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Obama Now Smoking Five Cigarette Packs a Day


Senior White House aides are said to be concerned for the new president after the volume of cigarettes he is smoking daily has increased substantially in recent weeks.

“The Oval room is now one big ashtray, with Dubya we had to install a spittoon, with this guy we just have one giant ashtray in the middle of the f*cking room where he sticks his butts. You can imagine the stench especially, whenever there is a slight crisis. Barack will just keep chaining ’em like there’s no tomorrow. We even had to get some people in a few days ago to scrape the nicotine off the once white ceiling,” John Smithers, the White House press officer told CNN.

It has been one disaster after another for Obama and it seems the fake veneer of his election promises are slowly wearing thin.

Tanya Gould, a prominent Obama supporter and campaigner told the Washington Times: “It’s like the people got conned by electing him and sometimes you see the real truth of the situation. Like you get little glimpses, but then the PR people come in and gloss over the truth. I just wish there would be some reality even though things would be bad at least it would be real huh.”

The White House’s resident doctor, Meat Johnsons M.D, who trained at the Michael Jackson School of Medicine, said this about Obama’s unhealthy habit: “We need to realise that Obama is under a lot of stress and he needs to smoke because it gives him the strength to carry on when everything else is crumbling around him. I say smoke more!.”

What with the whole of the U.S.A slowly imploding underneath the trillions of debt dollars; the social infrastructure crumbling; healthcare reform; inevitable defeat in Afghanistan; pensions and mass unemployment — at least Obama is keeping the U.S.’s tobacco industry afloat.

French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, who attended a meeting with Obama at the White House last week was astounded at the level of smoke in the Oval office: “Sarkozy is not a big guy and we actually lost him at one point under the smoke from the cigarettes and ashtray. We had to get a secret service dude to open the window so we could find the French guy. In the end we found him cowering behind a chair. It was a hectic 25 minutes I tell you,” another aide, who spoke to us on condition of anonymity, divulged.

ID Cards Not Compulsory But You Will Be Jailed If Found Without One


The new non-compulsory scheme will be unveiled by the unelected Soviet leader, Comrade Brown, next week where he will outline the offences that will be applied if anyone is caught without their papers and ID in all sectors.

“Your papers please”

“This non-compulsory scheme will make it a non-compulsory offence to not carry an ID card issued to you by the state. You do not have to have your ID with you at all times, but if you are caught without one you will be committing an offence,” the new Commissar for Stasi Security, Comrade Johnson announced.

Since the honourable discharge of Commissar Smith, there has been a concerted effort by the Labour hierarchy to present a more friendly image to the process of controlling proles.

In Other News

Retinal scans in sector 12b were halted yesterday due to a problem with the machine. Proles who work and live in the sector must be prepared to wait in long queues to enter the sector and must have their fingerprints and ID cards on their person or they will be arrested in a non-compulsory way and detained indefinitely.

We must remind proles that any thoughtcrimes or even thoughts of thoughtcrimes will be sniffed out and the offenders sent to re-education camps.

Congratulations to 8 year old, Beryl Honeywell (Sector 34), who reported her mother and father for thoughtcrimes against the state. They were also guilty of committing terroristic acts against the Soviet people by not purchasing the correct amount of carbon credits for the year. The two terrorists were detained yesterday and will spend the next 42 years breaking rocks in a gulag somewhere in sector 101.

Revealed: "Kelly Osbourne Ate My Chihuahua"

A prominent member of the Hollywood jetset and socialite was today nursing her wounds after witnessing something which will live with her forever.

Not only did she witness her favourite pet lose it’s life but suffered the further indignity of having to report the incident in its full gory detail to police officers who were quickly on the scene.

“According to witnesses, Ms Margolis was at an affluent Beverly Hills boutique browsing when Kelly Osbourne and a little boy turned up. They were having a furious argument over who should wear the glitter makeup and which dress looks better when Kelly hit the peroxide haired twink on the head. She slapped him and he started to cry. Looking around with Ozzy-esque rage she swung around and spied the tiny pooch innocently sniffing a mannequin. That’s when the horror started. Kelly picked up the dog, looked it in the eye then stuffed the lot in her mouth. There was a bit of crunching but otherwise no sound and an almighty gulp as the dog went down. After burping loudly she stormed out of the expensive boutique and hailed a cab with her twink in tow. Ms Margolis was left with an empty leash, she just stood there,” Line Officer for the Beverly Hills P.D. , Maria Gambino, told TMZ.

Ms Margolis has already contacted lawyers and she plans to sue Ms Osbourne for damages and post-traumatic stress which has needed hours of counselling.

Kelly Osbourne’s Personal Assistant refutes the incident ever happened and says Osbourne will fight the claims in court: “Kelly Osbourne is innocent of all charges and even though is party to intense fits of rage every few minutes, did not and would not follow in her fathers footsteps. Besides, she was with her twink boyfriend and he keeps her in check all the time.”

Since the incident, many of the shops employees have needed counselling and are seeking compensation.

There has been a disturbing pattern of disappearances of small pets whenever Kelly Osbourne is around and PETA are investigating.

Gordon Brown Offers Support to Iranian People in their Attempts to Overthrow their Unelected Leader


Speaking from Westminster, the Prime Minister offered his full support to the Iranian people: “The Iranians are very brave in trying to get rid of their unelected leader who has hijacked their country and is running it into the ground with his tin pot dictatorial ideas. This mad man has caused economic chaos and serious problems to the Iranian people and world at large. He is an unelected dictator and I personally commend the brave fighters who resist this unjust charlatan who has somehow shoehorned himself into the post.”

Mr Brown has also made it known to the unelected leadership of Iran that he intends to support the people who oppose the dictatorship currently in government.

“It is an utter disgrace that an unelected leader with no mandate can sneak his way into office and hold a whole country to ransom. This unelected Iranian president has also seen fit to hold on to power through any means possible. How cowardly and reprehensible is that?” Mr Brown added.

Muslim Convert Jackson Got It Wrong : 50 Concerts Not 50 Virgins

Since converting to Islam a year before his death, Michael Jackson has been a devout follower of the Nation of Islam’s watered down version of the faith.


“Michael may have misunderstood what the O2 concert promoters wanted, maybe Michael interpreted the command to perform 50 concerts as going and martyring himself for 50 virgins in heaven. You see the Muslims believe that if you martyr yourself then you will be greeted in heaven with 50 virgins of your choice. Michael told me in private that he couldn’t wait to get up there and get busy with those young boys. So you see, I think he must have misunderstood plus he was so drugged up he didn’t know if he was coming or going poor blighter,” one of the doctor’s who administered huge doses of drugs to Jackson on a daily basis told Fox News.

It is certainly possible that Michael got the 50 concerts mixed up with 50 virgins, according to a Hollywood Ear and Nose Specialist, Professor Scheisse, Jackson had very poor hearing because of years of auditory abuse in loud venues.


Investigators are toying with the theory that the O2 promoters, AEG, phoned Jackson up and tried to arrange the 50 London concerts, instead of agreeing to the concerts, Jackson thought they were asking him to martyr himself so that he could enjoy eternity with 50 virgins. Some theories say that he had already had his fun on the physical plane and therefore must have thought in his drug addled state that it was a good time to check out for the next episode in funny stuff.

A Saudi Arabian Islamic scholar, Mohammed bin Fuqah, refuted the claims today: “Everyone knows that it’s 72 virgins. Michael even got that wrong. Silly bugger.”

This was all a misunderstanding that could have been avoided with a little more communication. Now the poor promoters AEG have to foot a £300 million bill.

Story still developing..

Jackson Now Drinking Jesus Juice With Jesus


Ministers from the Third Church of Adventist Jehovah’s Baptists Tri-Catholic Presbyterians in Westwood, West Los Angeles have told of their joy after the church’s leader saw Michael Jackson in a vision after he sadly passed away yesterday.

Reverend J. L. Amarillo Sharpton, who preaches to the congregation every day, told of his visions of Jackson: “I saw Michael, he was in heaven all dressed in sparkling white. There was a big smile on his face because he knew he was free at last. He was surrounded by little boy angels and they all had bottles of..Jesus Juice! Over upon yonder, Jesus joined Michael and his flock and they both drank the Jesus Juice. And then a flock of Catholic priests joined Jackson and Jesus all smiling and drinking Jesus Juice. It was a beautiful sight, something that has brought joy into my Christian heart. Praise be to him and may he rest in peace. He is certainly with good company.”

After Reverend Amarillo Sharpton conducted the Lords prayer and his sermon to the assembled congregation, there was dancing and singing from the holy book of Thriller.

At the end of the singing, the holy Jesus Juice was brought out and everyone drank plenty from the holy cup.

We all can rest assured that Michael Jackson is at peace now and in a place where he can enjoy himself thoroughly without any creditors or paparazzis trying to get him.

Michael Jackson is Dead!


Michael Jackson has died at UCLA hospital.
Looks like there will not be any comeback for Michael Jackson.

“I don’t know how I’m going to do 50 shows,” … “I’m not a big eater – I need to put some weight on”

An industry source said: “It came suddenly, he was pushed into these concerts by these greedy promoters, he was fragile, he was on the edge and he had altered his appearance to such a level that his body gave up on him eventually. He was abused from childhood and may have manifested in abuse in others. He passed away three weeks from the biggest comeback that he never wanted or was capable of doing. Who the hell thought he could even do one concert let alone fifty?”

The ailing star was addicted to Demerol, which has opiate qualities. He died soon after taking a huge dosage that stopped his heart.

Promoters for the O2 concerts and Jackson’s assorted hangers-on, publishers as well as his record company hoods were said to be inconsolable today as they realised that Jackson was worth more in death than in life.

Record company bosses and publishing houses all brought out statements and tributes to the fallen star whilst getting ready for the deluge of record sales that will now follow.

Adolf Schmidt-Himmler, CEO, Pony Music Entertainment, said: “We are sad to see the passing of this great artist. We all know what happens to record sales when an artist dies, especially this one, it’s like the sales chart goes up like a goddamn mountain face, we’re talkin’ Everest here. This is when we start bringing out those secret songs which we’ve been holding in the vault for so long. The sales projections for MJ will be so big that tears have just come to my eyes. I’m crying like a little baby. Rest in peace Michael.”

Scripted Obama Uses Teleprompter in White House Bedroom


Speaking on CBS’ Early Show, Michelle Obama was so angry that a little bit of spittle flew out of her frothing mouth and hit host, Julie Chen right in the eye during a morning interview.

“Michelle was raving about Barack and during the ad break she started shouting. Some spit got in Julie Chen’s left eye and her makeup started dripping. We only had 12 seconds until we were back on air so we just had to leave it. Julie was very professional and carried on with the interview as if nothing had happened,” the shows producer reported.

According to the segment producer, Michelle is losing all patience after discovering that Barack, who has to have everything he says and does completely scripted, decided to have a teleprompter installed in their White House bedroom.

“As well as being pumped up with amphetamines so that he can function properly, the president is also told what to say and do at all times of the day and night. Obama cannot even speak a sentence without a teleprompter and is so used to it that he has ordered aides to fire up some conversation scenarios for him to talk to his wife,” a Pentagon spokesman told CNN.

“We had to get some script writers from Hollywood to write up what Obama would say to Michelle. He is so scripted that he can’t actually string a sentence together or even say a word without a script. It’s really that bad. We also have an earpiece which will direct Obama and prompt him to do certain actions if need be. The whole operation works very well most of the time although we have had problems with the teleprompter sticking sometimes. Just yesterday, as Obama was asking Michelle to move a little more to the left during a love making session, the teleprompter stuck and caused mayhem. Last week there was another scare when his earpiece started picking up a radio signal and transmitting rap music, let us just say it did not go down very well as the Obama’s were both enjoying a post coital cigarette,” the aide said.

Could this be the last straw for Michelle Obama who is renowned for her fiery temper and who does not suffer fools gladly?

GOP to Change Elephant Mascot


GOP Headquarters was buzzing all of yesterday because Sarah Palin was in town from Alaska to spearhead the new image re-think that is so desperately needed and will revolutionise the Republican party forever.

“We’re going to change our mascot. It is time for a re-branding session and I’ve been speaking to our GOP representatives and telling them that we need to change the animal from an elephant to a moose. Someone even suggested a dead moose, like its legs akimbo in the air. I think that will symbolise our great party right there. After eight years of Dubya rule, that’s what we got. I shoot moose all day here in Wasilla and we eat moose meat all the time. My family lives and breathes moose, so we need to get more moose mascots. They make a great soup, you just drop that moose meat right in the pot and you got yourself a hot broth for those cold dark winter nights. If you walk into our dining room you will see about thirty moose heads on the wall. We even named the suckers, each and every one of those moose on the wall has a name. My favourite is Obongo, yep, and then there’s John Mack who was a really old one I shot last winter, and then we got Letterman as well, oh, that’s not a moose I forgot, it’s the actual head of David Letterman right there on the wall. All GOPers are welcome to come up to Alaska and we’ll put you up for a night or two, but if you’re a male we have to warn you. There will be no sneaking into our daughters rooms. Well, there you go, we should change the mascot to a moose and that folks is my daily moose rant of which there are many. I’ve even fashioned a Prada coat from a moose pelt so they’re useful for everything. We don’t have elephants in America, they only have them in the country of Africa, at least that is what I learned in school..so let’s stick with the good ol’ North American moose folks. We got shitloads of those, that is, until it’s hunting season.”

Mrs Palin has already commissioned a top advertising agency from Chicago to redesign the logo for the Republican party.

The new mascot will be officially unveiled next week and will also include a campaign planning session for the upcoming 2012 elections when Sarah Palin will run for US presidency.

Detroit to Get Obama Makeover


Officials for Obama’s city makeover team were in a jubilant mood today because they have one of their first jobs coming up — the city of Detroit.

“We’re going to do the Obama makeover for this city right here. OK, now look in that direction over there. What do you see? Yep, that’s right, shacks, burnt out buildings, burnt out cars and rows of empty homes with repo signs outside. Well, after we do the Obama makeover this shit ain’t going to be here anymore. OK boys bring out the dozers!” Ed Hurlahee, senior Obama City Makeover Tzar announces on Fox News.

The plan is to bulldoze all of Detroit’s 143 square miles leaving only one building standing — the GM building.

Once the bulldozers have completed their job, the rubble will be crushed and in some cases dynamited into little pieces.

“We needed expert advice on bulldozing whole cities, so who better to ask then the Israelis. We’ve flown over a contingent of Israeli experts because they’re so efficient in bulldozing and erasing whole Palestinian cities and towns,” Mr Hurlahee added.

The team of bulldozers, which number over 20,000, will bulldoze and dynamite their way through the whole city in less than half an hour.

“There may be a few people left in Detroit but we will give them ample time to leave,” he said.

According to Obama’s appointed city planners, if you stand on the General Motors’ Renaissance Center tower in the middle of Detroit and look out for ten miles in each direction, all you will see is crushed rubble.

“It will be a vast improvement to what is here in Detroit at the moment,” say officials.