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MP Arrested After Stealing From Blind Beggar




A Labour MP was seen by several witnesses today at about lunchtime, stealing money from a blind beggar’s collection tin inside the Euston station terminal.

Witnesses who saw the blatant daylight robbery alerted security officers in the station and the Labour MP was promptly body searched then arrested.

This latest revelation does not surprise many who already view members of parliament with utter disdain and mistrust.

“After viewing the CCTV footage, we saw the thief come off a train. He then walked up to the blind gentleman who was sitting on the floor with a sign in front of him asking for money so he could eat some food. The MP looked around for a second then swooped down on the blind beggars
collection tin and took out some of the money,” Special Constable Chris. P. Bacun, told the Evening Standard newspaper.

According to Euston’s security team, the MP stole approximately 67p and a 10 cent euro coin from the blind man, who was later compensated in full. The MP was remanded in custody at Holloway Prison and denied bail until a hearing at Snaresbrook Crown Court on June 12th.

Prince Harry Plays Polo in New York Celebrity Charity Match



Madonna was among a number of other celebrities who watched Prince Harry play a charity polo match in New York.

Members of the public were invited to watch the polo match, in which Harry displayed his polo skills.

OJ Bubba, visiting from Jenkum, South Carolina, decided to take his family to the match.

‘That nigga on a horse is crazy! He be hittin’ a ball wit’ a stick,’ he said. ‘Sheeeit! Lookee all the rich folk here drinkin’ champagne. This ain’t no ghetto cook out thas fo’ sho!’

Another spectator who had never seen a polo match was LL Cool J.

‘Yo yo yo yo, don’t be passing the dutchie on the right side nigga,’ Harry told the rapper during the reception.

‘Don’t be talkin’ trash wigga or I’ll bust a cap in yo Royal ass!’ the rapper replied.


Harry’s team won the match 6-5, and they celebrated afterwards by snorting champagne. The 24-year-old is on his first official trip to the United States – a two-day New York visit.

“This is the first time the young prince has had the opportunity to prove himself on the field and improve his handicap point average,” his instructor, Major Fritz Hewitt told reporters.

Gordon Brown to Put P45 on Expenses

The beleaguered unelected unelectable head of the Labour government says that he will be entitled to claim his P45 on expenses as well as the cost of moving out of Number 10.

New Deal

According to high ranking Downing Street aides, the prime minister who is set to be finally ousted from his position, will claim the removal truck fees to the taxpayer.

“Gordon and his family don’t have much in the way of belongings but because of the nature of his employ, there will have to be a security escort out of Downing Street to protect the Brown’s from the baying crowds, mobs and rotten tomato throwers,” a Downing street staffer revealed to the Daily Squib.

Mr Brown’s ratings are currently the highest they have been in the polls, which is 23% lower than the worst ever polling prime minister or politician in British history.

Tory MP Caught Paying Tax

The Tory MP, who was caught paying tax, is now the laughing stock of the House of Commons.

“He can’t show his face here anymore, everyone knows who he is. This is a shameful day for politics when even the Labour MPs are sniggering behind his back. Yesterday, when he walked into the House of Commons bar, there was total silence and everyone just looked down onto the floor and ignored the poor old blighter,” a Commons source told our paper.

According to reports, the MP even paid for his servants quarters in his third home to be furnished with his own money, as well as his moat being cleaned without the taxpayers help.

“Once this was all exposed by the Telegraph, his days were numbered in parliament. We can’t have MPs paying tax or for repairs on their mansions. He might as well start packing his bags because he’s a dead man walking,” another source said.

The internal MPs investigation unit headed by Jacqui Smith will delve into the taxing scandal and will report to the parliamentary commission tomorrow.

Windsors to Invade Normandy D-Day Beach

Sources say the entire British Royal family have been preparing for the invasion of Normandy for two weeks now and will complete their mission some time in June, although the exact date is yet to be announced.

“I got a call from Lizzie a few weeks ago, she said the midget frog bastard Sarky had snubbed her for the D-Day commemoration and that Scottish one-eyed bad-luck-merchant, who has already ruined the country enough, was going to take her place as ambassador for good ol’ Blighty. Well, she was positively fuming and ordered me to get the Royal landing craft ready. Prince Harry and William will be attacking from the air and have both borrowed some top notch aircraft from the RAF. Andrew’s going to be there too as well as Charlie boy. That French surrender monkey, Sarkozy is going to get a bloody nose over this if it’s the last thing we damn well do. We’re even going to send in a few Gurkhas to give Brown a deserved thrashing,” Colonel Saunders of the Third Regiment Light Brigade Division told the Sun newspaper.

The plan is to land on Utah beach, march up to the podium where that slimy little French man, Sarkozy, will be showing off to the Yanks and give him a bloody nose. According to palace rumours, the Queen has even requested that Sarkozy is hung up by his testicles but everyone will have to wait and see what happens.

“Once Sarkozy has been strung up, the Queen will either set Prince Harry or Princess Anne onto him. He better wish it’s the former because Anne is known for her venomous bite and her hissing, it has been said, she can make her victims run away in abject terror just from the very sound,” Colonel Saunders added.

No Oil In North Korea Says U.S.

Speaking from the Pentagon, Theobold Reznick told reporters: “Until we find that there is oil in N. Korea we will NOT be invading. I don’t care if they’ve got nuclear weapons and WMD’s coming out of their assholes, we ain’t invading that sucker because  a) they don’t have oil, b) they might actually fight back.”

“No Oil But Loads of WMD”

Meanwhile back in Pyongyang, there have been calls for even more nuclear tests in order to prove to the world how far its nuclear program has come.

“You don’t actually think the U.S. would dare to invade someone who actually fights back huh? They just target oil rich countries who have no functioning armies or air force. Once they find one of those countries, it’s just a case of baiting these paper tigers until they crack; getting stooges like Colin Powell to testify to the U.N. with falsified evidence, spreading rumours and fear as well as de-humanizing the ‘enemy’ as much as possible. Then you’re on the home straits, keep that up for awhile and increase the patriotic jingoistic rhetoric until the warmongering froths up the public’s Yankee spirit to fever pitch level, and then — Shock and Awe time,” a political commentator on Capitol Hill told Fox News.

After developing the conventional missile driven atomic bomb, North
Korean scientists were also engaged in research to miniaturise the detonation mechanisms to fit into suitcases and other
portable transportation devices. Naturally, for the right price, Jihadists would be accommodated by the North Koreans.

Pigs Trough to be Installed in Houses of Parliament

Members of Parliament have hailed the unelected leader of the government, Gorgon Swine’s moves to install a pig’s trough in the middle of the House of Commons chamber so that MPs can conduct their business under more favourable conditions.


“This brings a new meaning to parliamentary question time. The swine will simply feed at the trough when they enter the pigs chamber. This will certainly rival the Lord Chancellor’s breakfast, as the dishonourable members all vie for the tastiest morsels which will be thrown into the trough from a slop bucket. This will be the Serjeant at Swine’s job and once he fills the trough, it’s basically a free for all. Those who don’t kick, lie, backstab, push and bite to get the best bits will be left behind — much like real life politics don’t you think?” a political commentator told the Daily Squib.

There have been further rumours circulated that the parliamentary swill session may be televised although negotiations are currently taking place with Rupert ‘Lizard’ Murdoch.

Some entrepreneurial MPs say that they would even back a public gallery opening directly above the MP swine feeding trough so that members of the public could watch the filthy proceedings from behind some reinforced plexi-glass.

“We could charge members of the public to watch us conducting business in the trough. Yes, we could charge them £10 per head to watch our snouts digging into the trough of inequity,” a Labour backbencher snorted.

Shock: Soccer Star Caught Buying Book

West Bum striker Tony Phuckah is pictured brazenly buying books from a bookshop close to his home only hours after playing in his side’s win against Wigan last weekend.

Just three days later – as the team was in training for today’s crunch clash against Liverpool – his fiancée took delivery of MORE books at the same bookshop close to Phuckah’s home again.

Last night when we confronted the 26-year-old with our damning evidence he sneered: “Yeah, so?” and claimed it was for a friend. He added: “It wasn’t for me. I’m not at all interested in the progression and development of linear perspective in painting methodology of 15th century Florentine painters. Neither am I at all interested in the intellectual pursuits of luminaries such as Leonardo Da Vinci or Michaelangelo.”

But as the seriousness of what he had done sank in, he gulped: “I am f*cked.”

Our revelations will infuriate many soccer players who would never be seen reading a book let alone one about the Renaissance. And they will shock football chiefs desperate to keep literature out of the game.

“We can’t have players reading books! This has shocked the whole team who were out last night at some sleazy chav club picking up slappers to roast whilst whacked out on cocaine and MDMA. I think this guy should be suspended and fined for putting the game into disrepute.”

Astonishingly, £18,000-a-week goal ace Phuckah had a quiet evening in with his fiancée reading books and discussing philosophical concepts. 

Shortly after he arrived back at his £500,000 home, he was seen carrying about 12 books into the house.


The book shop dealer later told us: “Even we couldn’t believe how brazen he was just walking out into the street in daylight with the books. We would expect him to be more discreet. A lot of footballers live in the area and he is well known.”

Then on Tuesday it was the turn of Phuckah’s dark-haired girlfriend Wag Slaginova to emerge from the house in a quiet surburban road and pick up another stash of books.

Like the soccer star lover she has dated for several years, Wag – in her mid-20s – has become interested in literature and is exploring the works of Nietzsche, Sartre, Russell and Hegel.

“£420 for a first edition and £200 for the second edition”

Last night he told our reporter: “I can’t believe I have been exposed like this. Everyone knows that footballers don’t read. My career is ruined.”

His girlfriend insisted: “Phuckah is not like that. I understand how someone can believe he bought the books for himself. But he didn’t.”

A source told us last night: “What he did is madness. He has alienated every footballer in the land. He should be out in the nightclubs causing f*cking mayhem, snorting coke, sleeping with as many young girls as possible, causing fights and crashing his £450,000 Aston Martin into trees. He might as well forget about coming back to the team after this reading and staying at home scandal.”

“He has shamed the game. There is no place for such behaviour. He has let the fans down who pay good money to watch him every week.”

Later last night Phuckah’s agent made frantic calls to try and stop the story from running.


Eliot Moshe, of Soccer Invest, said: “You and I know the damage this can do the player’s career is phenomenal. It will kill it in England. This could cost him seven figures. It is going to cost him pretty much his career.”

“I am absolutely shocked that he has been stupid enough to get involved in this. He is completely screwing his life. I don’t expect it from a professional footballer. I know how serious this is.”

Soccer authorities – along with other sports governing bodies – have introduced new measures to clamp down on the use of damaging cultural literature

In November 1994, former Arsenal ace Paul Merson put his career on the line when he admitted to being a Carl Jung and Schopenhauer addict.

The Football Association arranged for a rehabilitation programme and he returned to the Arsenal team in February 1995

Phuckah’s exposure adds to a week of shame for football with Spurs and England defender Anul Piles spending a night in the British Library after allegedly becoming addicted to the works of Søren Aabye Kierkegaard.

West Bum refused to comment on Phuckah last night until the club has held an internal inquiry.


Daily Squib Smuggles Banned American Shock Jock Michael Savage into Britain

The American radio ‘personality’, Michael Savage was secretly smuggled into Britain last night after five harrowing days on the run from British Stasi agents and Politburo officials.

The Daily Squib’s covert reporter recalls the arduous journey that took place which could have resulted in all who were involved being incarcerated for the next 42 years in an eco-gulag somewhere in Sector 101 (Northern Soviet Britain):

“We brought Mr Savage into Britain from the coast. We used a yacht in which he was hidden in a fridge unit for the three week journey from Boston. We then transported Mr Savage into a vehicle once we got onto shore. These were the most crucial and tense times for us because a Stasi patrol came past and we had to show our papers. The commandant then checked our Wartburg 353, he even checked the bloody ashtray. What he didn’t know of course was that we had hidden Mr Savage in a specially designed area behind the back seat of the car.

“We had to now drive deep into the belly of the beast – to London – where there are more Stasi officers, cameras, listening devices and double agents than at any time in East German or Soviet Russian history. You can’t swing a cat in London without it hitting a surveillance camera.

“Do you know how many check points there are from the coast of Sector 12 (Devon) to Sector 01 (London)? Too many to count. We had to have special permission to move out of the sector anyway, which I had secured after three months of dealing with bureaucratic morons in the Department of Sector Travel.

“At one of the checkpoints just outside the M25 Mr Savage sneezed from behind the seat as the Stasi official was checking our vehicle. That’s when we thought the game was really up, but luckily Bob, who was travelling with us, sneezed as well and the official let us go. There were beads of sweat practically falling off our faces. Everywhere we looked we saw the menacing posters of Comrade Brown and Comrade Jacqui Smith looking at us. This added extra tension to our already anxious journey.

“Well, dear friends we did finally get to the safe house and Mr Savage was transported into the house once in the garage. Because there are listening devices in every home in Britain, we had to communicate by writing everything down or through the use of sign language. Mr Savage is now safe in the basement, and has already conducted a covert communication which will be broadcast tomorrow at 9 pm GMT.

Mike Savage has asked for us to relay some very important messages to his family in America:

“Hello folks, I am in Limey land. They got great food here. Yesterday they fed me some boiled cabbage, a boiled potato and a piece of gristle from I don’t know what f*cking animal. They got great dentists here too, like they use pliers to take the teeth out or they just punch you in the f*cking mouth. Dental hygiene means like gargling your mouth out with a quart of whisky if you can get the rations. Otherwise it’s kind of good here. Tomorrow they’re transporting me to another safe house somewhere in a place called Dagenham. I heard it smells like sh*t there so I’ll know when I’m there cuz I’ll be in the back of the car, but then again the whole goddamn place smells of sh*t. Hey Jacqui Smith, I’m right here. You can’t catch me you jack booted commie slut.”

The American shock jock is currently in another safe house because a member of our team was found to be a double agent for the politburo. We found the mole and flushed the traitor down the sewer where they belong. Here’s to free speech.

New Housing Scheme For Ministers Unveiled

Ministers for all parties from now on will be expected to live in the new taxpayer funded housing schemes which will be implemented from June 2009 and will replace the second homes housing expenses fiasco that has caused such consternation.

“From now on MPs will be expected to sleep in the specially designed eco-housing modules made from sustainable forests in Sweden. After a hard days work in your constituency or in parliament itself, you can just unfold your housing unit and get a good nights sleep. You’ll be up and about in the morning and as spritely as a Hensvik shelving unit from Ikea. Just fold your new taxpayer funded sleeping unit after another cosy sleepless night and you’ll be raring to go for another session of heckling at PMQ’s,” Lord Arbuthnot Braitwaite told the Evening Standard from under Waterloo bridge.

The new Eco-MP Housing Units have been approved by the taxpayer because of their low cost efficiency and bio-degradable qualities. One single unit will only set the taxpayer back 31 pence to house a member of parliament for up to five or ten years. This cost efficiency measure is preferable to the hundreds of thousands it took to house ministers under the old regime.

“I blame Jacqui Smith and all the other Labour scroungers and greed-driven scumbags. If it wasn’t for them getting caught I wouldn’t be in this bloody awful mess. Tories have been doing this for years and we have only been caught once. Last night I couldn’t even get my Bentley Arnage into the Eco-Unit’s garage. This is a bloody disgrace I tell you,” a senior Tory backbencher complained.

So next time you’re under a public walkway or bridge after midnight, shout out “order order” and you will hear a collective groan from the assembled housing units scattered around in the dimly lit rat infested MP housing zones.