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Japanese Company Showcases World’s First Handheld Dishwasher


The GNC Gadget show is running from the 6th of September to the 12th and there are some amazing electronics on display.

The Tokai Corporation has taken the wraps off a new hand held dual-format dishwasher drier, although quite whether a miniature dishwasher has a future remains to be seen.

CEO Sanjuro Miromoto presented the amazing piece of modern technical excellence to an expectant audience after months of hype.

“The dishwasher can take a full load and once it is finished, you just put it in your pocket and go. It’s really that simple,” the CEO announced.

The handheld dishwasher will also come in a number of different colours so that the fashion conscious can enjoy.

Tokai is expecting this amazing hand held dishwasher to be in every household by Christmas.

The exhibition is now officially open to the rest of the public and gadget hounds have been swamping the mass of gadgets on display.

Air Guitar World Champion Breaks String Live in Concert


American Anal Bilgepump has won this year’s World Air Guitar Championships despite near disaster hitting during his set when one of his guitar strings broke.

Despite major setbacks like broken strings, blisters and a bout of tendonitis the air guitarist from Detroit soldiered on.

Bilgepump was crowned champ after beating 20 challengers from around the globe – including two-time defending champion Fu Kyu from Japan – and contestants from Russia, Australia and the UK.

Upon winning Anal Bilgepump said: “I honestly didn’t
think I had a chance. I was doing an A major Diminished chord when my D string went. Must have been the combination of sweat and heat. Dont get me wrong, I wanted to do good, to do
everyone proud, to at least look decent on YouTube. I just kept going folks and it’s that Rock’n’Roll spirit that got me through in the end.”

The World Air Guitar Championships started in 2003 and have been running annually ever since.

OJ Simpson Performs Puppet Show for Jail Inmates


Almost 13 years after he was acquitted of the double murder of his wife, and her boyfriend, Simpson is set to finally do his time in prison.

Nothing better to keep killers and robbers at bay in an overcrowded hell-hole prison than a lovely Sing Sing hand puppet show.

OJ is said to be practising for the 3 hour daily shows he will provide when he is sentenced later on in the month for a life term in jail.

If I Did It”

“I am very excited to have the opportunity to express my creative side with these puppet shows. The main character of the show is called Ron and the other character is called Nicole. As the shows go on I will introduce other characters to the mix.”

The All Star puppet shows will be held in the main mess hall of the correctional facility where there will be an impromptu stage setup for OJ to perform.

OJ is also all set to tour the varied prison populations in North America with his All Star puppet show when he will be transferred from time to time.

The next 40-50 years in prison will be all the time OJ will need to refine his show and perfect his wonderful art.

Unfortunately, you will have to be incarcerated in the US prison system to enjoy the shows.

So, unless you’re into getting your arse buggered in the showers for picking up the soap, it is best to steer clear of being in the audience of an OJ puppet show in jail.

Cliff Richard: “I’m Not Gay But My Boyfriend Is”


In his revealing autobiography, My Life, My Gay, published yesterday, the legendary crooner, Cliff Richard calls Father Seamus McElleroonie who he shares his home with, his ‘companion’ and ‘blessing’.

Sir Cliff, 67, met the former Roman Catholic priest during a trip to New York in 2001 where he was a judge at a choir boy competition and said that McElleroonie took a break from the priesthood soon after.

The Church Times writes: ‘He hadn’t any thought at the beginning of giving up the priesthood, and he was very reluctant to give up the choir boy benefits. I suggested a bigger pay packet, and he might help me with some charitable projects. He could still indulge in the old pursuits, of course.

‘That was seven years ago, and our arrangement has worked out really well. Seamus now spends most of his time looking after my vast collection of teapots from the 18th century and pushing my stool in whenever he has a spare moment.

‘He has become my special companion, which is great because I don’t like sleeping alone, even now.’

Sir Cliff Richard, a devoted Christian, met fans and signed copies of his book yesterday.

His private life has often been the subject of much speculation and the book attempts to finally come clean over many subjects, including voicing his approval for same-sex partnerships and what is the best cock ring to wear during sermons.

‘Same-sex marriages are perhaps a modern example of how things have changed’, Sir Cliff said.

‘What has been happening in the church for many years is finally coming into acceptance.’

‘It seems to me that commitment is the issue and if anyone comes to me and says: “This is my partner – we are committed to each other” then I don’t care what their sexuality is.’

The veteran performer, who has sold over 250million records, also takes the opportunity to hit back at those who question his personal life.

 He writes: ‘I am sick to death of the media’s speculation about my homosexuality. What business is it of anyone else’s when I parade around a book with all my darkest secrets of what I do… It’s none of your business? As a good Christian, I am so happy that the age-old Christian activities are finally being brought forward into the open.’

Sir Cliff also reveals how he nearly ended his famous ‘bachelor boy’ days by coming close to marriage.

‘Of all the two women I’ve known, one being my mother, there were only one that I’ve come close to marrying. .

‘I came close to asking the canescent sports presenter Sue Barker, whom I met in 1982.

‘I seriously contemplated asking her to marry me, but in the end I realised that she wasn’t quite hirsute enough to commit the rest of my life to her. There were no broken hearts.’

Bush Upset With McCain VP Pick


Republicans attending the GOP convention were astounded to see the ailing lame-duck president bitterly admonish John McCain’s much-hailed VP pick, Sarah Palin.

“John McCain has disgraced our nation and our flag. His choice of Vice President is a sure sign of treason goddamit!” Mr. Bush, visibly angry, told the convention by satellite from
the White House, the trappings of the White House’s banana trees planted by George W Bush himself providing an
authoritative if isolated backdrop compared to the elaborate stage he
would have stepped onto in St. Paul. “He picked someone from Alaska? Why did he not pick someone from America?… He is a jerk for that and I want someone to look into this…I’m callin’ Dick right now!”

The satellite broadcast was then cut abruptly and even commentators for the Republican propaganda news service, Fox News, were left speechless.

Bush allies were quick to defend their leader by telling the assembled reporters that the president may not have had his morning banana feed and would therefore understandably be agitated.

“The broadcast was scheduled before the president’s morning bananas and his keeper had not turned up yet, so the president was anxious. He needs his bananas or there’s trouble,” Julie Severino, a GOP representative for Illinois told Fox news.

Russian General Talks to Daily Squib About Favourite Vodka


General Anatoly Nogovitsyn answers directly to the most powerful man in Russia, Vladimir Putin. We have arranged an interview with the General in his offices deep within the hallowed halls of the Kremlin.

The high ranking General is the man who presses the red button that can bring about the total annihilation of every living creature on earth 10,000 times over.

We are here on this clandestine mission to talk about the General’s favourite vodka. I mean who else to ask about vodka than the highest ranking General in Russia?

In Russia, it is perfectly acceptable to be totally drunk pretty much all the time. Being employed in a high risk job is no constraint to the pleasures of pickling your liver with vast amounts of vodka every day.

Flying in to Moscow this morning on Aeroflot, half the flight crew were so pissed that they could barely push the trolleys along the aisles and the captain coming over the tannoy was so sloshed he forgot which city we were landing at.

Nuclear 12th Main Directorate of the Defence Ministry

It is then no surprise that General Anatoly Nogovitsyn greets us in his office with a few remnants of upchuck still trickling down his collar and over his medals.

I’ve seen some drunks in my time having been in the reporting business for thirty years, however, coming to Russia makes what I’ve seen look like child’s play.

It takes a true connoisseur to know their Pyatizvyozdnaya from their Belenkaya, and by Jove the General knocks back a gallon or two of each without even a whisper of discomfort let alone a violent grunt as is customary amongst seasoned alcoholics.

“In Russia we have a saying ‘Why drink water when you can drink Vodka?'” the General retorts as he knocks back the pitcher of Kubanskaya he’s got stashed away in a cabinet under his desk.

“We have many nuclear missiles in Russia, they are kept in old Cold War era silos and are not even guarded any more. Who is to say that one day an electrical fault occurs in one of the launching mechanisms which are not maintained because of underfunding from the Kremlin. Who is to say that Poland or Georgia is not wiped off the face of the earth? Who is to say that I do not order an attack on Poland tomorrow and start World War III?”

I ask the General what he thinks about Poland allowing the new US missile shield to be built on their territory.

The General stands up immediately and utters a large vodka burp, he marches to a file cabinet behind his desk and opens it taking out a bottle of Żubrówka.

“This is Polish vodka, it taste like piss water. You taste?” he asks visibly angry.

I decline the offer so the General glugs the lot down in one go, then displays his displeasure of Polish vodka by throwing the empty bottle out the fourth floor window.

What about Warrington’s finest? No, we’re not talking about the tax dodging junk food swilling junkie Kerry Katatonic, we’re talking about Vladivar, an originally brewed vodka from the UK.

The General takes a sniff at the triple distilled British brew, takes a firm gulp then spits the lot out over me.

“Do not give me water again! The English call this vodka? By the testicles of St. Seraphim I have never tasted such putrid water.”

The Russian General then smashes the British distilled vodka bottle over his attaché cum translator who cowers in the corner at all times throughout the interview.

We leave the interview in fear for our lives as the General stumbles around his office looking for his Kalashnikov.

The security of Russian nuclear stocks has been a constant international headache since the demise of the Soviet Union. In 1997, the late general Alexander Lebed, an esteemed vodka connoisseur, surprised and alarmed the world when he announced that Moscow had lost track of more than 100 suitcase-sized nuclear weapons.

12 GBH Stars to Watch



Young, articulate and fiercely competitive — Stabbya should be the face
of 2012.

A professional bike stealing star, she is most famous for nicking Dave Cameron’s bike from outside a North Kensington Tesco.


Two golds in Beijing stolen from American Phelps at knife point and a criminal record by the age of 9.


Vowed to fight as an amateur until 2012 after losing a finger to top-class Cuban Che Guava in Beijing.

KIT CHENIFE (Basketball)

Chenife came to prominence in Beijing when he stabbed a referee 35 times and took out his gall bladder.


Nifecrime, 14,
targeted gold in 2012 after knifing a bus load of senior citizens who
arrived at Beijing to watch the closing ceremony.

SLASHAN STAB (Table-tennis)

The Brit No 1 aims to be the Jack the Ripper of 2012.


Slashah is after long jump gold in London after murdering a medal chance in
Beijing in a weak but bloody field.


World junior knife champ Indagroin is rated as Britain’s best slasher.

AL HURTYOO (Cycling)

Liver and kidney in Beijing, so could dominate in 2012.


Junior world champ will stab anything that moves for a pack of B&H.


Bronze in Beijing on the pommel horse, and will be back.

DON T. HURTME (Taekwondo)

He missed out on potential medal this time after two dubious judging calls, but got his revenge by removing the judges testicles with a rusty pen knife.

Hillary Clinton Named as Obama Running Mate


Clinton, who is the junior United States Senator of New York, and has served as first lady in the White House, will help Obama’s
campaign to challenge the frequent criticism that it lacks experience.

Obama’s choice of the New York
senator as his vice presidential nominee was officially confirmed by a
text message to supporters as his campaign continued to embrace
technology to garner support.

The announcement comes ahead of the
Democratic Party’s national convention in Denver, Colorado, next week,
where Obama is likely to be officially nominated as the party’s
presidential nominee.

Club of Rome

“Hillary Clinton was the right choice for Obama and he chose correctly. Never before in American politics has such a dream team stood for election. They are a formidable team,” Joel Ronpaul, Democratic party leader for Minnesota told CBS news, Friday.

Obama’s two-month search for a running mate was conducted almost entirely in secret on the internet, CNN, Fox News and CBS.

year, as a Democratic presidential hopeful, Hillary said Obama was “not yet
ready” for the presidency – a remark that will be seized upon by the
Republican attack machine prior to the November 4 election.

before Obama confirmed Clinton’s selection, McCain campaign spokesman Ben Coronary said: “There has been no harsher critic of Barack Obama’s lack
of experience than the Clinton’s.”

Abraham Lincoln Was Half Black Historians Reveal


Records dating to February 12, 1809 officially remark that Abraham Lincoln’s parents were Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks, however, there has been a new discovery which has put a new slant on the issue of parentage.

Abraham Lincoln’s mother was having an affair with a black plantation worker and new DNA evidence suggests that she somehow tricked her husband into believing that Abraham was the couples child. Secret love letters unearthed in 2003 reveal that Lincoln’s mother was conducting a clandestine affair with a slave named Iemis from a Kentucky plantation.

“We managed to attain DNA evidence from a lock of Abraham Lincoln’s hair which proves that he had a very strong African genetic link. His chromosome makeup is very specific to West African DNA patterns and this suggests that Abraham’s real father was indeed of African origin,” Dr. Alan Holdsworth, who is the chief Anthropologist on this project told National Geographic magazine.

The Obama campaign team, on hearing of the wonderful news have already started production of a short film to be aired on all networks next week.

Senator McCain’s campaign team are of course trying to refute the evidence collated by the scientific researchers as false and have demanded the team re-do the DNA analysis of Abraham Lincoln’s hair.

“Now we know why he was so vehemently opposed to slavery. Lincoln’s father was a slave. His mother, a poor white farmer’s wife had slept with a black slave and somehow concealed this fact from her husband. It’s almost like something you would see on Jerry Springer or Maury,” a reporter from the Fox News Network said.

With the prospect of another half black president on the way, America must come to terms with its past before it embraces its future.

Has Beyoncé Gone Too Far?


Tabloid trashmag website TMZ first sparked the debate when it said the images were a “slap to whites”.

“L’Oreo forced Beyonce to endure hours of sulphuric acid treatment at a secret location in Paris. This revolutionary treatment involves dipping the whole body in a large vat of acid so that the first layer of black skin comes off,” a TMZ reporter was quoted as saying.

“L’Oreo cookie”

Meanwhile, the New York Post accused L’Oreo of making the singer appear like a “white person.”

“She’s black on the inside and now white on the outside. It’s like a reverse Oreo cookie,” a reporter for the paper bleated.

The Crazy in Love Antares Autotune star has even had her eyeballs replaced with blue eyes as showcased in the September Elle magazine ad for skin lightening products.

Beyoncé, 27, has a £2.3 million, five-year contract with the beauty giant for which she only has to work 10 days a year.

L’Oreo said it informed Beyoncé of certain conditions before she signed the contract in December.

“We highly value our relationship with Ms Knowles. This treatment for Beyonce is testament to L’Oreo’s outstanding excellence in changing appearances.”

A spokesman for the singer refused to comment.