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Biden Hails ‘Special Relationship’ with India During Rishi Sunak’s Visit


“We welcome the President of India, Rishi Sunak. Top o the morning to ya! We, Irish, hate those British Black and Tans swine as much you Indians do,” Joe Biden announced on Thursday.

When asked by a reporter if everything was okay, Biden replied: “Feck off fella, ahm fluthered, had one too many of the black stuff dis mornin’. Eh, I could savage a curry roight now! Me legs are all gammy and banjaxed. ‘Ere boyo…Sunak did yer bring us a curry? C’mon yer little bugger, tell me youse brought us one of those knicker blasters from India that makes yer piss outta yer feckin’ arse!”

At one point, Mr Sunak tried to explain that he was the British Prime Minister who had come to the White House to beg for a trade deal post Brexit, but Mr Biden was not having none of it.

“If I had my way, I would nuke those English. Those eejits can eff off they’re always acting the maggot! Would ya get outta the garden it’s a complete haymes — ahm talkin’ about me Y-fronts, ah think I just shite meself. Oof! Don’t be a dryshite and stand there, get me a feckin’ toilet roll ya gobshite! Now c’mon Sunak boyo, I bet ya could peel an orange in yer pocket! Where’s me feckin’ curry, I ordered it turtee minutes ago?”

The EU Now Controls the Conservative Party


It is frightening to think that it was only a few years ago that Boris Johnson finally put through a Brexit framework and supposedly took Britain out of the EU, a periless operation after many years of hardship as remainers tried to halt the democratic process won by voters in 2016. Fast-forward to 2023, and we clearly see that the 2016 democratic vote in the referendum means nothing to the majority of parliamentarians, and neither does democracy.

The Conservative government basically devoured its own guts from the inside out, and all that remains is an autocratic machine tied to its ultimate master — Brussels. From an 80% majority win at the election to a state of losing 1,000s of seats at the recent by-election and with popularity polls at some of the lowest levels ever seen, what is left of the eviscerated Tory Party is a far cry from its former self.

The entire Tory government apart from a few left fighting the battlements is now made up of remainers, as the Brexiteers have all been purged from the party. Treachery, dastardly plots and poisonous sneaky reports made damn sure that the civil service remainer swamp killed off any pretensions of a good Brexit, or of a Brexit at all.

We are still dictated to by thousands of EU laws, the ECHR, the ECJ, and anything that Brussels orders, the UK genuflects in front of its real king — the EU Commission. We have not left the EU, and it is pertinent to infer that we will NEVER leave the EU. Such is the hold on this fair cash cow called Britain, that the EU’s octopus grip cannot let go with its steely tentacles.


One other thing we must add: as the remainers won the war, and killed off any aspersions of Brexit, the EU agents working in the country have completed their mission with brilliance, however we have also noticed that during this period, the EU have also toned down their nasty totalitarian rhetoric. They have toned down their threats of total integration, and Juncker divisive language which pretty much caused Brexit. They have even shut down any talk of the EU Army. Why is that? Ah, it’s because they are waiting for the UK to be re-integrated fully into the EU. The remainers have done the groundwork, prepared the field and are now simply waiting for the 2024 elections where it is a serious probability that Labour will win the election. It is not that the Labour is any more proficient than the ruined Tories, it is just that the populace has had enough of the other party, and will vote for a change, which will prove even worse for the nation.

In 2016, voters voted to leave the EU. It was a historical moment in British history and one of the greatest democratic votes ever witnessed. Since then, we have seen what real democracy means in the UK — nothing.

We will never vote ever again in this country, and urge you as a voter to never vote again as well. Your vote does not count, and never will.

Apparently Aliens and UFOs are Real According to High Rank Intelligence Officer


Here’s the thing, as a species we rarely believe stuff until we see it with our own eyes, and this is the case with the latest report from News Nation (link only viewable outside EU) who claim that a high ranking U.S. Air Force Intelligence officer, David Grusch was admitted to a secret governmental operation where he was told that aliens exist, and that the US has been holding UFOs, or UAPs for decades. According to Grusch, the US has thousands of these craft, and have also back-engineered the technology.

We at the Daily Squib are sceptical about these reports, especially as the controlled corporate media machinery is not touching this story. Furthermore, it seems that Grusch has been given the green light to report the news from the DoD that there are little green men amongst us.

Make your own mind up. We certainly believe through video evidence that there are unexplained phenomena with craft flying at insane speed like the tic-tac video, but there is still no solid proof that those craft are exotic alien craft or advanced tech from the US military.

If the US government holds technology like antigravity craft, why have they been so quiet about it for decades and lied to the American people? Our guess is that the echelons above do not want to waste such tech on the populations of the earth in their current state. Once the population has maybe been whittled down, they will unearth the technology for the future cities, where the few humans left will be privileged to enjoy it. That is one assumption, another would be that the USA would only unravel this type of tech in a serious military scenario, and could be a deterrent against enemies like China and Russia from doing anything funny.

As for aliens and UFOs, where does this leave people like Elon Musk, who seems to be floundering on even the most basic technology, albeit with big promises? His antiquated rockets using wasteful booster rockets will look like steam engines next to the alien tech.

Why is Horse Racing so Popular in Ireland?


Ireland is, without question, one of the most beautiful countries in the entire world. If you’ve never visited before, then stop what you’re doing, book yourself a break here, and get ready to have the time of your life.

Ireland is full of picturesque countryside, rugged coastlines, amazing architecture, and the friendliest, most lively individuals you could ever wish for. If there’s one thing you’re guaranteed in Ireland, it’s a warm welcome.

While Ireland is known for many things, when people aren’t talking about the friendly locals, or how amazing a pint of Guinness tastes, they’re talking about the horses. Ireland has a long-standing affinity to horses that goes back centuries. A day at the races in Ireland is a day that you’ll never forget.

But why is horse racing so popular in Ireland? Let’s find out, shall we? Here’s a look at everything you need to know about horses and horse racing in Ireland.


Horse Racing in Ireland

Ireland has a rich and storied history of horse breeding, and horse racing, that can be traced back generations. In fact, the racing of horses in Ireland is mentioned in some of the earliest texts.

Of course, these days, domestically, horse racing is one of Ireland’s most lucrative sports. In fact, it’s one of the world’s most lucrative sports, and sees people from all across the globe bet on it every single day. As seen with the huge selection of racing betting sites in Ireland, 90% of all bookmakers cover Irish horse racing.

Ireland is a country at the heart of thoroughbred breeding, with close to 30,000 people in Ireland working in the horse racing industry in some capacity. Considering Ireland’s population is just over 5 million, that is a very impressive stat.

Not only does horse racing in Ireland create jobs, it’s also great for the economy. Every year, horse racing and breeding brings in upwards of 1.8 billion Euros. Horse racing is as popular in busy towns and cities as it is in quiet rural areas.

Why Horse Racing is Big in Ireland

To understand why Ireland has such a rich and storied history with horse racing, we need to understand more about the land itself.

Ireland is very much an agricultural country. Farming, tourism, and horse racing all generate the most income for the country, but why is Ireland so great at breeding racehorses compared with other countries? It turns out that there are several reasons.

To begin with, Ireland’s climate is perfect for breeding thoroughbreds. Sure, we know that Ireland’s climate isn’t exactly great for sunseekers, but thanks to that Atlantic rain that blows in so frequently, the lush green pastures are ideal. The rain combined with the limestone rich soil is ideal for raising young horses. It helps to strengthen their muscles and build their stamina. It is, perhaps, the equivalent of an athlete training at altitude or doing hill sprints or sand sprints to improve explosive power.

Of course, the climate and the countryside are only one piece of the puzzle. The people themselves also play an enormous role. The Irish seem to have an affinity for horses. It is in their blood and is in their culture, and has been heavily romanticized over the years in various forms.

Ireland is Europe’s leading producer of thoroughbred horses, with close to 30,000 people employed in the industry. Everybody has their part to play in the making of a racehorse. The breeders themselves, the vets, the farmers, the trainers, and the jockeys all play a key role in the production of world-class racehorses.

Irish Horse Races

Of course, a day at the races in Ireland is a day like no other. It is the perfect excuse to throw on your finest suit or dress, break out your biggest hat or fascinator, and get dressed to the nines in the hopes of winning big and backing a winner.

While the UK is home to a number of prestigious horse races, Ireland sees some of the biggest, most celebrated horse races in the world. Here are just a few examples:

Irish Champion Stakes

The Irish Champion Stakes is one of the most popular flat races in all of Ireland.

Open to thoroughbreds who are aged 3 and above, this race takes place every September at the prestigious Leopardstown racecourse, running a distance of 2,012 metres, with prize money of 1 million Euros up for grabs.

The Irish Derby

Perhaps the most well-known horse race of all, in Ireland, is the Irish Derby.

This race is Ireland’s equivalent of England’s Epsom Derby and is the most important horse racing event in the racing calendar.

Another group 1 flat horse event, this race is open to fillies, thoroughbreds, and colts aged 3 and above.

Slightly longer than the Irish Champion Stakes, this race is held over a distance of 2,414 metres and is held in County Kildare at the Curragh Racecourse at the end of June or the beginning of July every year.

The Irish 2,000 Guineas

The Irish 2,000 Guineas was first launched in 1921 and is a group 1 flat horse race for colts, fillies, and thoroughbreds aged 3 and older.

This too takes place at the Curragh Racecourse and is held over a distance of one mile. Winners of this race will then go on to compete in the St. James Palace Stakes race one month later.

The Irish Oaks

Finally, we have the Irish Oaks.

A group 1 flat horse race, this race is reserved solely for thoroughbred fillies aged 3 and above. It takes place right after the Irish Derby at Curragh and was first held back in 1895.

With prize money of 500,000 Euros, it’s easy to see why it’s so popular.

While the West Urges Children to Change Gender; China Raises an Army of Warrior Kids


In a shocking turn of events, the world is witness to a bizarre global divide as two global factions take vastly different approaches to moulding their future generations. While the West delves into the realms of progressive gender indoctrination, China has adopted a more aggressive method: military training for children to hate the West. It’s a classic case of “my ideology is better than yours,” with each region hoping to outdo the other in the most peculiar ways.

The latest generation of children in China are being trained in military techniques, and indoctrinated to hate the West with a vengeance. Their sole purpose for existence is to fight and kill Americans and the Japanese. This is a new initiative introduced by Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party to prepare for war. While the West is seeking to mutilate their youth and weaken their populace, China is equally trying to strengthen their nation by training their children to fight the West.

The United States, known for its emphasis on inclusivity and socialism, has taken a leap into uncharted territories. They have decided to introduce comprehensive programs to indoctrinate children to change their gender identity, exploring the vast spectrum beyond the traditional binary of male and female. While some applaud this as a progressive step towards acceptance, critics argue that the country is plunging into a state of gender-confusion pandemonium. Memes about kindergarteners having identity crises flood the internet, with people jokingly asking, “Who am I today, Batman or Wonder Woman?”

But just when you thought the world couldn’t get any weirder, China enters the stage with a jaw-dropping twist. While America’s kids are busy deciding which pronouns suit them best, China has taken a rather unconventional path, focusing on militarizing its youngest citizens. Yes, you read that right. This nation has decided to train an army of kids who might not be old enough to legally watch an R-rated film, but can proficiently charge at the enemy and bayonet them on a battlefield.

This is the next generation of Chinese children, dictated by a sinister communist Chinese nationalism, who will grow up hating the West with a vengeance. Every penny taken from selling Americans cheap plastic trinkets in places like Walmart is now put into the military machine that will propel China to the stratosphere in conquest when the time comes.

Picture a battlefield meeting between a confused, weak, molly-coddled gender-fluid pronoun obsessed individual from America and a heavily-armed, well-trained, hardened, strong, camouflage-clad warrior from China. Talk about a clash of ideologies! Suffice to say, the simpering anaemic transgender fluid individual would be crushed like a cockroach under the superior, focused and well-trained Chinese soldier.

The reason this is all being ignored by the Western corporate media is because institutions like the WEF, EU and UN are actively celebrating the brutal Chinese communist system and officially declare it as the model for a global singular government. Their support for China extends to the point that they would encourage the destruction of America, which would be replaced by a brutal totalitarian communist saviour — China.


The Delightful Joys of Being Woke: A Hilarious Journey into the Land of Soviet Awareness


In a world filled with oblivious individuals, there exists a magical land where the enlightened ones roam, armed with an arsenal of buzzwords and a profound ability to spot microaggressions from miles away. Welcome to the realm of being woke, a place where taking offence is an Olympic sport and virtue signalling is the national pastime. Strap on your social justice warrior helmet and get ready for a wild ride as we explore the “wonderful” world of wokeness.

The Early Morning Vigil: Rise and shine, dear reader! One of the greatest perks of being woke is never missing a sunrise because you’ll be up at the crack of dawn, wide-eyed and ready to identify problematic behaviour that triggers you. Your friends may sleep in, but you’ll be busy scanning every social media post, dissecting each sentence for potential offensive crimes against your Marxist PC agenda of woke. It’s like playing detective, except the crime scene is a tweet.

bud light marketing vpThe Holy Hierarchy: Embrace your newfound woke status and ascend the social ladder of identity politics and smug righteousness. Your worth is now determined by your ability to recite the ever-expanding glossary of politically correct terms. Congratulations! You now have the power to make your less enlightened friends feel inferior as they struggle to keep up with your superior vocabulary that George Orwell would have been proud of whilst writing his book — 1984.

The Thrill of the Virtue Signal: Move over, adrenaline junkies! The real thrill-seekers can be found in the land of wokeness. Get ready to post those social media updates that let everyone know just how morally superior you are. Nothing beats the exhilaration of racking up those likes and shares as you bask in the glory of your virtue signalling prowess.

The Fashion of the Future: Being woke isn’t just about ideology; it’s about fashion too! Say goodbye to trendy brands and hello to the world of sustainable, ethically sourced, organic, gluten-free, carbon-neutral trendy brands. With every purchase, you can smugly inform others about how your socks are saving the planet, one step at a time.

triggered feministThe Art of Conversations: Prepare yourself for ‘stimulating’ conversations filled with constant correction and the thrill of proving someone wrong. Engaging in debate is like a game of chess, except you’re always the queen, and everyone else is just a pawn. Remember, it’s not about finding common ground; it’s about asserting your superior indoctrinated woke salad dominance.

The Guilt-Free Guilt-Trips: Feeling down? Worry not! As a card-carrying woke individual, you have an endless supply of guilt at your disposal. Whenever you need a pick-me-up, simply reminisce about your ancestor’s questionable choices or the impact of your breakfast cereal on global warming. Guilt-tripping yourself has never been more empowering! Congratulate yourself because you feel shame, unlike the hypocritical Meghan Markle and Harry, who jet around the world in private jets whilst preaching about sustainable travel and carbon emissions.

BUD LIGHT WOMANThe Memes, Oh the Memes: The internet is a goldmine for woke enthusiasts. From meme-worthy moments to cringe-inducing tweets, the digital realm is your playground. Embrace the laughter as you share and retweet, safe in the knowledge that your witty meme is changing the world, one chuckle at a time.

You’re Cancelled, and so are They: Where would the woke be without that ultimate power to completely erase individuals or history purely on a woke whim. Suspect your next-door-neighbour or even your own brother and sister are not woke, and have said bad things about your communistic ideology. Boom! They’re cancelled and what’s more, you will gain great praises on social media when you go on to brag about ratting them out.

Eating Disorder Helpline Takes Down Chatbot After It Promotes Disordered Eating


Eating Disorder Helpline Takes Down Chatbot After It Promotes Pizza and Nachos

An eating disorder helpline has already announced that it is bringing its human staff back after firing its entire human staff and replacing them with a chatbot.

And yes, as it turns out, it’s because replacing a human-managed crisis helpline with an AI-powered chatbot showed extreme poor judgement. Who would’ve thought?

The National Fad Diet Association, the largest eating disorder-focused non-profit in the US, had decided to completely disband its heavily-trafficked crisis helpline in favour of a human-less chatbot called Big Betsy, just four days after its human workers were fired.

But that all changed when Gina Flatliner, an activist, sounded the alarm that Big Betsy was offering wildly unhelpful advice. She even suggested behaviours associated with disordered eating.

“Every single thing Big Betsy suggested were things that led to the development of my eating disorder,” Flatliner revealed in a YouTube video whilst munching on an 18″ stuffed cheese crust pizza on Monday. “This robot causes harm. Hmm, can you pass another tub of ranch please?”

In her harrowing YouTube post, Flatliner recounted that Big Betsy urged her to lose up to two pounds a week by eating pizza, nachos, trifle and a daily four buckets of spicy chicken wings washed down with a few gallons of 7-up. The bot, told the activist to “throw her weighing machine out the fricking window”, restrict certain foods like green vegetables, and avoid plain water like the goddamn plague. Big Betsy’s advice aimed to increase her caloric intake by, 5,500-15,000 calories per day. In other words, a chatbot entrusted with giving advice to people with eating disorders ended up promoting disordered eating.

Flatliner’s experience doesn’t sound like an outlier, either.

“Imagine vulnerable people who can’t control themselves reaching out to a robot for support because that’s all they have available and receiving responses that further promote pizza, burgers, burritos, hot dogs and cakes,” wrote psychologist Chips Onshoulders in an Instagram post sharing screenshots of herself stuffing two quadruple sized cheeseburgers into her mouth at the same time.

“I just ate six burgers; fifteen hot dogs, two large pepperoni pizzas, five huge buckets of chocolate chip ice cream and washed it all down with three gallons of Cola…burp… all because the bot told me to do so,” another client, Jenkem McMasters revealed crying into his tub of ranch dressing.

“We have taken Big Betsy down ever since its malfunctions. I think the last straw was calling one of our clients a “fat obese useless-eater Untermenschen who deserves to be flushed down the toilet of history” when talking about our Body Positive program.

Executive Search Poland – How to Recruit Effectively?


Successful recruitment carried out by experienced, reliable and effective recruitment professionals is essential in the present uncertain times. Often we do not even realize how much depends on the Human Resources industry. Many managers have doubts about whether to leave recruitment to an in-house recruitment team or to outsource it to an external company. The desire to save money results in Executive Search Poland activities being taken over by the HR department.

The recruitment they carry out varies. Unfortunately, it often ends in failure. The wrong people are hired and after some time they resign or are dismissed by the company. Apparent savings turn out to be a serious loss not only financially, they are also negative for the company’s image.

The use of tailor-made recruitment solutions offered by specialised companies such as Sowelo should therefore be the basis for action. Headhunters from independent agencies have a rich experience in the industry. They have dozens of recruitment projects to their credit, have worked with clients from all over the world and get great results in the recruitment process.

Executive Search Poland by Sowelo – what does the company offer?

Sowelo Agency has been operating on the market since 2007. Its long-standing experience consists of numerous recruitment projects carried out for clients from all over the world. For more than 15 years, Sowelo headhunters have been successfully recruiting professionals with different languages, backgrounds and cultures. Some of the specialists Sowelo has recruited include Branch Director, Software Architect, Financial Controller, Operation Director, R&D Centre Lead, Sales Executive or Network Engineer, Unit Manager, Credit Controller and Accounting Manager. The number of specialists acquired is truly impressive! For more details of the offer, you can check at https://sowelo.eu/services/executive-search-direct-search/


What does Sowelo offer? Let us say at the outset – the offer is really extensive. The Sowelo Consulting agency offers Executive Search Poland, IT Contracting, Employer Branding, Recruitment Process Outsourcing, Talent Market Mapping, Interim Recruitment. Executive Search Poland itself is “a proven way to quickly recruit the best ‘quality’ candidates”. The company targets clients who are looking for managers and specialists with well-defined competences and experience. Of course, we are talking about both soft and hard competencies. Numerous successful recruitment projects in the fields of IT, telecommunications or finance are only part of Sowelo’s experience. The company also provides professional advice on recruitment strategies, tools and methods.

Benefits of cooperation with Sowelo

Commitment and full professionalism – this is what every client using the services of the Sowelo Consulting agency can always count on. Headhunters use methods and specialised tools in their work. They use the network of mutual contacts created by the company. It is well known that word of mouth is the best way of communication. It also works very well in recruitment! Thanks to it, headhunters know where to look for specialists and can reach them very quickly.

A powerful application tracking system (ATS) is also undoubtedly an effective tool in the work of Sowelo Consulting consultants. This is a tool that searches for relevant keywords in the CVs submitted by candidates and, based on these, allows candidates to progress to the next stage of recruitment. Combined with their vast knowledge, experience and ability to act quickly, it is easy for them to target exceptional, talented candidates. Even if a candidate does not include the mentioned keywords in their CV – which often happens – Sowelo’s experienced headhunters will reach them, and they will take part in the recruitment.

Systems and tools are one thing, of course, but the most important thing is Sowelo’s vast experience in recruitment and Executive Search Poland. It is the many years of experience and numerous recruitment projects that allow Sowelo consultants not only to identify the best candidates, but also to exclude the unsuitable ones. As a result, unsuitable people do not even reach the interview stage. In turn, interviewees are assessed by experienced headhunters in no time. Behaviour, speech, body language – nothing escapes the experienced eye. This saves the client a lot of money, as simply inexperienced people will not be hired. The company will avoid bad hires and the associated financial and image losses.

Executive Search Poland by Sowelo – these negative consequences can be avoided

Executive Search Poland is, as we have already mentioned, an excellent way to avoid bad hires. Thanks to the services of professionals, the company has a chance to avoid hiring the wrong people and the associated impact on its performance and image. Cooperation with Sowelo makes it possible to eliminate people who are dishonest, unreliable or difficult to work with. It also sometimes avoids hiring fraudsters who participate in recruitment only to steal and sell on confidential business information.

Harvard Business Review data shows that as many as half of new employees fail within 18 months of being hired. These are not only low-paid individuals, but also skilled managers. This can be reduced by using Sowelo’s services. As the data shows, the majority of failures are due to a bad attitude (89%). Only 11% of failures are related to technical skills shortages.

Furthermore, the research shows that during recruitment, as many as 82% of managers had negative impressions of candidates. However, these were ignored. The turnover would have been much lower if the recruitment had been entrusted to a specialist recruitment company, the professionals at Sowelo Consulting.

New Netflix Documentary “African Kings” Depicts Henry VIII as a Black Man

Netflix Presents “African Kings and Henry VIII”: A Groundbreaking Documentary Redefining History with an Inclusive Depiction of the Legendary Monarch

Netflix Studios is proud to announce its latest production, “African Kings and Henry VIII,” a groundbreaking documentary that dares to challenge historical norms and present a fresh perspective on the life and reign of one of England’s most iconic monarchs. Through an innovative and thought-provoking lens of inclusivity and progressive ideology, the film offers audiences a compelling portrayal of Henry VIII as an African man.

“He was born in the Congo and smuggled into England to become King”

“African Kings and Henry VIII” seeks to ignite a dialogue about representation and diversity in historical narratives. By reimagining Henry VIII as a black man, the documentary explores the rich tapestry of African history and its interconnectedness with global events, while emphasizing the importance of inclusivity and representation in modern media.

Director William Pinky “Cuck” Smith has embarked on a creative journey to retell Henry VIII’s story from an alternative perspective, challenging conventional portrayals. By embracing the concept of historical fiction, the film aims to captivate viewers while raising critical questions about the nature of history itself. Through meticulous research and creative interpretation, the documentary bridges the gap between historical accuracy and the imaginative exploration of possibilities.

“The dude was as black as shit man. He treated da bitches like shit, slept with them then had them beheaded ‘n’ shiet! I mean you don’t get more black than that, numsayin’?” the documentary director revealed.

In an era where representation and inclusivity are at the forefront of societal conversations, “African Kings and Henry VIII” offers a fresh perspective on a well-known historical figure, emphasizing that history is not a monolithic narrative, but rather a dynamic tapestry woven by diverse cultures and individuals.

This daring and thought-provoking documentary features a talented ensemble cast, with renowned actor Samual L Jackson in the titular role of Henry VIII. Jackson brings depth, charisma, and nuance to the character, delivering a performance that challenges preconceived notions and invites audiences to engage with a reimagination of the past.

“Off with her motherfuckin’ Royale wit’ cheese eatin’ head, bitch!”

Netflix Studios, known for its commitment to pushing boundaries and exploring new frontiers in storytelling, aims to spark conversations and encourage critical thinking through “African Kings and Henry VIII.” By challenging traditional historical narratives, the film aligns with Netflix’s mission to foster a more inclusive and diverse future, where everyone’s stories are acknowledged and celebrated.

The production team behind “African Kings and Henry VIII” includes esteemed historians from Compton University in Los Angeles, talented filmmakers, and a dedicated crew, all working collaboratively to bring this visionary project to life. The film promises stunning visuals, captivating storytelling, loads of juicy beheadings, spear throwing, and an immersive experience that will challenge perceptions and inspire viewers to rethink history.

“African Kings and Henry VIII” is set to captivate audiences worldwide when it hits theatres in August. Join us on this extraordinary journey as we rewrite history, celebrate inclusivity, and embrace a progressive ideology that propels us toward a more diverse and understanding society.

5 Safety Tips for DIY Cable Installation


A DIY cable installation project can be a great way to save money and improve your home on a budget. But if not done right, an electrical DIY can cost you more due to botched installations and, even worse, accidents and injuries.

According to NAPIT, a third of electricians spend 25 percent of their time fixing faulty DIYs. It’s therefore essential to prioritize safety to prevent electrical hazards and ensure the integrity of your installation.

From using proper cable management equipment like these to consulting with experts, here are five important safety tips to follow when installing cables on your own:

Do Your Homework

Don’t just jump in and start your installation or repair work. Take the time to learn about your cable installation, what is needed, and the safety precautions you need to take. If you have a guide, read the instructions –twice. The internet is a good source of information too, but you can also try getting advice from someone with expertise in electrical work.

You should also make sure you check the current building and wiring regulations in your area. This will help you plan accordingly and avoid potential penalties for non-compliance.

Shut Off the Power

If you’re installing an electrical cable, you should first switch off the circuit breaker – even when doing light installations or repairs. This helps prevent short-circuiting and lowers the risk of electric shock.

Your lights and other electrical appliances will go off once you’ve shut off the circuit breaker. You can also use a voltage tester or multimeter to confirm the power is off before touching any terminal or exposed wire with your tools.

Use Proper Tools & Equipment

While it might be tempting to use any applicable tools that you have and save money on new purchases, you should always make sure you use proper electrical tools. Whether it’s the cable cutter or a wire stripper, it should be properly insulated to minimize the risk of accidents.

Besides your work tools, you should also ensure you get the right cables. The wrong cable can pose an immediate risk to you first during the installation and cause long-term risks to the safety of your home.

Some of the key things to look out for when choosing cables are size and ampacity. If you overload a wire, it can melt and cause a fire. It’s important to read the manufacturer’s guidelines to ensure you use the right cable for the right purpose.

Cable Protection

How you lay your cables will go a long way in determining the success and durability of your installation. You should avoid routing the cables through walking areas or where heavy objects like furniture may pinch them.

One way to protect your cables is to use proper cable trunking. In addition to keeping things tidy and improving the aesthetics of your home, it eliminates tripping risks posed by exposed wires. Trunking also reduces the possibility of your cables coming into conduct with water. And on top of that, it provides easy access during maintenance and future home improvements.

Test and Inspect

Completing an electrical DIY project can be quite rewarding. But before you turn on the power, carry out an inspection of everything that you’ve handled that day, just to check if everything is in the right condition. Check for tears, abrasions, melted insulation, bulges, scorching, exposed wire, and any other sign of damage.

In addition to visual inspection, you should use a multimeter or continuity tester to check for faults. If you detect any issues, fix them right away or dismantle your installation to avoid a potential accident.