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New Study: ‘Why Stupid People are Cleverer Than Clever People’


If you are stupid, you are actually clever, a new study funded by the George W Bush Scientific Research Institute in Washington has concluded after 15 years of gruelling research.

“Over 15 years, we included data from over 50,000 subjects of all age groups and demographics. There was a distinct correlation of research data collated within the time period that suggested to our team that the stupider the individual the cleverer they are in real terms.  For example look at one of our prize test subjects, McCain VP pick, Sarah Palin. Our research concluded that what she says may seem totally stupid to everyone else on the planet, but she may be operating on a plane of thought which is actually in league with the great thinkers, she is the Einstein of Alaska, a true genius in her own right,” Professor Al Hertyu, the senior research scientist for the project concluded.

Palin who was cited as being “so stupid that she is actually incredibly intelligent” is one of the high-profile subjects on the researchers’ list that has made the headlines.

George W Bush’s intelligence level has been compared to an “aphid” by some commentators, however, researchers for the study were astounded at the president’s high IQ results and cognitive skills.

“We tested the president with the use of banana treats. If he got a question right he would get a banana thrown into his cage. We were astonished to see a marked improvement in his skill levels on mathematical tests when he was rewarded for the correct answers. By the end of the first session with Bush he was completing multiple equation exercises and complex trigonometry. He could not string a coherent sentence together however and we are still working on that,” the professor added.

Out of all the nationalities tested, Americans came out on top for all the tests. There were high marks for stupidity with all American subjects mainly due to the dumbed-down culture of extreme stupidity that pervades their nation. The level of stupidity was at times so high amongst Americans that the team had to design specific tests solely for this group.

The team thus deduced that Americans were so stupid that they were actually clever in their stupidity. After all, they voted George W Bush into office not once but twice, and you can’t get more stupidly clever than that can you?

Ku Klux Klan to Hold Obama Love Parade When He Wins Election


“We feel nothing but love for Barack, he has brought us into the new light, the black light of love. Peace be upon him and we know that America is going to rise once again from the ashes of George W Bush’s mistakes, I know Mr. Obama is uniting our people together. Once we were mortal enemies, today we shake hands and smile. May Jesus bring peace upon him,” Vinton McNeill, leader of the Blount County, Alabama Klan group told the Daily Squib.

All across America, the many branches of the KKK are uniting to show their love and solidarity for Senator Barack Obama.

After publically endorsing Obama over Hillary Clinton in February of this year, the Klan has fought a solid PR battle to entrench their new allegiance with the American people’s favourite, Barack Obama.

It seems the introduction of a gun-toting, creationist, lipstick-wearing psychopath by the Republican spin machine has barely dented the Obama Klan affiliation. In fact, the introduction of Sarah Palin by the ailing Republicans has merely strengthened the love between the Klan and Obama.

“The Republicans played a good game, they thought by introducing Sarah Palin they could muddy the waters between Barack and the Klan. They were wrong, we are now a Klan of love and peace. We have thrown our arms down, we have thrown our lynching ropes down, we have thrown our burning crosses down. Instead of these symbols of hate, we now embrace symbols of love, like flowers, pot pourri and tie dye shirts,” Emmitt Richardson, Kludd of the Bayou Knights of the Ku Klux Klan told the Daily Squib, whilst taking a hit from a huge bong at his Bayou Lafourche log cabin home in Mississippi.

After pouring thousands of dollars into the Obama campaign fund, has the Klan made the right decision, have they backed the right candidate? “We believe Obama is the next coming, he could be the next Messiah. We see the end times coming and we know that the rapture will take us up to be with Jesus soon enough. Obama is our saviour, our last chance to repent before the big one comes. This is why we believe in love now and not hatred. Here in our compound we have even brought in negroes to live amongst us, this would be unheard of a year ago, and now it’s happening.”

Today there will be another march through the town centre to reiterate the point, that the Nu Ku Klux Klan want to make — “Make Love Not War”.

African Americans who have been persecuted by the Klan for hundreds of years are still on the whole cautious about the transformation of one of the most feared race-hate groups in America. The sentiment, however, within the black community is one of positivity towards the Klan’s new doctrine of love and kindness.

“Hell, I used to fear the Klan whenever we saw them coming through this here way with their burnin’ crosses and shit. But now, we got no bad blood but love ya’ll see. They now come through here and throw dollars and flowers at us. They changed I tell you. It’s like they realised Jesus’ teachings and how we should accept all men and women and it don’t matter what colour or creed you is. The Ku Klux Klan finally read the bible and know that we all God’s children, we were all made from the same piece of clay on the sixth day or something like that,” Shaqeela Ebony, 45, a crack addict from Tyewhoppety, Kentucky told the Daily Squib.

Madonna to Adopt New Husband in Africa

Pop megastar Madonna is to adopt a new husband from an underprivileged part of the world.

The mum of four will travel to Africa and test males to see if they are worthy of adoption by the great Madonna.

The stringent testing will involve mega sessions in bed with the 56 year old woman and rigorous body examinations to determine durability.

“Madonna will personally test all the males to see if they’re up to scratch. Her libido is immense and she sometimes needs to be sated 10 – 15 times a day,” a spokesman for her Management company told us.

The Madonna adoption convoy left London three weeks ago and is slowly snaking its way through Mali after passing through Morocco then cutting through Mauritania.

If Madonna does not adopt a husband by that time they will carry on across to Chad passing through Niger then down to Gabon, Angola and Zaire.

By that time if she still has not found an adopted husband they will carry on to Tanzania, Mozambique then finally ending in Lesotho deep inside of South Africa.

African countries have been bristling with advertising announcing the “Madonna New Husband Adoption Convoy”.

Ngiri Omdongo from Zaire has set about preparing his friends for the Madonna meetings that will take place next month: “She is like royalty for us and if she picks one of us it will bring great riches and honour to our village. We will be living in London and Beverly Hills and drive fast cars woo hoo! The only painful thing we have to do is service the old granny every few hours, yes we can deal with it!”

One of the requirements Madonna has stipulated is that her new husband like her previous one, has to walk three steps behind her whenever they travel together and that they have to be quiet if addressed, only speaking if their opinion is required. She has also stipulated that no ’emotional retards’ should apply, unfortuantely that rules out most men on the planet.

“She will still be looking to adopt a young husband, but this time from an African background. It will also be good for little Banda who will have someone to play with,” the spokesman for her Management company reiterated.

Senior Citizen Attacks Beauty Pageant Contestant

Alaskan beauties who glided down the ramp in a glitzy beauty pageant contest organised by the Alaskan Fashion Society, Igloo, in collaboration with the local Alaskan Culture and Arts council, were disturbed by an incident during the swimsuit presentation today.

One of the contestants, Miss Sarah Palin was attacked as she got on stage to show off her swimsuit.

“Miss Palin was onstage and was showing off her talent when there was a commotion in the audience. A geriatric man of about 139 had got past security somehow and with one of his hands cupped one of Miss Palin’s breasts whilst making lewd remarks and actions. The man was quickly arrested and is now under custody. The traumatised contestant is currently being give councilling after her attacker left his false teeth and a large amount of slobber in her cleavage during the commotion as he was arrested,” organiser, Joanna Wachika told Alaska Daily News.

The man was later identified as Jonathan McCain from an Arizona Nursing Home. He had escaped last week and had been on the run with no sightings.

Because of the breach of security this year, the organisers have vowed to increase all security for the 2009 contest.

New Fed Chairman Assures U.S. Economy Fine


a brief introduction from the American president, the new Fed Chief
took to the podium to declare that all was “A-OK” in the economy and that
there was “nothing to fear”.

Mr Sahaf added: “It
has been rumoured that we have fired scud missiles
into the US economies bad debt mountain. I am here now to tell you, we
will blow those infidel deficit dollars into satan’s inferno and burn
them like butchers.”

his fists in the air as he spoke, the fearless new Fed chairman
commanded deep respect amongst the watching studio audience.

“There are no economic crisis in America. Never!

Speaking of debt collectors Mr Sahaf warned : “
They’re not even within 100 miles of Wall Street. They
are not in any place. They hold no place in Wall Street. This is an
illusion… they are trying to sell to the others an illusion.”

Mr Sahaf was appointed by president Bush early yesterday and his
eagerness to tackle the task at hand was so great that he took to the
airwaves the next day to prove his worth.

President Bush was praising his new appointee at a golf game late this
afternoon and welcomed his truthfulness ” In this time of crisis I knew
the American people needed someone who tells the truth. Mr Sahaf is
right there and he says the economy is fine. There is no need to panic
folks. Now watch this swing.”

Sarah Palin Honoured at George W Bush University


The George W Bush University of Higher Learning is a seat of excellence
that has demonstrated many incredible feats of academic and technical

Established by George W Bush in 2003, the university has even given Princeton and Harvard substantial competition.

The universities patron and founder, the current
President of the United States was on hand himself to present the honorary
degree to Mrs Palin.

Speaking from the universities grand hall, the President was pictured looking
as scholarly as ever and positively professorial in his demeanour. 

“Good evening ladies and gentlemen. If one’s proclivities and sensibilities towards the cum laude tribute of our esteemed guest, Sarah Palin does not fall within the parameters of angular momentum and venerable integrity, then beat me with a bunch of freshly picked bananas. Her geographical knowledge is second to none, just last week she informed me over a cup of Earl Grey that she could positively identify Europe on a map. I then went on to ask her what she thought the ‘credit crunch’ was. She tentatively replied — a type of biscuit. Indeed, and I produced from underneath the table some freshly baked ginger nuts for her consumption. I then asked her who the terrorists were. This was the clincher my fellow alumnae, she replied: “Anyone who is not a White Right Wing Creationist Homicidal Gun-toting Moose-eating Gas-guzzling Fox News Watching American.” Well, there you have it, her candidacy and qualifications for the honorary Doctorate are immaculate.”

Palin, 44, who has proudly reduced the entire population of the Alaskan moose down to three solely by herself last winter has also given her backing to research
into causing more worldwide war and conflict with insular and ignorant foreign policies.

am extremely honoured to be receiving this honorary degree from such a
distinguished university,” she said, “with such a dynamic
international reputation.”

UK Businesses Face Costly Cyber Attacks


According to cyber security firm the Hiscox group, a small to medium sized business in the United Kingdom is attacked every 19 seconds. Not all these cyber attacks are successful but when they are, the ramifications can easily place a smaller company in financial strife.

The Hiscox group notes that the average “clean-up” cost runs at £25,700, that figure doesn’t take into account any ongoing loss of revenue as a result of reputational damage as clients lose faith in the company and take their business elsewhere.

For many companies, this cost is enough to put them out of business for good. Further compounding the security issues facing small businesses in the UK is that they are frequently targeted by threat actors.

Hackers and other would-be cyber criminals assume that smaller companies have poor cyber defences and target them over larger firms. Unfortunately, the hackers are usually right and small businesses’ “honey-pot” servers prove a boon for threat actors.

Staying as secure as possible was always a challenge, but it’s even more pertinent now with an increasingly dynamic threat landscape and a number of COVID-19 inspired attacks making the digital rounds.

Below are some actionable steps small and medium-sized companies can take to mitigate the risks.

  • Invest in enterprise-level firewalls for greater perimeter security.
  • Try to limit the number of personal devices employees use for work purposes. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) culture significantly increases the threat level.
  • Ensure all employee accounts are secured with two-factor or even multi-factor authentication.
  • Set up an account breach monitoring system to detect any threats before they reach a critical level.
  • Invest in a comprehensive cyber security insurance policy, especially if the company in question handles sensitive client data.
  • Make sure all company devices have high-quality, paid antimalware and antivirus programs. Contrary to popular belief, both are necessary.

£500 Billion to Buy Humungous Amount of Prostitutes and Champagne for Bank Executives


The Labour government has ensured that the bloated greed infused banking animals who chop their cocaine on boardroom tables and guzzle champagne at £25,000 a glass will have an extra pay day courtesy of even more taxpayers cash.

“Last night I snorted a kilo of charlie off a whores naked arse, she charged £10,000 an hour for the privilege. That was all paid for by the taxpayer and it actually made me enjoy it more,” a trader for HBOS told BBC News at Six reporter Rajesh Brangawallah.

Top banks who have caused the financial meltdown in the first place with their greed and recklessness are now being patted on the back for their gluttony.

The Bank of England is now announcing that all banking executives who are above all laws of economics or all law for that matter, can simply put in their expense account claims straight to the Treasury itself.

Labour ministers have told top executives that taxpayers money which used to have a limited supply to bankers would now be available more freely.

Louis Roederer, Cristal Brut 1990

“Even though the banking institutions and greed driven executives are responsible for this unholy mess we’re in, we as Labour ministers are also to blame because of our dithering, weak lilly livered time wasting, indecisive inaction and of course our own greed and power hungry cronyism and in-fighting. To that end, it is true to say that we are all fucked,” a Labour minister working for the Treasury disclosed at Parliamentary question time to great applause.

The financial blackhole which has been plugged by the British taxpayers so that Fatcat executives can carry on with their debauchery is another indication of how downtrodden the British public is.

“I’ve ordered up five top notch whores for tonight, we will dine at London’s finest restaurants with a bill estimated at around £56,000. Then we will ensconce to a Park Lane hotel where I will snort lines off their naked bodies and be fellated by each of them in turn and sometimes three or four of them at the same time. My climax, will of course be tremendous purely at the thought of British taxpayers footing the bill, phoaargh!” Tarquin-Dickinson-Johnsons, a spread trader at Barclays told Reuters.

McCain ‘Still Alive’ Say Advisers


Steve Scheisse, one of the Republican candidate’s senior aides, said: “When
you look at this race with 28 days to go, we are of the firm belief that John McCain will survive for that long and win the race.

“Senator McCain has been written off for dead at least three
times so far in the last two days. We have the best medical teams in this country dedicated to ensuring his survival during the election.

“At the end of the day Senator McCain is still alive, and we can assure our supporters and backers that he will live past the election date.”

Mr McCain is regularly pumped with a formaldehyde solution to give his complexion the appearance of youth.

After the debate, McCain was stretchered off the stage and given CPR as well as oxygen. His handlers were extremely happy with his performance and thought that he had clinched the debate despite him falling asleep half way through and wandering off the stage three times.

Steve Scheisse, Mr McCain‘s chief strategist, told assembled reporters before the debate that the “gloves are off” then added “but don’t worry his depends diapers are staying on”.

He also added that there had been a decisive shift in America’s mood that would
carry Mr McCain to victory. “The wagon wheel of history is turning here,”
said Mr Scheisse.

Polls taken
immediately after Tuesday night’s clash in Nashville show that the 125
year old’s position in the race is heating up. A CNN national poll
registered Mr McCain as the winner by 54 to 30 points and a CBS poll
had Mr McCain edging out his rival by 39 to 27

Brown Nationalises British Capitalist Banks


It is the Soviet duty of every British citizen to pay for the new banking system which has come into the New Age of Change and is the vision of our great unelected leader, Comrade Brown.

Taxpayers £500 billion

The Commissar for Banking and Dithering, Alistair Darling, was ordered by our supreme leader to lead the destruction of the last bastions of the vile capitalist banking system which is epitomised by greed and bloated waste.

Speaking from the Westminster Duma, supreme unelected leader Comrade Brown addressed the people: “Comrades, Red Army and Red Navy men, commanders and
political instructors, men and womenworkers, men and women
collective farmers, intellectuals, brothers and sisters in
the enemy rear who have temporarily fallen under the yoke of
the capitalist brigands, our glorious men and women guerrillas
who are disrupting the rear of the bourgeois invaders!

“On behalf of the British Government and our Bolshevik
Labour Party I greet you and congratulate you on the
anniversary of the great Socialist Revolution Vision of Change.

I have instructed Comrade Darling to create a Peoples Bank for the
Proletariat of Britain. Every worker and citizen will have the honour
of being part of the nations large debt mountain.

“We are simply replacing the vile capitalist economic system with the superior Soviet economy centralised system. Exactly the same people raking in the money but a different facade.

worker will shoulder the burden of our workers struggle. I have put
aside £500 billion for now to be paid by every worker in our great
nation – a mere £25,000 of debt for each citizen to enjoy. Work hard my
brothers and sisters – your duty is to work yourselves to death so that high party officials in the Labour party and the Sovietized banking sector fat cats can live privileged and luxurious lives.”

There were cheers and scenes of jubilation in the proletariat areas when the announcements were made.

“Comrade Brown is our great leader and I salute him. We are so happy as Soviet British citizens to foot the huge bill so that bankers and ministers can keep their living standards high. I as a prole am willing to live on gruel and mush for the rest of my miserable life in a hovel with no heating or windows. I salute our leader’s 5 year plan of hardship, misery and hard labour. I salute the great unelected Comrade Brown for his leadership of our Soviet British nation. Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!” a prole from sector 347b told BBC reporter Gupta Manjandrani.