household as to what Kelly could do for a career. They even tried introducing Kelly to her father’s pet loving ways by giving her some bats so that she could practice biting their heads off but she fluffed that as well.

“Kelly ate the whole bat including the wings. She was just meant to bite the head off like her dad does but she ate the whole thing while it was still alive. It was still flapping and she even wanted more bats,” an Osbourne family attendant revealed to the BBC news.

The epic balloon voyage will be a coming-of-age journey for Kelly and she will film the trip with a camera which will be made into a television reality show.

The Atlantic ballooning journey will take place in September and will commence from London’s Parliament Hill and end in New York city near the statue of Liberty.

The whole journey across the Atlantic will take approximately three weeks depending on weather and wind conditions, however ballooning experts think that if Kelly catches a nice solid gust of wind she can make it earlier.

This is the defining moment in Kelly Osbourne’s career as a media celebrity daughter of the Osbourne clan and will be a huge test for the star.

“I’ve always had a fucking interest in the fucking world of fucking ballooning. Ballooning is fucking great innit? Give me another teacake you fucking piece of shit. What do I fucking pay you for? I said get me another fucking cheeseburger as well you stupid cunt. Did I say you can look at me? No! Now get down there and clean up my fucking vomit.”


Paris Hilton’s Size 14 Feet Featured on McCain Ad


Paris Hilton took time out from filming another cheeseburger commercial to lend a much-needed foot to John McCain’s faltering presidential election campaign.

Kathy Hilton was on hand to pimp her loose daughter out and was on the set barking instructions to all and sundry.

“The premise of the whole video is that Paris gets her huge feet out and crushes the skulls of Obama supporters. McCain is actually funded by the Hilton’s, and they provided $35,000 in contributions so that their herpes laden daughter can feature in one of the ads. We added Obama into the shot under the skulls of his followers with CGI and the final effect is amazing,” Luke Miromar, the director for the shoot told the Daily Squib.

According to the video’s producer it usually takes five people to give Paris Hilton a foot rub utilising about 12 gallons of linseed oil. Paris insisted on having foot rubs every 20 minutes during the shoot which proved exhausting for all the crew.

Paris Hilton’s enormous feet are also insured for $25,000 each and whilst on set, the crew had to be very careful where they trod.

‘Neocon Mascot’

Paris Hilton is the symbol of the Neocons and has been firmly adopted as their mascot.

“In the age of Neocon waste, hatred, greed, ignorance and stupidity, Paris Hilton epitomises the Neocon-ite wasteland plaguing America with its lies and thievery. She represents what is wrong in this world and her ugly size 14 feet encapsulate the grotesque nature of Neocon America. She is the spirit of McCain,” a producer for the show revealed to us.

Filming of the McCain advert was beset with many problems. Every bunion on Paris’ enormous pods oozed a stench that had many in the film crew gagging. Filming was a tortuous affair and more smelling salts were ordered up by the director.

“She’s the only girl I know who has zits on her feet. I squeezed one of those babies and the pus hit our key grip straight in the fucking eye!” a distraught camera assistant recalled.

The McCain campaign team headed up by their latest secret weapon. Steve “The Prolapse” Scheisse, is not pulling out any stops in the offensive play against team Obama.

With Paris Hilton’s oversized smelly foot on their side, they are sure to put the boot in pretty soon.

Gordon Brown: "There is a Traitor Amongst Us"


Comrade Brown, who was at his modest dacha in Southwold tending his cabbages made a brief but strong message to all party workers and comrades via a televisual Soviet relay.

“Brothers and sisters of the great Soviet British State of Britain. It seems that a trusted member and former comrade of the peoples Bolshevik brigade has betrayed our great Soviet utopia. This person (spitting words out) is a coward and has attempted to meddle in the True Age of Change and my 10 year plan of mass collectivisation Soviet eco-growth. I reveal the name of this yellow traitor — David Miliband ex-Commissar for Foreign Soviet Affairs.” (Hushed whispers and gasps of surprise from assembled crowds of party workers and Stasi officials)

After a brief pause where Comrade Brown stares at the camera and brings down his fist with a loud clunk on the table he carries on with the speech.

“I have made arrangements for his immediate despatch to Gulag 4355 in Glasgow East, Sector 101. For the next 42 years he will be subjected to hard labour and daily re-education sessions courtesy of Comrade Balls. There will be no dissent and no one will get in the way of the New Age of Change. This is a warning to any other comrades within our ranks who think they know better than my clunking fist of total authority and control. Comrade Harman, you are being watched. You are all being watched for your own good and Soviet freedom.”

Pip Squeak

To assert Comrade Brown’s authority there was a parade of traitors at Trafalgar Red Square yesterday. The cowardly slime that is Miliband confessed his sins to all the assembled Soviet workers and party officials.

Speaking in a high-pitched whiny voice, ex-comrade Miliband uttered these words to the baying crowd: “I, David Miliband have betrayed our great leader Comrade Brown. I have betrayed our Soviet state and all it stands for. I am guilty of horrible cowardice and of consorting with other traitors to try and halt the New Era of Change. I confess that I even made attempts to paint a moustache above my top lip to try and look more manly and Soviet-like. I am guilty of many crimes against the Soviet state and I will be rightly punished for being the instrument of power-hungry Marxist lies and my disgusting opposition to the great Brown Vision of Change. ”

The jeers from the crowd could be heard for miles as the traitor Miliband was then taken by Stasi guards and driven to the eco-gulag where he will stay for the next 42 years.

Notice: B62111 INGSOCK Long Live the Gordo!

Gordon Brown Visited Weston-super-Mare Pier


Prime Minister Gordon Brown brought his usual cheer to the seaside town of Weston-super-Mare today and blessed the famous pier, which was built in 1904, with his luck.

Witnesses say they saw the hapless PM near the pier when large columns of flames shot up 20 feet into the air.

“Gordon Brown has visited our pier. Thank you Gordon Brown! Thank you very much!” an angry resident, Reg Bridlington, 67, told reporters.

The fiery inferno ripped through the partly-wooden structure and sent clouds of grey
smoke spiralling into the air which could be seen 15 miles away. The residents of Weston-super-Mare were today counting the cost of the unlucky PM visiting their town. They know full well that bad luck follows him everywhere.

Scores of firefighters fought the flames which took hold of the 104-year-old
Grade II-listed pier at about 7am, but it took little over an hour for the
pavilion to be reduced to a tangle of blackened metal.

Lord Archer, who has better luck than Gordon, was brought up in Weston-super-Mare. He recalled fondly spending “far
too many pennies” on the local prostitutes whilst trawling the pier and of how he met his wife Mary whilst she was working the pier herself one summer holiday.

He said: “It will take years if it is to be restored to its former glory. It didn’t have a bloody chance. Once that morose Stalinist Gordon turned up — disaster was on the books.”

Dutch Olympic Team Lost in Beijing Smog


Poor visibility
has been blamed for the tragic disappearance of the whole Dutch Olympic team
consisting of 234 athletes and participating support staff. They were
last seen arriving at the Olympic village by coach but were soon
engulfed in the dense fog.

Beijing’s notorious pollution has
been blamed for the loss of the Olympic team by Dutch ministers
speaking in Rotterdam this morning before next month’s Games.

“This is a tragedy which was waiting to happen. We are doing everything in our power to recover our athletes before the games commence in eleven days time,” Dutch Prime Minister, Jan Peter Balkenende has said.

Chinese officials brushed off concerns over the city’s stubborn smog,
which has triggered a warning by IOC chief Jacques Rogue that some
events could be postponed if athletes died or could not see anything.

In a separate incident, American 100m sprinter Carl Johnsons was severely injured yesterday when he veered off the track during a training session and was speared by a javelin. He is thought to be making good progress in a Beijing hospital and may be able to compete for the Olympics once doctors remove the javelin from his spleen.

“Sometimes it
looks like it’s a foggy day, but the air quality is actually good,” Sun
Weide, a spokesman for the Beijing Olympic Organising Committee, told
the BBC speaking through a respirator.

“We are committed to
locating the Dutch Olympic team and have despatched soldiers wearing
infrared goggles to try and find them somewhere in the Olympic village.”

officials routinely refer to the city’s smog as “fog”. The heavy
noxious particles that constitute the Beijing atmosphere are heavy in
lung damaging chemicals and metals like lead and phosphorous. Smoking
the Beijing air is equivalent to breathing in vast quantities of
cigarettes and cigars simultaneously every day.

The pollution
induced smog has been a huge problem with visibility, and on a
good day if you can see for 5 feet it is deemed as a clear day.

Shaozhong, deputy head of the Beijing Environmental Protection
Department, told reporters on Friday that there was nothing to worry
about and the “fog” was just a temporary condition of low cloud “due to
the heat of summer”.

He said the city has regular “blue sky” days once every twenty years — the last one being on June 12th 1989.

low visibility hampering search and rescue efforts of the Dutch Olympic
team there have been calls from Dutch officials to boycott the Olympics
however this cannot be achieved until they find their lost athletes.

should never have sent them there, it’s like trying to find a needle in
a sea of fog. This is a race against time because they do not have any
food or water. We did not provide them with gas masks either  and  even
if we do rescue them their health will be severely damaged,” Karl Van
Groening, Minister for Health, told the Amsterdam Post on Friday.

Gordon Brown’s Ten Year Plan Will Go Ahead


Speaking from his modest dacha in Southwold, the unelected leader did not even flinch when he was told the grave news of a rebellion in the Labour state’s heartland of Glasgow East which is firmly ensconced within Sector 101.

Iron Fist of Sovietization

“Despite the democratic disease creeping into my 10 year plan for the total integration of all citizens within the eco-state, the collectivisation of all farmers, the increasing of even more taxation and the reduction of all living standards for all Soviet Britons, we shall not falter. I have despatched Commissar Ed Balls to Sector 101 where he will be assigned to re-educate the traitors who erred from the true path of totalitarian eco-rule. I am listening to what the people are saying, this is why I have ordered more listening devices and CCTV surveillance cameras. I will listen to your opinions, then I will discard them as always because I am your supreme unelected leader and have complete control over every facet of every plebes life. I’m getting on with the job. My task is getting on with the job of integrating more taxation and more surveillance in the Soviet Era of Change. It’s exactly what I want to do. And, rest assured I will do it!”

Under unelected leader Comrade Brown’s outstanding leadership, the Soviet State is currently benefiting from a high standard of living. Citizens and party workers can now enjoy an extra ration of porridge every week and an extra teaspoon of sugar once a month.

Comrade Brown will reward proles with a further increase in taxation for all goods and services next week as a special thank you for not electing the unelected leader who is in supreme control over everything.

We have news that some listening devices suffered breakdowns in Sector 34 – 36 last night so all citizens in that area are urged to look out for any dissent or speech crimes against Comrade Brown and report these vile crimes to your nearest Stasi official.

A commendation must be made to 12 year old Herbert Allinson who reported his own mother as a thought criminal in Sector 43 last night. The boy’s mother has been sent to an eco camp to be re-educated for 42 years.

Remember comrades, be vigilant and listen out for traitors, they are everywhere.

Notice: B64225 INGSOCK Long Live the Gordo!