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Gordon Brown Attended Bournemouth Fireworks Display


Around 175,000 people turned up to see 110,000 fireworks set off in under 60 seconds from a barge in the sea last night.

That’s until Gordon Brown turned up to look at the fireworks with his wife and cursed the whole world record attempt.

“As soon as Gordon turned up we knew the world record attempt was doomed and everything would be jinxed. He even pointed at the barge before they lit the match to set the fireworks off. Instead of rockets shooting into the skies lasting 60 seconds, there was an almighty explosion and everything went up in a puff of smoke lasting less than six seconds. Soon enough there was a massive fire on the barge and people had to abandon ship,” Johnson Splitz, 32, from Bournemouth said.

Whispers then went around the crowds that the ailing PM had turned up to watch the ill-fated fireworks display, that’s when the jeering and booing started.

The record attempt was set up to launch the town’s second annual air festival and raise money for Help for Heroes. Because the PM turned up, the organisers were only able to raise £1.87 for the charity.

However, there was good news for England’s cricket team today when Gordon Brown was nowhere to be seen which resulted in them winning back the Ashes from the Aussies.

Libya Adopts Scottish Bagpipes for National Anthem


In honour of the release of the Lockerbie terrorist by Scotland’s parliament, Libyans are now adopting many Scottish traditions into their culture.

From now on the Libyan national anthem will be played solely with Scottish bagpipes, Colonel Gaddafi’s chief musical director has announced.

“We love Scotland and Scottish people. Last night I cooked a haggis and instead of wearing white sheets and a towel as clothes I am noo adopting the kilt, it is much better I tell you than wearing a big fuckin’ white dress. My bairn drinks his IRN-BRU and Scottish oats every day now and every household has a picture of Gordon Brown on our wall. He’s our favourite Scottish person. Aye, we got blooterd last night on some prime Scotch whisky ‘n’ all. When it came to bedtime last night I gots me boaby out and slapped one of my eight wives in the face wit’ it. She weren’t too pleased either but she wuz just as stocious as the bairn and me,” Mohammed al bin Abdul-Muhaimin, a resident of Tripoli told the Libyan State News Service.

Tripoli is teeming with saltires everywhere and pictures of Gordon Brown adorn all the spaces next to pictures of the colonel himself.

“Gordon Brown is an honourary Libyan now. We put Mr Brown’s handsome face next to our beloved Colonel Gaddafi. We have heard your Gordon Brown was also unelected as well. Our leaders have more in common than you think didnae think?” a spokesman for the Libyan Ministry of Foreign Affairs told Reuters.

Some Scottish traditions however have not been accepted as readily as others, for example, the Glasgow Kiss which is seen as a form of greeting in some parts of Glasgow has now been banned in Libya because of the violent nature of the salutation.

“Jings! Crivens! We are a peace loving people the noo ‘n’ do not care much for violence help ma boab!” another Libyan Foreign Ministry official opined.

Mandelson’s Foul Stench of Success


“Your place ermine,” Mandy whispers in the ear of the appreciative Guardian reporter, his lizard tongue flicking wildly. The Guardian reporter is looking forward to being treated to the tenderly performed obsculum obscaenum that he is so accustomed to from the usual Labour dignitaries.

“My Italian marble floor in the bathroom is exquisite and I love nothing more than to roll around on it just to savour its marvelous texture and coolness. Then I like to enjoy the hard surface as my manservant services my goods with gusto. That reminds me, I must get my prostate checked out soon,” the Lord says as he sips his champagne in his boudoir, dressed in a chic pink dressing gown fashioned from the finest silk money can buy, reports the left-wing newspaper.

After brokering a deal or two, like releasing Libyan terrorists so that lucrative oil contracts can be pilfered over brunch in his rich friend’s Corfu mansion, the Business Secretary has been lauded by the Brown administration as a crucial cog in the wheel of corrupt government so entrenched in cronyism, deceit and lies that it does not even believe its own bullshit and spin anymore.

“Mandy is an asset to the Labour party. He looks so perfect, so well coiffured. It is said that he has facials each and every day and that is why his skin is so glowing. And those loafers and perfectly pressed trousers. Immaculate, we must add. He’s definitely not like Kenneth Clark or that fat slob ‘two Jags’ Prescott,” one of Mandelson’s many sycophantic Westminster admirers told the BBC.

Certainly, the unelected Lord Mandelson has come a long way from his previous attempts at government. He has somehow acquired great wealth after his recent reinvention by clearing his £2.5 million Regents park mansion’s mortgage in one fell swoop. All of this on his measly Minister’s pay packet, a truly incredible feat. We wonder where he got the money for that from?

Scientists: "Why Eating Food is Dangerous"


who eat from entire food groups are risking their mental and physical

Experts are now advising people to not eat food if the want to stay healthy.

“Eating is just so yesterday. It’s not just fashion models who should adhere to this healthy diet but the rest of us as well,” Dr. Adrianna McKenna from the Food Institute told the Daily Squib.

The ‘rules’ vary from person to person, but the consumption of food can lead to death sooner than later.

“99% of foods are tainted by pesticides and contain artificial additives such as MSG or are genetically modified with no nutritional value whatsoever, this is why we are advising people to not bother eating anymore,” Dr. McKenna added.

While such habits may seem quirky, they can have a beneficial effect on health.

out all food will leave people with less worries and will put less strain on their lifestyle.

“You won’t ever have to think about where your next meal is coming from or what to cook, this is hugely liberating for everyone,” another expert at the Institute said.

The scientists from the same Research Institute based in Bristol, have also discovered the ultimate anti-ageing remedy, a cyanide pill that will stop you ageing another year of your life. Clinical trials are already at the phase 3 stage and the new anti-ageing remedy will be available in six months time.

Hillary Clinton to Star in Hollywood Movie: "The Adventures of the Invisible Woman"

When Hillary walks into a room no one even looks up. When Bill walks into a room people notice.

The so-called Secretary of State is such an invisible non entity and about as effective as a splash of semen on a blue dress that she is now taking courses in assertiveness as well as seeing a psychologist about her self esteem issues.

“Poor Hillary, she is a mere shadow next to Bill. What has she done as Secretary of State? Nothing! Along came Bill last week, on a whim he flew to North Korea, got his meat out and freed two hot Asian chicks from their evil captors. Hillary just can’t compete with that,” Mrs Clinton’s press secretary, Johnson Moomin told CNN.

Hollywood executives and producers were meeting on Thursday to discuss the new movie which they say will have a $15 million budget but is set to gross large at the box office purely because of the Clinton name being aboard.

“Bill was happy about the flick and we got him some $10,000 hookers into his suite to thank him for his support. Hillary is going to be the star of the show though, but we have had problems with meeting her, someone said she was in the room when we arrived at the office but we just couldn’t see her. She really lives up to her name huh,” Ari Cohen, executive producer of the project told Movie Weekly last week.

The special effects coordinator for the Hollywood production said: “We won’t need to use computer trickery or blue screens with Hillary. The camera just doesn’t see here. We even tried thermal imagery but still could not find her.”

Gordon Brown: More Fuel Tax Hikes May be Needed


Mr Brown who has been enjoying his holiday in the grey damp miserable seaside town of Southmould, has been busy twittering about the merits of the NHS of late, even though he has himself received extensive treatment privately.

“The PM is fiercely against any form of private healthcare but because of his high rank in the Labour government he has seen fit to receive treatment worth thousands of pounds from Mervyn Druian of the London Cosmetic Dentristry Centre. The rest of the British people have to make do with rotting teeth because there are no NHS dentists or treatment, but for our unelected leader there are obvious exceptions to the rule,” one of Number 10’s spokesman told Reuters.

The unelected PM has also ordered Alistair Darling to increase fuel tax from it’s already inflated levels to even higher heights.

“I have ordered Alistair Darling to increase fuel tax again because we must squeeze every drop out of the proles. So, from now on, for every pound spent at the pumps you will be paying more than 85 pence in fuel tax to the government. It is your duty as citizens of Britain to be milked even more. Please keep filling your cars further because every time you do that, you are helping MPs expense accounts,” the unelected prime minister added.

Since Labour came into power in 1997 the government’s fuel tax increases have escalated by more than 170%.

“If it happened anywhere else in the world there would be riots in the streets. Because it happens in the UK where the people are so pliant and cowardly, nothing happens. They are daily bent over and fucked by the Labour government and bankers and they just take it all without question. We’re so glad we don’t live in the UK anymore,” a British expat in America told the BBC.

Meanwhile, crude oil prices are set to rise up to $165 per barrel which will mean that with the added fuel tax hikes from the government, the general population is set to be paying over £1.40 a litre for their petrol by Christmas.

Looks like the unelected prime minister is certainly up for giving everyone an early Christmas present or two.

Nu-Labour Nu-Tories to Merge


A new partnership has been formed of late, the facade of playful difference has melted away once and for all, and out of the dust that is settling after the make-believe skirmishes; a true new age of change has finally arrived.

“It has always been a big show. What we deem as democracy is exactly that, a big show to sate the appetites of the masses. There is only one party that rules but we have to make believe that the people have a say otherwise there would be revolution and rioting in the streets all the time. I’m sure if one was to read a little Plato one would understand the mechanics of technique,” Shadow Chancellor George Osborne told the Financial Times.

The announcement of the merging of the Tory and Labour party did not come as much of a shock to many.

“It has been a long time coming. The Tories are actually more Socialist than Labour is at the moment. Sometimes I feel it is a competition between the two on who can have the most left wing policies,” said a Westminster political pundit on Tuesday.

Now all we need is another non-election where more unelected people can rule over us and dictate everything we do in minute detail every f*cking second of the day through loudspeakers placed everywhere.

Shortage of Makeup Artists Causing Problems for Entertainment Sector

According to panicking theatre and film industry bosses there has been a serious exodus of professional makeup artists from all their productions.

Speaking from the Old Vic in London’s Theatreland, Donald Mancuso, the director of the award winning play “Luvvieland – The Musical’ said: “This is the worst we have ever seen it. All of the country’s makeup artists are now employed by bank robbers and criminals. We just can’t match their pay, plus they get perks as well — they can get a percentage of the proceeds of each robbery session. Our actors and actresses have had to put on their own makeup and even prosthetics. It has been hell!”

The current troubles do not solely extend to Britain’s theatres. Television studios have also reported a massive shortage of makeup artists and some TV shows have even had to be cancelled until replacements are found.

“Here on the ‘Doctor Who’ set we’ve had to dig into the BBC’s props from the seventies because we don’t have any makeup artists anymore. It hasn’t been that bad because we discovered a few Daleks in the vault last night, we’ll just write them into the script later,” said one of the production crew on the set.

Another fuming director of the sellout ‘Notre Dame’ theatrical production playing in Nothing Hill was fuming: “You can’t have a hunchback without a hump or makeup. This is ridiculous! We have had to close down the production until we get more makeup artists.”

The lucrative perks of servicing the high-end criminals and jewel thieves may ensure the British entertainment business is short of makeup artists for some time.

White Americans Outraged by Obama's Healthcare Plans


Here in Lebanon Pennsylvania jeers and taunts ring out from the local town hall where a congregation of locals rail at the new president’s plans to socialise American healthcare. The majority of the assembled crowd are white middle-class and damn angry.

“Why should we have to pay for all the other people to have health care? I’ve worked hard all of my life and I pay for my own health insurance. Why should we end up like the socialist British with their crumbling NHS dealing with binge drinkers all day and night. You have to wait months, even years to get any treatment in the old crumbling, dirty, Victorian hospitals with hardly any facilities,” one man told the assembled crowd of 1,500.

Indeed, it is true, the proponents of socialised healthcare know that those who stand to gain most are the millions of illegal immigrants and mainly African American/Hispanic population who do not have healthcare or will ever have a chance of getting it under a Republican government.

“Why should white people have healthcare and not us? African Americans want to get treated too. Now that Obama is saying we should get healthcare and that white folk should pay for it they’re getting all angry? Well, they needs to grow up for a change,” Elijah Jones, 47, a resident of Detroit told CBS news.

America’s known population is approximately 304 million compared to the UK’s of 60 million people, making a viable NHS style healthcare system an immense burden on America’s already bankrupted taxpayers. Even with the UK’s relatively low population there are serious limitations to treatment and there are cost thresholds for each person’s life.

Britain’s National Institute for Clinical Evidence (NICE), which evaluates treatments in terms of the average increase in life expectancy states that if the cost of prolonging someone’s life for a year exceeds more than £30,000, then the NHS will not pay for that treatment. The NHS thus DOES decide who lives or dies in the UK through a ‘death panel’ and if the Americans were to get their own healthcare system like Britain’s NHS they would have to incorporate a similar system in the United States.

If one looks at the British system, the NHS is on it’s knees with massive black holes in it’s huge budget through mountainous inefficiency and waste which severely puts limitations on the quality of treatment for every individual in the UK. The lack of funding under Labour, as well as the vast increase in the UK’s population due to unfettered immigration has left the NHS moribund and near death.

UK waiting lists for the NHS are huge and most wait for treatment for many years only to die before anything is done for them, that is, unless you are a high ranking Labour politician or part of the hierarchy like a scientist or social technician.

“Here in the UK, anyone can be treated by the NHS, that’s why half of the third world is daily trying to come across the Channel to these islands. Many succeed and are granted leave to remain, thus increasing the burden on society. Britain’s binge and stab culture is also a huge burden on the already overloaded system. Every day the NHS is inundated with millions of patients who want costly treatments costing billions per annum. The NHS is just a huge blackhole for taxpayers money to pay for everyone’s healthcare. So why can’t America do the same thing? You will see the benefits for your populations,” Britain’s Health Minister, Burnham Haemorrhoid MP told a CNN news program about healthcare on Monday.

If you get cancer in England’s NHS system you are consigned to mediocre treatment and a quick death, at least in America there is a good level of service for cancer treatments and the survival rates are much improved than the UK. This may all change of course, if Obama embraces the British system.

Once again, president Barack Obama has opened up a huge festering sore on American society. The US is a fractured nation where inequality is so engrained that it may take an internal war to solve.

Midwest Americans are now joining paramilitary and militia groups so fast that the authorities cannot keep track of them, all it would take is a certain spark to go off and America would be turned into a tinderbox of guns, psychos and pent up anger that has been at boiling point for quite some time now.

As Senator Arlen Specter said on Monday: “There is more anger in America today than at any time I can remember.”

Ku Klux Klan Betrayed by Obama Election Promises


It was meant to be the dream ticket, the endorsement of the century — instead the KKK are regretting they ever endorsed Barack Obama.

“It’s been one thing after another I tell you’se. We, the Ku Klux Klan, endorsed the first ever negro president of the USA and we really thought there was going to be ‘Change’. Sheeit! The boy duped us good. He was all talk and no substance. I don’t want to pay for everybody’s goddamn healthcare, all those ghettos and shit. As soon as the boy declares free health care for everyone what you think’s gonna happen? That’s right, half of Mexico is going to come over the border, hell, they already over here enough anyway,” Grand Turk, Cletus Monroe, told the Squib practically sobbing into his hood.

The Klan leaders across America are all kicking themselves that they were ever sweet talked into endorsing Barack Hussein Obama for president.

“After he became president, thanks to us I might add, Ronnie himself even invited him down to our compound here in Kentucky. He never came, he used us then dumped us. Where was our beer session in the White House garden huh? Thanks for nothing Obama, after all we did for you stupid Muslim b*tch,” Mr Monroe added.

It’s not just the Ku Klux Klan who feel they have been disenfranchised by Barack Hussein Obama, it seems the American people are slowly waking up to the lies as well.

Your move Barack!