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D-Day Hero’s Funeral to Get Media Coverage


Reg Arbunkle, 87, who died yesterday is to get a full military state funeral and honoured in the media for his bravery and service to the country in the D-Day landings of Normandy during World War II.

“Reg was only a young lad but he was very brave. He came off those boats while all his comrades were being shot to pieces and he somehow got up the beach to secure a German machine gun post. It took him nearly eight hours to go less than 100 metres but he did it. Out of everyone from his regiment only six people survived of which he was the last one who passed away yesterday,” historian, Mark Graham, told the Sunday Times magazine.

It is the bravery of men like Reg Arbunkle who secured our freedom from the Nazis on the 6th June 1944 that should never be forgotten.

The Sun newspaper and OK magazine, including other media outlets, were said to be preparing for special tribute issues to commemorate Mr Arbunkle’s bravery as well as all those brave soldiers who died in the service of their country.

“The D-Day landings were some of the most brutal military operations in all of history. Young men were simply picked off by the German machineguns as they came off the landing craft. The sea was blood red as many succumbed to the hail of bullets. These are the true brave warriors who fought and died to beat the German Nazi-regime,” Mr Graham added.

Prime Minister Gordon Brown will also make an address later on today to the fallen of the D-Day landings as well as those who still survive.

Tories Avoiding Election Win


“What Labour has done to this country is beyond anything we have ever imagined. They have saddled successive future generations with so much debt that they have in effect bankrupted every Briton 10 times over. We thought we could recover something but not anymore. That’s why Labour will win the next election again and we’re doing our damned best to make everyone vote for them because we don’t want the job anymore,” Tory backbencher, Harvey Fetherington told the Daily Squib.

The mixed messages and garbled announcements about taxation by David Cameron and Kenneth Clarke are clearly designed to put voters off voting for the Conservatives ever again.

There is a general consensus within Tory head office that there is no point in even trying anymore because the country has already gone to the dogs.

“Cameron wants to tax the rich out of existence to try and pay for Gordon Brown’s mess but this will simply serve as a deterrent for any enterprise in the UK. There’s no point in doing business here if there is no incentive. With Gordon Brown at the helm of Labour the Tories were guaranteed a win at the next election but it seems head office does not want it anymore. As for the elder statesman, Kenneth Clarke, well he’s now talking about putting the inheritance tax cut promises on hold. I can see votes flying out of the window with every utterance,” Mr Fetherington added.

It seems that Gordon Brown will finally win an election when he will be voted in by voters who have no choice but to vote for him.

Britain has never got so close to a one-party system and under the Labour regime, Sovietization, is the key goal anyway.

Obama Secretly Consulting Witchdoctors to Save U.S. Economy


The witchdoctors were flown into Washington within the first week of Obama’s inauguration and have been conducting sacrificial rituals to save the American economy from imminent disaster.

“We got a little patch of land out back where they can sacrifice their chickens, goats and bison. They like it here because we deliver a limitless supply to them and we had one guy who went through four chickens, six goats and two cows in one day. We had to fly that dude back ASAP because he was making too much of a mess,” Eli Winkleman, a long-standing White House aide told Reuters.

According to White House insiders, Obama is obsessed by African magical rituals and even goes around in traditional Kenyan dress on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

“One day, the head chief witchdoctor called Obongo conducted a ritual to show Obama his skills. Well the Dow rose by about 250 on that very day. Obama was sold immediately even though the Dow fell 600 points the next day. They need to try everything. We’re even getting some pagan witches from Salem in tomorrow and a self-styled wizard in next week. We’re running on empty here folks. Somebody has got to help us. George W Bush has dug us into a huge motherfucking hole and we don’t know how we’re going to get out of this one,” Mr Winkleman stated.

Looks like America’s going to need all the help it can get — what with China and Japan ready to dump US junk bonds, Russia vying for a world currency and the UN advising the dumping of the dollar.

North Korean Pizza Toppings Cause a Stir


Last year a delegation of local chefs was sent by Kim to Naples and
Rome to learn the proper Italian techniques after their homegrown
efforts to mimic Italian cuisine were found by Kim to contain “errors”.

“We had to learn the intricacies of creating pizzas without the ingredients found in the West. The only ingredients we have are dog, cat and rat here in North Korea so we had to change a few things,” chef, Ill Fuk Yu, told Choson Sinbo newspaper.

the late 1990s Kim brought a team of Italian pizza chefs to North Korea
to instruct his army officers how to make pizza, a luxury which is now
being offered to a tiny elite able to afford such luxuries in a country
that cannot feed many of its 24 million inhabitants.

Because of the
food shortages dogs, cats and rats are
being incorporated to ensure the perfect Korean pizza is created every time.

“Our North Korean pizzas are the best in the world and are now better than Western pizzas,” the
manager of the Pyongyang eatery quoted Kim as saying, according to the
Tokyo-based Choson Sinbo newspaper.

The paper, which is often
seen as a mouthpiece for the communist regime, added the restaurant had
proved to be a major hit after it opened in the capital Pyongyang in

“We got dog pizza, rat pizza and cat pizza. You can mix the ingredients if you wish. The pizza topping cheese is fermented from rats milk and is a North Korean delicacy. We love it here,” Jung Un-Suk, 42, told the newspaper, “They
have unique flavours,” she said.

Posh Spice Swallows Pea in Dinner Drama

Victoria Beckham were said to be dining at a well-known Los Angeles eaterie when staff and diners underwent a terrifying twenty minutes of total pandemonium.

“We knew she was coming because she had alerted the paparazzi to be at the door when she arrived with the boys. Mrs Beckham who ordered us to have her liquid diet ready, then made a terrible mistake. She ate one of Brooklyn’s peas which was a side dish with his sausage and chips. It was one pea too many. She does not eat solids and her face first went red, then purple and then blue. She was wacking around the restaurant in her couture clothes retching, gasping and projectile vomiting rancid green liquid. Frankly it was an awful spectacle and many diners were traumatised from the whole experience,” Emil Schaffhausen, the restaurant’s manager told MTV.

Diners were also left gagging for sick bags after witnessing the ex-Spice girl puking like a trooper.

“Anyone who knows Victoria Beckham, knows that she never eats solids. We’re still trying to find out what happened. Maybe it was a suicide attempt because she hasn’t eaten solid food for twenty years now and she must have known what would happen after eating the pea,” a close friend of the ‘talented’ pop star told MTV news.

There are even rumours being circulated around LA’s showbiz circuit that Mrs Beckham is ready to sue the restaurant.

“Who told her to eat the pea? No one forced her. Hell, let her sue the restaurant. I never seen the bitch smile anyway. She comes here with her lil boys, like twice a week. We prepare her soup for her then she leaves without saying a word or ever smiling once. I reckon she ain’t human. Maybe the pea got inside her circuitry or something. Who knows?” Mr Schaffhausen said defiantly from his restaurant.

Her husband, David Beckham, is currently in Milan enjoying the attention of the Italian ladies. He was spotted at a charity ball with about twenty hot Italian ladies vying for his attention whilst Mrs Beckham was back in America.

Max Clifford Announces Jade Goody Funeral Extravaganza

PR Guru and suppurating anus, Max Clifford has revealed for the first time the intricate details of the state funeral that will be conducted for Jade Goody.

“Even Margaret Thatcher will not get the same treatment that Jade is going to get. The nation will observe a full day’s mourning and there will be a public holiday announced. After the pay-per-view funeral (ker-ching), there will be a horse drawn carriage pulling the open top coffin along from Jade’s home in Upshire, Essex to the Big Brother house which will be her final resting place and Endemol sponsored shrine. She will thus be buried under the building, possibly in the diary room in a glass coffin so successive celebrity Big Brother housemates can see the legend themselves. Jade is a legend I tell you. My yellow Lamborghini Murciélago LP 640 will attest to her greatness and astounding earning power.”

The funeral procession is expected to attract over 13 million people following the beloved celebrity star.

Because of the funeral procession and the number of people said to be attending, Burberry stores all over the UK have already sold out of caps and scarves.

“But you have to admit, it’s been a great month. Kerry Katona bankrupt, Jade Goody cancer…..mind if I have a good think about my last one Mr Genie, I’d hate to waste it,” Ernie Tarbuck, a librarian from North London told ITV1 news.

According to Downing Street, the Jade Goody procession will commence after a 49 gun salute commemorating each corporate sponsor that will be involved in the parade.

Dignitaries from the government will be present including the prime minister himself. There is even talk of Royal attendance, however the Beckhams may not be able to get to the UK from Los Angeles in time.

Tweed: "I Was Absolutely Terrified"

Jack Tweed said he was trembling with fear when he was called urgently to Jade Goody’s bedside by doctors overseeing her.

The 21-year-old was called to her bedside on Friday night after receiving a call from the 27-year-old’s physicians.

Tweed told the News Of The World that he panicked and was “absolutely terrified when they told him that there was nothing wrong with Jade and she was going to make a full recovery”.

“I just couldn’t breathe anymore, I felt as if everything was dark and there was no hope left. What about the money? My throat was as dry as sandpaper,” he said.

Gweedy, was then told by doctors that there had been a terrible mistake with the medical reports and Jade was indeed terminal.

Tweed was then seen leaving the room with a look of utter relief on his face, Max Clifford, revealed to the News Of The World.

Coma Man Demands to Go Back to Sleep


The man was said to be distraught after being told about what is going on at the moment.

Mr Fandango who was being cared for at Los Angeles’ UCLA hospital, was said to be inconsolable after reading a daily newspaper.

“I just woke up from a long term coma to see that the president is black, Michael Jackson is white and Arnold Schwarzanegger is the governor of California. I even read that Hillary Clinton is Secretary of State?” an agitated and shocked Mr Fandango told the LA Times.

Mr Fandango is now speaking to lawyers so that he can sue the hospital for “irreparable mental trauma” caused by the cessation of his coma.

“We have reason to believe that Mr Fandango may have inadvertently been woken up by a cleaner who accidentally bumped the bed. He has instructed us to present an injunction to the hospital in question for the breach of his human rights resulting in severe mental trauma,” Larry Silverstein Jnr. the attorney in charge of the case told reporters.

Hospital administrators, however, are at a loss as what to do next.

“You can’t just put someone back into a coma. Although, I do have an idea. Maybe we can make him watch 15 minutes of that British prime minister’s speeches. What’s the guy’s name? Yes, Gordon Brown. Hell, Mr Fandango would soon be back in his comatose state in no time and we would avert a multi-million dollar lawsuit,” the hospital’s chief administrator, Bud Dwyer M.D. said.

Bernie Madoff Starts Prison Ponzi Scheme


Sharing a cell with another thief, Bernie Madoff has already settled into his 7 1/2 by 8 foot cell in the Metropolitan Correctional Center.

‘He’s settled in good. Bernie already has a prison ponzi scheme setup with cigarettes. I think the deal is everyone gives him some cigarettes to look after but instead of making more cigarettes he smokes the lot and gives a few out to a few choice people at the top of the pyramid. If the big boys catch on, Bernie’s going to have his balls served up on a dish,” Al ‘Carbone’ Tagliatelle, one of the inmates told the New York Times.

Dealing in cigarettes and other contraband is highly illegal in the prison and if caught an inmate can land himself in solitary confinement for weeks at a time.

The prison’s governor is said to be a person who does not like being taken for a ride: “If I find that Bernie Madoff is dealing in smokes or anything there will be hell to pay. He can swindle all the Jews he wants out of prison but anyone in here that gets swindled gets to share a cell with Bernie and we put a big jar of vaseline in the cell too. We also got about 80% of mafia inmates here who have somewhere along the line been burnt by Madoff, some even lost millions. It’s only going to be a matter of time before they make the right moves.”

There’s no more East side duplex with leisurely brunches, champagne lunches or lavish dinners at New York’s best eateries. From now on Bernie Madoff is going to be eating mush while trading cigarettes and trying to stay alive.

“The communal showers is where new boys get to learn about the system here. Bernie’s got some blubber on him and some of the boys like chubsters because they got tits like bitches. He gonna make someone very happy that’s for sure,” Tagliatelle added.

Cheney and Bush to Personally Oversee Shoe-Thrower Hero’s Torture


Muntazer al-Zaidi, 30, who worked for the al-Baghdadiya television channel, shouted “Long live Iraq” when the sentence was read out.

He is viewed by many in Iraq and the Arab world as a hero and already many shrines in his name have been built over the whole of Iraq.

Speaking of his shoe-throwing antics Zaidi said: “I am innocent. What I did was a natural response to the occupation.”

After the sentence was passed, the journalist was dragged out of the puppet court and beaten.

He will be flown immediately to Texas where George W Bush and Dick Cheney will take turns on the ‘fresh piece of meat’, a CIA source told Fox News.

According to the wives of Bush and Cheney, the two have been holed up in their private dungeons since retirement waiting for fresh deliveries eagerly.

Laura Bush told Larry King on Tuesday: “George has been itching to use those new mail-order electrodes and nipple clamps ever since he retired. He’s not used to the drought in fresh Arabs to perform his daily torture with. I’m so used to the screams of agony emanating from the basement while I do my knitting, but there has been nothing for the past couple of months since that boy, Obama got into office. This Iraqi shoe-thrower should keep him and Dick happy for the next three years.”

Things are very hard for retired war criminals these days.