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Swine Flu Latest: Sir Fred Goodwin Spotted in Mexico


Like a swine in the trough, Sir Fred Goodwin who stole a £750,000 per annum pension fund after ruining the bank, was today seen guzzling endless glasses of champagne on his private yacht which is moored off the luxury seaside resort of Acapulco.

According to newspaper reports emanating from Mexico everyone is now talking about the ‘swine levels’ reaching epidemic levels.

“As soon as Sir Fred the Shred swined into Acapulco, everyone knew there was a serious threat of ‘swine fever’. This guy can outswine a member of the Labour cabinet and still go for a second-home expense account pig-out session without balking. What’s more it’s bloody contagious, even this morning at the breakfast buffet I found myself stuffing everything I could find into my pockets a la John Prescott and I even filled up about four plates of food which I pigged out on like a crazed hog ,” David Sinclair, a cruise ship passenger told the Acapulco Daily.

“Not Kosher”

Rabbi Mosher Pretzel, a prominent member of the North London Jewish community who hails from Golders Green was on holiday with his wife, Golda and was incensed about Sir Fred Goodwin’s porky credentials: “I paid a lot of money for this cruise and then the dirty swine Goodwin turned up and spoilt everything. We can’t even come on deck because we see that smarmy swine grinning as he plays with his ill gotten gains on the deck of his ship. It’s like he’s flaunting it. Counting his shekels in front of us like that. It’s not kosher I tell you. He should give some to me and my wife. We have been confined in our room all day and night for two weeks!”

Fred Goodwin’s ‘swine fever’ has swept the whole of Mexico now and is even threatening some parts of Southern California and Texas.

Containment measures are now being made to thwart the spread of Fred Goodwin’s unholy swine ways.

“The world is already in enough pig shit at the moment without more people contracting Fred Goodwin Swine Fever. The filthy greedy pig has caused enough damage don’t you think?” another distraught cruise ship passenger said, before stealing an old woman’s purse and running off squealing like a delighted pig.

Moon Landing Warehouse Up For Sale


Buzz Aldrin recalls the moment during filming when his spacesuit’s visor suddenly flipped up and a bluebottle fly landed on his nose: “We had just filmed the bit when Neil said those historic words, when I had a major malfunction on my goddam spacesuit. We had to do about six takes before we got it right and it didn’t matter how much aircon they had on it was so hot I fainted three times from heat exhaustion. People don’t realise how heavy and cumbersome those suits were in the earths gravity. It’s like walking around with 400 pounds of lead on you. If we were in a weightless situation it would have been totally different though.”

Ever since that fateful day on July 20th 1969, the secret warehouse where the moon landings were filmed have remained empty because of secrecy laws pertaining to the sensitive nature of the whole moon landing operation.

NASA, however, finally relented to the crisis in government funding and has had to put the massive warehouse on the market.

“This is some prime piece of real estate right here. We’re talking about making this into a casino or an amusement park or even a place where they can hold rock concerts. We’re still not sure how much the warehouse will go for but we could be talking as little as $4 million. Now, that’s what I call a piece of history right there. I know developers who will bid for this and go crazy for the opportunity of a goddam lifetime,” Eli Horovitz, a real estate agent from Las Vegas said.

The warehouse was finally decommissioned in 1972 after the last manned moon landing.

The property auction for the moon landing warehouse will be held on August 15 of this year at Caesar’s Palace, Las Vegas, Nevada. This is your chance to own a part of history.

Comrade Darling's Brain Drain Budget Ensures Mass Defections


Amongst the carnage around the shipping ports and airports there were even fights reported at ferry stations as the mass defection of high earning workers escaped the British shores for better climes.

Comrade Darling’s speech rang out across Soviet Britain today: “Dearest Comrades, the vile capitalist scum who worked hard for their money should be punished severely. This is why I plan on increasing their income tax to such a high level and redistributing their money to people who really need it like benefits cheats, alcoholics, druggies, wasters, hoodies and peasant scum with twenty kids and no jobs. It is the Labour creed which has created a benefits culture in this country where people are rewarded for scrounging off the state and those who work hard to support themselves are punished hard.”

Mass Defections

After hearing Comrade Darling’s 2009 Budget Speech where he announced the curtailment of all enterprise, business and success for hard work there was a mass scramble to leave Britain before Politburo officials from the Peoples Treasury locked down all ports and airports.

Darling’s budget will ensure many doctors, surgeons, lawyers, architects, pop singers, actors, artists, business people, city employees, IT workers and essential professional staff with specialist skills have made plans to leave Britain immediately.

“We heard the news at noon from a Stasi tannoy announcement in our sector. By 4pm, we left our jobs and were out the door and on our way to the airport to go to Ireland where they have a progressive tax system. I am a brain surgeon and deemed as an essential member of the hospital but f*ck this for a laugh. I’m not going to be working for 50% of the year so Darling can hand out my money to more benefits cheats, daytime tv viewers, drug addicts and chav scum. He can f*ck off. I left the patient on the operating table with his skull open and gave instructions for the trainee nurse to deal with the left cranial embolism,” Sir Charles Litton, a leading neurosurgeon from University College London Hospital told the Soviet Broadcasting Company.

As a result of the Darling budget announcement, many hospital departments were left empty and some patients were even forced to conduct operations on themselves.

Many of the defections to countries not desecrated by Comrade Brown’s New Era of Change have already resulted in a huge decrease in tax revenue for the Soviet People’s Chancellor.

“Punish hard work and reward idleness and sloth; nothing has changed with Labour’s policies then. This is the reality of Labour’s Britain, where those who work hard will see the income they make given to some sc*m ridden piece of sh*t slapper with 12 kids from different men, so they can enjoy their 37 inch plasma screens and Heat magazine subscriptions and never work a day in their cigarette stained booze fuelled lives,” Archie Temple, an ex-barrister for a top London Law firm, told Reuters as he was boarding a plane to Switzerland from Heathrow.

Comrade Darling’s 2009 budget has not only precipitated possibly the biggest brain drain ever but also ensured the demise of the British pub industry with thousands more public houses set to go bust after beer tax was raised. The budget has also ensured the demise of the haulage industry and punished drivers after massive tax hikes in fuel tax.

But don’t worry Comrades, there will be another ten years of massive tax hikes to pay for Labour’s mess, so please do look on the bright side. Hello, is there anyone there? *lights out*

Rise of Tescoism Threatens World


Some of the key points that signal the rise in Tescoism are:

1. Powerful and Continuing Tescoism: Tesco superstores and advertising tend to make constant use of Tesco Value mottos, Tesco slogans, Tesco symbols, Tesco songs, and other Tescoistic paraphernalia. Tesco Value signs are seen everywhere, as are Tesco Value symbols on clothing and in public displays.

2. Disdain for the Recognition of Non-Tesco Products: Because of fear of enemies and the need for security, the people in Tesco regimes are persuaded that all products from other supermarkets can be ignored in certain cases because of “Tescoistic need.” The people tend to look the other way or even approve of more Tesco stores, increased Tesco mini stores, assassinations, long incarcerations of shoppers in Tesco stores, Tesco tax avoidance etc.

3.  Identification of Non-Tesco Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause: The people are rallied into a unifying Tescoistic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: other supermarkets, local bakeries and grocers; farmers; local industry; choice, non processed quality food producers, etc.

4.  Controlled Mass Tescoite Media: Sometimes the media is directly controlled by Tesco, but in other cases, the media is indirectly controlled by Tesco, or sympathetic media spokespeople and executives. Censorship, especially during mass Tesco indoctrination sessions, is very common.

5.  Obsession with Tesco Security: Fear is used as a motivational tool by Tesco over the masses.

6.  Greed and Tesco are Intertwined: Supermarkets in Tesco nations tend to use the most common religion in the nation as a tool to manipulate public opinion. The religion of Tesco is greed, therefore the use of greedy rhetoric and terminology is common from Tesco’s leaders, even when the major tenets of their greedy religion are diametrically opposed to the supermarkets policies or actions.

7.  Tesco is Protected: The industrial and business aristocracy of a Tescoist nation often are the ones who put the Labour government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite.

8.  Labour Power is Suppressed: Because the organizing power of labour is the only real threat to a Tescoist government, labour unions and workers rights are either eliminated entirely, or are severely suppressed.

9.  Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts: The Tescoist Reich tends to promote and tolerate open hostility to higher education, and academia. It is not uncommon for professors and other academics to be censored or even arrested at Tesco stores. Free expression in the arts is openly attacked, and Tesco regimes often resort to promoting utter pap and banal mediocrity dedicated to dumbing down the masses.

10.  Rampant Cronyism and Corruption: Tescoite regimes almost always are governed by groups of friends and associates who appoint each other to high positions and use Tescoistic power and authority to protect their friends from accountability. It is not uncommon in Tesco regimes for national resources and even treasures to be appropriated or even outright stolen by Tesco leaders.

CIA May Have to Torture Obama Over Secret Memos Leak


Last week, Mr Obama released four memos, running to 126 pages, written by
officials in President George W. Bush’s administration and containing
explicit details of the CIA’s methods of extracting information from
al-Qaeda suspects between 2002 and 2005.

“We feel this here boy’s gone too far. He be trying to expose us for our torture practices. Here in Langley Virginia and all over the world we pride ourselves in our secret dungeon hellholes where we can enjoy the leisurely pursuit of torture without the fear of being exposed to the liberal bleeding heart do-gooder crowd. For fucks sake folks, what’s better? Do you want some brainwashed Jihadi operative to fulfill his mission of destruction on the American public so that we can take away more of your rights and freedoms? We let a few through for that purpose but there are some unruly ones out there who are not controlled by us,” Michael Hymie, who retired in March as CIA chief, told Fox News.

Even though Obama is the President of the United States, according to CIA operatives and controllers high up in the chain of command, he is now a ripe candidate for “Gitmoization” — a term denoting the imprisonment without trial and subsequent daily torture of the subject.

“We could even send BamBam to Abu Ghraib. We got some great facilities there for waterboarding and of course our time honoured speciality — electro-shock treatments that will make his testicles smoke, we’re talking literally burst into flames like some chargrilled pepper steak a la medium rare,” a senior CIA operative told a laughing Fox reporter.

Gary Brezhnev, a former CIA officer who led the agency’s paramilitary team
that searched for Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan, told The Daily Squib
that his former colleagues were “horrified” by Mr Obama’s actions.

“Torture was an everyday occurrence employed by members of the Bush
administration and this is why Obama’s so-called curbs have caused so
much outrage. You can’t just take away torture from the CIA, it’s like taking away the pope from the Catholic church. The goddamn CIA was built on torture. We’ve been careful to outsource the serious stuff to dungeons in Egypt and Pakistan where they use drills and clothes irons, so we’ve been diligent in keeping a low profile and now this? Obama’s going to have to pay for exposing our shit. You don’t cross us and live and we don’t care who the hell you are.”

Now that the CIA are adament about showing some retribution towards the president, political commentators have all been waiting on who will make the first move. Some are speculating that Obama could preempt any kidnapping CIA personnel with his own bodyguards but others are claiming that the CIA are too smooth an operation to fail in capturing Obama and torturing him.

Ugly Spector Just Wanted to Get Laid


If you were as ugly and lonely as Phil Spector you might be frustrated too, say prominent psychiatrists and luminaries of the Music Industry.

“Phil never managed to get laid once in his life. It didn’t matter how much money he paid hookers or any of the women, he just could not get laid because the dude was an ugly motherf*cker. He actually looks like a lizard, one girl told me after he held her at gunpoint for three hours before she finally escaped through a fifth floor bathroom window,” Ron Silverman, a long time Spector hanger-on and drug supplier told the Daily Squib.

Many women escaped with their lives after being around Phil Spector, Lana Clarkson was not so lucky and she was the last straw for him.

“That night he must’ve finally flipped. These women could not stay in his presence for more than 15 minutes, so Phil would have to lay down another $1000 for them to stay. He would sometimes try drugging them so that they could look at his face or even touch him but that was too much for some and they would leave the money even if they were homeless. His adopted kids also could not stand Phil either. Hell I’ve even seen nuns cringe when they come with two feet of this dude,” Spector’s chauffeur confided during the court case.

Phil Spector was one of the most famous music producers of all time and was credited with inventing the “wall of sound” but unfortunately for him he will be languishing behind bars for the rest of his life in “walls of concrete”.

“He was testament to what happens when cousins breed. Phil wanted to be a big shot in the Music Biz, well he finally got his chance that’s for sure,” Ed Mahoney, a rep for Atlantic Records said after Spector was convicted of murder.

It is not yet known if Spector will be allowed to take his wigs into prison with him but there is some good news for the ailing ex-producer — he will finally be able to get laid, albeit by some huge black gangbanger looking for a pasty white b*tch to f*ck.

New Turin Shroud Dinosaur Clue Revealed


Everyone already knows that the world famous Christ-like depiction called the Turin Shroud has been confirmed as the actual shroud that covered Christ after his untimely death over 2000 years ago.

There is no scientific doubt that the shroud is the real deal and has been proven by countless scientists through the use of carbon dating the shroud to the Middle Ages, but evidence has also risen to prove that Jesus actually walked with dinosaurs during his lifetime.

Radio carbon dating carried out in February 2009 was performed on an area of the relic that seemed to show a footprint of a Dilophosaurus, according to Ray Hammerstein, who leads the Shroud of Turin Research Project (STRP).

Hammerstein, a chemist from the the American Science National Laboratory in Alabama, said:

“I have been working on this project for the past twenty six years. I know that piece of cloth like the back of my hand.

“But after this most recent discovery through the use of ultra-violet photography and carbon dating, we now know for certain that the Messiah walked the earth amongst dinosaurs.”

He came to his conclusion after re-examining a theory from two amateur scientists that he had earlier dismissed as being from “the lunatic fringe”.

13th Century depiction of Christ. (tempera on wood) 70 x 50cm private collection. Turin, Italy



Although the depiction of Christ on the Turin Shroud is in the artistic style of Middle Age representations of the time, Christians all around the world are adamant that the shroud is the actual cloth that covered Jesus after his death.

“This is proof that the Bible should be taken in a literal sense and that the earth is only 10,000 years old. Darwinists are nothing more than liars and deceivers of the true word of God. Jesus Christ may have had a pet dinosaur which followed him around Jerusalem prior to his crucifixion in Golgotha. This explains the footprint on the Turin Shroud. Obviously the creature was loyal to Jesus and hung around when he was interred in the cave after his death. When Jesus rose on the third day, we have theories that maybe God took the little dinosaur up with Jesus as a pet to keep in heaven. The dinosaur footprint is the key to this fact. The proof is right there staring you in the eye and you cannot deny it,” Burien Walters, another research scientist working for the STRP exclaimed.

This latest evidence, to be broadcast in The Turin Shroud: New Evidence at 4am on Sunday on the Discovery Channel, is the latest chapter in the shroud’s history.

More Great Bible Facts

– Jesus had pale white skin with blonde hair and blue eyes and looked like a European man from the 13th century.

– There is evidence to suggest that Jesus and his disciples had mullet haircuts.

– The disciples of the Messiah would often travel on the backs of large flying dinosaurs similar to the Rhambphorhynchus Anurognathus on their way to the sea of Galilee. The large flying reptile Pterosaurs are also mentioned from the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself when speaking with Nicodemus (Jn.3:14).

– Noah’s Ark carried many dinosaurs including the Tyrannosaurus Rex and Brachiosaurus as well as tiny insects, kangaroos, dodos and bugs.

-Adam saved Eve from being eaten by a Carnotaurus one day and was rewarded with intercourse. This is how the human race initially multiplied.

-Only Americans who believe in Jesus walking with dinosaurs will be taken up to be with him and all his friends in heaven when the Rapture comes.

-According to a 2001 Gallup poll, about 59% of Americans believe that “God created humans and dinosaurs pretty much in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years or so.”

-Another 27% believe that “Human beings have developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life, but God guided this process.” Only 14% believe that “human beings have developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life, but God had no part in this process.”

Don’t forget to visit the Creation Museum in Kentucky which realistically brings the pages of the Bible to life. Designed by a former Universal Studios exhibit director, the museum is an informative haven for the whole family.

Islamic Hate Preacher Abu Hamza Takes Up Knitting in Prison


Armed with his hook hands the crazed Islamic hate preacher Abu Hamza has turned his attentions from wishing death on all Westerners to cross-stitching and making colourful jumpers for the prison inmates as well as staff.

“He’s really good you know. Last week he made me a union jack jumper because it was getting rather nippy in my cell after the warden turned off the central heating. We call him Captain Hook, well he rustled an extra large sweater for me in less than a day,” said a chuffed National Front skinhead, Reggie Boots, 45, who is in prison for racial violence offences.

It seems that Hamza is the toast of the Protected Block where the VIP prisoners are kept.

“He also knitted for me a tea cozy so I can have a cuppa in me cell when I feel like it. He even made Jimmy Knuckles over here a woolly hat to keep his bonce warm during the cold winter days and nights. He’s a real godsend I tell you. He’s like a bloody machine he is, never seen anything like it. He made some of the boys carpets to put in their cells although one of the carpets had a picture of the twin towers up in flames. Still it’s better than the concrete floor innit?” Mr Boots added.

A selection of Abu Hamza knitted jumpers

Wardens for were at first cautious to the Islamic hate-preachers requests for woollen yarn and other knitting paraphernalia but once he knitted them all unique jumpers they were all too keen to let his hook hands do more sterling work for them.

“It’s the only way we can stop him spitting and clawing everything in sight. Just hand him some wool and he’s as happy as chips he is,” said one of the warders looking after the hate-preacher.

Proles Ordered to Pay More Tax to Fund Party Essentials


Speaking from the Westminster Duma, Comrade Darling, supreme unelected Soviet chancellor, announced the plans for even greater taxation of the proletariat.

“You will enjoy more taxation”

“Comrades, I have been ordered by our omnipresent unelected comrade in chief, Gordon Brown to increase taxation of the proles so that the New Era of Change can move into phase two of the collectivised Sovietization program and embrace Comrade Brown’s Ten Year Plan of slavery and poverty. To fund the great British Soviet banking system as well as the gravy train by senior members of the Labour party, the plebiscite will be required to work for 99.8% of the year as opposed to 97% last year. Taxation will increase to 99% of income as opposed to 98.9% and we have also seen fit to increase the cost of gruel rations by 97% next month. Fuel duty, as you may have already noticed, has risen by over 650% since Labour’s Bolshevik revolution in 1997. It is in our best interests that the proletariat increase their production levels drastically so that high ranking officials like me can increase our Grace and Soviet Favour third home allowances and claim for everything including the kitchen sink. That will be all for now. Hail the great supreme commander and father, Comrade Brown.”

“It is your duty to work hard so that your leaders can live in perfect luxury”

High party officials were ecstatic at the news that there would be an increase in taxation to pay for even more Soviet dirt.

“Comrades, I just relieved myself over a copy of “Collectivised Socialist Tractor Weekly”. Please cast your eyes over pages 42-43 — if you can pry the pages apart of course. You will see for yourselves, Comrade Jacqui Smith, head of Stasi operations, reclining over a tractor with her Soviet curtains displayed like well worn three week old Soviet doner kebabs. It is truly a wondrous site to behold,” Comrade Straw told some high ranking male members of the Duma during recess.

The British Soviet government has also been embarking on further measures to increase the wealth of high-ranking Labour members and bankers by quantitative easing methods.

The multi-tiered approach of increasing taxation of the masses, inflating food prices, increasing fuel duty and printing more money should ensure the people at the top will be able to afford as much dirt and bath plugs as they can possibly manage.

Lily Allen May Quit Music Industry

Attending another useless award ceremony where untalented celebrity hacks congregate to get horribly drunk, snort cocaine and pretend to be important in some way, Lily Allen took everyone by surprise by suddenly announcing her retirement from the Biz.

“I’ve given up writing my profound lyrics about shopping, credit cards and banal pastimes like breaking my nails, holidays and my cankles. I am sorry to my only fan who even followed me to Scunthorpe Community Hall the other day for my final gig. I’m sorry I have to let the session musicians go but I’m sure they’ll find more work with the next template r’n’b band or female singer songwriter with pouty lips and kneepads.”

Some may even debate whether the self-proclaimed ‘singer’ was ever in the music biz in the first place or whether it even exists anymore.

“Her daddy fixed it for her and now she’s bored. This is the music biz now, where stupid spoilt little privileged girls can prance around and pretend to be stars. Why don’t they just take their template music and f*ck off back to their shister shallow lives or better still why not retire in style — like put a f*cking bullet into their fat heads whilst miming to their crap session-musician created protools pap live on stage? There would be a little plop as her talentless pea brain fell onto her doting daddy’s lap as he sat on the front row clapping manically,” a prominent music veteran divulged.

Although the ‘music biz’ is awash with similar platitudinous acts overflowing with nothing more than vapid soundbite concoctions and no intelligent discourse or message, Lily Allen’s passing will go down as another putrid message of how non-existent the ‘biz’ really is.

The puggy chunk-legged chav’s fleeting ‘music’ career will be similar to the passing of dirty dishwater down the drain of inequity — drip back into the sewer from whence it came and don’t come back either.