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Ryanair to Charge £1 For Oxygen Mask Use During Emergencies



The airline is considering charging passengers £1 a time to use the oxygen masks on its aircraft as well as £3.50 to use the emergency chutes, its chief executive said yesterday.

“One thing we have looked at in the past and are looking at again is
the possibility of maybe putting a coin slot where the oxygen masks come down so that
people might actually have to spend a pound to breathe oxygen when the cabin is depressurised at 35,000 feet during a nosedive,” Michael
O’Leary said in a televison interview.

Passenger groups reacted with incredulity to the idea but Mr O’Leary said that the plan could lead to lower fares.

“Mr O’Leary seems to be trying to capitalise on his aged fleet of decrepit aircraft which have been beset with many problems like metal fatigue and little to no maintenance. The fares may be cheap but it’s like playing Russian roulette everytime you step into one of his flying coffins. Just last week there have been 43 incidents where the cabins have been depressurised and if he can make everyone pay a pound to breathe oxygen during a major emergency then he really is a cold hearted bastard,” Arthur Robinson, a member of Passengers Need Rights told Reuters.

Mr O’Leary dismissed concerns that passengers without the right change would
be inconvenienced during a nose dive or ditching into the sea. “I don’t think there is anybody in history that has
got on board a Ryanair aircraft with less than a pound. If they don’t have any bloody change they deserve to frickin’ pass out,” he said.



A Ryanair spokesman reassured panicking travellers that they
would not need to pack their oxygen tanks in the immediate future.

“It is highly illegal for passengers to bring their own oxygen tanks onto the aircraft and they will be stopped at customs if they even attempt to,” Stephen McTavitt said.

“The price of oxygen has gone up and we have about 20-30 emergencies per week on our planes. We are just covering the increasing cost of running a cheap airline. If you don’t have the necessary change and the cabin is losing pressure fast, you can always ask around to see if anyone can spare a pound. If still unsuccessful, well, tough luck chummy.”

Michelle Gurner, head of research at Which? Holiday, said: “It seems
Ryanair is prepared to plumb any depth to make a fast buck and, once
again, is putting profit before the comfort of its customers.

“Charging people to use the oxygen masks in an emergency might result in fewer people
buying overpriced drinks on board, though. That would serve Ryanair

Americans Wanted Obama’s Change – How About Short Change?


There was a distinct smell of jenkem in the air as Barack Obama unveiled the $3.55 trillion budget on Thursday.

“We’re definitely dealing with a different animal here. The boy just dropped $1.75 trillion in his first month as president and increased taxes by $1 trillion. Is that black enough for all of you who wanted Change.? It’s like it’s Christmas, New Year and his Birthday all on one freakin’ day for this guy!” Republican Senator for Omaha, Herb McClancy was quoted as saying on the O’Hanitty Factor.

Americans wanted change, well, looks like they got short-changed in a big way.

“Obama just saddled everyone in America with $25,000 of debt each. That’s not counting all the other shit we got to pay for,” another Republican moaned.

Despite all of this debt being ‘Bush’s fault’ it seems Obama is “treating the economy like a mechanic treats a beat up old van on Pimp My Ride. He’s sticking jacuzzis in the back, a 30 band equaliser and about 10 plasma screens all over the place when he ain’t got the dough to do anything to the beat up ol’ wreck in the first place,” another enraged Republican who was seen fuming after the speech was quoted as saying.

Americans who pride themselves on their low cost of living are certainly going to come into a major shock when Obama’s plans bring on ‘European prices’ for everything they purchase daily.

How do all the millions of zombified lemmings who voted for Obama feel now?

“Thanks to Obama we are going to be paying European prices for everything from now on. Why should I have to prop up some asshole who took out a 110% mortgage and can’t pay it. This place is going to turn out like socialist countries like Britain and Sweden where everyone has to pay for the poor people to live in the lap of luxury in their paid welfare houses, holidays, healthcare and benefits. If you ask me it’s a crock of shit!” Morgan Fredricks, a former Obama supporter told ABC news.

Michelle Obama Fashion Rocks The Dome Nightclub


The Dome nightclub was rocked on Tuesday night with a post-presidential speech party on Capital Hill.

“It was time for the Obama’s to relax and let loose. These have been tense times and they may be the coolest couple in the world but everybody needs some down time once in awhile,” senior aide to the Obama’s Jeffrey Katzen told the Fox News Network’s O’Reilly Factor.

Downtown Washington DC can get a bit scary sometimes, especially at night time when all the ‘wildlife’ come out.

The manager of The Dome, Herb Willis, was not warned of the presidential visit and only learned of it when a troupe of secret servicemen cleared away the pimps and prostitutes from the front entrance.

“I was just counting up the nights takings when slap my face with my aunt Jemima, I was informed by one of my chickens that we got some serious company. We don’t usually get anyone here apart from hoes and johns maybe a few dealers. Hell, I nearly shit my pants when I saw Obama and Michelle walk through the door and jump on the stage. Michelle was dressed to the nines and she got her booty out, I saw every guy drop their jaws on the floor. Obama looked on from the side and was lapping it up too.”

The Obama’s cleared the dancefloor and ordered the nightclub owner to give everyone whatever they wanted at the bar. Soon word got round the local neighborhood and there was a sudden rush at the door but many were not allowed entry.

Michelle wears a pair of $49.99 jeans from
BootyCall and a $12.75 G-string from Wash Krew

The surprise visit by the Obama’s went down well with the regulars who soon crowded around the dance floor as the DJ pumped some serious bass through the club’s speaker system.

“Baby got back! Michelle even posed for photos when she got her booty out for the boys. Barack was seen doing some serious moves on the dancefloor too, he had about twenty women around him adoring every move he made. It was something I never seen before,” Leroy Robinson, a regular at the Dome told Washington Week magazine.

Michelle posing with senior White House advisor Jonelle Shaquilla

According to nightclub revellers the party wound down by about 4 am when the Obama entourage left the club leaving a huge tip for its owner.

“We’ll never forget this visit. I been trying to get people to come to my club for years. Obama sure did his bit for the recession tonight. Whoosh! It was the best thing that ever happened to my place. Now I can afford to get a fire exit installed and a new lapdancing stage. We got all the photographs to prove what happened and even Ebony magazine sent a reporter here to talk to me. God bless our president and his hot booty wife,” Mr Willis added.

Max Clifford to Represent University Challenge Genius Trimble



Just a few years ago if you won Mastermind on television you would be considered a prime case for media fame and fortune but not anymore it seems. The British public are so dumbed down now that they can only relate to vacuous inept ignorant morons with no talent, culture or class. It is a symptom of base, vulgar and crass shows like X-Factor, Big Brother and Celebrity Get Me Out of Here, that has precipitated the disgraceful slide in any form of intelligence left within the British Isles. 

“Licence to be stupid”

“To be stupid and moronic with an IQ of about 20 is now a British institution and applauded all over the media,” a TV executive for ITV1 told the Daily Squib.

After the recent win by Oxford graduate, Gail Trimble of University Challenge, she couldn’t open a Tesco superstore in Dagenham let alone sell her wedding rights for £3 million. That is until Maxwell Clifford walked into Gail’s brain and a big bulb flashed so bright that it even outshone the glare coming from Jeremy Paxman’s horse smile.

Clifford is set on getting Gail Trimble into the tabloid media’s bawdy perfidious stare and he has vowed to change her image from an intelligent brainbox to what is now the only acceptable marketable image in the UK for a female celebrity — that of a knuckle-dragging chav ignorant ‘ladette’ with no talent whatsoever.

“Once Max gets his grubby rotten amoral hyena claws into this new girl she’ll be singing like a parrot on Gazza’s shoulder. Gail’s going to be coached on how to get her baps out for the red-top papers and how to make outrageous ignorant pig-shit, brain-fart comments that will have everyone loving her in no time. The only thing is, she will need to contract a terminal disease soon after so that Max can exploit that to the full as well. I’m sure living the unhealthy chav lifestyle she will be forced into for fame and fortune will soon bring on something awful soon enough,” Jane Tamarind, a News of the World columnist divulged.


By commending the likes of Jade Goody and other reality show ‘stars’ the media is simply promoting the fact that to be stupid and ignorant is a good trait and should be applauded. Clifford knows of this base theorem very well and has exploited its capacity to the full.

“Max is simply thinking of the future. What’s he going to do once his Golden Goose is dead? He needs new talent and he is up for the challenge by representing someone who is not as thick and pig ignorant as his previous protege. Apparently Max has even been spotted walking round with a dictionary so he can prepare himself for the big words which will be uttered from Ms Trimble’s well educated mouth. Max is himself an ignorant cockney moron with little or no education so he will have to be on top form to even have a conversation with this Trimble woman. Soon he’ll have her tossing her extensive vocabulary and knowledge away and implanting vulgar crass words and mannerisms so that she can be a media darling like her heroine Jade Goody. You won’t be able to open a newspaper or trash magazine without seeing her face beaming from it,” Heather Scargill, a member of Max Clifford’s PR agency is quoted as saying in the Sun.

It is a sad detriment to our society that we have come to this level of repugnance exercised by the media where garish miasmal banality is celebrated and intelligent prehensility of the mind is vilified and discarded. 



Quantitative Easing Threatens Brazilian Rainforest



“We have already earmarked thousands of acres of rainforest in Brazil which will be needed to be processed to make more money for the Bank of England. After the last estimate we may be talking about 3000 square miles of forest because the amount of money needed to plug the black hole in Britain’s finances is so f*cking huge,” Sir Ranulph Fludgecow, head of the the nine-strong Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) told Mervyn King, the Bank’s Governor.

According to Brazilian officials there may be a slight delay in the purchase of the forest area in Brazil’s central Amazonian basin, however efforts are being made to clear the area of indigenous Indians who populate the forest.

Friends of the Earth and Save the Amazon have been outraged at the news of the deforestation plans and have put in an appeal to parliament which will probably be quashed immediately.

Under quantitative easing, the Bank will simply print more money to boost the money supply.

“Under Gordon Brown’s ‘care’ the economy has gone from bad to worse so this is a last-ditch attempt to somehow dig us out of this unholy mess. When he was Chancellor, Gordon decided to turn a blind eye to what was going on with the banks. He also wasted trillions of pounds on useless projects when he finally shoehorned his way into power. His policies have been an utter disaster to the UK’s economy and he has left us no option but to just print more sterling which will devalue the pound even further. Say goodbye to your pensions, your savings and any money you ever had because soon you will be going around with a suitcase full of money to buy a cup of f*cking coffee,” Sir Ranulph added.

Comrade Brown Thanks Britain's People for Allowing Surveillance Society


Speaking from the Westminster Duma, Comrade Brown, supreme unelected leader of the New Age of Change, emphatically denied that there would ever be a return to the days of freedom in the Soviet UK.

It is for your own good

“Comrades, Bolshevik heroes, proles and our beloved Stasi officials. We are gathered here today to hear about my wonderful plans for our Soviet future. To look into the future my dearest Soviet comrades we must first look into our murky past. Since Soviet NuLabour’s Bolshevik revolution in 1997 we have eroded the common peoples freedoms to such an extent that we have passed over 60 new laws inhibiting proletariat freedom in a series of over 26 acts passed in the Westminster Duma.

(applause from the assembled crowds and shouts of “Hail, comrade Brown! Hail, the supreme unelected leader!”)

“Comrades, comrades I commend you on your Soviet fervour however we still have a huge task ahead of us. We must continue to erode the freedom from the people using the precept of ‘terrorism’ as a tool to wave our stick of power. It is for their own good that we have increased surveillance to such a level never before seen. My clunking fist has brought us thus far but the future may be thwarted if the capitalist traitors and their lackeys who have previously tried to ruin our nation with vile concepts like ‘freedom’ and ‘democracy’ somehow try to regain power. I laugh at them as they are ferried to an eco-gulag somewhere in sector 101 to spend the next 42 years breaking rocks. I spit on the capitalist pigs and their ‘boom and bust’ economics as I embark on a £2 trillion debt mountain for every successive generation of Britons to enjoy for the next 300 years. I have singlehandedly sovietized the banking institutions, increased surveillance on all the proles and increased stealth taxes to such a level that many will be working for 11 months of the year before they make any profit for themselves.

(Standing ovations from the galleries and shouts of ‘Hurrah to the Brown Saviour of the New Era’)

“Comrades, oil prices have dropped around the world to their lowest point in 10 years, and yet you see the prices going up in the pumps. Yes, you have guessed correctly comrades, for every pound spent on the fuel pumps you are helping the Soviet Labour government to the tune of 81 pence soviet tax. I thank the proles and workers for doing their soviet duty and bending over while we, your masters, f*ck you up the arse repeatedly. I am very appreciative of the British sensibility of taking everything we throw at you without question. It is an honour to swindle you comrades daily.”

(The assembled crowds within the Duma throw their Soviet hats in the air and shout in unison ‘All Hail comrade Brown! Saviour of the British Soviet people’)

After comrade Brown’s momentous speech, there were mass hangings in Red Trafalgar Square where numerous traitors to the party were led out and hanged. Harriet Harman, a vile traitor to the party was one of the better known party members who was hanged for betraying Comrade Brown. She was led out to the hanging platform and her head shaved, unceremoniously hanged then dumped in a brown sack and thrown on a dustcart.

Further News

Comrades, it has come to our attention that some proles in sector’s 23-34 may have acquired more sugar rations than they were permitted last month. We must reiterate, the ration as stipulated by the central Whitehall Stasi Office dictates implicitly that there should only be three sugarcubes per month per household. For this breach of ration regulation, those sectors named will be forfeited of all sugar rations for the next six months.

Comrade Brown would also like to extend a soviet bravery award to comrade Jade Goody the ‘Peoples Princess’ who has an incurable form of capitalism. Thankfully, she has finally seen the light and will instead donate her ill-gotten tabloid sensationalist gains to an appropriate Soviet charity.

Notice: B61975 INGSOCK Long Live the Gordo!

Satellite Cable Boxes With Camera Surveillance Systems to Monitor Public in Homes


There are many uses for the home surveillance units, advertisers like to monitor the publics response to adverts when they come on as well as governmental agencies who like to monitor the publics opinions to news programs as well as gossip on everyday issues.

“We have had these systems in place for a very long time and there is nothing for the general public to worry about. The surveillance is actually for the publics own safety and you should be pleased that we have been monitoring you daily in your living rooms,” Arnold Weiss, a spokesman for a local Chicago cable company told Fox news.

Some members of the British public have not been happy with being monitored in their own homes and have complained to the Surveillance Ombudsman but according to the chief campaigner for Liberty Against Intrusion, Mike Wallace “nothing has been done”.

The American public was informed about the home surveillance last year and a law was passed and pushed through by president Bush under a Homeland Security directive urging the clampdown on terrorists.

“Under Gordon Brown’s regime we have seen the use of CCTV surveillance increase tenfold. Within the UK alone there are over 200 million CCTV cameras as well as listening devices. The surveillance cameras installed in peoples homes is merely the next step and will help the police and security services monitor people more efficiently. This way if there is any sniff of any unlawful behaviour, the authorities will know about it. The only problem is that governmental surveillance is only limited to people with set top boxes in their living rooms. We have to find a way to monitor all the rooms of the house. These are still early days of course,” Giles Peterson, a key surveillance analyst employed by the British government told Reuters.

As of writing, much of the public is still unaware of the home surveillance initiative and it is better if it stays that way. The Daily Squib misses the days when you could do as you wished in your living room without a camera relaying the information to a central computer somewhere to be processed.

Just think of all those unwitting moments you had in front of the TV with someone you were shagging at the time, or that illicit wank while you thought no one was watching — well, it’s all down on a computer somewhere being mulled over by surveillance experts.

Pill to Erase Memories of Living in Gordon Brown’s Britain


The drug was shown to significantly weaken people’s fearful memories of the extreme trauma of living in the UK under Labour’s Brown regime.

The generic beta-blocker Brownbegone significantly weakened people’s fearful memories of Britain among a group of healthy foreign visiting volunteers who took it, said Anne Limplunt, a psychologist at the University of Amsterdam, who led the study.

“We could show that the fear response went away, which suggests the memory was weakened,” Limplunt said in a telephone interview.

The findings published in the journal Nature Neuroscience are important because the drug may offer another way to help people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and other problems related to trauma of daily life in the UK.

Exhibit A

Traditionally, therapists seek to teach people with such disorders strategies to build new associations and block bad memories. The problem, Limplunt said, is the memories remain and people often realise they are still living in Britain.

The trauma and stress of living under Gordon Brown’s recession Britain where you can be stabbed wherever you go, celebrity morons debasing everything with their horrible lives, robber baron bankers stealing everything you own, governmental incompetence, waste,  chavs and thugs everywhere, unfettered immigration, unemployment, taxed and robbed of all your money at every juncture with barely enough food to feed you and your family and you are void of any safety as well as liable to be arrested and imprisoned if you try to defend yourself is frankly rather stressful.

Limplunt and her team’s experiment included 60 men and women who associated pictures of Gordon Brown or members of his cabinet with a violent shock. This experience created a fearful memory, the researchers said.

One day later people given the drug had a greatly decreased fear response compared with people on the placebo when shown the picture and given a mild shock, the researchers said.

“It’s like giving people a chemical lobotomy,” Limplunt said. “This is the only way people can deal with the pain and extreme trauma of living in Labour’s Britain. The good thing about this pill is people will think they are living a happy life where everything is ok when the reality of course will be they are still living in Britain.”

The new pill will be available in a few months and is set to help millions of Britons cope with life better under the current regime.


Footballer Gazza Off to Gaza


Move over Tony Blair, you’ve got some serious competition as peace envoy to the Middle East because Gazza’s off to Gaza and this time he’s got a bag full of Red Bull, some pills, Vodka, Gin and shitload of ‘Newkie Broon Ale’.

Gazza’s Gaza Strip

“Gazza’s going to Gaza and he’s going to settle the stupid disputes between the Israelis and the Pallies once and for all with a good piss up, maybe a chunder here or there, who knows?” Gazza’s best friend, Jimmy twelve bellies told Reuters from the Easyjet flight travelling to Gaza.

Gazza is renowned for bringing peace and happiness wherever he goes, therefore, it was only natural that he would be called up by Gordon Brown himself to go down to Gaza and create some much needed harmony.

“The PM phoned Gazza up on Tuesday last week and told him he was being appointed as British peace envoy immediately. Apparently, the PM was sold on the idea when a government spin doctor suggested the name ‘Gazza Goes to Gaza’. From then on it was all go, plus a good distraction for the underfire PM who is not having a very good time of it lately,” a Whitehall source informed the Daily Squib.

‘Gazza Goes to Gaza’ T-shirts have already been printed and distributed throughout the war torn devastated region.

Gazza landed in the Gaza strip on Friday and was greeted by an old man and a goat at the main airport which is a pile of rubble and a landing strip.

“I don’t think the initial meeting went down very well actually. he turned up pissed out of his skull as usual, wearing a pair of fake tits and a rabbi costume whilst conducting an animated conversation with an imaginary parrot. The Palestinians just shrugged their shoulders and continued sifting through the rubble,” Gazza’s best mate, Jimmy twelve bellies said.

Halifax Lloyds: No Need to Panic But Start Queueing For Your Money Now


Thanks to Gordon Brown’s ‘prudent’ handling of the economy we seem to be in the same situation as the Northern Rock debacle of last summer.

The British love queues and of course this time around there may be calls for even larger queues than last time.

“We estimate the queues around Halifax branches across the UK to be a lot bigger than the Northern Rock ones. As for Lloyds TSB queues, well, if people start queuing to take their money out of those, there may be no end to the queue lengths there — yes, we are talking literally about miles and miles of queues,” a banking expert revealed to the Daily Squib.

Paul Moore, the former head of risk at HBOS, has proof that Gordon Brown was complicit in the destruction of the banking sector.

“Gordon is out to nationalise (Sovietize) the banking sector to rid it of capitalism. To do this he will trash many peoples savings, taxpayers money as well as shareholders. Then the state can take complete control of the whole system once and for all and destroy any pretensions of a free market. Either that or Gordon’s a complete idiot with no idea of what he’s doing and is acting like a gambler who is betting the family silver on one last ditch chance,” a Whitehall source told BBC news.

There is no need to panic though. Do not rush to get your money out of these failing and crumbling institutions even though HBOS was probably worth about 10 pence when Lloyds was forced by the government to buy it for a much larger sum.

“Everything is ok dearest savers. Rest assured your money is safe with us. Do not panic and ask for your money though,” a sweating Lloyds director was quoted as saying to shareholders and savers at an impromptu press conference in central London today.