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Amy Winehouse Slips on Banana Peel During Caribbean Holiday


The singer was at her energetic best on the beach in St Lucia yesterday, despite spending Thursday night in hospital suffering from ‘amywinitis’.

Dressed in hot pants and a cropped top, she was spotted walking on the beach before slipping on a discarded banana peel.

Amy was spotted dramatically slipping on the banana peel and at one moment lifting off the sand with both her feet in the air.

“It was an amazing slip. We all witnessed her legs go up in the air and she fell on her bum in the sand. I saw about 34 photographers take the picture that will probably make headline news tomorrow,” Cyrus B. De Mille, a tourist enjoying his holidays told the Sun newspaper.

Amy Winehouse is currently embarking on starting her epic new album which will be called ‘Wahn gahn reharr Valeraahh’

Asked how the recording was going Amy told reporters: “Iss gahn weell goo n ahh laaahvin mahh liwicks ya knaa”

Swine Flu Strikes Again

Mr Prescott invited reporters around to his Hull constituency fourth home in an effort to quell rumours that he has got swine fever.

“I was just eating my 20th bacon sarnie of the morn when I burped loudly and a bit of sick came up. My missus laughed and said ‘John you just brought up a bit of sick’ I said ‘yes me love and I ate that up as well’. That’s when I smelled the doner kebabs from down t’ road. I told her t’ ‘op it and get me 12 large doners and a bucket of chips sharpish. Well the silly bitch didn’t get enough bloody chilli sauce put on so I tell her to get back ‘n’ tell ’em to put the chilli and garlic sauce on everything, drizzle it so you can’t taste how sh*t the roadkill meat tastes like. I washed the lot down with a crate of ale and 16 bottles of pop. Dessert? You bet! How about 340 cream eggs mixed in a bucket of custard and a nice greasy gammon steak with all the fat around it slapped on. My wife added the piece de resistance, I gave it a good stir with a stick from the garden and it all went down a real treat. It was delicious I tell you’se. I gave her a good punch in the fookin’ eye for that bit of culinary excellence. You don’t have to pass your 11-plus to know a good bit o’ grub do you?” said Mr Prescott, describing a normal day’s high tea in his household.

After pigging out on his little snack Mr. Prescott was able to relax for a few minutes and recall his days in the Blair cabinet, however it was only four minutes later when the chipolata boy got hungry again.

“Mr Prescott tried to eat my arm. I know you may not believe me but he took a sniff and chomped down pretty hard. Naturally, we ended the interview right there and had to escape through one of the closed windows. I’ll never forget the look on his face as he chomped down on my arm taking a big chunk of flesh in his mouth. He actually licked his lips and said it tasted like prime Yorkshire meat f*cking pie. He was snorting and squealing in frustration at being denied the rest of the arm. It was really scary I tell you. I think I’m going to need a lot of counselling and my arm is a right old mess,” Daily Squib reporter, Gerald Scotchbrook said from his hospital bed.

Luckily the Daily Squib reporter got away with his life but both the Sun and Telegraph’s reporters were nowhere to be seen after everyone assembled in the car park afterwards.

CIA Tortures Terrorists With Celebrity Twitter Updates

Forget about waterboarding or having electrodes stuck to your testicles with 50,000 volts running through them, the CIA has found a far more effective and easy way of extracting information from terror suspects.

“All we need is a room, a pc with an internet connection linked up to Twitter and a few hours or days, sometimes even minutes. The terrorists are soon singing like canaries when we read out the banal boring twitterings of celebrities to them day in day out. I’ve actually seen some of these terrorists beg to be put out of their misery and some even tried to pull out their eyes and ears in despair such is the power of Twitter,” one of the CIA operatives told US Torture Weekly magazine.

According to Pentagon officials, this is one form of torture which is endorsed by president Obama because it brings better results and is supposedly ‘humane’.

Khalid bin Allusnakbar, a former Al Qaida spy in Iraq spoke of the horror of the experience: “By Allah, oh how I cried tears of grief. They began reading me the minute by minute updates of Jonathan Ross on the first day. I begged them to stop and pleaded with them. Then on the second day I did not even know if it was day or night actually, they started to read out the minute to minute updates of Britney Spears, I was by now delirious and I begged to be put out of my misery. I finally cracked when they brought out Stephen Fry’s Twitter account, at one point they said I was crawling up the concrete wall with my fingernails bleeding but I can’t remember the rest because I fainted and woke up in the sick bay. I told them everything they wanted and more. Anything to stop them repeating the worst torture of my life.”

Celebrity Twitter Torture as the CIA has dubbed it has become so popular and so successful that other intelligence agencies around the world are now taking note and binning the red hot pokers, electrodes and electric drills for much less messy and more efficient interrogation techniques.

“There’s no blood involved, you don’t make such a mess and to date there have not been any fatalities, although we have had one coma. It’s the way of the future that’s for sure and it gets results,” Deputy Director of the CIA’s torture dept. Bill O’Hannity told Fox News.

Kelly Osbourne Hospitalises Twink Boyfriend

According to Hollywood sources, Kelly Osbourne’s boyfriend suffered multiple broken bones and internal injuries when Kelly Osbourne accidentally rolled over in bed and crushed his body.

“The boy only has a very slight frame, so when Kelly rolled over in bed during her sleep she did not realise what she was doing. It was only when the maid came to clean the room in the morning that Mr Squirrel was discovered passed out underneath Ms Osbourne. He was immediately airlifted to Cedars Sinai Hospital for immediate emergency treatment,” Ms Osbourne’s spokesman told ABC news.

Mr Squirrel is still in Intensive Care with over 15 broken bones, a crushed torso resulting in extensive kidney and liver damage and a cracked pelvis.

Doctors at Cedars Sinai have revealed that Mr Squirrel is still in traction and may be in hospital for the next three months depending on how he responds to treatment.

Kelly Osbourne made a brief statement at the hospital today: “We’ve been going out for a f*cking year now and I can’t f*cking believe my f*cking luck. This is the third motherf*cking time I’ve crushed Luke. This is getting f*cking old now innit? I might have to dump the little sh*t and get my stupid f*cking parents pay to get a new f*cking model.”

The couple were due to marry in two months time but may have to postpone now due to the current unfortunate circumstances.

Ricky Hatton to Join Labour Party Leadership Contest

Ricky Hatton will join the fight for the Labour leadership alongside other winners like Harriet Harman and the featherweight contender pitty-pat puncher, David Milliband.

Commentators for the upcoming leadership contest were waiting with eager eyes and ears for the ensuing brawl to take place.

“Of course they’re all fighting for the crown which is currently being held by the current heavyweight champion who has never actually won a fight but still proclaims himself top of the pile, Gordon ‘palooka’ Brown. There should be some bloodletting in the ring but as long as one of them keeps their defensive south paw position and reacts with a few jabs and uppercuts, maybe a parry or two, they may stay on the canvas for more than two minutes. Brown does not play clean either, we’ve heard he likes to go below the belt,” Reggie Murphy, Harriet Harman’s trainer told Boxing Weekly.

Be sure to watch the contest this summer on all the news channels.

Obama Seen Walking on Surface of White House Pond

White House aides already had their suspicions about Barack Obama, but now their suspicions have been confirmed. Could Barack Hussein Obama actually be the second coming of the Messiah?

“I was pruning the White House roses just outside the East Wing when I saw Barack talking on his Blackberry. He looked totally engrossed in what he was doing and just kept on walking towards the pond. Well, I thought I need to warn the president and was about to shout at him to look out when he just walked across the surface like it was stone or a sidewalk. He just went across this pond which is pretty deep and about 25 feet across. After that I just carried on pruning the roses and did not say anything apart from a few hail Mary’s,” Alonso Manuel, 58, one of the White House gardeners reported to Fox News.

There were also other witnesses to the miraculous incident including a secret service agent who was on the roof of the White House at the time. With respect to the nature of his job, he wished to stay anonymous so we will refer to him as Agent X: “I saw Barack walking across the pond when I was on the roof of the White House. He didn’t seem to even make ripples on the water. This is proof right there that President Obama is the next Messiah. I got to admit, I never believed in the Bible until I saw the miracle happen right in front of my eyes. It was as if a shaft of light came down from the heavens and told me in a deep booming voice ‘DO YOU BELIEVE IN ME NOW?’ Hell yeah, I just started giggling like a little girl and got down on my knees to praise the lord Obama. I reads me the Bible every day now.”

Experts speak of Obama in the same league as such transformational
presidents as Democrat Franklin Roosevelt, who led the United States
through the Great Depression and World War Two, and Republican Ronald
Reagan, who led the country to victory in the Cold War.

“I cannot in my memory remember a time when a president of the
United States has had more influence.
Hail Obama, Hail Obama!” said Democratic strategist Stu Pidd, who worked in the Clinton White House.

A spokesman for the White House would neither confirm nor deny the recent reports.

Are Bankruptcies the New ASBOs?

There used to be a time when people were accountable for their financial mistakes but not anymore according to new Labour regulations incentivising bankruptcy.

“You can take out loans for hundreds of thousands of pounds, blow the whole lot, then declare yourself bankrupt and have the slate wiped clean and start again the next day. It’s really that easy, and under the Labour government no one is held accountable for the debt you rack up. It’s how they have been funding the false economy for years — through debt,” John Deacon, a critic of the debt culture that is sweeping Britain, told the Daily Squib.

Only a few months ago it was cool to be seen getting an ASBO (Anti Social Behavioral Order) and people would wear them as a badge of honour. Some even presented them as trophies on their trophy cabinets. Things seem to have changed from those days and ASBO’s have fallen out of favour by being superceded by the almighty bankruptcy. It is now seen as a major badge of honour to have frittered away thousands of pounds worth of someone else’s hard cash and to have got away with it without ever having to pay it back.

Mark Thug, director of personal insolvency at KPMG, said: “You have to remember that the people are watching their so-called leader bankrupt our nation with huge amounts of debt from his wild spending sprees where he squandered billions of pounds on useless schemes and moribund ideas. He has bankrupted Britain for the next thirty generations and also remember that he sold off Britain’s gold reserves at the bottom of the market. Gordon Brown is the biggest bankrupter this country has ever seen. He makes everyone else look like Mother f*cking Theresa. Anyway, without wishing to digress, we expect insolvencies to rise to approximately 750,000 in 2009.”

Scientists Baffled After Analysing Mexican Flu Virus

The virus was transferred to a high security room at the lab and
disassembled using a technique called “reverse genetics”. Scientists then took the genes that make the swine virus’s outer coating and
attached them to a harmless human virus called PR8.

It was during this process that the scientists were dumb struck at their discovery.

“During the analytical process we discovered that the virus carried a component that has got everyone excited. Our colleagues in the CDC from Atlanta, Georgia have also found the same component and are also baffled. It seems to be some kind of genetic footprint denoting the virus’s place of origin,” Dr. Mark Sykes from the HPA’s containment labs told the Daily Squib.

The World Health Organisation last night raised the alert to level five
– only one below the highest level – for the first time in its history.

“We also found that the virus likes to have a three hour siesta every day from about 2pm. It also has an affinity for Tequila if it’s host drinks some it gets happy and starts to sing Mariachi songs. We’ve seen some crazy shit in our labs. Sometimes we have to pinch ourselves to show we’re not dreaming,” Dr. Sykes added.

New Police Training Game Unveiled


“It’s just like the real deal, I feel like I get a good workout with my arms and truncheon when I train with this simulator. Hell, you can even hear the bones crackin’,” Officer Al Hertyu, from LA’s 67th precinct told the LA Times.

According to the developers of the simulator, this piece of high end software can actually save lives.

The software
developers also claim the game is good for police moral and is a good
way of letting off steam after a hard days violence on the streets.

“This shows you where to hit the perps depending on the situation. Say we got someone on pcp, now they ain’t going to feel pain like you and I so you’re gonna have to keep whackin’ until they go down. You got to get them in the right place too otherwise they just keep on coming. We’ve designed this software to train new recruits on how to conduct themselves during police brutality lawsuits as well. Either you say the right things or you go down. I’ve had thirty year police veterans come up to me and tell me that this program had them giggling like it was their first beat session. It really is that good,” Bob Monk, one of the developers for the software divulged.

The company that has developed the training aid is NASDAQ listed Crunch Software who are based in San Francisco, California.

Already other states are realising how effective the police training software is and are also planning to incorporate the program in their academies.


Gordon Brown: "Fear Levels Not High Enough"


Speaking from his Dacha in Southwold, Comrade Brown addressed senior Labour party officials and Bolshevik commanders:

“Comrades, as much as I welcome the wonderful news that we will have a
pandemic to finally whittle down the population by 90% so that we can
bring in our scientific utopian
dictatorship and the ultimate Fabian dream, I am still not happy with
the insipid fear levels that are being registered by the plebiscite. They still
seem to be nonchalant and apathetic to the fact that there will be
total social breakdown, no food; anti-viral medication only delivered to
party officials and Labour sycophants; total chaos and death.

“Comrades, as you all know, we have our antidotes for this lab-created
and will languish in our luxury apartments whilst all around us
the ensuing chaos will kick off. We will of course pretend to care and look as if we are doing something for the fodder. The Summer of Rage will be my defining
moment wherein I have left the people no option but to riot. We have
opened the borders for the virus to enter the country and do its work.
All contingency plans have thus so far been adhered to, as Commissar
Balls and Mandie can attest to in their fervour during preparations for
the genocide.

“Remember comrades it was us or them, and of course we have all the
machinery while they have nothing and are all useless consumers whose only purpose
is to serve us by consuming junk they think they need. We don’t let them have ideas. Why would we let them have guns?
We are tired of their ineffectual nature. They are a
burden on the New Age of Change, see how they disobey me on all orders
and laugh at me. Well, their time is up and the economic shock testing
that we engineered to create the collapse of the last remnants of
capitalism are proof of our power.

“Politburo members have even informed me that some of the plebiscite are so indoctrinated by the ‘eco-greening’ program that they will lay down their lives without question to save the earth from further pollution with their carbon emissions. These proles I salute and commend especially with their brainwashing, and I extend a globule of Soviet spittle on their unmarked graves.

“We have enabled a revolution without even one shot being fired. The
plebiscite are mere sheep — they can’t even bleat in protest as I
shepherd them into the pen for the final slaughter. We will
engineer a new society where the slaves will not question, they will
not have individual thought, they will not have the survival instinct
like us. Comrades, soon it will be time for us to retire to our villas
and watch the riots.”

In other news, sectors J34 and C21 were sealed off after another major outbreak of swine flu and the plebiscite neutralised.

Notice: B64945 INGSOCK Long Live the Gordo!