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Prince Harry Follows Father’s Footsteps on Polo Field


Our exclusive picture shows the prince enjoying a day out on the polo fields after his release from pilot training.

Prince Harry who was recently dumped by his girlfriend of four years, Chelsy Chavvy, has decided to take up the new sport to get his mind off his ex.

“Although the prince is not short of young women vying for his attention, he is still very upset over the loss of Miss Chavvy’s love. His father suggested the prince take up a new hobby to get his mind off things,” a palace spokesman was quoted as saying on Monday.

Polo is a team sport played on horseback in which the objective is to score goals against an opposing team. Riders score by driving a small white plastic or wooden ball into the opposing team’s goal using a long-handled mallet. The traditional sport of polo is played at speed on a large grass field up to 300 yards in length, and each polo team consists of four riders and their mounts.

Prince Harry on the field between chukkas

Prince Harry who has been practising polo for the past month or so, is set to compete in his first polo championship in May.

“This will be the time for the young prince to prove himself on the field and improve his handicap point average,” his instructor, Major Fritz Coburg told reporters.

Madonna to Adopt Bungling Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi

According to media reports emanating from Italy and the NATO summit in France, the Italian PM will be adopted by Italian American pop star, Madonna as her new mascot after catching her eye on news reports.

“Madonna called me up last week and said she was watching the news whilst doing one of her gruelling six hour workouts. She said she saw Berlusconi on the news making a total fool of himself and how much she liked the idea of adopting the idiot. She told me to get him immediately and any price would do. Because of her being denied another African pet maybe it would be time to look a little closer to her home roots,” Madonna’s personal assistant, Jane Vahgeina, told Reuters.

Madonna has already made preparations in her eight story Kensington mansion for the Italian prime minister.

“Madonna who will adopt her fellow Italian has already built a special salon for Silvio to play in. It will include lots of mobile phones to talk on whilst important dignitaries are waiting for him on the red carpet and a lifesize model of the Queen of England so he can shout in her ear at all times,” her press secretary revealed to the News of the World.

Italians are known for their “love of life” and are renowned for their loud, colourful personas but Silvio Berlusconi is known to transcend this stereotype in every way.

His wonderful bungling moments include telling a German MEP that he “resembled a concentration camp guard” and also complimenting Barack Obama on his “suntanned skin”.

The reaction from most Italians was encapsulated in a newspaper story quote for La Repubblica: “She can have him because frankly he’s an embarrassment to us Italians. He is more like Mr Magoo than Mr Cool.”

Shooting Season Begins Early in America


In true American style there has been an early start to the traditional shooting season for 2009.

“This year has started off with a bang. We’re talking assault rifles, sub machine guns, 44 magnums, hell anything we can find. Yesterday I bought my 10 year old a Glock and he’s already started shooting like a trooper,” Stan Butz, a headteacher at Groening Highschool on the outskirts of Pittsburgh told ABC news.

The American tradition of gunplay is something that is ingrained in their culture according to historians.

“America was built on brute violence. The Wild West was exactly as the name suggests ‘Wild’. I don’t know why anyone would ever think that things would ever change? Just look at the illegal invasion of Iraq and how many Arab civilians were murdered in cold blood there under the premise of democracy,” Charles Baudelaire, a historian for Chicago’s Institute of Modern History said.

Six Shooter

The 2009 shooting season started off with a particularly violent three days across
the U.S., with shootings that left 14 dead in Binghamton, N.Y., and six
dead in Washington state, where a father shot five of his children,
ages 7 to 16, using a rifle, and later, himself. It also follows just
two weeks after four police officers were fatally shot in Oakland,
Calif., in the deadliest day for U.S. law enforcement since Sept. 11,
2001. Last month, a North Carolina man shot and killed eight people
before police shot him and ended the rampage, and a 28-year-old man
killed 10 people, including his mother and four other relatives, across
two rural Alabama counties before killing himself.

“Our constitution was built on violence and guns. Without these things we ain’t Americans. A man is not a man unless he waves his Colt around. We love the power. Without my gun, hell my dick can’t even get hard. It’s like what we do to defenceless countries like Iraq and Afghanistan. We invade them with all our guns, tanks and airpower so that we can feel good about ourselves. You will never see the U.S. picking fights with countries like China or Russia though because we don’t like to have real wars. Hell no!” the ex vice president of the United States, Dick Cheney told Fox news before picking up a shotgun and blowing a squirrel to smithereens.

One thing is for sure, Obama’s people are looking at the beginning of the shooting season and licking their lips — this could be the excuse they always wanted to finally disarm America.

Madonna Prepares to Buy Malawi After Adoption Denial


A judge faced down Madonna yesterday and rejected her petition to adopt four-year-old Mercy James.

Esme Chombo’s dramatic ruling was announced on the steps of
Lilongwe’s High Court in a rainstorm shortly before 11am local time

The law, she said in her ruling, stated that an
adoption could not be permitted to anyone who was not resident in
Malawi, noting that Madonna had jetted in just days prior to Monday’s

Madonna was not in court to hear the devastating ruling, though
her lawyer, Alan Chinchilla, did attend – but he left through a back
entrance after learning the news.

According to one source, Madonna screamed ‘Whaaaat! Do they know who I goddamn am? OK get my bankers on the line, we’re gonna buy this joint lock stock and barrel’ when he told her the judge’s decision.

Madonna was said to be absolutely furious after being denied her whim and she was so angry that she hurled her Chateau Smith Haut Lafitte 2000 at one of the Malawian servants attending her.

“If they want me to be a resident I’ll show them what residency means. I’ll buy this joint and there’s nothing you all can do about it. I’m gonna rename this place ‘Madonna Land’. No one ever says no to me..No one!” Madonna was heard yelling as her luxury private jet was seen shooting off back to New York.

Negotiators for Madonna’s huge entourage have already put in an application to purchase the tiny country for an estimated $125 million, about 2 months worth of royalty earnings. Malawi’s president, Bingu Mutharika, has already accepted a conditional offer and is set to complete the deal next week. According to Malawian foreign office officials one of the conditions of the purchase is that Madonna doesn’t set foot in the country ever again after she adopts the little girl.


Madonna who has already renovated her luxurious eight story home in London’s Mayfair in preperation for the adoption has already built a special area for the girl with jungle motifs on the walls so she can feel at home.

“She did the same thing for baby Banda who she snatched from his parents a few years ago. She will go to any expense to make her captives feel at home. She’s a really good mum although a bit controlling I must say,” an ex nanny told CBS news.


‘Google Set to Buy Daily Squib’



Meat Johnsons, one of the editors of the site, says that “two separate people, close to the negotiations” have told him that Google is on the verge of acquiring the Daily Squib newspaper. He says that he does not know how much the deal will be worth, but expects it to be well in excess of the $250 million valuation that the Squib attracted in its last round of funding and branded it a “shedload of green”.

The Daily Squib’s founders, Lynn C. Doyle, Mike Hunt and Ophelia Payne, last year rejected overtures from Rupert Murdoch to buy the top selling news service for a rumoured $500 million in stock. Rupert Murdoch, after being denied, held one of the Daily Squib’s editors at gunpoint at the London offices begging to buy the paper. One of the executives involved in the negotiations finally thwarted the standoff by pushing the old lizard down a flight of stairs whilst still in his wheelchair.

Google today distanced itself from the claims of a possible takeover bid. “We do not comment on rumours and speculation, although simply by making this very statement we are commenting on the rumours and speculation” said a spokesman.

The Daily Squib has enjoyed an explosive growth in popularity over the last year, with traffic to its site up by around 974 per cent. Celebrities, politicians and companies alike have embraced the Daily Squib as a means of directly gauging the meter of all news and reportage on the web.

It famously broke the news of the Ku Klux Klan Endorsing Obama, including the Obama Nostradamus Prophecy and the Lindsay Lohan Leg story amongst many fantastic breaking news features. The factual quality and accuracy of the service, and the fact that articles are so insightful, has made it a powerful reporting tool and a source of some startling journalistic accounts.

“The Daily Squib changed the face of the recent U.S. elections. Without their insightful and cutting articles, Hillary Clinton may have been president of the USA. Now we all know what a disaster that would have been,” Buck Scooter, a senior democratic campaigner from Washington DC said.

The acquisition of the Daily Squib, one of the hottest properties on the web, would make sense for Google. One of the Squib’s greatest strengths is in providing truly astounding articles of topics that are interesting to its readers.

“Google knows well how to treat the Daily Squib with due care and attention. They’ve been in negotiations with the top news service for three weeks solid plying them with booze, women, fast cars, bucketloads of coke and luxury all-expenses paid trips to Hawaii and Vegas” said Stephen Shanks, a technology reporter for Wired. “The Daily Squib is one of the most important news sources on the internet today. Google just had to sit up and take notice when they saw the quality of the news being spewed from the Daily Squib’s diarrhoea spouting orifice.”

“Everyday I have to live with myself that I missed the opportunity to buy the Daily Squib. I’ve actually come close to suicide and my life is meaningless right now,” said News Corps’ spiritual leader and owner, Rupert Murdoch.

G20 Stimulus Plan Biggest April Fools Joke of All Time Admit Leaders


“You got to admit we fooled y’all huh? This was all a joke to see if everyone believed us about the ‘stimulus plan’. Our April Fool’s to you my friends and it fooled everyone. We’re all actually broke. No money. Nada. Stimulus plan? We can’t even rub two coins together. Trillion dollars? Yeah, maybe Zimbabwe dollars,” the president of the United States of America, Barack Obama told the worlds press whilst chuckling like a Pan troglodyte.

The world’s biggest April Fools joke was recorded in London at the 2009 G20 Summit by representatives of the Guinness Book of World Records.

The unelected British prime minister also added his two cents: “A trillion of nothing is a trillion more then a trillion of nothing and a load of zeroes adding up to nothing. You see where we are coming from? We will introduce a trillion of nothing into a trillion of nothing and this will make….nothing. But in a new way of course. It’s a new trillion of nothing as opposed to the old stimulus package of a trillion of nothing as well.”

Recording officer Norris McFartur, was on hand to record the event and proclaim the G20 event as the biggest mass worldwide April Fool’s joke of all time.

Global New Deal

“This event will fool billions of people worldwide into thinking there is any hope for them within the current system and hierarchy, when in fact nothing has actually changed at all. The greed will carry on and who do you think is going to pocket the $1 trillion package? Well you as the plebiscite are definitely not going to get a sniff of anything. In fact the joke is so immense that this makes Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme look like a squirt of p*ss from 10,000 f*cking feet. The joke is on the sheep and the G20 leaders have pulled off the biggest joke of all time,” Mr McFartur said.

The mass April Fool’s day G20 trickery also fooled the world’s press who actually attended press conferences on the day.

“Not only were the reporters and newspaper editors fooled but so were the protesters outside the event and in the city. This has been the biggest joke ever recorded and even exceeds that of George W Bush being made president,” Mr McFartur added.

The new April Fool’s G20 joke world record will be published in the Guinness Book of Records 2009 edition next week.

Big Brother is Watching: Surveillance Rectal Implant Box to Track Citizens is Backed


Under the
proposals, everyone’s rectum will emit a constant “heartbeat” revealing their
location, speed and direction of travel as well as gaseous emissions.

The EU officials behind the
plan believe it will significantly reduce the need for other means of surveillance which are not cost effective or efficient enough.

European bureaucrats will also be able to monitor rectal congestion
and carbon emissions directly from every citizens orifice. A consortium of manufacturers has indicated that
the router device could be installed in all rectums as early as 2013.

However, privacy campaigners warned last night that a European-wide anal tracking system would create a system of almost total surveillance.

Details of the Associated Rectal Security Eye
(ARSE) project, a £360m EU initiative backed by high ranking EU bureaucrats and
the telecoms industry, will be unveiled this year.

But the Daily Squib has been given unpublished documents detailing the proposed
uses for the system. They confirm that it could have profound
implications for privacy, enabling citizens to be tracked to within a millimetre
– more accurate than current satellite navigation technologies.

“The rectal implantation device is a 4 X 4 inch box which will relay important information straight to Brussels and Whitehall and even Google. If you eat a sprout too many or let off more methane than your weekly carbon emission allowance you could be fined or even worse ordered to attend a re-education eco-gulag somewhere in Northern Britain. All it takes is one pea too many and we will know about it,” Johanne Scheisse, an MEP for Thoughtcrime told the Squib.

“It’s OK, this is for your own safety”

The device inserted into the rectum will also be able to emit an electric shock into the anal sphincter nerve if any citizen is found to be doing anything against the law or having a Thoughtcrime against any part of the EU state.

European commission has asked governments to reserve radio frequency on
the 5.9 Gigahertz band, essentially setting aside a universal flush frequency
on which ARSE technology will work.

The Department for Surveillance said that plans to make installation of the
technology mandatory was accurate and will include implantation at birth or adulthood. However, those involved in the project describe
the UK as one of the main “state backers”. Surveillance officials in the UK have
also hosted trials of the technology by inserting the boxes into volunteers who were forced to participate.

“There is nothing to worry about”

Paul Shitstain, who manages ARSE, said: “The new system will be the future of control systems ensuring the public are surveilled at every moment of their lives… remember we are implementing these measures for your own safety so there is nothing to worry about,” he said.

Citizens can also be reprimanded for speeding offences or running in unauthorised walking zones.

The boxes that will be surgically implanted into the rectum will emit electric shocks varying from mild to very strong depending on the level of crime against the state committed by each individual.

The data collated by the boxes would be picked up by detectors at the roadside, in the home and mobile phone towers. Data
will also be sent to “control centres” that manage citizens, enabling a
vastly improved system to monitor and control humans.

“A controller will know where all citizens are, what they have eaten, what their mood is and even where they
are headed,” said Shitstain. “Once we know all this data we can mete out the necessary punishments if needed.”

G20 Celebration Mascot Finally Revealed



Bring a bottle or how about a Molo cocktail or three for the best party of the year!

The carnival event will kick off at about 11am on April 1st so be there or be square.

Gatecrashers are most welcome according to posters posted across the whole of London for the G20 party of the century.

“We’ve got our mascot who is Fred ‘The Shred’ Goodwin. He’ll be paraded through the streets during the carnival and will get everyone up and dancing for sure. The finale will involve Fred ‘The Shred’ being put legs first…wait for it..through an industrial shredder. Now that’s what I call entertainment. There’s also going to be about 10,000 rozzers in fancy dress coming to the party, so get your brick-a-brac ready for the tit heads,” Andy Crusty, a certified party animal told Reuters.

Sir Fred Goodwin, who was in hiding until he was caught last week, will attend the party wearing a jokers outfit and will be paraded on a float.

The party and celebrations are planned for two whole days and may even go on for longer depending on how many buildings are still standing within the centre of London.

The ‘climate change’ lemmings will be in town also, parroting the exact rhetoric that they have been programmed to do by their controllers.

“It’s a case of how much overtime the fuzz want to claim, how much a good job the agent provocateurs do, how much partying the nihilists want and simple things like portaloos, catering and availability of weapons. There is certainly a great deal of fuel to be burnt off over the course of two days thanks to Gordon Brown’s policies.

“The G20 party is going to kick off at Moorgate, Liverpool Street, London Bridge and Cannon Street stations so be there at 11am sharp and don’t forget to bring some f*cking bollocks with you. If you come along early you may even be able to enjoy the delights of one of our party hosts,” Mr Crusty said.



Palace Revises Prince Philip Royal Variety Words

Scowell claimed that he was snubbed by the Queen and insulted by the Duke after
appearing at the Royal Variety Show.

A spokesman for Buckingham Palace denied that the Duke had called the
music and television promoter, who has amassed an estimated fortune of £112m
through shows like American Idol, The Z-Factor, and Britain’s Got Talent, a “sponger”.

“The Duke of Edinburgh categorically did not call Mr Scowell a ‘sponger’. He must have misheard. Everyone knows Mr Scowell is a ‘c*nt’. He has said that he called Scowell a ‘c*nt of the highest order’,” he said.

“Mr Scowell may have misheard the Duke, he has a very soft voice, especially when addressing scum.”

But Scowell’s version of events is supported by fellow Z-Factor judge and supreme c*nt of all time, Piers
Moron, who was also present during the exchange in 2007. In his new piffling book,
the former newspaper editor, and supreme shitbag, describes hearing the Duke jokingly call Scowell a “c*nt of the highest order and moribund banal exploiter of people with no talent for profit and ridicule”.

Moron said: “I can categorically say it happened. I know because I am a stupid c*nt of the highest order myself. If we all have to
trudge off to the courts to discuss the matter, I’m available, because as you all know already, I’m a snivelling little weasel and shister snitch.”

Yesterday, Simon Scowell and Piers Moron, who were attending another Z-Factor audition, accepted that they may have misunderstood the Duke’s words and were very apologetic.

“I am extremely sorry for making a big stink about the Duke of Edinburgh’s words. I agree with what he called me and am even considering getting a big ‘c*unt’ tattoo on my forehead, although, whenever people see me that is what they think anyway. I would like it to be official,” Mr Scowell said from the Z-Factor studios.

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Britain’s Got Talent

Green Activist, Porritt, to Kill Himself to Save Planet from Global Warming


Jonathon Porritt, one of Gordon Brown’s leading green advisers, is to set an example to everyone by shooting himself in the head to save us all from his useless carbon emissions, a leading think tank has said.

Porritt’s public suicide will be performed at this week’s annual conference of the Optimum
Population Trust (OPT), of which he is patron.

After the suicide of Porritt on stage, the trust will release research suggesting the UK population must be cut to 30m if
the country wants to feed itself sustainably.

Porritt said: “Population growth, plus economic growth, is putting the world
under terrible pressure. Malthusian Theory is the key to future survival. That’s why I’m going to blow my brains out over the front row of the audience who comes and sees me talking next week. I therefore urge all other useless, inbred, ugly parasites like me to do the same.

“Just think of the environmental chaos I am causing each day by spouting harmful methane gasses out of my arse..ahem..I mean mouth. Each person in Britain has far more impact on the environment than those in
developing countries so cutting our population is one way to reduce that
impact. Bagsie me first then. Last one to top themselves is a poofter.”

The government scheme endorsed by Gordon Brown, will involve population reduction through the use of ‘organised chaos’. There will be small pandemics released into the populations at key times to whittle down the masses. Population control of the masses is one of the most politically sensitive environmental
problems and even though there are plans to cull the population there are problems with ethics, religion, culture and immigration. The key thing is to decide who lives or dies in the oncoming Scientific Dictatorship. The ‘useless eaters’ as Lord Bertrand Russell used to call them may soon have their day.

Professor Chris Papsmear,
director of the Science Museum, will use the OPT conference, to be held at
the Royal Statistical Society, to warn that unless immediate plans are implemented to reduce populations within the UK and world there could be vast detrimental effects to our environment.

Papsmear, who formerly ran the British Antarctic Survey, said humanity was
emitting the equivalent of 50 billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere each

“We have to cut the world’s population by 80%, or the planet’s eco-system will not survive. That’s why I advise you all to top yourselves immediately unless you’re a high-ranking scientist, senior eco-activist, senior Labour member or part of the rich elite.

“No one said building the technological scientific utopia of the future was going to be easy. It’s just going to be slightly messy getting there, that’s all,” he said.

There has to one positive out of the whole planned episode, as long as the chavs are gone it can only be good news.