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Model Katie Price to Release New Album

Katie Price is not just good at getting her silicon breasts out at every opportunity or baring all on reality shows and horse riding, she has done it all and has now set her sights on the music business.

“Jordan is a very talented singer, just last week we got her to sing in the studio’s kitchen area and the milk in the fridge actually curdled. It was amazing, we were out of yoghurt that day and suddenly we had some. She’s also very good for peeling paint on the walls, and even wallpaper. We cut our renovation costs by just having her in and singing. The only problem is that her singing can be fatal to animals, our studio engineer had brought his pet hamster, Larry, into the session on the way to the vets, but by the end sadly poor Larry had passed away, in fact, his poor little eardrums had burst,” the new Jordan album’s producer, Tony Jenkins told Melody Maker magazine.

Recording engineers have figured out how to record the model without causing permanent damage to their hearing by wearing industrial earbuds and mufflers so that they never hear the sound of her voice. The recording process is completed away from the studio by looking at audio levels through digital equalisers thus removing the need to listen to Ms Price’s blood curdling singing.

Katie Price showcasing her profound singing skills earlier this year

“If Lily Allen can do it, why can’t Jordan? The ‘music biz’ is awash with talentless female acts who look good and flash their bodies so Jordan won’t be anything different. The only problem we can foresee is that she’s getting too old now, she looks like a wrinkled old prune with her fake orange tan and trout mouth. She’s also extremely stupid, like her IQ has been measured at below 43, which is considered retarded by most medical standards,” her agent told Heat magazine.

Despite being retarded, talentless, and vulgar in every way, Jordan is still a role model to millions of British women and owing to her success in modelling she is now worth over £36 million.

Her ardent fans are said to be awaiting the new album, which should be released by the end of the summer. Amy, 25, from Manchester said: “I can’t wait to buy the new album of Katie Price singing. I’ve been wanting to strip the paint off my banisters for a long time now. All I will do is put her songs on the tape machine, go out to the shops and when I come back it should all be done!”

Jordan’s debut album will be released in August on Jive-ass Records.

Obama in Doghouse


There was hell to pay in the Obama household this week when Michelle Obama was alerted to the new President’s ogling of young females at the G8 conference in Italy.

White House aides had to at one point clear away broken furniture and a damaged portrait of Abraham Lincoln after Mrs Obama caught wind of the photographs in the media.

“Poor Barack, he was jus’ lookin’ at some white booty but Michelle put the smack down. After they came back from Italy, he was sitting at his desk in the Oval room with his feet up relaxin’ and she came up behind and slapped him so hard round the noggin that he started to cry like a lil baby. Secret service boys were ordered to stand by because they have no jurisdiction on domestics. Last we saw before we were told to leave was Michelle grabbing the boy by the scruff of the neck and ramming the Washington Times into his open terrified mouth,” a White House staffer told Reuters.

Since the Obama’s have come back from Italy they have been holed up in the White House undergoing crisis talks say aides.

“Obama is not Bill Clinton. He ain’t no ‘comeback kid’, uh uh, not like Bill was. Michelle
don’t suffer fools gladly and ain’t no Hillary who lets her man get away with sleeping with all the floozies. I seen Michelle beat Barack over the head on the campaign bus more than once, especially when he got his lines wrong in rehearsals. What Barack must be going through now I don’t even want to know, poor bastard,” the Reverend Elijah. D.
Sharpton III, said on the Larry King show.


Daily Squib Offices Bugged By Rupert Murdoch


There was shock and dismay today in the Daily Squib offices worldwide when staff were told that all of their phone calls and internet traffic had been bugged by Rupert Murdoch’s cronies.

“We have found that all phones for our writing staff were bugged and hacked. This discovery raises serious questions on how that reptile Murdoch has been nicking our ideas and top notch reporting for so long. Even though Rupert the lizard has been bugging the Squib, his News Corporation are still producing generic, banal rubbish that is sub-standard to say the least. Goes to show that they still can’t get it right even with the best material,” the Squib’s chief editor, Paul Herring said.

The British newspaper arm of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp denied on
Friday allegations its journalists had hacked into the Daily Squib phones and internet accounts.

Rupert Murdoch, who was interviewed on the Fox Network yesterday had this to say about the allegations: “Weee hav-v-v-e notttt bugged or hacked into anyyy Daily S-s-s-s-s-s-quib telephonessssss. Hmmm, is that a bluebottle fly? Ohhhh yes-s-s-s-s-s-s, come to daddy. Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!” at that moment, Murdoch’s lizard tongue shoots out and devours the bluebottle fly, which was moments ago feasting on a giant steaming dog turd in the Fox News car parks and had sealed its fate by flying into the studios.

Afghanistan: It’s 1842 All Over Again


“You just can’t win against these buggers. If they’re not shooting at foreigners, they’re shooting at themselves. It’s in their blood. Don’t forget about the terrain as well, it’s a situation where certain defeat is guaranteed. Our commanders have been foolish with being suckered into this invasion again, look what happened to the Russkies? We did not learn in Iraq either,” Sir John MacFraser told an MOD hearing into the state of the conflict on Friday.

During the retreat from Kabul in 1842, the British retreating troops were massacred at the Gandamak pass. They had left Kabul with 16,500 men,  but only managed to reach Jalalabad with less than 40 men. One of the only surviving members, Dr. William Brydon, an assistant surgeon in the British East India Company was hailed as the only European to have survived the massacre.

They just never learn

It seems the futility of the second Afghan campaign has still not been absorbed by the egotistical and foolish hierarchy who have no understanding of history or of indigenous peoples.

“The stupid morons who ordered British troops into Afghanistan are simply doing this for their egos and nothing else. There is nothing to gain in this campaign and they will just pass the buck onto the next administration who will probably carry on with it.  Foolish pride has thus far not solved anything in the rugged terrains and cold mountain passes of Afghanistan, where the Brits are sitting ducks to the huge IED’s and ambushes. The only way we can win this war is if we nuke the whole of Afghanistan and start again, or kill every man, woman and child one by one. That’s not going to happen is it?” Sir John MacFraser added.

Old Version of Humans to be Phased Out Say Scientists

The researchers believe that the old genetic strain of man will finally be phased out of the gene pool in about five to ten years.

But other experts say they are not convinced that the process of eliminating the outdated human strain from the planet will be fast enough and want to ensure a faster timetable for the extinction process..

Writing in the journal Stem Cells and Development, the Newcastle team say it will be at least five years before the technique of elimination of the old and creation of the new genetically modified human is perfected.

They began with stem cell lines derived from human embryos donated following IVF treatment.

The stem cells had been removed when the embryo was a few days old and were stored in tanks of liquid nitrogen.

The stem cells were brought to body temperature and put in a chemical mixture to encourage them to grow. They were “tagged” with a genetic marker which enabled the scientists to identify and separate so-called “germline” stem cells from which eggs and sperm are developed.

The male, XY stem cells underwent the crucial process of “meiosis” – halving the number of chromosomes. The process over creating and
developing the sperm took four to six weeks.

No more spunk

The Newcastle team say the sperm were fully mature, mobile sperm and they have produced a video to back up the research.

Professor Charles Galton at Newcastle University and the NorthEast England Stem Cell Institute says: “This is an important development, as it will accelerate the extinction of the current human species quicker. Old man is redundant, we are now in the post-consumerist age where there is no need for the old work horse or the useless eaters consuming important resources inanely. The planet cannot sustain the mass breeding of these genetically inferior slaves anymore. War and unhealthy lifestyles have not worked in reducing the populations, this is why the upcoming pandemics have had to be unleashed.  We will engineer a new species of male/female hybrids who will serve the ruling classes without the need for independence or conscience. We needed a better class of slave, the new genetically modified humans will be much better servants than the previous class who have now outgrown their usefulness.

“We will of course be masking our real eugenics project by claiming to the public that the new system is a way of helping infertile males when in reality we do not want anymore males to reproduce. Once the Swine flu takes care of the old version of males and females, the ruling elite will bring in the new genetically modified slave class that does not answer back; that does not need leisure activities or have any survival instincts. The new breed will have a hive mentality possibly controlled with microprocessors and implants.

“The new eugenics program will also allow scientists to study how fast the herd can be culled and new breeds of humans introduced.”

We still have the problem of how we can more efficiently rid ourselves of the old humans who are now useless and redundant, to create the New Order
Dr Alan Mengele

But Dr Alan Mengele, a eugenicist at the University of Sheffield, said he was astounded at the new findings.

Trans-humanist society

“These new techniques involved in creating new human strains is a necessary part of the coming Scientific Dictatorship which will supersede the old system of control, which is now past its sell by date. The old human slaves are unworkable now and after the cull, there will have to be a mass production of the new slaves to fill the hole left by the old workers. I hope the elite rulers and scientific hierarchy will have enough resources to create the new slave class quickly and efficiently.”

The scientists in Newcastle say it will be at least five years before the technique is perfected – when they believe by that time lab created virus’ like Swine Flu should have evolved to such a level that they would be devastating to the current outdated human population.

This research also raises ethical issues. Hannah Ludlow from Action Against Eugenics said: “This is an example of immoral madness.
Perfectly viable humans will have to be destroyed in order to create a new society for the elite rulers.

“It’s taking one life in order to perhaps create another. I’m very much in favour of creating a sustainable system on earth but this is going to be just a bit too messy.”

One of the governments think-tanks, The Genocide Project, had this to say about the new announcement: “There is nothing to worry about. Please carry on watching your reality shows and entertaining yourselves with banal, dumbed-down activities. Do not worry yourselves on such matters — just keep on sleeping.”

Health and Safety Found to be Unsafe


The Health and Safety board will be dismantled after a recent Parliamentary White Paper put through the House of Lords found the Labour Stasi unit to be “unsafe and extremely hazardous” to the public.

Speaking to ITN News, head of the Common Sense Ministry in Whitehall, Sir Ludwig Sane, outlined the main reasons for the final curtain being pulled on Health and Safety: “Frankly we’ve had enough. They’re f*cking bonkers. You can’t even get out of bed these days without some trumped up overpaid shister in a white coat and a hardhat running over to you and telling you to stay in for the day. They’re now stopping people crossing the roads, walking on pavements and looking up into the sky.”

Last week the Labour government tried to increase Health and Safety units already covering the whole of Britain to cover Northern Ireland and the rest of the British Isles.

“We are increasing our numbers every day and soon Britain will be a complete Health and Safety zone so that we can have even more control over your hazardous lives. No one can stop our Health and Safety ways. No one! Not even the Squib!” Deputy to the Head of Health and Safety, Roger Yarwood boasted to our paper.

Labour Stasi ministers were said to be furious with the plans to kerb their flagship bureaucratic nonsensical waste of money body and have vowed to fight the common sense ruling to ban Health and Safety indefinitely.

Before this article was written, a Health and Safety officer attempted to stop me from typing on the keyboard. He was led into the Daily Squib office toilets and his head dunked in the toilet bowl repeatedly by the chief editor and a load of Squib staff writers. It is safe to say that we won’t see him and his Health and Safety again for awhile.

Neverland Visitor: "I Was Molested By Jacko’s Ghost"


The 12 year old boy who has not been named yet, has made the extraordinary claim to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office and also filed a lawsuit against the Jackson estate.

“According to the boy he was with his family on a tour when the group were shown Jacko’s room in Neverland. He claims that a shadow came out of the wall and started to do bad things to him. We asked him how he knew it was Jackson, well, he said the ghost had one white glove and moonwalked across the floor before attempting to molest the boy. There were also witnesses to the whole sordid affair and even a photograph,” the Sheriff’s Deputy, Jordy Culkin was quoted in the LA Times.

Since the incident, the Neverland Tour has been suspended, and paranormal investigators have been called in. There are even plans to bring in an exorcist to try and rid the place of the moonwalking molester.

The ghostly molestation has seriously affected the boy who is now receiving councilling and his parents are very angry that no one warned them of Jackson.

“This is a terrible awful event which has affected us all. Jacko was not happy with molesting little boys in real life and now he’s doing it from beyond the grave? What a sick f***er!” the boys father told TMZ.

The Spy Who Facebooked Me


Adorned in Speedo swimming trunks on his Facebook page, the newly appointed head of MI6 is on a secret mission to not only look like a total prat but to tell everyone everything about his secret life as the chief of the Secret Intelligence Service.

“We’re on a secret mission to tell everyone about the secrecy of our lives. That’s the mission. I am embedded on Facebook to tell everyone about the secret nature of the secret service and let everyone know, who I am; where I live and who my friends are; what I enjoy doing; what f*cking toothpaste I use; when I enjoy doing what I do and how I enjoy doing these things. It’s all part of working in a Top Secret manner. I’m sure James Bond would approve,” the new head of MI6, Sir Plonker Moron wrote on his Facebook, Myspace and Bebo pages.

This is the new age of secrecy in the Secret Intelligence Service where millions of people on the internet can view secret and sensitive material that can compromise the lives and effective working of the MI6 in a secret manner.

Sir Plonker Moron, who will head the MI6 in June, has been appointed by the Labour government, to have his wife secretly tell millions of people details of their private lives and other secret agents: “Our secret mission is to make millions of people aware about all the tiny minutiae of our lives so that we can effectively fight the terrorists and people out to get us. It’s like if I show you everything about me, then you might actually like me and not f*cking try to kill me with a poisoned blade or a steel bowler hat à la Oddjob.”

Gordon Brown’s Favourite Sports Team Wins Championship


“We won! We bloody well won! Thank you Gordon for not attending a single match this season. Thank you for leaving us alone and not cursing us with your attendance,” the football team’s manager, John McGlynn told the Fife Observer.

According to Downing Street, because of the Prime Minister’s recent troubles he has been too busy to attend a single match of his favourite team this season.

Mr Brown attended a number of Raith Rovers’ games in the past resulting in the team nearly being relegated one season and losing so many matches that they were known as the ‘one legged boys’.

“Every game Gordon would attend would result in major losses. We’re glad he did not attend this season and we’re considering paying him substantial amounts of money to stay away next season as well. We might even win the First Division championship then,” Mr McGlynn was quoted as saying.

Mr Brown is famous for turning up to football games and cursing the team he is supporting. Last year, the PM attended a Scotland vs Tuvalu game wherein the Scots lost 23 – Nil.

NASA to Finally Land Spaceship on Moon

The expedition to the moon can finally happen scientists at NASA announced yesterday.

“We have finally figured out how to get our astronauts past the Van Allen belts without frying them alive. To get past the radioactive belts, the spacecraft would have to be weighed down with 8 feet of thick lead walls to protect the astronauts from the extreme radiation. These layers of protection to shield the astronauts would hinder the spacecraft and weigh it down so much that we would not be able to get it into orbit. We have circumnavigated this problem by using a specialist light material that can shield against extreme levels of dangerous radiation and solar flares. Even if we changed the trajectory to pass though at the thinnest points of flux, the flight time would still be lethal. Nothing has survived passing through the radioactive belts until now, but this time we’ve cracked it by Jove,” Ed Hammerstein, chief scientist on the moon landing project told Fox News.

The team of four Americans and one Russian will embark on their dangerous mission to the moon next week weather permitting.

All space traffic with humans on board have always been within the safe area between the earth and the radioactive belt, and this moon expedition will make history by passing though the extremely dangerous plasma field. To get to the moon, the NASA astronauts have to pass through the dangerous radioactive belt and be exposed to the lethal doses for up to four hours of their journey. Thankfully, with the advent of new technological advances, NASA has come up with a lighter radiation shield and long-haul manned space expeditions are now perfectly achievable. NASA has been planning a manned mission to the moon for many years, some say even since the 1950’s.

The Eagle Will Finally Land

“We’ve finally got the computing power to complete a mission of this magnitude. It takes trillions of calculations per second to get the right angles of entry and trajectory as well as calculations for landing on the surface of the moon. The technology we have now is also advanced enough for there to be a moon landing in the hostile environment of the moon and bring a manned craft back to earth safely,” Mr Hammerstein added.

Indeed, if this moon mission is successful it will stand to make history for mankind and space travel. NASA plans to keep going back to the moon if the initial expedition is a success. Let us wish the brave astronauts good luck for they will need it. The moon has fascinated us since the dawn of time, will we really be able to go to the moon and come back? Is it really possible?

“We’re going to finally plant the flag on the moon. This is going to be one giant leap for mankind I tell you! Just think, on a clear night, anyone can get a telescope and see where we landed on the moon. The historic landing site will be viewable for generations to come.” Mr Hammerstein said.