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Ku Klux Klan Protesters Interrupt Obama Event


The group of mostly African American men held signs that read, “Blacks against Obama”, “Jesse Jackson hates Obama”, “Obama aborted my copy of the Daily Squib”, “Obama for gay marriage” and “Obama endorsed by the KKK.”

They are said to be part of a Miami based group called “Michael Warns”.

One of the groups leaders, Jason Roberts, 48, told CBS news: Obama endorsed the Ku Klux Klan, now we all know what that about. I’m black and proud and yet ‘niggaz’ still supporting that dude when he hangin’ out with those cross burning cloak hoes! Hell no! Not on my watch, not on my watch.

The crowd of over 5,000 people at the event shouted the hecklers down by chanting “Yes we can!”

Obama briefly paused and tried to calm the crowd down by telling the crowd to hold on. “Hey young people out there – it’s no problem for you to put your signs up, but let everybody – let me finish what I have to say, alright?,” he told the protesters as he stood on stage.

Indeed, it was only in February 2008 when the Daily Squib broke the groundbreaking news about Obama’s affiliation with the Ku Klux Klan. Even rapper, Snoop Dogg, has cited Obama’s shocking endorsement in a his new album to be released early next year.

The group was escorted out shortly afterwards by security. “Alright guys, see ya,” Obama said as they left, “Alright, let’s get back to work.”

A similar group of hecklers appeared at an Obama event in Tampa in August.

JK Rowling Donates £1million to Ministry of Labour’s Undersecretary Dolores Umbridge


JK Rowling, a muggle authoress, has thrown away some of her money and endorsed the most putrid of Ministries ever created — the Ministry of Nu-Labour.

Special taxation and examination rule maker, undersecretary Dolores Umbridge, was on hand to collect the cheque from the ailing fantasist living in cloud-cuckoo-land, JK Rowling.

“She’s given a million pounds to the Ministry of Nu-Labour! A ministry which has lined its own pockets with cronyism, sleaze, scandal and pure lies. They are the most incompetent purveyors of gross taxation, surveillance, waste, greed and hypocrisy we have ever seen. They claim to help the little man, the single parent and the poor. Yeah, by taxing them out of existence and taking away their homes and hospitals and ruining their lives. That Lord Gordomort has got a lot to answer for I tell you and here is JK Rowling endorsing him? I’ve just gone and burnt all her books. I hope she rots in hell, horrible traitor that she is,” Amy Lewis, 8, a previous JK Rowling fan told the Daily Prophet.

Lord Gordomort was very happy to receive the million pounds from the stupid and deluded JK Rowling. He is now going to use the money she gave him to cause more havoc by increasing surveillance even more on citizens and for taxing more poor people into the ground.

“Soon no one will be able to afford any food to eat or feed their children. JK Rowling can eat with her £600 million, but what about everyone else? Lord Gordomort, who Rowling has endorsed, is an evil Stalinist beast who is determined to punish every person in the land with his wasteful, over-taxing bureaucratic useless laws and his cutting down of all freedoms. He must be stopped or we are all finished,” a distraught Gryffindor student, Harry Potter told the Daily Prophet.

Indeed, this whole episode has been a very sad chapter and the Daily Squib offices worldwide have been party to many JK Rowling book burning sessions after hearing of her terrible betrayal.

“We’ve had muggles and wizards alike all turning up to burn JK Rowling’s Harry Potter books all of today. The queue is going round the block of children with the books in their satchels throwing them into the fire in disgust. We’ve got some very distraught children and parents here and they’re all crying their eyes out at the most profound betrayal by this woman, JK Rowling. If you read this, hope you’re happy with yourself. You’ve surrendered to Lord Gordomort and his vicious Ministry of Nu-Labour cronies,” Victoria Frobisher, another disgusted Gryffindor student, told the Daily Prophet newspaper.

Camel With No Hump Discovered



The teams describe the species—a medium-size, even-toed ungulate, desert dweller—in tomorrow’s issue of the academic journal Science.

Fewer than a hundred flatback highland humpless camels exist, researchers estimate. They say they expect that a formal census of the flat dromedery’s population will land the species on the World Conservation Union’s “critically endangered” list.

Except for their furry off-white bellies and tails, highland flatback humpless camels are covered in thick brown fur. The thick coats are an adaptation to the dromedery’s mountain habitat, where temperatures can drop below freezing, researchers say. The species lives at elevations up to 8,000 feet (2,438 meters).

The humpless camels have red eyelids, anus, genitals, and tails. Deemed as the “aircraft carrier” genus of the camels, researchers have yet to directly measure a highland flat camel. But scientists say the mammals are about 6.8 feet (203.20 centimeters) tall and sport tails of similar length.

Humphrey Davenport, a Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) biologist based in Mbeya, Tanzania, led a team that discovered the camels. The team found the humpless camels on the flanks of Tanzania’s 9,700-foot (2,961-meter) Rungwe volcano and in the adjoining Kitulo National Park.

“A number of things distinguish it as a distinct species,” he said. “But the key one above all is the flat back and no hump. You can land a frickin’ 737 on it’s flat back it’s so level.”

As adults, the camels emit a loud, low-pitched “honk-bark,” which is significantly different from calls made by any other dromedery species, Davenport said.

In addition, the flat back camel’s fur colour and upright crest of hair on its head help distinguish it as a unique species, said Trevor Humperdink, a research biologist at Udzungwa Mountains National Park in Mang’ula, Tanzania.

“As soon as I saw its fur color and flat back—which is very striking, probably the first thing you notice when you get a good look at it—I knew it was different and probably new,” he said.

Together with field assistant Ricardo Lacerta—and completely independently of Davenport’s group—Humperdink found a highland flatback camel population in the Ndundulu Forest Reserve in the Udzungwa Mountains.


Gordon Brown Endorsed Lehman Bros Days Before Collapse


Gordon Brown who is nicknamed ‘velcro’ amongst Whitehall staff because bad luck sticks to him, is said to have extended his reverse Midas touch once again.

It was only last week when Mr Brown saw fit to praise the firm in a speech to waiting dignitaries at a CBI meeting :
“I would like to pay tribute to the contribution you and your company
make to the prosperity of Britain,” Mr Brown told assembled bankers in
London’s Canary Wharf . “During its 150 year history, Lehman Brothers
has always been an innovator, financing new ideas and inventions before many
others even began to realize their potential.”

The curse of Gordon Brown was then complete and one only had to wait a week for the permanent damage to materialise.

“Gordon is a walking one man disaster factory. Everything he touches turns to shit. Every sporting fixture where either England or Scotland were playing that he attended during the first few weeks of his premiership resulted in the team losing heavily. Pretty much every policy that he has engineered or brokered has been a complete waste and disaster. He was also responsible for selling off Britain’s gold reserves at the bottom of the market and of engineering the disastrous dithering economic policies that have left the UK in dire straits. Gordon is also responsible for the massive collapse of the housing market which he engineered bringing misery and pain to millions of people,” Peter Rusbrigger, a senior Labour backbencher told a commons hearing yesterday.

Related Articles:

Gordon Brown Visited Weston-super-Mare Pier

M&S Plastic Bag From 1986 Fetches £3,700 at Sotheby’s



A large M&S plastic bag which used to belong to a tea lady from Grimsby was bought for 7,340 Swiss francs (£3,700). This was the highest price ever reached for a plastic bag at Sotheby’s.

The Marks and Spencer plastic bag was originally owned by Reggie Bunter,76, from Stoke on Trent but was entrusted to Mrs Adlington,89, many years later during a bowls game in Grimsby.

Before Sunday’s sale in Geneva, the auction house said that they thought the plastic bag could go for 500 Swiss francs. They commented that it was “almost certainly unique”.

The scarcity of any plastic bags from M&S have seen prices for the objects rocketing in recent months.

Geoffery Asder, head of plastics at Sotheby’s told a news conference held before the sale that the bag was one of “great symbolic and historic importance as they were now an extreme rarity”.

He added that the “combination of 1986 vintage and M&S label made this plastic bag an extremely rare and desirable commodity”.

The “M&S bag” was the only bag at the auction to go for an impressive price. A Tesco Quality bag circa 1995 was later on sold for approximately 20 pence.

It appears that plastic bag collecting can be an addictive activity, as Asder told Reuters before the sale.

“People who can buy these kinds of rare plastic bags have a quest for the perfect vintage rare supermarket bag. Once they’ve found it, they will go for it with no limit.”


Gordon Brown Unveils New Tax on Smiling


No one is smiling anymore. That is the truth of the matter, and Gordon Brown’s new tax that he plans on introducing next week will definitely not make anyone any happier.

A tax of 90 pence per smile will be charged on every British person from next week as part of a government drive to increase taxation on the population.

The Labour government’s new initiative, however, may fall on some pretty dreary expressions, because each British citizen is taxed so heavily already, no one smiles anymore.

“British people are the most taxed people in the world. Each person in the UK has approximately 78 forms of tax heaped on them. That means on average the masses have to work for 8 months in a year before they start making money for themselves. Of course this is tantamount to slavery, but the British seem to have a knack for taking punishment without question,” Erica Lovell, analyst for the CBA Research Institute reported in a 500 page white paper.

Indeed if the government were clever they would put a tax on ‘frowning’ — something which the British people are very well versed in.

“Walk down any British street, get on a bus, go to a pub, drive a car, it’s pretty depressing seeing what Gordon Brown’s regime has done to everyone. They’ve got cameras everywhere tracking you, listening devices, no hope of any future for the young and people working themselves to death so that they can pay more taxes to the bureaucratic black hole that is Labour’s wasteful red tape nightmare. Gordon won’t get many smiles from people until he’s gone. That’s the only time people might smile again,” Damien Lugash, an ex-civil servant told us.

Don’t Worry Folks – US Federal Reserve Printing More Money


The US economy may be faltering but there is an easy way to circumnavigate the precipitous fall of banks and brokers.

“We had a great idea yesterday. I was sitting in my office with my head between my knees thinking about the next banking disaster that had just erupted. Hell, it’s all fake anyway, the institutions are all built on fake money and none of it actually exists. Why not print up some more paper money? Debt does not exist and neither does money, we’ve been conjuring up this stuff for hundreds of years as the ultimate control system of populations. That’s why as Fed Chairman, all we got to do is print more cash and everything’s going to be alright,” Al Weinstein, the Federal Reserve’s Chairman, revealed to the Financial Times yesterday.

‘Greed is Good’

The knock on effect in the UK is directly correlated to what happens in the US. The economic system of wealth through debt is exactly the same, therefore when the banks are stopped from receiving debt money from their cash cow (the public) then they are in dire trouble.

“We’ve been printing huge amounts of dollar bills since last week in anticipation of what has happened to the 158-year-old investment bank, Lehman Brothers. We have even had to have more forests completely felled in Minnesota and Alaska to cope with the demand,” Earl Pupkin, Senior Operations Manager for the Fed’s Mint remarked on Monday.

The Daily Squib finance dept. writer, Roger Phucka, advised readers to short the key banking stocks in the US and UK last week and if you had taken his stellar advice you would now be sitting in a Roller on your way to a caviar factory smoking a fat f*cking cigar.

Alastair Darling and Gordon Brown, having messed up the British economy irreparably will resort to the ‘printing more money’ trick soon enough.

So, the moral of the story is folks — print up some more cash and everything’s going to be ‘A-OK’.

Traitors Against Gordon Brown’s ‘Vision of Change’ Neutralised


Junior Commissar in training, Siobhain McDonagh, was today publicly hanged in Red Trafalgar Square in front of baying crowds of angry citizens who also threw rotten tomatoes at the vile traitor as she mounted the podium.

After her confession detailing her traitorous ways she was hanged and her body thrown on a dustcart and dumped at an eco-landfill site.

By orders from our great unelected leader Comrade Brown, she was sentenced yesterday immediately after trying to question the authority of our supreme leader.

Comrade Brown released a statement from the Westminster Duma about his decision to defeat enemies of the Labour state with the big ‘clunking fist of Soviet power’.

“Comrades, citizens, brave Bolshevik warriors, Soviet brothers and sisters. There has been more traitorous behaviour amongst our hallowed ranks. My closest party members have informed me of an evil, vile plot to underhand my supreme Soviet control over every facet of the Great British Soviet Empire and Labour party. My trusted aide, Commissar Balls of the Bilderberg told me of the evil plot just after I had arrived from my dacha in Southwold where I have been convalescing and planning the next twenty year collectivization plan. Rest assured, Comrades, these lickspittle yellow pusillanimous sorry excuses for Soviet comradeship will be dealt with in the correct manner. Let this be a warning to any other traitors who may be hiding and biding their time. Your wait will be short because your Thoughtcrimes will be revealed sooner or later. Yes, comrades, Politburo and Stasi officials are going to personally interview every member of the party and will leave no stone unturned. Nothing will get in the way of the Twenty Year Plan.”

There was silence as Chief Commissar of Re-Education, Ed Balls walked around the chamber and picked out the traitors who sobbed as they were then led off.

Good News Comrades

Comrade Brown has very generously increased the winter allowance to two blankets per household. This directive from Comrade Brown will ensure a warm winter for all citizens.

Remember comrades, Look, Listen and Report any signs of Thoughtcrimes against the state.

A special mention must go to citizen Joe Willis, 8, who reported his own mother, Mary, 36, to council Stasi officials in Sector 12 last night. Mary Willis was detained for not recycling a banana skin and filling her bin up over the required mark. She has been detained in a Gulag somewhere in Sector 101 (North England) for the next 42 years.

Comrades, we must
be vigilant in our Soviet duty to report any Thoughtcrimes, re-cycling crimes, or dissent
against our supreme Soviet leader and state.

Notice: B64691 INGSOCK Long Live the Gordo!

Palin May Drop McCain From Campaign


Republicans are not happy with the ailing geriatric McCain and are clamouring for a Sarah Palin takeover.

“She’s energised the GOP campaign against the Democrats. She can do things that McCain is very hard pushed to do, things like walking down the hall without the use of a wheelchair and she can even operate a pc computer to send emails which baffles McCain because he’s still in the era of the telegram,” Ron O’Hannity for the Fox Republican Broadcasting Corporation explained on Tuesday.

Catching Bill’s eye

Democrats are already clamouring for the Palin effect.

Ex-President Bill Clinton is reputed to be very impressed by Palin himself and has already asked one his aides for her phone number so he can give her a private ‘electoral consultation’ on his private jet.

“She’s going from strength to strength and is capturing the hearts of midwest white America. Obamamania is now history, we got Palinmania now and as for John McCain, he’s got to be careful with his ticker so no mania there,” Arnold Weinstank a DJ from WKSMT Michigan told his listeners on his daily talk show.

Hurricane Command Centre Runs Out of Names for Hurricanes


The World
Meteorological Organization which determines the names of hurricanes is now switching to Muslim names because they have run out of Christian names for hurricanes.

“We have had approval from the highest office i.e the president himself to switch hurricane names to Muslim names. There are many reasons for this, first we’ve run out of Christian names because of the amount of hurricanes that batter the US from the Pacific and Atlantic. Secondly, there is a war against Islam being conducted by our great country and the White House wants more Muslim related threats against the US,” National coordinator for Weather Research, John Tindsdale told CBS news.

Dick Cheney has ordered the Homeland Hurricane Security Agency to be mobilised immediately because of the imminent Islamic hurricane threat.

Jihad from the skies

The major grade 3 hurricane that is currently threatening the South East coast of the United States is called hurricane Ike.

After Ike passes through and dissipates, there are currently six other tropical storms waiting to come ashore and be upgraded to hurricane status. The new hurricanes will now be called, Mahmoud, Allah, Abdullah, Osama, Obama and finally hurricane Mohammed.

Fox news broadcaster Bill O’Reilly was foaming at the mouth at the very thought of more patriotic fervour being displayed across the country. Speaking on his O’Reilly Factor Fox show he said: “This is proof that the Arabs should all be eradicated from the earth. They are now attacking us with hurricanes and shitty weather, this makes suitcase nuke threats look like child’s play.”

Already, in Kentucky and Mississippi there have been demonstrations against the Muslim hurricanes and patriots have been lining the streets to shoot at the incoming gusts of vile Islamic wind despite evacuation orders  .

“We’re being invaded by that goddamn Islamic terrorist hurricane again and we ain’t going to lie down and take this. I’m fighting for Jesus and America here. George W Bush is my hero and I’ll fight to the death for that man,” Joe Arnold, 23, from Holt in Michigan told CBS news late yesterday.