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Many Going Back to Church in Times of Recession


According to the Archbishop of Westminster, the economic downturn has brought many back to the church. “They’re coming back in droves. The unholy flock are returning. Alas, for the wrong reasons though,” Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor said. “In our church alone we’ve had 3 gold crosses, 6 silver collection plates and even the pipes from our organ removed — it’s happening all over the UK i’m afraid.”

Last week in the Cambridge parish of Reverend Felcher, church goers happily stripped the whole roof of all it’s metal sheeting and tiles leaving the church naked in the torrential rains and snows of late.

All over recession Britain, church goers have been returning to the church and taking what they like.

“We’ve never been so popular, albeit for the wrong reasons,” Arch Deacon, Lionel Paedo of St Fiddlers Church in Grimsby told the Church Times newspaper.

British Father, Alfie Patten, Late Bloomer at 13


Statistics released from the office of national statisitics in Whitehall have shocked the nation with news that the age for becoming a father in England and Wales is actually rising, especially amongst the underclasses.

The average age for new fathers was 11 or 12 only a few months ago and now it is 13. Are young boys in England now fathering children at an older age? What are the ramifications of this for the future of our society?

Dr. Eisenstein of Durham University had this to say about the new revelations: “Indeed, if these statistics are true they will have very broad effects throughout the whole of the UK. This means the ‘chav’ underclasses and ‘useless sponging scum’ that make up this social group are exhibiting clear signs of maturity. Of course, in scientific circles there have always been calls for the mass sterilisation of this fast breeding underclass. What we have here, is the lowest of the low gene pool breeding like rats and the high end gene pool not breeding. If one was to do that for a few generations, the underclass, who have no redeeming qualities whatsoever and are a burden on society, would takeover. They are, of course, not intelligent enough to takeover, however, the increase in numbers of the ‘scum class’ and ‘useless eaters’ would have noticibly detrimental effects on available resources and society itself.”

All across the media and tabloid press there has been surprise at the discovery of the new statistics.

According to the Sun newspaper Alfie’s great grandmother, Charlene Scummer, 34, who has never worked in her life, was angry that her grandson had started making babies at such a late age.

“We can’t have our kids becoming parents at such a late age. What about all the Benefits they’re losing out on. They have to start early to rake in as many Benefits as fackin’ possible innit?”

Britain’s Benefits culture under the Labour government is now a flourishing efficient ‘chav scum’ creation factory which will last for many years to come.

Michael Jackson to Star in Thriller Remake As Zombie


This time around Michael Jackson, otherwise known as ‘Wacko Jacko’, is to be featured in the 2009 remake of Thriller as a zombie throughout the whole video.

John Landis of ‘American Werewolf in London’ fame is also set to return to the directors chair even though he is currently suing Jackson for millions of dollars worth of unpaid royalties.

“I’m suing Michael at the moment for loss of earnings, but we still speak to each other on the set. The other day I slapped Michael on the back and part of his nose fell off and onto the floor. We like to joke and have fun. The son-of-a-bitch owes me millions and he better pay me my moth*rf*ckin’ money or I will tear him a new

Back From the Grave

For the role, Jackson will not be required to have any special zombie makeup but will just turn up on set as is. The rest of the zombie cast all have to spend six hours each day putting on makeup and special prosthetics. Jackson has been spared this time consuming task and is glad to be in the enviable position of just turning up, shooting scenes, then retiring to his trailer to play with the children.

“We’re all so jealous of Mikey, I mean the guy just turns up and he fits right in with the scene. The original Thriller music video had Jackson as a zombie for only a small part of it. This time he is going to be a full time zombie because he is just so realistic. The other day, John Landis, our director wanted pieces of flesh to fall off some of the zombies faces. It was a nightmare scene for the special effects guys and we spent half the day trying to sort the scene out. So, John sends for Michael in his trailer. He turned up and filmed the scene. Boom! Done! There were parts falling off Michael’s face like we never seen before. Frankly the guy’s a genius,” assistant director, Billy Ray Duke, told Screen Magazine.

Jackson fans all over the world have been awaiting the new Thriller remake with feverish anticipation.

Golf In Iraq Now Most Popular Sport


The Americans brought many things to Iraq after the invasion. They not only introduced Iraqis to the wonderful delights of depleted uranium, random shootings and waterboarding amongst many other delights but also the wonderful sport of golf.

“By Allah this golf game is the best thing in the world. There is nothing I like more than to relax after a hard day dodging suicide bombers, IED’s, VBIED’s, murder squads, tanks and mortar shells than with a nice relaxing round of golf,” Mohammed Rashid Juba, a member of Baghdad’s world famous golf club said from the fifth hole.

Golf club membership has gone through the roof in Iraq, especially in the last few months. Local businessman, Ali bin Abdullah, has said that he is struggling to keep up with the high demand for golf gear. Just last month, turnover in his tiny shop in Baghdad’s Sunni Triangle district quadrupled.

“I am getting mostly Jihadis coming into the shop and ex-Baath party members. They are not interested in rocket launchers and mines as much as a good iron or putter. As you know we have some of the finest golf courses in the world here even though 96% of the country is sand and desert.”

One thing that has taken the Iraqis by storm is that women are now major players in the sport across the whole of Iraq despite Mullahs and religious leaders condemning the exodus from the home and on to the green.

“I blame the infidel dogs who have come to corrupt our women. What’s next? Pole dancing? I mean this is ridiculous, three of my wives are out on the course as we speak. My fourth wife, Layla, can now complete the whole course and finish off with a double bogey average for all twenty holes. I mean this insane, they should be at home pleasing me and not in the desert hitting balls around the dunes,” Sheik Badr al Din, a religious leader based in Mosul told the Iraq daily newspaper, Al-Hayat.

There is even talk of an Iraqi yearly tournament being organised and everywhere across the country golf courses are springing up like oasis’.

Image – Ninj – b3ta.com

Ed Balls: ‘This is the Worst Haircut for Over 100 Years’



In an extraordinary admission about the severity of his own awful haircut, Ed Balls has come clean that its effects would still be felt
15 years from now. The Schools Secretary’s comments carry added weight
because he actually cuts his own hair in order to save on barbers bills.

Mr Balls
said yesterday: “The reality is that my haircut will probably go down as one of the worst for, I’m sure, over 100 years, as it will turn out.”

warned that he must be allowed special ministerial powers to “apply for more funding in parliamentary hairstyles” and increase the amount of barbers in Westminster on a
“scale that nobody believed possible”.

The minister stunned his
audience at a Labour conference in Yorkshire by forecasting that his ‘special haircut’ is in fact even more grotesque than of those in the depression of the 1930s, when male hairstyles in some cities reached 70 per cent Brylcream grease levels. He was however glad that he never opted for the ‘mullet’ style which was so prevalent in the late 70’s and 80’s.

“I appreciate my haircut is frankly offensive to many but I must reiterate the point that in these hard times of extreme recession my hairstyle is in fact rather apt,” Mr Balls said.

Hammond, the shadow Chief Secretary to the Treasury, said Mr Balls’
predictions were “a staggering and very worrying admission from a
cabinet minister and Gordon Brown’s closest ally over
the past 10 years”. He added: “We are being told that not only are we
facing the worst haircut in 100 years, but that it will last for over
a decade – far longer than barber forecasts predict.”

minister’s comments came as the Chancellor, Alistair Darling, admitted that his eyebrows are “trimmed and dyed daily by a Philippino maid he employs in his constituency lodgings”. Writing in today’s Independent, Mr Darling
said his eyebrows summed up Labour’s hair policy shift very succinctly and “definitely measures up to the preening Tory Eton-ite Bullingdon coiffed ponce toff do’s”.


Captured on Camera: Madonna Meets Up With Secret Grandson


No one knew Madonna was a grandmother, not even her ex-husband Guy Richie. That is until now when the Daily Squib can reveal the dramatic moments when her Royal Madgeness finally got to meet her long lost Brazilian grandson.

“Back in 1979 she slept with a Brazilian dude named Marco Estevez who said he could make her famous. Of course that was a lie and he used that like all the other guys to get Ms Ciccone into bed. Well, she had a secret child with Marco and that child’s name was Jaco who grew up to be a drummer in a samba band in Rio. Sadly Madonna’s son never made it past 23 and was killed in a bar fight in Sao Paolo. The thing is, he had a son and his name was Samuel Jaco Estevez. That is who Madonna is finally meeting. This is an incredible moment in pop history. No one else knows about this and this news will rock the media to its core,” Jose Mancino Vasquez, a pop genealogist revealed to the Daily Squib.

The secret meeting was documented by celebrity photographer Carlos Hemingway. The photos will also be published in a special commemorative book featuring the story of Madonna’s wonderful discovery.

There was shock back in Britain with Madonna fans congregating outside her UK record company headquarters in Harlesden, North West London.

Kia Munter, 45, has been a keen Madonna fan for the past 40 years and was visibly excited at the news: “I been a Madonna fan for many years now and I probably know more about her than herself. Now they’ve discovered her secret Brazilian grandson? I can’t believe this? It’s wonderful news, I hope she’s happy with discovering her grandson. Amazing news.”

The book will reveal a brief incite into Madonna’s discovery of her grandson and her times with him in Brazil.

Madonna has apparently taken to her role as a grandmother with great relish and is enjoying her new role thoroughly.

“She spent some time in Brazil with her grandson. The book documents this and illustrates the themes and intrigue of finally getting to know her only grandson after many years of not knowing he even existed,” Luis Tavares, the ghost-writer for the project told the Daily Squib.

‘My Secret Grandson’ by Madonna will be released in March on the same day as Madonna’s new album called ‘My Pet Gigolo’.

'Rewards for Failure' Culture is Over Claims Brown


Speaking from a Labour business conference honouring Mr Brown’s handling of the economy, prime minister Gordon Brown explained that he “will not tolerate anymore rewards for failure”.

No More Rewards for Failure

“I have already been honoured by my French colleague for my wonderful handling of the Global Credit Crunch. Today, we at Number Ten received a wonderful gift of thanks from the French premier. Yes my dear friends I received a token of my success — a French turnip glazed in cabbage sauce delivered in a bucket containing the finest French horse manure. It is with thanks that I accepted the gift from Monsieur Sarkozy for it is he who has recognised my extraordinary economic prowess in rescuing the world singlehandedly.”

The auditorium erupted in applause as there were calls for “more” and shouts of “Bravo Brown” and “Hail the New Era”.

“This is why I must implore the bankers and ‘fat cats’ not to reward their failure with bonuses. They should look upon my supreme example of success after saving the world singlehandedly from certain economic disaster. If it was not for my decisions we would be in a depression right now with trillions of pounds of debt hanging over our heads. With my decisions, like lowering the VAT by 1.5 pence, I have saved the British economy. This is why my success is being praised and the banking bosses failures must not be rewarded.”

Nevertheless, despite the rousing speech by Gordon Brown at the conference, banking leaders were set to give out huge bonuses to their employees with money from taxpayers bailout cash.

Banking bosses were defiant to the end. One of them had this to say about Brown’s speech: “This bailout money was given to us for a reason. We thank the taxpayer for funding our high-flying lifestyles despite us being instrumental in causing the problems you lot are in in the first f*cking place. Rest assured that we will utilise your taxpayers money for the best in prostitutes, cocaine, foreign trips, gourmet food, luxury cars and expensive property. Now, if you don’t mind, I’ve got an appointment with a £1000 an hour Mayfair darling and I’m going to enjoy blowing my taxpayer funded bonus all over her outstretched tongue.”

Valentine’s Day Heart Transplants All the Rage


LA’s famous Heart and Lung Center in Beverly Hills is set to have a busy day on the 14th of February when 34 patients will undergo cosmetic heart transplants to show their dedication to Valentine’s Day and love for their partners.

“This is the first year we have been able to do this because we’ve got the right amount of surgeons this time. Our oldest patient is an eighty year old millionaire who is getting a heart transplant to show his twenty year old wife that his Valentine’s gift to her will last and last. Apparently she’s not very happy about it though and wants him to keep his old eighty year old heart but he could not be dissuaded from going ahead with the eight hour operation,” Doctor Arnold Blitzer, chief surgeon in charge told the LA Times newspaper.

The hearts will be delivered to the patients in a heart shaped box before the surgeon implants the heart into the patient.

This is set to be the largest single heart transplantation operation in the world with the medical team and support staff numbering at least 350 on the day.

The transplants will cost each patient approximately $250,000 and even though the majority of the participants do not have anything wrong with their hearts they are going to change them mainly for more youthful pieces.

“The hearts are bought from China for about $200 then shipped over to the USA so that the Valentine’s Day surgery can be completed. Due to the Communist regime, there is never a shortage of live donors. Even Dick Cheney was in here the other day. We did tests on him but as we suspected he does not have a heart. It’s just a blackened cavity, so we had to sadly send him away,” Doctor Blitzer revealed.

Vanity transplants are all the rage in America at the moment. For a fee of anything from $100,000 upwards, doctors can now transplant any body part you want purely on the premise of vanity.

Doctor Blitzer ended the article with a poignant quote: “We want people to be happy inside themselves. Beauty is not just for outside, is it?”

Barack Obama’s Maiden Flight on Air Force One Goes Well


The new president boarded the Air Force One jet for his first presidential journey to New York to discuss the new stimulus package with high end members of Wall Street.

Suffice to say, President Barack Obama likes his new ride.

“It’s the stone groove my man,” he told House Democrats Friday in an after-dinner speech here. “Thank you for giving me a reason to use Air Force One. Y’all should see the hubcaps on that mahfugga!”

The president spoke after a 31-minute maiden voyage on the specially outfitted Pimp My 747 that will be his airborne home and office for the next four years.

“Obama is in da house. Y’all fasten yo seatbelts it gonna be a bumpay ride mahfugs,” Captain Leroy Simpson was overheard shouting over the intercom as everyone got settled in for the ride.

Moments before taking off from Andrews Air Force Base, Obama visited the press cabin in the rear of the plane to show
reporters his Air Force crew launch jacket, his name stitched on the breast.

“What do you think about this spiffy ride? Can you feel the suspension?” he asked reporters. “It’s not bad.”

The flight from Andrews Air Force Base, was a brief one. Just time enough for an onboard meal of some fried chicken and fries, according to aides.

Obama was clearly impressed finally to have the full experience.

The purpose of his maiden journey outside Washington was to push his economic rescue package through Congress, a telling choice for a president who took office after Bush brought the country to its knees.

“He’s saying that he’s willing to go anywhere and talk to anybody in order to get a recovery and reinvestment plan that moves this economy forward,” press secretary Bobby Cribbs said.

Jeremy Clarkson to be Sainted, Knighted and Given Nobel Peace Prize


The triple ceremony will be held at Buckingham palace and will be televised on the Dave channel as well as Men & Motors.

Dignitaries from Stockholm who will present the Nobel Peace Prize to Mr Clarkson, are to fly into Heathrow this afternoon weather permitting.

The Archbishop of Canterbury will also be on hand to give Mr Clarkson a sainthood.

There is even talk of receiving an O.B.E and M.B.E as well as a complimentary peerage at the House of Lords but this issue is still being discussed.

A spokesman from Top Gear told the Daily Squib how the team have been dealing with the honour: “Jeremy himself is actually very calm about receiving three major awards at the same time. He’s taking it all in his stride. He says it’s like the same feeling he gets when he is test driving a Ferrari 599 and is stopped dead in his tracks by a young blonde with huge airbags who needs an oil change in the back of the motor. Not much room back there but you get the gist of it. It’s like a triple whammy for him.”

Mr Clarkson will be honoured with the triple whammy prize after a comment he made about ailing PM Gordon Brown was reporte
d on an Australian Motor program.

“By calling Gordon Brown a ‘one-eyed Scottish idiot’ Jeremy Clarkson has definitely gone up in one’s estimation. One used to think of Jeremy as a loudmouthed twat throwback with no redeeming qualities whatsover. Now one thinks of him as just a loudmouth twat. It will be an honour to Knight Mr Clarkson. One shall strive to watch more Top Gear from now on,” The Queen said from Sandringham.