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Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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UK Think Tank: "Tanning Bed Use Should be Encouraged"


“We need to open up even more tanning salons across the UK so that people can benefit from these treatments,” Balthazar Smith, head of the think tank dedicated to the cause of encouraging better techniques in population processing told the Daily Squib.

The tanning salons which have been a staple of all British towns and cities are now a part of the country’s fabric.

To walk down any British High Street you would be at odds to see anyone who does not have a deep orange hue plastered all over their faces.

Tanning is so prevalent that many addicts are now permanently orange with little chance of ever regaining their original skin colour. The most prominent of all of celebrities to adopt the tanning machines is of course the leader of the orange pack, Katie Price, who has even installed tanning booths in all of the rooms in her Essex mansion.

“One must realise that the people who gravitate towards these tanning machines and salons are the ones who will benefit most from the effects of these machines. We therefore need more tanning salons to be built in all of Britain’s towns and cities to speed up the processing of these people. It is a very efficient and subtle way of treating them of their conditions and hastening their demise,” Mr Smith added.

Let us hope that more and more tanning salons are built across the UK, it is obvious that they are a much needed service and will help in purging some of the detritus from society.

Surgeons to Give Madonna New Arms

The ground breaking operation will take about 12 hours in which to amputate Madonna’s used arms and to implant a pair of arms taken from a younger donor from China.

Speaking from New York’s top hospital in Queens, Professor Herman Schweinhund said: “Madonna’s prune arms are going to have to go. She has ruined them through the use of injected vitamins that have damaged the vein structure irreversably. F*ck me though, if her arms look like that what does her overused c**chie look like? Anyway, we will take the arms off then implant the new ones. It’s as easy as one, two, three.”

Madonna flew to China last week on a secretive visit to choose her donor from a large selection of young ladies.

“She chose China because they have very liberal laws on organ donors. Usually organs are harvested from donors when they are still alive, such is the profitability of the trade for the communist government. The donors are of course compensated approximately one year’s wages which is about $320.The Chinese government of course charges Westerners huge sums of money for the body parts. Most of the donors usually don’t make it so the money goes to the families. The whole procedure is considered a great honour for the families and the donors,” Professor Schweinhund added.

One of Madonna’s aides told the Daily Squib that she came to the drastic decision to replace her old mutton arms a few weeks ago when she was jogging in Central Park: “She scares little children and animals when she swings her arms around. That was the clincher right there. We have had many instances when we have had to cover up her grotesque arms with a sheet or anything that is available at the time. I hope she does not ruin her new arms when they will be implanted soon.”

Madonna’s current boyfriend, Jesus Gigolo, 24, was said to be ecstatic at the news: “You mean I won’t have to close my eyes everytime she touches me? She pays well, but it has been bloody torture of late I tell you.”

Soviet Britons Urged to Spy on Neighbours


You too comrade could be utilised as one of our “covert human intelligence sources” who report thoughtcrimes to us.

who photographs or videos citizens bad mouthing our supreme unelected leader; protesting the enormous taxes; dealing in extra rations or cursing the great leader when filling up their Lada will receive a sugar or chocolate extra ration reward.

‘See them, report them’

“We need your eyes and ears to help us wipe out thought-crime.” a local Council Stasi chief in Sector 61 urged on Monday.

The local Stasi council scheme has encouraged many across our great Soviet state to report any who have been found to be traitors to the supreme unelected Comrade’s Ten Year Plan New Era of Change.

Children are the key to supplying the Politburo and Stasi with information on thoughtcrime offences and there has been a vast increase in prosecutions.

Ealing Stasi Council, in Sector 23, employs hundreds of Junior Streetwatchers, aged between 5 and 10.

Stasi Council, in Sector 38, employs 258 Street Scene Champions, aged between 6
to 14 who are encouraged to report thoughtcriminals, proles who think for themselves, protestors who support democracy and other offences.

Crawley Stasi Borough Council, in Sector 87, has 1,500 Streetcare Champions who are asked to “report on individuals if known”.

local Stasi authorities recruit adult Soviet volunteers and at least 8,454,841 people
are already patrolling the streets in their spare time.

Thoughtpolice volunteers are
assigned code numbers, which should be used when ringing the Stasi council informer’s hotline.

week 8-year-old, Jamie Hanley, sector 89b, successfully reported his father, mother, brother and two sisters for speechtcrime offences after they called the supreme unelected leader Comrade Brown “a stupid one eyed c*nt” during a televised Soviet address announcing a cut in workers pay and an increase in taxes and working hours. Thanks to brave Jamie Hanley, these traitors to the state will spend the next 42 years in a gulag somewhere in Northern Soviet Britain. Jnr. Comrade Hanley was awarded extra sugar rations and on the orders of Comrade Brown himself, he was also awarded an extra ration of cabbage soup every month for the next year.

DLP Beat UK Pop Chart Competition

foursome held off competition from Brit band HTR2, whose number
two ‘Drum Loop 56’ features autotuned vocals from someone.

KR3GH continues to dominate the album chart, with eighteen of his back catalogue in the top 40.

Greatest hits album ‘More Template Music’ remains at number one, followed by H1N1.

1. DLP – Dum Dum
2. DVT ft RT3 – Shite
3. YTS – Crapper
4. H1N1 – Evacuate the Dancefloor
5. JWF – Shitstain
Source: The Official Charts Company

YTS’s ‘Crapper’ and ‘The Template Years’, featuring ZZZ, are also in the top 10.

was also a new entry at 14 for RT3’s ‘Linear Drum Loop’, a five-album
box set featuring a never ending monotonous drum loop with samples being dropped onto it once in awhile.

There were only two other new releases in the
entire top 40 album chart, with American Idol winner YTH56 ‘Another No Talent’ at 11 and FGH31-inspired covers compilation FGH32 at 33.

There were also only a handful of new entries in
the singles chart, with electro musician JKYU’s ‘Yet Another Drum Loop’
reaching number 29 in its first week.

Labour Government Orders New Helicopters Urgently


Whitehall has finally backed down and ordered thousands of shiny new helicopters from Russia says a key government insider.

“Gordon Brown has finally backed down to the immense pressure to buy more helicopters. There is only one slight problem. They’re not for the army in Afghanistan but for Labour ministers to be evacuated from the crowds of people who want them dead. Gordon will have his own private helicopter and will spirited away to his dacha in Scotland somewhere,” the Whitehall insider revealed to the Daily Squib.

Army chiefs were said to be red with fury at the news that Labour ministers and peers were going to utilise the much needed helicopters earmarked for Afghanistan.

“Those bloody cowards may think they can nick our helicopters but we’re going to have the last laugh. We’ve got a few surface to air missiles that should solve this issue once and for all. No amount of chaff will stop what we’ve got,’ Major General Jannett told the Daily Squib.

No one knows where the disgraced Labour government and ministers will go but as long it is outside the UK, the British population can rest assured that they will not be seen for many decades or hopefully ever again.

Universities to Teach Degrees in ‘Unemployment Studies’


It’s another A-level exam season and hundreds of thousands of new A grade students are applying to the same universities. Since Labour came into power, exams are so dumbed down that if a student can’t get an A grade then they must be really stupid.

“It’s the same thing every year, you get the universities taking in people who can’t even read or write then spitting these people out in three years time with huge debts and they still can’t read or write. They will still get A’s and degrees though because they give these qualifications away like smarties these days. All of 98% of these people will be unemployed and basically unemployable when the leave university,” John Profiterole, senior lecturer at Munters College of High Education in Harrogate explains.

Labour education officials have now found a way around the problem. Teach ‘Unemployment Studies’ as a structured three year course where students can learn about what they can do when they hit the dole offices; what Benefits they are entitled to and even how they can milk the system even further.

A recent graduate at Cambridge, who is now unemployed, had this to say about the whole system: “There’s no point in working in Labour’s Benefit created culture anyway. If you work, most of the meagre amount you make will be taxed plus you won’t get all the Benefits. If you’re unemployed, they give you money, a house, a car and you won’t have to pay any council tax or tax of any kind for that matter. The Labour regime also punishes any couples who marry, therefore it is in your best interests to be a single parent with about 5 or 6 children. You can then expect to be claiming over £3000 per week in Benefits and don’t forget, if you add on Incapacity Benefit you will be really raking it in, just say you’ve got a bad back and carry a stick around with you. No one ever checks. You won’t have to work for the rest of your life, just sit in front of your 47 inch widescreen TV and crack open another alcopop whilst watching the Jeremy Kyle Show. I got a first class degree in Unemployment studies at Cambridge. I got my degree in Unemployment in the morning and was in the dole queue by the afternoon. It was that easy.”

Next year, we will hear the same stories again.

Swine Flu Pandemic Helpline Will Advise People How to Die Quietly, Says Burnham


Millions of Britons were told yesterday not to bother a doctor if they are dying from swine flu but instead ring a new phone line manned by staff with no medical training.

As MPs prepared to break for an 82-day summer holiday in the middle of the worst health and economic crisis for decades, Health Secretary Andy Burnham called on the public not to panic.

“We’re off on our hols. We’re off to Tuscany where we will stay in our villa, which was purchased with taxpayers money of course. Don’t worry everything is fine, if you’re dying of swine flu just call the hotline and you can listen to a recorded message advising you on how to die quietly without bothering us. By the time we come back from our holidays everything should be done and dusted,” Mr Burnham told the BBC on Tuesday.

The new emergency National Pandemic Flu Service will advise victims of the pandemic on how to die quietly and not bother any overloaded NHS medical service or GPs.

Recently, the government funded Optimum Population Trust released research suggesting the UK population must be cut to 30m if the country wants to feed itself sustainably.

The deadly swine flu virus was encouraged to spread because of no travel restrictions or preventative measures being implemented by the government. As a result, the virus has been allowed to spread without any constraints.

Anyone fearing they have the virus should no longer go to their doctor, but first ring a call centre – manned by 300 staff – where they will be given advice on how to stay at home and expire without taking up valuable NHS time.

However, as fear continues to sweep the country, the H1N1 strain of the virus is spreading daily and claiming many lives. It is guaranteed that the lab-created virus will mutate to create an even deadlier strain which will accelerate the death rate sooner rather than later,” a viral medical specialist from Whitehall disclosed.

The government has moved quickly in finding solutions for the collection of the deceased from the streets.

“The NHS has taken measures for the eventual mass death toll to take hold over the whole of the UK. Every day at six in the evening a lorry will go through every residential street so that any surviving residents can throw the dead onto the back of it. All the bodies will be incinerated and the areas disinfected afterwards,” Mr Burnham added.

Palin to Take Over From Schwarzenegger as California Governor


“First thing Sarah asked me was ‘Are there any moose or elk in California?’ I said ‘no, but we got coyotes and a shitload of liberal do-gooders,’ well, she laughed and accepted the job,” the soon to be ex-governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger told the LA Times on Thursday.

Senior GOP members have confirmed Palin’s move and will make it official next week via the news networks.

Sarah Palin, who recently quit as governor of Alaska, is raring to go to California and sort out the deficit once and for all.

“I won’t be able to see Russia from California but the move might be able to expand my geographical knowledge some. I heard that California is quite near to Mexico, or is that Cuba? They got commies there I heard in one of those countries. It’s going to be quite a change I tell you. I plan on raising money for the empty coffers by declaring war on Washington and extending hunting season,” Sarah Palin was quoted as saying on the Fox News network.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has been dogged by the state of the Californian economy since his election will be glad to get away from it all. He plans on spending his retirement at his mansion nursing his wounds after a failed governorship that has blighted the states chances of recovery.

Sarah Palin, say some politicos in Washington, will probably be using her time as California’s new governor as a stepping stone for the 2012 election when she hopes to be elected as the United States’ first ever female president.

Army Orders Helicopters to Deliver More Soldiers to Their Deaths


Speaking from Bagram military base deep in Parwan province, General Sir Jock Strap told the BBC: “We need more helicopters so that we can transport more troops towards the killing fields. Once they get there it’s usually a quick process, either they’re blown up by a mine or IED; or gunned down in an ambush.”

British deaths in Afghanistan are currently being realised at a rate of 10 a day. When the delivery of troop transporting helicopters materialises, the death toll for British troops will rise even further. Some experts are even predicting 20 deaths per day.

Gordon Brown was adamant that there would be more helicopters delivered to the dangerous region soon so that the British soldiers can be butchered by the Taliban quicker.

“We are listening to the people on the ground and they say they need more helicopters in the unwinnable Afghan war. Well, we have obliged and are now borrowing some helicopters from the Kazakhstan army and this should speed up the casualty lists in this futile, pointless campaign,” the prime minister said from Chequers.

The deadly production line of British troops delivered to the Taliban will run smoother once the helicopters are put into service.

“We are winning the war of terror by dying in greater numbers daily. Our mission is to fly in the helicopters, get to a Taliban infested area (99% of Afghanistan) then get shot or blown up. It’s quite a simple mission and we are committed to the mission,” private John Smithers, 22, of the Irish Royal Guards Regiment told the BBC before he was killed the next day.

Getting Ready For 50pc Tax Mass City Exodus

Labour’s pledge to ruin the British economy for generations to come is working very nicely according to City accountants who have been working non-stop for the past few weeks trying to find a way to help their panicking clients from paying 50 percent of everything they earn on taxes.

“This is set to be the biggest mass exodus from the City ever recorded. If we don’t find a way to bypass the new directives from the government we are all leaving these shores. It is the consensus of all top earners that either they avoid the 50pc threshold or we leave. I think it is going to be the latter option because Brown is closing all the loopholes this time and there will be no exceptions. Switzerland is a viable option for a lot of us. You would have to be a fool to pay the 50pc tax,” Rupert Sorensen, a director for IDC Holdings, told the Financial Times.

The depth of concern about the planned 50p rate of tax
for employees earning more than £150,000 a year will also result in the British economy falling further into debt and recession being prolonged for many decades without any chance of recovery. High profile entrepreneurs
including Guy Hands, the City financier who runs Terra Firms Capital
Partners, have already quit Britain in protest at the new tax and many
senior businessmen know others will follow suit.

“The economy is going to take a big hit and Britain will face a brain drain of talent abroad. It’s not just brainy financiers who will leave these shores, so will footballers who will not touch this place with a barge pole because of the 50pc tax. The talent drain will trickle down to the already failing Labourised economy resulting in mass job losses; loss of business; loss of enterprise and ghost towns,”
said one chief executive of a FTSE 100 company.