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Sarah Palin Turkey Milkshake Recipe Revealed


Sarah Palin, the Republican senator who won it for the Dems in the election, demonstrated her prowess of keeping interviewers at ease during a Turkey milkshake blending session.

It is an Alaskan tradition, especially in the Palin household to have turkey milkshakes for thanksgiving with the roast moose.

Reporters who could see the bloody work of an employee at Triple D Farm Hatchery in the background, asked the aspiring president what made the day so important to her and asked how the turkey milkshakes are prepared.

“Yes, we use a big blender and put the whole turkey right in there, add a bit of malt, some milk and a squirt of ol’ Uncle Farley’s moonshine and you’re there. It tastes divine and i’m honoured to be here this year during the annual turkey blend,” Palin told the interviewer for local Alaskan tv network KTUU from Anchorage.

Alaskan turkey shakes are considered a great delicacy, however moose shakes are in even higher demand in some parts of Alaska, so much so that there are queues round the block when some diners announce them on the menu.

“Turkey shakes are very nutritious and the right food for this kind of environment. I mean it’s goddamn freezing up here so we need all the nutrients we can get. Nothin’ gets wasted here, we put the whole animal head first in the blender, hmm hmm good eats,” Earl Pervis, a worker at the turkey farm told the reporters.

The turkeys are all blended in industrial sized blenders which blend to such a high level that the milkshakes that are produced do not have any offending chunks or bits left.

Gordon Brown: Proles Guilty of Thoughtcrimes Will Be Punished


Speaking from the Westminster Duma, Comrade Gordon Brown, supreme unelected leader of the British Soviet people detailed new directives to erase the public’s memories and to punish thoughtcrimes committed by the prole masses.

“Comrades, I understand that some members of the prole masses have been found to be guilty of thoughtcrimes, they actually want justice for child murderers and the introduction of just laws for child abuse. Under the Labour New Era of Change, we must protect child murderers with anonymity, they must be given new identities and protected with taxpayers money, they must be given luxuries and mollycoddled for their heinous crimes against children.

“Instead, we will name and shame those who want justice, we will name and shame those who speed in their Trabant’s down our Britsh Soviet highways, we must punish those who show dissent against the great Soviet state and ask for justice. Comrades, comrades (cheering from the assembled gallery of high Labour officials), we must at all costs protect the jobs of high party officials who turn a blind eye to child abuse so that they can keep their Soviet pension plans intact, it is imperative that all thoughtcrimes are stamped out immediately.

“This is why comrades, I have ordered Stasi officers to root out any thoughtcrimes, especially those pertaining to those proles who think child rapists and child murderers should have the blanket of state endorsement lifted from their heads.

“As of tomorrow, I have ordered the Commissar for CCTV and Surveillance, Jacqui Smith to name and shame anyone who has sex with prostitutes (95% of Westminster Duma looks away in fear nervously). Commissar Smith will root out anyone who is not a high ranking Labour official (sighs of relief around the Duma) who pays for sex. Furthermore, any prole who does not fill their bins properly or who does not put their cardboard or plastic bottles in the correct bin will be named and shamed as well as flogged in the streets by public officials.

“On a good note comrades, I have ordered increased surveillance in all zones for the coming winter celebration of collectivization and Bolshevik revolution. I also would like to honour the brave workers of our great Soviet British state by announcing extra sugar rations of three cubes per family this winter, there will also be an extra allowance of two twigs of firewood for your furnaces per week this winter, yes, you heard right..per week comrades.”

In other news, Alfie Noakes, 13, of Sector 36 will be commended at 12 noon tomorrow in Red Square for his splendid Soviet spirit in reporting his father Reggie Noakes, 45, for not recycling a cardboard pizza box properly. Vile terrorist of the state, Reggie Noakes will serve a 42 year detention in gulag C6, Sector 101 (Northern England).

Notice: B64362 INGSOCK –
Long Live Comrade Brown

Oxford Scholars Debate Which Circle of Hell Baby P's Killers Will Enter


As people all across England have come together in shared condemnation of Baby P’s killers, so too have another group of people: scholars at Oxford University.

Alfred Funkhauser, more affectionately known as Alfie to his friends, has started a discussion group with fellow scholars at Oxford. They meet twice a week to discuss which theoretical Circle of Hell Baby P’s killers will wind up in when they finally meet their sticky ends.

Alfred tells The Daily Squib, “The discussions have been more complex than most people would think as the killers have all committed so many sins that it’s difficult to say which Circle of Hell they would wind up in first. But we have all agreed so far that Tr*cey Co**elly and St*ven B*rker would almost certainly be rushed straight down to Circle 9 if they were to die today.”

When The Daily Squib contacted Father Guido Anselmi at The Vatican to ask him his feelings about this scholarly group he replied that: “It’s certainly an interesting topic of debate, although I’m not quite sure that Dante would have anyone descending to Circle 9 quite so rapidly without a fair amount of pain from the previous 8 Circles of Hell first.”

“Father Anselmi does have a point,” said Alfred Funkhauser.

“For instance, it’s well known that cowards and unrepentant non-believers generally descend to Circle 1 first where there is a suitable amount of teeth gnashing going on. Tr*cey Co**elly, St*ven B*rker and J*son Ow*n would all easily fit into that category.”

“One of the members of our group has the belief that St*ven B*rker is more likely to visit Circle 2 immediately as he had a fair amount of blood lust going on there with his love of torture and Nazism. Myself, however, I would be more likely to whisk Steven Barker straight down to Circle 7 where murderers, blasphemers and those who commit the mortal sins of suicide and sodomy go.

“The police reported that large scale vibrators were found belonging to St*ven B*rker right after he was arrested, so I think it’s safe to say that he would have just as interesting a time in Circle 7 as he’s going to have in prison. Then again, Steven might perversely enjoy having Harpies beating him with thorny branches of trees, so skipping Circle 7 altogether may be a good idea.”

“On the other hand, we have Baby P’s mother Tr*cey Co**elly, who wallowed in gluttony and perversion as her excessive love of food and the child pics found on her computer can attest to, so I would have her journey begin in Circle 3. Gluttony is one of the 7 deadly sins, you know”

“J*son Ow*n claimed to know nothing about the abuse or the murder, yet he was recorded on CCTV trying to frantically dump Baby P’s blood-drenched clothes right after the incident. I believe it’s fair to call him a deceiver of the worst kind and send him straight to Circle 8 without looking back. Virgil called fraud a form of malice which it most certainly is, and Jason most assuredly deserves the hardcore treatment he’ll get there.”

Where Tr*cey Co**elly, St*ven B*rker and J*son Ow*n’s souls will go when they die is anybody’s guess, but Dante’s Inferno would certainly be a fitting end for them — it’s just too bad that there are no CCTV cameras at the gates of hell so we can see the looks on their faces when they read the sign that says: Abandon Every Hope, Ye Who Enter.

British Nazi Party Ashamed of Their Own Racism


British Nazis were left reeling today when someone with a pair of huge brass balls posted a list of their names on the Internet.

The lists included thousands of Daily Mail readers who responded to the ‘outing’ with cowardly outrage at being exposed as their true selves.

It seems the racist cowards are not so courageous when the spotlight is suddenly upon them.

Take for example Joseph Hitler, 43, a mild mannered meathead who works as a policeman for Staffordshire council: “This is absolutely awful, I have been crying into my truncheon all morning, the media will now think that i’m a racist and that there is racism in the police force. What is going to happen to the forces squeaky clean non-racist image? Booh hoo.. ooh I think I wet meself!”

The utter shock that there are racists working amongst the police forces of England is sure to destabilise the whole system.

In other news, the Pope is linked to Catholicism and bears regularly defecate in the woods.

‘Yellow Cowards’

It seems the yellow piss-stained racists are a bunch of cowards.

“If you’re going to be racist you should not be an anonymous coward about it. Get up there and be responsible for your actions, not a f*cking yellow cowardly chicken,” Ranjit Gulawala, a restaurant owner from Southall told the Daily Mail.

It was also revealed in the published lists that a lot of the BNP members enjoy a good curry and vindaloo down their local curry house. Of course they do, almost certainly, the kitchen staff working in these establishments also enjoy embellishing the served up delights to the known racists with gallons of urine, faeces, ejaculate, snot and spittle.

Lap it up BNP, lap it up. Enjoy your just desserts.

The Amazing 60 Minute Haringey Council Meeting That Sealed Baby P’s Fate


The Daily Squib has learned that a crucial meeting designed to determine whether Baby P was to remain in his mother’s care was hampered from the start when Haringey Council social service managers spent 45 minutes trying to decide what name to call their meeting and an additional 15 minutes debating where they should go drinking at afterwards.

After 15 months of paperwork dedicated to the case of Baby P piled up on Haringey’s Director of Children and Young People’s Services desk, Sharon Shoesmith finally decided that it was time to call a meeting. Shoesmith was worried that her £100,000 a year job may come to an
end should Baby P die and this was beginning to frighten her.

Photographs of Baby P were littered in files on Sharon Shoesmith’s desk documenting injuries that included fingernails pulled off with pliers, broken ribs, a broken back, missing teeth and various bruises.

Social worker Maria Ward had assured her managers that Baby P “was just accident prone” and that Tr*cey Co**elly’s Nazi sadist boyfriend St*ven B*rker was “a jolly good chap” who had kindly taken his criminal brother into their household as authorities were after him.

“They spare no expense when it comes to splashing out on Baby P,” Maria Ward had stated in records. “Why, the last time I saw the cute little mite he was covered from head to toe in chocolate. If anything, I would say that Baby P is spoiled rotten.”

“On some visits to Baby P’s house I have noticed that he is wearing 5 layers of tight clothing which sometimes makes him gasp for air. But it is clear to me that Baby P’s mother just enjoys lavishing money on him and dressing him in the finest chav clothes available.”

Once the meeting to decide Baby P’s fate was called, Sharon Shoesmith insisted that a name must be given for it so she could send memos around afterwards.

Instead of looking at the 47 folders detailing the life of Baby P at the hands of his torturers, our Daily Squib informant was shocked to discover that key social service workers and managers sat at the meeting trying to decide what they should call it.

“Let’s call it The Baby P Meeting,” one social worker said.

“No, that’s too bloody obvious, innit,” a manager said.

Tempers flared and arguments resounded across the room as name after name was called out.

Once a name was finally given to the meeting 45 minutes later, one of the managers said they were so stressed out with having to come up with a name that they needed to head down to the pub soon.

After the word pub was mentioned, social workers and managers took a vote to decide where they should eat after the meeting.

Our informant said, “I’m sorry to say that as soon as everyone heard the word pub mentioned that was the end of the meeting. There was a vote that lasted 15 minutes to decide which pub they should go drinking at and by the time they were finished with that the 60 minutes was up and the meeting was adjourned without ever having once discussed the details of Baby P’s life.”

“If that isn’t an indictment on Haringey Council, I don’t know what is.”

Comrade Brown Congratulates Haringey Council


Our supreme leader Comrade Brown was on hand today to show his Soviet appreciation of all Labour comrades working for Haringey council, especially the social workers who have made such an effort in protecting the children of the sector.

“Comrades, after having supped a mighty Soviet meal of cabbage soup and cabbage cake this afternoon with high ranking social service bureaucrats who are paid huge sums of taxpayers money to sit on their arses and do f*ck all, I am pleased to see the progress that is being made in this sector. My role as chief architect for the New Era of Change is something I take with great pride and this is why I would like to announce a hefty increase in surveillance cameras within this sector to monitor all prole activity and yet never solve any crimes, I have also ordered Commissar Ed Balls to applaud the many cases of incompetence, stupidity, gross negligence and utter waste of resources and time as is employed by the Haringey Social services. They have shown the Labour ideal of looking like you’re working and yet doing nothing. Yes comrades, this is what we must do. We must look like we are doing something for the proles, it’s really that easy.”

Labour’s wonderful legacy can be seen in the many upstanding achievements gained throughout their long reign as Bolshevik commanders and leaders of the workers struggle.

Haringey council’s Social Services Department is the flagship of Labour’s legacy, it epitomises the strength of Gordon Brown our supreme unelected leader, it symbolises the Labour ethos of “Spin Spin Spin and do F*ck-ing Noth-ing”. It symbolises the Labour ethos of cronyism and disregard of any form common sense. It symbolises the fact that madness is now the normal mode of operation in a crumbling system of buck passing where no one is ever held accountable.

Out across the Soviet state of Comrade Brown’s Britain, a grey land of no colour, dull, bloated and yet strangely emaciated, a chill wind is blowing. Nothing can temper the storm of illness that pervades this dark and dank torture hole, not even the millions of cctv cameras that invade everyone’s soul every day, not even the constant nanny-state baloney that is booted into our ear holes every day and yet nothing is done, not even the insane tax levels that have left the people destitute and moribund. There is no cure for the thousands of tortured children left to rot in Haringey council or the thousands across the country. All there is, is Comrade Brown and his voice on the televisual propaganda box, him and his officers of doom roughly farting their brussel sprout gas from their cake holes as they vomit the daily bulletin of lies out yet again.

Bill Clinton Praying Hillary Becomes Obama’s Secretary of State


The thought of four years of Hillary Clinton almost continuously flying around the
world must have given ‘ol’ Bill’ a wry smile or two, or better still a twitch
in his y-fronts.

His wife Hillary is all set to become Obama’s secretary of state according to senior White House aides who affirm “the job is hers if she wants it”.

The former first lady is all set to enter the world stage as a very important cog in the Obama foreign policy overhaul. Although, she will at times have to compete for Obama’s ear with Joe Biden, she is all set for the biggest job of her career.

Leaving her husband Bill at home, she will embark on a jet set lifestyle for the next four years.

Bill Clinton will be very sad to see his wife go off for weeks on end, how will he manage to cope?

New Photograph of Bigfoot Uncovered


Ed Masters is retelling his harrowing story to assembled reporters in a disused wood shed somewhere deep in the Californian wilderness of Bluff Creek, his hands shake with fear and the sweat drips off his straining brow as he recalls his story.

“I… saw this thing coming out of the woods, it was a slow ambling creature, I knew it had age but it still had some kind of purpose. It was hunched over and had this crazy grin stuck permanently on its ugly face. For a second I thought it looked like someone I’ve been seeing a lot for the past two years but i’m still trying to remember what it is that haunts the deepest recesses of my mind. Please if anyone can tell me what I saw that fateful day, do you recognise what or who that thing is? Please you will put me out of my goddamn misery. Oh lord how I pray for penance.”

It was 4 pm on Wednesday November the 5th when Mr Masters saw the creature ambling through a clearing. His shaky hands managed to take a few snaps and the Daily Squib has acquired the rights to publish this exclusive photograph for the very first time.

Could this Sasquatch creature be the famous Bigfoot? If any of our readers know what or who this thing is please leave a comment and the Sheriff of Bluff Creek will contact you to get the details, or alternatively call this Toll Free number 800 SILLYOLDGIT

Obama’s Outrageous Demands Before Moving into White House


There was outrage in the White House today as the outgoing president clashed with the incoming president-elect Barack Hussein Obama.

According to the White House press office, Barack Obama is demanding that Bush takes away the spittoons installed all around the top and bottom floors of the White House even including the spittoon in the middle of the Oval office.

“He can take his stinking spittoons with him, it maybe a cowboy tradition but things are going to change around here from now on,” an Obama aide told CNN.

President Bush had also installed a makeshift torture chamber in the basement of the White House where Dick Cheney could feel at home when he visited the chimp.

“All of Dick’s toys were installed in the dungeons to make him and Rummy at home when they visited the president. We got waterboarding, electric scrotal sac treatment and Mr Cheney’s favourite, yes you’ve guessed it, electric nipple clamps and a leash to pull you along while you are screaming in agony,” a proud member of Bush’s entourage explained.

President Bush’s feeding quarters which were built into the West Wing in 2001 have also caused some problems with the Obama team. There is bemusement about what to do with the hanging ropes, swinging poles and plentiful banana trees imported from Guatemala.

The transition from outgoing president to the incoming one has always presented many challenges for White House staff but they have shown their true colours by acting in a truly professional manner and mediating any problems that have arisen.

Angelina Jolie to Adopt Sierra Leone


The grandiose preparations were underway today for the most wondrous celebrity adoption of the century and maybe even all of time.

“We are honoured to be adopted by Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, and all of this week we have declared a cease fire of the indiscriminate shooting of civilians and looting for blood diamonds stopping effectively immediately. There will be a makeshift parade through Freetown when she visits to inspect the people she has adopted. Hopefully this adoption will calm her and Pitt’s ego down a bit, although I doubt it very much,” Minister of the Interior, Zainab Bungle Bora told Reuters.

The wonderful announcement was made yesterday through Jolie and Pitt’s PR company, UNICEF.

Celebrity adoptions have accelerated within the last few years with Jolie and Pitt leading the way, they have already acquired a brood of 23 orphans who all live in the humble environs of Beverly Hills and the Cote D’Azur.

Madonna was next in line, and adopted from Africa as well. Since then many celebrities have been clamoring to adopt something for the mantlepiece and the Hello magazine full page spread.

“Huge f*cking egos”

With the advent of celebrity adoptions there has also come a less welcome practice — like sending orphans back after the PR has died down. This is the sad face of the celebrity auction ‘returns’ circuit. Sometimes you don’t get what you paid for or you get bored and the easiest thing to do is to send the merchandise back and get a new one or your money back.

In August of this year Paris Hilton tried to adopt a boy from Zaire but was refused on the grounds that he would be traumatised for life if he were to stay in direct contact with such a brainless, useless waste of space like Hilton. A distraught Paris Hilton was seen buying up another Chihuahua the next day to ease her pain.

“Celebrity lifestyles are usually very intense with many parties to attend, film premieres and the jet set lifestyle we all dream about. After the agent has arranged for the adoption, some of the celebrities get bored and this is why we get returns. It’s like sending back a jumper you’ve worn for the last month back to M&S and getting a full refund,” says Jane Simpleton of the RKX PR company in London.

Let us hope there are no ‘returns’ this time with Jolie and Pitt’s massive adoption.

The price for the Sierra Leone adoption came in well within budget at a cool $15,000 but sadly excludes all the diamond mines which are still under the ownership of local gangster leaders and De Beers.

Sierra Leone, under the ownership of the Jolie and Pitt partnership, is however assured a long and prosperous future.